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词汇 trade
释义 tradeUK:*/ˈtreɪd/US:/treɪd/ ,(trād)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 trade n (commerce)贸易International trade has been increasing over the last few years.在过去几年里,国际贸易一直在增长。 trade n (profession)行业;职业He's one of the best doctors in the trade.他是行业内最优秀的医生之一。 trade n (handicraft)手工艺;手工业Not everyone wants to pursue an intellectual career and many young people with manual skills go into trade.不是所有人都想要追求学术生涯,许多具备手艺的年轻人进入了手工业。 the trades npl (business: manual work)手工行业;手工业After completing an apprenticeship, he got a job in the trades.学徒期满之后,他在手工行业内找到了一份工作。 trade [sth] vtr mainly US (swap: exchange)交易;交换Want to trade baseball cards with me?谁想跟我换棒球卡? trade [sth] for [sth] vtr + prep mainly US (swap: exchange [sth] for [sth] else)用…换…,用…交换…He traded his bar of chocolate for her biscuit.他用自己的巧克力条换她的饼干。 trade vi (do business)做生意;经商Our company has been trading for over fifty years.我们公司已经经商超过50年之久了。 trade with [sb/sth] vi + prep (do business with)和…做生意;与…进行贸易I trade with him from time to time.我时不时地会与他进行贸易往来。 trade [sth] with [sb], trade [sth] with [sb] for [sth] vtr + prep informal (exchange or swop [sth] with)与某人交换某物Jack traded the cow with a merchant for a handful of beans.杰克用那头牛与商人交换了一把豆子。 trade vi (deal in the stock market)做股票交易;从事股票交易;炒股What does he do in the city? Does he trade?他在城里做什么?炒股吗? 其他翻译 trade n informal (exchange)交易;交换I got this coat for my old skirt. It was a good trade. trade n (customers)顾客;主顾Let them have the table cheap. They are good trade.这张桌子让他们便宜点。他们可是老主顾了。 trade n informal (people involved in a trade)交易商;交易者We sell wholesale to them because they are trade. trade n as adj (professional)行业的;同业的;专业性的The trade magazine was read by everybody in the industry.业内人人都读这本行业杂志。 trade n as adj (business to business)商业的;贸易的This is a trade newsletter, which we send to similar businesses. trade n as adj (edition: for general sale)平装的A trade edition is one intended for general distribution to the public. trades npl (trade winds) (常用复数)信风, 贸易风The trades usually helped the merchant ships to sail faster. trade in [sth] vi + prep (sell)出售,销售,卖This company trades in industrial machinery.这家公司出售工业机械。 trade vtr (buy and sell)交易;买卖This shop trades second-hand video games.这家店进行二手电子游戏的交易。 动词短语 trade in [sth] vtr phrasal insep (sell, deal in)买卖, 出售, 做…生意He trades in stocks and bonds. trade [sth] in, trade in [sth] vtr phrasal sep (exchange as part-payment for [sth]) (旧商品)以旧换新;以...抵价换新商品I traded my old car in for a new one. trade off [sth] vtr phrasal insep (exploit for sales)以某物换取某物;牺牲...换取Counterfeiters trade off brand name reputations.销售假冒伪劣商品的商家以品牌声誉换取钱财。 trade on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (exploit)利用;占...的便宜 trade up vi phrasal (exchange [sth] for [sth] of higher value)交易;交换备注: 特指用低价品换高价品 trade [sth] up, trade up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (exchange for [sth] of higher value) (指用价低之物换进价高之物)用...交换;用...交易 复合形式: balance of trade n (difference: imports, imports)贸易差额The growth in imports has lead to a worsening of the balance of trade. board of trade n (business association)同业公会 building trade n (construction industry)建筑业 cap-and-trade adj (denoting carbon trading) (碳排放交易)总量管制与排放交易的 carriage trade n (elite clientele)上层阶级;有钱人 EFTA n initialism (European Free Trade Association)欧洲自由贸易协会 fair trade n (legal or ethical commerce)公平交易;公平贸易;互惠贸易Fair trade combines good prices for farmers with strict environmental standards.公平贸易既保证农民获得合理的价格,又符合严格的环境标准。 fair trade n informal (satisfactory exchange) (非正式用语)公平的交易,互不吃亏的交易20 Canadian dollars for 20 US dollars is not a fair trade.用20加元兑换20美元并不公平。 fair trade, fairtrade, fair-trade n as adj (ethical)符合公平贸易的;通过公平交易的备注: A hyphen may be used when the modifier precedes the nounJames buys fair trade products whenever he can.只要有机会,詹姆斯都会购买符合公平贸易的产品。 foreign trade n (international commerce)对外贸易,外贸 free trade n (unrestricted commerce)自由贸易;自由贸易制度The USA has a free trade agreement with Mexico and Canada. free trade area, free trade zone n (country: unrestricted commerce)自由贸易区The purpose of NAFTA is to make North America a free trade area. FTC n US, initialism (Federal Trade Commission)联邦贸易委员会 global trade n (worldwide commerce)国际贸易 pack rat, packrat, trade rat n (animal: Neotoma cinerea)林鼠 reciprocal trade n (exchange of trade between nations)互惠贸易We've come to a reciprocal trade agreement with Bulgaria.Japan and the United States sometimes disagree about what is fair concerning reciprocal trade. retail trade n (shop selling)零售 slave trade n (trafficking in people)贩卖奴隶 slave-trade n as adj (relating to people-trafficking)贩奴的;贩卖奴隶的The number of slave-trade convictions has risen in recent years. spice trade n (buying and selling of spices)香料贸易The spice trade encouraged early sailors to circumnavigate the globe. stock-in-trade n (items used in performing a job) (职业所需)设备 stock-in-trade n figurative (person: characteristic ability)惯用手段 tools of the trade npl (what you need to do a job)谋生工具;谋生手段What are the tools of the trade if you are a plumber? trade agreement n (commercial treaty between nations)贸易协议;贸易协定;贸易合同The UK and the USA are working on a new trade agreement. trade association n (group representing an industry)贸易协会;行业联合会;贸易联盟The soft drink trade association will have a meeting next Wednesday. trade balance n (imports compared to exports)贸易差额Despite fluctuations, China's trade balance looks healthy. trade barrier n ([sth] that restricts international trading)贸易壁垒 trade book (not a limited edition)一般书籍;普及版书籍 trade deficit n (econ: imports exceed exports)贸易逆差 trade down vi + adv (exchange for [sth] of lower value)用高价物品交换低价物品 trade dress n (business: product's appearance)产品包装,商业外观A product's trade dress is important because it attracts consumers. trade fair, trade show n (exhibition by a particular industry)商品交易会;贸易展销会Company reps demonstrated the new software at the trade fair.公司代表在展会上演示了这款新软件。 trade gap n (difference in value between nation's imports and exports) (进口大于出口)贸易逆差The United States is very worried about its large trade gap with China. trade journal n (periodical of a profession)行业杂志The Grocer is the UK's leading trade journal for the retail industry. trade magazine n (periodical of a particular business field)商业杂志;行业杂志The soft drink trade magazine will be distributed freely a week before the trade fair takes place. trade marketing n (promoting to retailers)商务营销 trade mission n (commercial business trip)贸易任务 trade name, tradename n (brand name, proprietary name)商品名;商标Prescription drugs have both trade names and generic names. trade-name [sth] vtr (give brand name to) (产品、商品)给…起名,给…命名 trade off [sth] for [sth], trade off [sth] against [sth] v expr figurative (sacrifice for [sth])以某物换取某物;牺牲...换取The new speakers look stylish, but I would not trade off the sound for the appearance.这些新扬声器看起来很时髦,不过我是不会用声音品质来换取外观的。 trade off, trade-off n (exchange)交易;交换The tradeoff is that I will teach you Dutch in exchange for Russian lessons.我教你荷兰语,代价是你给我上俄语课。 trade off, trade-off n figurative (compromise)平衡;协调We proposed a tradeoff that both sides could agree to.我们提出了一个双方均可同意的交易。 trade school (education)职业学校 trade secret n figurative, informal (helpful hint) (比喻,非正式用语)秘诀 trade secret n (inside information)商业秘密;行业秘密Most companies refuse to reveal their trade secrets. trade stand n (stall at a business exhibition)展位 trade union n (worker's syndicate)工会The trade union has voted to strike on two weekends in March.工会已经投票决定在三月罢工两个周末。 trade unionism n (collective bargaining)工会制,工会制度The car industry has a long tradition of trade unionism. trade [sth] up for [sth], trade up [sth] for [sth] v expr (exchange: for [sth] of higher value)以...换...;以...与...交易备注: 特指用低价品换高价品 trade wind n often plural (easterly wind in tropics) (常用复数)信风We waited for favourable trade winds before setting out to cross the Atlantic. trade-in n ([sth] exchanged)折价物 trade-up n (exchange for upgraded version of [sth])升级换购 tricks of the trade npl (expert techniques)生意经,做生意的诀窍;成功的诀窍She'll be spending the first three weeks learning the tricks of the trade. World Trade Center n US (New York: business district) (纽约)世界贸易中心;世贸中心 WTO n initialism (World Trade Organization) (首字母缩写)世界贸易组织,世贸组织Trade Ministers from the 149 member states of the WTO met in Hong Kong.




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