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词汇 tough
释义 toughUK:*/ˈtʌf/US:/tʌf/ ,(tuf )UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 tough adj (hard to break, chew, cut) (肉等)老的,咬不动的,切不动的The steak was too tough.牛排太老。 tough adj informal (person: strong) (人)坚韧的, 坚强的The football player was so tough that he played with a fractured rib.这位足球运动员很坚强,一条腿淤肿后还继续踢球。 tough adj informal (harsh) (气候等)严酷的The tough winters make Maine a difficult place to live.缅因州冬天气候严酷,难以居住。 tough adj informal (difficult)艰苦的;困难的I had such a tough time in college.我上大学的时候很困难。 其他翻译 tough adj informal (person: difficult) (人)严厉的,难相处的He is a tough person to work with. tough adj informal (person: mentally robust)坚强的;内心强大的You have to be tough to run for public office.如果你想竞选公职,内心必须强大。 tough interj informal (decision will not change) (表示感叹)就这样了!没办法了!Tough! You will learn to live with it. tough n US, informal (thug)恶棍, 无赖There are some street toughs standing on the corner. 复合形式: hang tough v expr slang (not quit)坚持到底;坚持下去;别打退堂鼓 tough call, hard call n informal (difficult decision)艰难的选择 a tough cookie, one tough cookie n informal, figurative (resilient person)性格坚强的人 tough guy n informal (man: macho, aggressive)硬汉He wants everyone to think he's a tough guy. tough it out v expr informal (endure [sth] difficult)挺过去;坚持到底 tough job n informal (difficult task) (非正式用语)艰难的工作,棘手的活It's a tough job, but somebody had to do it. tough love n (harsh treatment of [sb] to help them)严厉的爱;严爱管教 tough luck n informal (misfortune)倒霉Albert's had tough luck all his life. tough luck interj informal (that's unfortunate)倒霉Tough luck you can't find your car keys! Tough luck! interj slang (being dismissive of [sb]'s misfortune)真倒霉!;真不走运! a tough nut, a hard nut n figurative (difficult person)难缠的人;难对付的人 a tough nut to crack, a hard nut to crack n figurative, informal ([sb] hard to persuade)难以说服的人;顽固的人;顽冥不化者Good luck with getting him to agree - he's a tough nut to crack.祝你好运,能让他同意——他可是相当的顽固。 a tough nut to crack, a hard nut to crack n figurative, informal ([sth] hard to solve)难办的事;难解决的问题This algebra equation is a tough nut to crack.这个代数等式很难解。 tough out [sth], tough [sth] out v expr informal (endure [sth] difficult)挨过,熬过;经受过We've toughed out worse situations than this before; we'll be OK. tough policy n (harsh rule)严格的政策The police are implementing a tough policy on drink driving. tough s*** expr potentially offensive, slang (outcome can't be changed) (可能有冒犯性,俚语)没什么了不起;没什么好抱怨的You failed the test? Tough s***. tough time n informal (difficult period)难过的日子,艰难时期 tough-minded adj (pragmatic, unsentimental)意志坚强的Brian's tough-minded approach to problems makes him a strong project leader. tough-minded adj (adamant, strong-willed)坚定的, 固执的My tough-minded father was impossible to argue with.




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