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词汇 touch
释义 touchUK:*/ˈtʌtʃ/US:/tʌtʃ/ ,(tuch)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 touch [sb] vtr (enter into contact with)接触;碰;轻拍He touched her shoulder.他拍了拍她的肩膀。 touch [sth] vtr (feel with the hands, etc.)触摸;摸She touched the blouse to feel its fabric.她摸了摸衬衫,以感受其质地。 touch [sb] vtr (move emotionally)感动;触动;影响She was touched by the woman's life story.她被那女子的生平感动了。 touch n (physical contact)接触, 触摸, 抚摸His touch comforted her.他的抚摸使她好受了些。 touch n figurative (style)风格;格调;特色The designer from Milan added an Italian touch to the room.这位来自米兰的设计师为房间增添了一些意大利风格。 touch n (skill)能力;手法;手法He has a good touch with the football.他踢足球的脚法很灵巧。 其他翻译 touch n (sense)触觉He has no sense of touch in his fingers.他的手指没有触觉。 touch n (sensation, the way [sth] feels)触感;手感Many people like the touch of silk.许多人都喜欢丝绸的触感。 touch n (communication)联系;交际I need to get in touch with him. Let me phone him now.我需要联系他,我现在就打电话给他。 touch n (awareness)感觉;意识;警觉The leader has lost touch with popular will.领导人已经失去了对民意的警觉。 touch n figurative (manner)态度;举止She has a nice touch with the customers that they appreciate. touch n (stroke of a pencil, etc.) (铅笔等)笔触,(一)笔The penman put a bold touch on every serif.那个书法家的每个衬线笔触都很大胆。 touch n figurative (detail)修饰;润饰They have added some nice touches to this kitchen. Look at those details. touch n US, informal, figurative (request for money)借钱;要钱;讨钱That was a touch for five thousand dollars! How rich does he think I am? touch, a touch of [sth] n (small amount)一点;少量John is staying home from work today because he has a touch of fever.由于约翰今天有一点发烧,所以他歇业在家。 touch vi (be in contact)接触;相触The two tables touched.两张桌子相互接触。 touch [sth/sb] vtr (be in contact with)与…接触The table touches the wall. touch [sth/sb] vtr (bring into contact)使邻接;使相触Move the sofa back so it touches the wall. touch [sb] vtr figurative (rival)比得上;及得上She can't touch you for efficiency. You are so reliable. touch [sb] vtr figurative (reach)联系上;联系到I asked him to talk to me about his problems, but wasn't able to touch him. touch [sb] vtr (harm)伤害;粗暴对待Don't you touch her or I will kill you! touch [sth] vtr (eat)吃;尝The child hadn't touched his food. touch [sth] vtr (cover, deal with)谈及;论及This article doesn't touch the problems in Sudan. touch [sb] vtr (concern, affect)与…相关;影响Don't worry. This matter doesn't touch you. touch, touch [sb] for [sth] vtr (borrow money from)向…借钱He touched me for twenty pounds yesterday. touch [sth] vtr (be a tangent to) (几何)与…相切The line touches the circle at point "A". touch [sth] vtr (damage slightly)使轻度受损The flowers have been touched by the frost.霜冻使那些花轻度受损。 动词短语 touch down vi phrasal (plane: land) (飞机)降落The plane had to touch down in Dallas due to severe weather. touch down, touchdown vi phrasal (American football: score) (美式足球)触地得分,达阵 touch [sth] off vtr phrasal sep US (trigger)引爆,使爆炸;触发,引发The new virus touched off an epidemic. touch on [sth], touch upon vtr phrasal insep figurative (mention very briefly)提及;谈及In the course of the interview we touched upon the delicate matter of his conviction for assault. touch up [sb], touch [sb] up vtr phrasal sep slang (grope sexually)爱抚She found her boyfriend at the bar touching up another girl. touch [sth] up, touch up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (improve by making minor changes)润色I touched up my English paper right before turning it in. touch upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (mention very briefly)触及;提及Her lecture did not touch upon the details of accounting.The teacher touched on each tested subject area. 复合形式: be in touch v expr informal (stay in contact)联系;保持联系Are you two still in touch?你们两人还在联系吗? be in touch v expr informal (make contact)联系;联络We'll be in touch soon.我们很快会联系的。 be in touch with [sb] v expr informal (make contact)与…联系;与…联络Have you been in touch with her recently? be in touch with [sb] v expr informal (habitually be in contact)与…一直保持联系;与…一直保持联络Are you still in touch with your friends from high school? common touch n (affinity with ordinary people)平易近人,亲民 fall out of touch v expr (lose contact)失去联系 finishing touches npl (last details added)收尾工作;最后修整;最后加工I'm putting the finishing touches to the icing on the wedding cake. finishing touch n (embellishment)最后的修饰;最后润色The room was decorated beautifully, and the fresh flowers on each table were the finishing touch. gentle touch n (subtle or tactful approach)巧妙的方法 get in touch v expr informal (make contact)取得联系;联络Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.如有任何问题,请随时与我联系。 get in touch with [sb] v expr informal (make contact)和…联系;和…取得联系I would like to get in touch with my old friends from college.我想和我大学的老朋友们取得联系。 hit a nerve, touch a nerve, strike a nerve, hit a raw nerve, touch a raw nerve, strike a raw nerve v expr figurative (raise a sensitive issue)戳到痛处 keep in touch v expr informal (stay in contact)保持联系Cousin Andrea kept in touch by sending packages from South America.安德莉亚表妹通过从南非邮寄包裹来保持联系。 keep in touch with [sb] v expr informal (stay in contact with [sb])与…保持联系Promise you'll keep in touch with us while you're away.保证你离开以后也会与我们保持联系。 knock on wood (US), touch wood (UK) expr (said in order to avoid bad luck)老天保佑;祈求好运Everything's going well so far—touch wood! lose touch v expr informal (not keep in contact)失去联系;失去联络Colin and I were great friends, but we lost touch after we left university.我和科林曾是很好的朋友,但是我们在大学毕业后就失去了联系。 lose touch with [sb] v expr informal (not keep in contact with [sb]) (非正式用语)与...失去联系I lost touch with so many of my classmates, there was no point in going to the class reunion. lose touch v expr figurative, informal (not keep up to date)过时I used to be well informed about French politics, but I have lost touch since I moved out here.我过去很了解法国政治,但是自从离开那里后,我的消息就落后了。 lose touch with [sth] v expr figurative, informal (not keep up to date with [sth]) (非正式用语)脱离;不了解Critics have accused the leader of losing touch with the mood of the public. Midas touch n (ability to make money)点石成金 out-of-touch adj figurative, informal (unfamiliar with what is current)对现状不了解的It is frustrating having to deal with an out-of-touch boss.与一位不了解现状的老板打交道很令人受挫。 be out of touch v expr figurative, informal (not be up to date)过时的Many members of the team have ended up resigning because their manager is so out of touch.团队的许多成员最终都辞职了,因为他们的经理非常固守成规。 be out of touch with [sth] v expr figurative, informal (not be up to date with)跟不上…的发展;跟不上...的步伐These systems are completely out of touch with modern business practices.这些系统完全不能与现代商业实践同步。 be out of touch with [sth] v expr figurative, informal (not be familiar with)不熟悉;不了解These problems have arisen because the government is made up of wealthy politicians who are completely out of touch with how ordinary people live.出现这些问题是因为政府由完全不了解普通民众生活的有钱政客组成的。 be out of touch v expr (no longer be in contact)没有联系的;失去联系的My brother moved away ten years ago; we've been out of touch since then.我兄弟十年前搬走了,从那以后我们就失去了联系。 be out of touch with [sb] v expr (no longer be in contact with)与…失去联系Unfortunately I'm out of touch with Rita, so I can't give her the news.不幸的是,我和丽塔失去了联系,我无法告诉她这个消息。 out of touch with the real world adj figurative, informal (unrealistic)脱离现实的Politicians who think they can cut public services and retain popularity are obviously out of touch with the real world. put [sb] in touch, put [sb] and [sb] in touch v expr informal (connect: with [sb] else)使联系You've never met Jeff before, but I can put you in touch. put [sb] in touch with [sb] v expr informal (connect with [sb] else)安排...与...联系;给...提供...的联系方式You've reached the wrong department, but I can put you in touch with someone who can help you. put [sth] in touch v expr (rugby ball: kick out of bounds)踢出界She kicked the ball and put it in touch. sense of touch n (ability to feel)触觉 soft touch n informal, figurative ([sb] who is easy to persuade)容易上当的人;耳根子软的人Ask Dad to give you the money. He's a soft touch - he's bound to say yes. stay in touch v expr informal (keep in contact)保持联系;保持联络Bye.Don't forget to stay in touch.Although it's ten years since they worked together, the two colleagues have stayed in touch.再见。别忘了保持联系。//尽管离上次共事已经十年了,但这两位同事一直保持着联系。 stay in touch with [sb] v expr informal (keep in contact)保持联系;保持联络I still stay in touch with my best friend from childhood.我仍和儿时最好的朋友保持联系。 touch and go, touch-and-go n informal (precarious situation) (非正式用语)一触即发的危险,千钧一发的境地The surgeons said it was touch and go as they tried to repair his ruptured spleen. touch base, touch bases vtr + n US, figurative, informal (make contact)联系;联络We'll touch base when you've finished the first task.你完成了第一项任务,我们会联系你。 touch base with [sb], touch bases v expr US, figurative, informal (make contact with [sb])接触, 联系, 联络Touch base with me in a few weeks so I can see how the project's coming along.过几周再联系我,我去看看项目的进展情况。 touchdown n (plane, spacecraft: landing) (飞机等)着陆,降落The pilot's touchdown was surprisingly smooth in spite of the strong winds. touchdown n (American football: goal) (橄榄球)触地得分Gregory scored his first touchdown against the Tigers today! touch football, also UK: American touch football n (simplified US football)触身式橄榄球Touch football is a version of rugby without tackling. touch lightly v expr (come into slight contact with)轻触 touch screen, touchscreen n (monitor that is touch-sensitive)触屏;触摸屏 touch-up n (minor changes to improve [sth])微调;润色;稍微修饰After a quick touch-up to her lipstick, Jennifer was ready to go. touch your heart v expr informal, figurative (move you emotionally) (非正式用语,比喻)触及你的心灵,让你感动;打动人心She touched my heart with her beautiful poem. touch your toes v expr (bend over)触碰脚趾;够脚趾The fitness instructor told everyone to touch their toes. touch-screen, touchscreen n as adj (using touch-sensitive screen)触摸屏 touch-sensitive adj (device: responds to touch)触摸感应的 touch-tone adj (having tone-dialing system)按键式 touch-tone adj (operated by tone-dialing system)按键式运行的 touch-type vi (type without looking at keyboard)盲打 touch-typing n (typing without looking at keyboard)盲打 touchpaper, touch paper, touch-paper n UK (paper for igniting fireworks)火硝纸,引燃纸 touchpaper, touch paper, touch-paper n UK, figurative (person, incident: sets off events)导火线,导火索




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