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词汇 its small
释义 its small
its small发音



the small───小的

feel small───感觉受折辱;觉得渺小;觉得无地自容

news stall───n.报摊;报纸贩卖店(等于newsstand)



to smaak───是只老鼠。

to smack───掴


The state's refineries already churn out more than five times as much of the stuff as its small stock of dairy cattle can eat.───该州的精炼厂已经生产出的饲料数量是其小型奶牛可食用量的五倍以上。

he converted a powered hang-glider, removing its small combustion engine and replacing it with a battery and an electric motor.───他转向了动力滑翔机,同时把小型内燃机拆了下来,用电池和电动机来替代。

I used to sit on its small balcony overlooking the street and read my book over Chop Suey and beer.───我经常坐在它的那个小阳台上,俯视下面的街道,一边吃着炒杂烩,一边品着啤酒。

At dawn the Totenkopf Division launched multiple attacks from its small bridgeheads to overwhelm all the British defences in its sector.───拂晓时分,“骷髅”师从桥头堡四面出击,压制了战区内的英国守军。

Although its small airport is open, it is only able to handle a few planes an hour and has no fuel to allow aircraft to leave.───虽然它的小机场已经开通,但是一小时只能管理几架飞机,而且没有让飞机离开的燃料。

Many analysts believe Motorola would have sold its small networks business if it had found a buyer in recent years.───不少分析师认为,如果近年来能找到买家,摩托罗拉可能早就出售其网络业务了。

Its small stature, playful face, and moveable, rubber-covered wire lips all gave it a harmless, come-play-with-me charm.───它的小身材、顽皮面孔、还有可变换口型的橡胶线嘴唇都赋予它一种无害的、‘来跟我玩’的迷人魅力。

Most of its small group of able ministers have resigned in disgrace (some more than once), fallen out with the leadership or died.───有能力的工党部长只有一小部分,其中大多数要么不光彩地辞职(有的还不止一次)、要么下台或死亡。

The DPJ won just 44 seats, ten less than it had hoped for and well short of a majority, even in league with its small coalition partner.───民主党在选举中仅赢得了44席,比原先少了10席,也少于半数席位,甚至加上它的政治联盟成员也依然少于半数席数。


Early on, Grigsby Brandford was hurt by its small size and racism in the securities industry.

Her face, its small universe, was all present and correct.

Its small form factor allows two computers, in close proximity, to double up on the 10BaseT hub.

Its small size and durable design allows you to use it in many convenient locations.

Due to its small size and high fecundity it is relatively cheap to breed, buy and maintain.

A warning bell sent off its small alarm inside Renwick's head.

Pier 70: Its small older buildings would make a historic district, Wong believes.

One by one its small relatives vanish, black specks which trick the eye, then are no more.

Lifting up its small triangular head, the viper licked the air as if to write some-thing with its forked tongue.

  • its far
  • its so fat
  • its a draw
  • its my boy
  • its ear
  • its a person
  • its not over
  • its free
  • its a friend
  • its a blue
  • its no way
  • its what i do
  • its small
  • its own place
  • its rainy
  • its yours
  • its quiet
  • its very hard
  • its all over
  • its their
  • its for tim




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