wholly different───完全不同
subtly different───微妙的不同
vastly different───大不相同
entirely different───完全不同的;截然不同的;泾渭分明的
totally different───完全不同
utterly different───完全不同
radically different───截然不同
completely different───截然不同;完全不同;判若水火
strikingly different───截然不同的
Changes in culture and technology result in wildly different formative environments.───文化和技术的改变导致疯狂的不同的生长环境。
Here again, the community and police have wildly different stories of what happened.───这里同样,社区和警察对所发生的事又有着非常不同的说法。
It will rationalise the wildly different ways in which Banks account for complex assets.───他们也将银行账户复杂资产进行多种不同方式的合理化。
The bid and its immediate rejection suggest a calculated posturing by both parties designed to produce wildly different outcomes.───纳斯达克发出报价以及伦敦证交所立即拒绝这一报价,表明双方早已有所准备,执意追求大相径庭的结果。
From the beginning, we had wildly different and incompatible temperaments.───一开始我们就有着不同而且不相融合的气质。
The existence of wildly different models takes away this intellectual anchor and this translates into more market volatility.───各种迥然不同的模型的存在,使我们丧失了这种理论锚定,这种情形将加剧市场的波动。
Any two people can have wildly different attitudes toward the same set of experiences.───任何两个拥有相似人生经验的人也会有截然不同的态度。
In terms of content, theme and pacing, the two events are wildly different.───这两个会议在内容、主题和步调上大相径庭。
Over time the two halves of Pangaea developed wildly different suites of plants and animals.───随着时间的推移,由原始大陆分裂形成的两块大陆疯狂地进化出了不同的植物和动物物种。
Over time the two halves of Pangaea developed wildly different suites of plants and animals.
He never appears wildly different in different contexts - regardless of what those contexts are.
Her account of the events of that day was wildly different from the first witness's.
What begins by looking just a little off parallel might become wildly different.
"This was a fun artist concept to develop because it was so wildly different from our usual work," Pyle says.
- wildly scattered
- wildly optimistic