in place───适当,适当的;在适当的地方,在恰当的位置
mise en place───n.食材准备,餐前准备
oil in place───油层中现存油量;地质储量
out of place───adj.不合适的;不相称的;不在适当的位置
run in place───原地跑;不离原地进行地跑步动作
to outplace───出位
indeed to see if in your heart another lies bound one day to me amid your momentous CARES, pleasant to know that langsyne has its own place.───看到在你心中有一份对我的深切关怀的确令我开怀,明白到你对旧情的珍重令我喜悦。
hearty revelation" in "Last Night" finds its own place in the 20th century Chinese literature development.───真心真血的流露”的《昨夜》在20世纪中国文学的现代化进程中有它一份小小的贡献。
Each item and character has its own place in the tale.───图腾柱上的每个物品及人物在传说中都有自己独有的地位。
As a kind of basic private rights, the member right should have its own place in the future civil code.───作为基本私权利的一个种类,社员权在未来民法典中应当占有一席之地。
Is it not then strange that thy intelligent part only should be disobedient and discontented with its own place?───那么,只有你的理智部分竟然不顺从和不满意于它自己的地位,这不是很奇怪吗?
I'm glad I resisted; over the years it's become clear that these are very different books and each has its own place.───我很高兴我当时拒绝了这样的要求;多年以来我们可以越来越清楚地看到这是两本很不一样的书,各自有着自己的定位。
In the periodic table of elements, each element has its own place and number.───周期表中,各个元素都有自己的位号。
Each species has its own ~ place on the reef.───每一物种在矿脉上都有其自身的特殊位置
The Muslim Communication, a non-official newspaper, which is sponsored by the LanZhou Muslim Culture and Education Promotion Conference, has its own place among the contemporary Hui periodicals.
The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven. John Milton
- its far
- its so fat
- its a draw
- its my boy
- its ear
- its a person
- its not over
- its free
- its a friend
- its a blue
- its no way
- its what i do
- its small
- its own place
- its rainy
- its yours
- its quiet
- its very hard
- its all over
- its their
- its for tim