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词汇 throw
释义 throwUK:*/ˈθrəʊ/US:/θroʊ/ ,(thrō)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 throw [sth] vtr (propel through the air)扔;掷;投Hurry up and throw the ball!快点扔球! throw [sth] to [sb] vtr + prep (hurl for [sb] to catch)把…扔给Steve threw the keys to Janet so that she could unlock the door.史蒂夫把钥匙扔给珍妮特,这样一来她就能把门打开了。 throw [sb] [sth] vtr (hurl for [sb] to catch)把…扔给Throw me that towel, would you?能请你把那张毛巾扔给我吗? throw [sth] at [sth/sb] vtr + prep (hurl in the direction of)用…扔Johnny was told off for throwing a book at his brother.约翰尼因为用书扔自己的弟弟而受到责骂。 其他翻译 throw n (toss)掷;扔;投掷The throw was a good one and went right to the other guy.这一扔恰到好处,直接扔到了对方的手里。 throw n US (blanket)毛毯;毯子There is a throw beside the couch that you could use to cover yourself if you get cold.如果你觉得冷的话,沙发椅旁有条毛毯,你可以拿来盖一盖。 throw n US (scarf)围巾;披肩You should wear your new velvet throw with that dress.你应该佩戴你那条新的天鹅绒披肩来搭配那件裙子。 throw n (act of throwing dice) (骰子)掷,一掷It was a strong throw that bounced off the side of the table.骰子掷得太用力,被桌子的一边弹开了。 throw n (result of dice toss)掷骰子的点数;掷出的点数The throw showed a five and a four, so he lost his money.掷出的点数是一个5,一个4,所以他输了钱。 throw n (in wrestling)摔倒对手;摔倒对手的技术,抛投技术The wrestler's opponent landed heavily after the throw.一记抛投技法之后,摔跤选手的对手重重地摔倒在地。 throw [sb/sth] out of [sth] v expr (eject from) (物)把…扔出…,从…往外扔…; (人)把…扔出…,把…赶出…Train passengers must not throw rubbish out of the window.乘坐火车的乘客不得把垃圾扔出窗外。 throw vi (toss the dice)投;扔It is your turn to throw.该你投了。 throw [sth/sb] vtr (cause to move violently)猛烈地推The rough seas threw the ship from side to side. throw [sb] vtr (overwhelm)使迷惑不解;使不知所措The way he lost his temper totally threw me and I had to leave. throw [sb] vtr (confuse)使困惑;使糊涂The news threw him because it was not what he expected. throw [sb/sth] vtr (cause to fall)使倒下;使跌倒;使摔倒A collision with another skier threw Steven to the ground. throw [sth] vtr (pottery) (陶瓷)用坯轮车做出...的形状She threw a new vase in her pottery class. throw [sth] vtr (cast dice) (骰子)投,掷He blows on the dice before throwing them.在掷骰子之前,他往骰子上吹了口气。 throw [sth] vtr (flip a switch) (开关)按下,扳动She threw the switch and the Christmas tree lit up.她按下开关,圣诞树亮了起来。 throw [sth] vtr (host: a party) (聚会等)举行,举办,开We threw a party to celebrate the new house.为了庆祝乔迁之喜,我们举办了一次派对。 throw [sth/sb] into [sth] vtr + prep (cause to be in specific condition)使...陷入某种情况;导致...出现某种状况The process was thrown into disarray when the boss changed his mind.The protesters were thrown into a panic by the arrival of the police.老板改变了主意,流程因此陷入混乱。// 警察的出现让示威人群陷入慌乱之中。 动词短语 throw [sth] around vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (ideas, etc.: exchange, brainstorm) (想法)抛出,提出,交流 throw [sb/sth] around vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (treat roughly)乱丢,乱扔 throw [sb] aside vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (get rid of [sb])抛弃某人 throw [sth] away vtr phrasal sep (dispose of, discard)丢弃,丢掉I had to throw away a lot of old books that nobody wanted.我必须丢掉大量没人要的旧书。 throw [sth] away vtr phrasal sep figurative (waste, squander)浪费It would be a shame to throw away your talent by doing nothing with it.如果你什么都不做,完全是浪费自己的才能,那就太可惜了。 throw [sth] back vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (drink or consume quickly) (酒等)快速饮I threw back a shot of whisky and then ordered another one. throw [sth] in, throw in [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (include)加入,添入;附赠,附送If you buy this computer, I'll throw in a printer for free.如果你购买这台电脑,我就免费附赠一台打印机。 throw [sth] off, throw off [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (free yourself)摆脱;脱离I can't seem to throw off the depression I've been feeling.She managed to throw off her doubts.我似乎无法摆脱长久以来的抑郁情绪。//她成功打消了疑虑。 throw [sb] off, throw off [sb] vtr phrasal sep figurative (lose: [sb] following)甩掉;摆脱Mark threw off his pursuer by ducking into an alleyway.马克躲进一条小巷,甩掉了追赶他的人。 throw [sb] off, throw off [sb] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (mislead)误导The fake suicide note threw the detective off.那封假遗书误导了侦探。 throw [sb] off vtr phrasal sep figurative informal (confuse, distract)使…困惑;使慌乱Her silly answers threw me off.她愚蠢的回答让我感到困惑。 throw [sth] on, throw on [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (clothing: put on hastily)匆忙穿上;快速穿上 throw [sth] out, throw out [sth] vtr phrasal sep (dispose of)扔出去,扔掉;撵走,开除;提出;散发出Kate decided it was time to throw out her old running shoes and get new ones.凯特决定该扔掉她的旧跑鞋,买双新的。 throw [sth] out, throw out [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (reject, dismiss)扔出去,扔掉;撵走,开除;提出;散发出The case was thrown out of court due to lack of evidence.We can throw out some of the more stupid ideas right away.本案因证据不足而被驳回。//我们立即抛弃一些较愚蠢的想法。 throw [sb] out vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (expel, evict)赶走;撵走Alan's parents threw him out when he refused to pay rent.艾伦拒绝支付房租,他的父母把他赶出去了。 throw [sth] out, throw out [sth] vtr phrasal sep (propose or suggest casually)扔出去,扔掉;撵走,开除;提出;散发出I'm just throwing out a suggestion here: what if Liz learned to drive?我只是提出一个建议:如果莉斯学会了开车呢? throw [sb] over, throw over [sb] vtr phrasal sep (jilt, break up with)与某人分手;抛弃某人;负心于某人 throw [sth] over, throw over [sth] vtr phrasal sep (abandon, reject)抛弃;放弃;拒绝John wasn't given the materials he needed, so he threw the contract over. throw up vi phrasal informal (vomit)呕吐I always have to throw up after drinking too much.每次喝多,我都会吐。 throw [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (eject by vomiting)吐出;呕吐When I'm sick, I throw everything up.我生病的时候,吃什么吐什么。 throw [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (build)建起The builder threw up the house in less than two months.建造师们不到两个月就建起了那栋房屋。 throw up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (generate, produce)产生,发生Our new computer system has thrown up a few problems.我们的新电脑系统已经出了好几个问题。 复合形式: a stone's throw n figurative, informal (short distance)掷石可及的距离;一箭之遥The distance from our house to hers is a stone's throw. a stone's throw away expr figurative, informal (nearby)在…附近;在近处We can easily walk to Martha's house; she lives a stone's throw away. a stone's throw from [sth], within a stone's throw of [sth] expr figurative, informal (near)离…一箭之遥;离…不远The shop is just a stone's throw from my house. foul line, free throw line n (on basketball court) (篮球)罚球线,犯规线The crowd fell silent as the player stepped up to the foul line. free throw n (basketball throw) (篮球运动中犯规后罚球的一种)罚球,任意球 hammer throw n (sport: throwing event)掷链球 shed light on [sth], throw light on [sth] v expr figurative (clarify, explain)揭示;使...变清楚The research project sheds light on how dolphins communicate with each other. throw [sb] a curve ball, throw [sb] a curve v expr US, informal, figurative (do [sth] unexpected)出乎某人意料;做令某人意外的事 throw [sb] a curve ball, throw [sb] a curve v expr US, informal, figurative (do [sth] misleading)做误导某人的事 throw a fit v expr informal (suffer a seizure)癫痫发作 throw a fit, also US: pitch a fit v expr figurative, slang (get angry)大发脾气;大动肝火 throw a fit, also US: pitch a fit v expr figurative, slang (child: have a tantrum) (指孩子)哭闹;发脾气The child throws a fit when he doesn't like his food. throw a monkey wrench into [sth] v expr US, figurative, slang (disrupt) (俚语)破坏;打乱;搅扰He was spiteful and enjoyed throwing a monkey wrench into their plans whenever he could. throw a party v expr (host a celebration)举办派对I will throw a party at my house for my birthday. throw a punch v expr (try to hit [sb])试图打某人After hearing Bob's insult, Paul threw a punch. throw a sickie, pull a sickie v expr UK, slang (take day off, pretend to be ill)装病旷工;谎称生病不上班 throw a spanner in the works v expr figurative (thwart [sth])让...遇挫;阻止 throw [sth] back vtr + adv (return by tossing)扔回去Wally threw me the ball and I threw it back. throw [sth] back in [sb]'s face v expr figurative (charge with past misdeeds)翻某人的旧账I wish you wouldn't throw that incident back in my face every time we have a row! throw [sth] back in [sb]'s face v expr figurative (reject spitefully)带有恶意地拒绝 throw cold water on [sth] v expr figurative (be discouraging)对...泼冷水They threw cold water on her plan. throw [sth] down, throw down [sth] vtr + adv (toss downward)丢下;扔下;掷下The tennis player angrily threw down his racquet when he lost the game. throw down, throwdown, throw-down n (competition)竞赛;比赛;决斗In next week's throwdown, up to one hundred graffiti artists will be competing to win the $100,000 first prize. throw down the gauntlet v expr figurative (issue a challenge)发出挑战;下战书The boss threw down the gauntlet by doubling the sales targets for the month. throw [sb] for a loop, knock [sb] for a loop v expr (upset, shock)非常震惊;大吃一惊The news of her brother’s death really threw Evie for a loop. Discovering his wife had been cheating on him with his best friend knocked Stuart for a loop. throw in the towel v expr figurative, informal (give up, admit defeat) (比喻,非正式用语)投降David knew he'd lost the match, but he refused to throw in the towel. throw [sb] off center (US), throw [sb] off centre (UK) v expr figurative (disorient)使某人方寸大乱;使某人感到迷惘;使某人不知所措It threw me off center when my parents told me to pack my bags. throw off the yoke of [sth] v expr figurative (free yourself: from a burden)放下...的沉重负担 throw pillow (US), scatter cushion (UK) n often plural (small cushion)抱枕,靠垫 throw [sb] to the wolves, throw [sb] to the lions v expr figurative (force [sb] into a dangerous situation)把…送上绝路;将...逼入险境 throw [sth] together vtr + adv informal (assemble hastily)匆忙地拼凑起For dinner Thursday night I just threw some stuff together.My presentation was just thrown together at the last minute. throw [sb] and [sb] together vtr + adv (put in each other's company)使偶然凑到一起A lot of very different people were thrown together in the lifeboat. throw-up n US, informal (vomit)呕吐Every parent of a new baby has had throw-up on their shoulder at some point. throw up your hands expr figurative (be in despair)感到绝望;绝望地放弃 throw your hat into the ring v expr figurative (enter a contest)参加比赛;加入竞赛 throw your weight around v expr figurative, informal (be bossy, self-important)颐指气使Charles is a bossy guy who likes throwing his weight around. throw-in n (soccer, rugby: restarts play)掷界外球The referee stopped the game soon after the throw-in.




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