

词汇 in the soup
释义 in the soup
in the soup发音




in the loop───在消息圈内;在决策圈内;在参与机密的智囊团内

in the rough───未完成的;未加工的;大致上

in the round───adv.全面地;adj.圆雕的

on the stump───做巡回政治演说

in the book───记录在案的;为人所知的;登入电话簿的;按规定可以允许的

in the club───在俱乐部里;在会所

in the cold───被忽视,被冷落

in the hole───负债,亏空;遇到经济困难

in the lump───adv.总共


You'd better put a little more seasoning in the soup.───你最好在汤里再加一点调料.

I'm in the soup. Right up to the hocks.───我是落汤鸡了, 拔身乏术.

Put a pinch of sugar in the soup.───在汤里加一小撮糖.

The children are allowed to dunk their bread in the soup.───孩子们被允许把面包放在汤里浸泡一会儿.

We're all in the soup now.───我们这下麻烦大了。

I have been in the soup.───我遇到麻烦了.

Put just a little salt in the soup.───汤里搁点儿盐花儿.

Put some salt in the soup.───汤里着点儿盐.

He drove a car without a license and now he's in the soup.───他无照驾车,这下可麻烦了.

There are blobs of fat in the soup.───汤里汪着油.

There is too much onion in the soup.───这汤中有太多洋葱.

If Dad catches you you'll be in the soup.───如果爸爸抓住你,你就要倒楣了.

Put some salt in the soup.───着点儿盐。

She has a knack of landing herself right in the soup.───她老是让自己的处境很尴尬。

The wolf landed right in the soup.───狼正好掉到热汤里面。

I couldn't keep a straight face when he dropped his watch in the soup.───他把表掉到汤里,我实在忍不住笑了.

There was just a hint of pepper in the soup.───汤里只放了一点儿胡椒粉.

You need a bit of salt in the soup.───这汤里需要放点盐.

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