in the old days───从前;过去的时候
in the press───正在印刷;即将出版
in the wilderness───在野的;荒原;离开政界的
in the doldrums───萧条时期;无精打彩;在无风区里
in the extreme───非常;极度
in the gross───大体上;总的说来;大量地
in the process───在过程中;在进行中
The rest of us have trouble ignoring our chattering minds, which might tell us we're not experienced enough to do that job, not attractive enough to talk to the woman in the red dress.───其他人很难忽视我们叽叽喳喳的内心,它会告诉我们我们没有足够的经验去做这项工作,我们没有足够的魅力与穿着红裙子的女孩交谈。
The little girl in the red dress who captured hearts around the globe wasn't really singing. She mimed.───这个穿红色衣服的小女孩掳获了全世界的心,但是她并不是在真正的歌唱,而是在对口型。
We tried to forget what he had seen and heard but not 5 minutes later I looked out of my room and saw that girl in the red dress looking at me and smiling.───我们努力想忘掉这刚才发生的一切,但是就在过了不到5分钟,当我到自己房间查看时我又看到那个身穿深红色衣服的女孩,她看着我,微笑着。
Therefore, in the red dress embroidered Sweet 16 Dresses with phoenix and very easy to understand.───因此,就很容理解绣着凤的红色礼服。
Abigail: Wasn't that lady in the red dress and with brunette hair brilliant? She seemed to know everything.───艾比盖尔:那个深棕色头发的红衣女人不是很厉害吗?她似乎无所不知。
She told state-run China Daily that she felt "beautiful" in the red dress she wore during the performance.───她告诉中国人民日报,她感觉在表演中穿着那件红色礼服很“漂亮”。
The little girl in the red dress stole our hearts, what a wonderful confident singer she was.───那个穿红色衣服的小女孩让我们的内心十分震撼,她是多么自信的一个歌手啊。
She is often in the red dress.───她经常穿着红色的裙子
Were you listening to me, Neo? Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?───你在听我讲话吗,尼奥?还是在看那个红衣少女?
I saw you ogling the woman in the red dress!
Who was that strawberry blonde in the red dress?
Stop putting words in my mouth - I didn't say you looked fat in the red dress - I merely said you looked very slim in the black!
- insectivora species
- in different
- intrusion game
- in harmony
- inductive method
- instructional material
- instead synonym
- incommodious meaning
- inimical man
- inamiddle school
- including thesaurus
- inmost cardigan
- in partical
- in turkey
- integral side
- insinuation syn
- in ways
- in this halunderwear
- in his mouth
- inclosed letterpress
- inaccuracy def