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词汇 stiff
释义 stiffUK:*/ˈstɪf/US:/stɪf/ ,(stif )UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 stiff adj (rigid, not flexible)僵硬的;不易活动的;固定的The teacher used a piece of stiff card to mount the picture on.老师将画挂在一张不易活动的硬纸板上。 stiff adj (body: hurting)酸痛的;一动就疼的Rachel went for a long run yesterday and she's feeling stiff today.蕾切尔昨天外出长跑,她今天感觉全身酸痛。 stiff adj (punishment: severe) (惩罚)严厉的James's father told him to expect a stiff punishment for his bad behaviour that day.由于自己那天糟糕的表现,詹姆士的父亲告诉他准备好接受严厉的惩罚。 stiff adj (firm)硬的;变硬的Whisk the egg whites until they are stiff.将蛋白搅拌到变硬为止。 stiff adj (competition: tough) (竞争)激烈的,强劲的The local team faced some stiff competition when they played the league champions.当地球队在联赛冠军杯的比赛中面临着许多激烈的较量。 stiff adj (formal, unfriendly)生硬的,刻板的Despite his stiff manners, he was warm and friendly once you got to know him.尽管他举止生硬,但是和他熟络之后,就会发现他为人热情友好。 其他翻译 stiff adj figurative (wind: strong) (风)猛烈的A stiff wind was blowing outside, shaking the branches of the trees. stiff adj (not working smoothly)卡顿的;不顺畅的This door handle is stiff; it's difficult to get the door open. stiff adj (drink: alcoholic) (酒)烈的,度数高的"I need a stiff drink," said Daphne, when she realised she'd won the lottery.当达芙妮意识到自己中了彩票,她说:“我需要来杯烈酒。” stiff adj figurative (price: high) (价格)高昂的,高的I paid a stiff price to change my internet provider.我支付了一笔高昂的费用来更换我的互联网供应商。 stiff n slang (dead body)死尸The detective got a call to say they'd found a stiff.侦探接到电话说他们发现了一具死尸。 stiff n US, slang (ordinary man)人;普通人Joe's a pretty decent stiff when you get to know him. stiff vi informal (movie, product, etc.: fail) (电影、产品等)失败The movie stiffed because it was too long. stiff [sb] vtr US, slang (fail to pay or tip)没给…钱;没给…小费 stiff [sb] vtr US, informal (cheat, swindle [sb])欺骗…,骗…That guy stiffed me on that used car sale. stiff [sb] vtr US, informal (fail to tip)不给…小费I don't trust anyone who stiffs their server. stiff [sb] vtr US, informal (ignore, snub)不理…,不理睬…I thought my ex and I were still friends, but he stiffed me at the party.我本以为自己和前任还是朋友,不过派对上他根本不理我。 stiff [sb] vtr US, figurative, informal (kill)杀The hitman was paid to stiff the mafia boss. 复合形式: bored stiff adj informal, figurative (very bored) (非正式用语,比喻)极度无聊的,无聊透顶的Lucy was bored stiff at the opera. frozen stiff adj figurative, informal (feeling very cold)觉得快冻僵的, 觉得非常寒冷的I don't know about you but I'm frozen stiff!我不知道你怎么想的,但我已经要冻僵了! frozen stiff adj (rigid because frozen)冻僵的, 冻得僵硬的The moose is frozen stiff: it must have been dead for days.这只驼鹿都僵硬了,肯定死了好几天了。 keep a stiff upper lip v expr figurative (remain stoic) (指态度严肃)抿着嘴 scared stiff adj informal (terrified)非常害怕The children were scared stiff of the man with the chainsaw. stiff breeze n (strong wind)强风;大风Amy was so thin I thought she'd blow away in a stiff breeze! stiff joints npl (arthritis)关节僵直 stiff neck n (pain or difficulty moving one's neck)颈部僵硬After sitting near a draughty window I had a stiff neck. stiff upper lip n figurative (stoicism) (比喻)坚忍,坚定The British are famous for their stiff upper lip. stiff upper lip n figurative (reserve, self-restraint) (比喻)节制,隐忍 stiff-arm, stiff-arm fend, fend, fend-off n (rugby tactic)直臂挡开对手 stiff-necked adj figurative (person: stubborn)顽固的;固执的 stiff-necked adj figurative (person: haughty)傲慢的;自大的 straight-arm [sb], stiff-arm vtr (sport: fend off with stiff arm)直臂阻挡




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