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词汇 state
释义 stateUK:*/ˈsteɪt/US:/steɪt/ ,(stāt)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 state n esp US (territory, province) (联邦制国家)州There are fifty states in the union.(美国)全国有五十个州。 state n (country)国家;国In 1948, a Jewish state was founded.一个犹太国家于1948年建立。 state n (condition)局势;现状I can only imagine the state the house is in after being abandoned for so many years.这栋房子在废弃多年后,我可以想象出它现在的样子。 state n (science: solid, liquid, gas) (物理)状态, 形态Ice is water in its solid state.冰是固态的水。 state n as adj esp US (of political sub-division) (联邦制国家)州的,州立的State law prohibits speeding.本州法律禁止超速。 state [sth]/that vtr (declare)表白;宣布The groom stated his love for the bride.新郎表白了自己对新娘的爱。 state [sth] vtr (set forth formally)正式声明;正式宣布The president stated the policy in clear terms.总统明确正式声明了政策。 the States npl informal (United States of America)美国I plan to visit Chicago on my upcoming trip to the States.我打算去美国旅游的时候看看芝加哥。 其他翻译 state n (stage)阶段;时期The butterfly is in its larval state.这只蝴蝶正处于它的幼虫阶段。 state n (emotions)心情;心境;心态She was in a state of sadness after her boyfriend left her.男朋友离她而去之后,她心情沮丧。 state n (extreme nervous mood)极度紧张的情绪;非常紧张的状态Polly was in such a state after the accident!事故之后,波莉的情绪极度紧张。 state n (political authority)政府;当局The state has outlawed destructive behaviour.政府已经宣布破坏性行为为违法行为。 state n (civil government)政府In some countries, there is separation between church and state.在某些国家,政教是分离的。 state n US, informal (Department of State) (非正式用语)国务院The boys over at State are a smart bunch.在国务院的小伙子们都挺聪明。 state n as adj (of civil government)国家的;政府的This is a state matter. state n as adj (of formal ceremony)正式仪式的;典礼的The judge was sworn in during a state ceremony. 复合形式: buffer state (country)缓冲国 chief of state (country head)国家元首 city-state n (autonomous city)城邦Vatican City is a present-day example of a city-state. commonwealth, Commonwealth, Commonwealth State n US (some US states) (美国)州 council of state (policy committee)国务委员会;国务会议 deep state n (politics: conspiracy theory)暗深势力集团;深暗势力 dream state n (mental state when you dream)睡梦状态Gary was wandering around, his eyes glazed over as if in a dream state. Empire State n (nickname of New York State) (纽约州的别称)帝国州 Empire State Building n (New York City skyscraper) (纽约市的摩天大厦)帝国大厦For a long time, the Empire State Building was the world's tallest skyscraper. flow state n (extreme focus)心流状态 free state n US, historical (US state prohibiting slavery) (历史用语,指禁止奴隶制度的州)自由州Not all of the Union states were free states; four were slave states. gaseous state n (gas, vapour)气态Nitrogen is in a gaseous state at room temperature. head of state, Head of State n (national leader)国家元首In a kingdom, the head of state is a king rather than a president. in a state expr informal (distraught)心烦意乱;紧张不安 in a state of [sth] expr (in a specified condition)处于...状态中The election results were inconclusive, and left the country in a state of confusion. in a state of inebriation adj formal (drunk)喝醉了的After the party, several people were staggering around in a state of inebriation. lie in state v expr (corpse: displayed)展示遗体;殡殓后供人凭吊 member country, member state n (country participating in a group)成员国The European Parliament represents people living in the member countries of the European Union. member state n (country belonging to a union)成员国The European Union consists of 28 member states. mental state n (psychological condition)心理状态 nation-state n (self-governing state)单一民族国家 natural state n (normal condition)自然状态 natural state n (unaffected by humans)天然状态In its natural state, the lake was much clearer than it is now. police state n (country where police maintain oppressive control)警察国家Germany became a police state under Hitler's rule. Rabbit Proof Fence, State Barrier Fence of Western Australia n (long fence in Australia)长围栏;防兔栏 Registered Nurse, State registered nurse n UK, abbreviation (State Registered Nurse) (英国)国家注册护士 secretary of state n (high-ranking government minister)国务卿 solid-state adj (electronic device)固态的 SRN n UK, initialism (State Registered Nurse)国家注册护士备注: Used after name as title. state aid n (financial support by government)政府的经济援助,国家援助,联邦政府援助;州政府援助She didn't work when she went to school: she received state aid. state attorney, state's attorney n US (law)州检察官 state benefit n (government welfare allowance)国家福利 state control n (government ownership)国家控制;国家监控 state forest n (protected woodland area)国有森林 state funded, state-funded adj (financed by state)国家出资的,政府投资的;州政府出资的,州政府投资的 state highway n US (motorway)州际高速公路 state hospital n (government-owned medical facility)公立医院 state law n US (legal system of a US state)州法律State law prohibits the making of alcohol at home. state legislature n (laws of a country)国家立法机构 state legislature n (legislative power of state)州立法机关 state of affairs n (situation)事态;情况;情况When she saw another store close its doors, she realized it was a sorry state of affairs. state of emergency n (disaster situation)紧急状态 state of flux n (fluctuation, change)变化中;不断变化的状态 state of mind n (mental condition, mood)思想状态,精神状态;心理状况His current state of mind seems confused.他目前的精神状态好像很混乱。 state of nature n (society without government)无政府状态 state of nature n (primitive state)自然状态;天然状况;原始状态 state of play n (current situation)进展情况 state of tension n (social, political unrest) (社会、政治等)动荡不安的状态,形势紧张 state of tension n (anxiety, uncertainty) (精神等)焦虑状态,紧张状态 state of the art n (technology: current level) (技术: 当前的水平)现状In tech, it can be hard to keep up with the state of the art.在科技行业,要跟上最先进的技术可能很难。 state of the art, state-of-the-art adj (technology: advanced) (技术)先进的;高新尖的;尖端的备注: Hyphens are used when the adjective precedes the nounOur new TV uses state-of-the-art technology to provide the best picture and sound.我们的新电视采用了最先进的技术,提供最好的图像和声音。 state of uncertainty n (precarious or doubtful situation)不确定状态;困惑状态When times are tough we live in a constant state of uncertainty. state of undress n (full or partial nakedness)裸体;光身He was shocked by the woman's state of undress. state of war n (hostilities between nations)战争状态They have been in a near-constant state of war for years. state ownership n (government property)国有制;全民所有制 state park n (protected green space)州立公园 state police n US (law force of a US state)州警Most interstate and state highways are patrolled by state police, not local police. state property n (areas owned by government)国有资产;国家财产 state school n UK (government-funded school)公立学校 state services npl US (government amenities and assistance)公共服务 state the obvious v expr (point out [sth] already evident)陈述明显事实;把明显的事情说出来 state trooper US (state police officer) (美国)州警 state visit n (head of state's international trip)国事访问 state your case v expr (give your opinion)陈述案情The new rules allow you to state your case for the person you're voting for. state-owned adj (of the government)国有的;国营的 state-owned company n (business: run by government)国有企业;国营公司Amtrak is a good example of a state-owned company. state-wide adj US (across an entire state)全州的 Statehouse, State House n US (state capitol building) (美国)州议会大楼 stateroom, state-room n (transport: private cabin)私人客舱;特等舱 statewide, also UK: state-wide adj (across a state)全州的;全州范围的 statewide, also UK: state-wide adv (across a state)全州地The measure was popular locally, but not statewide. steady state n (physics: condition which does not change over time)恒态 swing state n US (election: close race) (美国大选)摇摆州 transient state n (subject to change, changeable)暂态;瞬态;瞬态 welfare state n (nation with social welfare programme)福利国家Britain's welfare state was created in the wake of the Second World War.




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