in corpore───在corpore
in store───贮藏着;准备着;将要发生
in single file───成一列纵队;成单行;依次
to sing along───一起唱
CD single───CD单碟
It was January 19, a year to the day since he had arrived in Singapore.───那是1月19日,他到新加坡正好满1年。
Michael Fay, an 18-year-old teenager living in Singapore with his father, was sentenced to caning for theft and vandalism.───Michael Fay,一位和他的父亲住在新加坡的18岁青少年,因为偷窃和故意破坏公物而被判鞭刑。
The cargo was due to be offloaded in Singapore three days later.───这艘货轮本定于3天后在新加坡卸载。
It has always been the top co-educational secondary school in Singapore in terms of academic results.───就成绩而言,在众多新加坡的复合型中学中经常拔得头筹。
I am not able to speak for any other Singaporean, but I will focus my normal weekend in Singapore on my family.───我无法描述其他新加坡人,但是,我会说说我们家在新加坡是如果渡过周末的。
Help me cheer on all the athletes that competed in Singapore 2010. . . Hope to see some of you guys in London 2012!───跟我一起为所有在2010新加坡青年奥运会竞技的运动员们喝彩加油吧…希望能在2012伦敦奥运会见到你们!
The Delegation declared that it had seen some progress in Singapore, but it could be made much more direct and more relevant and binding.───该代表团声明在新加坡它看到一些进步,但这些进步还可以做得更大、更直接和更相关、更有绑定性。
Half Thai and half Chinese, Vanessa-Mae Vanakom Nicholson was born in Singapore and grew up in London.───一半泰国血统,一半华人血统,陈美出生于新加坡,在伦敦长大。
Mr Rato said he expected to be given a clear mandate to implement a two-stage reform at the fund's annual meeting next month in Singapore.───拉托表示,自己期望得到明确授权,以便在下个月的IMF新加坡年会上开始实施两阶段改革计划。
From the first flat-bottomed ship arrived in Singapore, Chinese people settled in this area.
The cargo was due to be offloaded in Singapore three days later.
The regiment was stationed in Singapore for several years.
Tremours felt in Singapore and Malaysia after strong earthquake in Indonesian Sumatra in 7.9 richter scale.
What is the topographical point in Singapore?
The strangest thing happened when I was in Singapore.
The writer, an expatriate living in Singapore, has studied and worked in the US.
Research on the SARS virus in Singapore is conducted in biosafety level 3 facilities.
In Singapore, we have evolved our own unique formula of a multiracial, multi - cultural society.
- insectivora species
- in different
- intrusion game
- in harmony
- inductive method
- instructional material
- instead synonym
- incommodious meaning
- inimical man
- inamiddle school
- including thesaurus
- inmost cardigan
- in partical
- in turkey
- integral side
- insinuation syn
- in ways
- in this halunderwear
- in his mouth
- inclosed letterpress
- inaccuracy def