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词汇 spot
释义 spotUK:*/ˈspɒt/US:/spɑt/ ,(spot)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 spot n (stain)污渍;污点There is a ketchup spot on your shirt there.你衬衣那儿有一块番茄酱污渍。 spot n informal (location)地点;场所That's the spot where the murder took place.那就是凶杀案的事发地点。 spot n UK, often plural (pimple, zit: facial blemish)青春痘;粉刺The teenager bought a special face wash to treat his spots.为了治疗青春痘,年轻人买了一种特殊的洗面奶。 spot n usually plural (disease: blemish) (病症)痘,疹子,脓包Karen has chickenpox and is covered in spots.凯伦得了水痘,全身都是痘痘。 spots npl (insect: markings) (昆虫身上的)斑点The most common ladybird in Britain has seven spots.在英国最常见的瓢虫是有七个斑点的七星瓢虫。 spots npl (animal: markings) (动物身上的)斑点Cheetahs have black spots.猎豹身上有黑色的斑点。 spots npl (pattern: large dots) (图案、样式)圆点I prefer floral patterns to spots or stripes.比起圆点式和条纹式,我更喜欢花式的图案。 spot [sth] vtr (detect, see)发现;看到The policeman spotted the criminal and started running after him.警察发现了罪犯,开始追他。 其他翻译 spot adj (finance: current price)现货(市场的);现汇(市场的);即期(市场)的Currency trades on the spot market and the forward market.外汇交易在即期市场以及远期市场上进行。 spot adj (TV, radio: short duration) (电视或广播节目)持续时间短的The group ran a series of spot announcements on local radio.该组织在当地广播电台上投放了一系列的短公告。 spot n (short advertisement)插播的短广告The Pepsi spot lasted for 30 seconds.百事可乐插播的短广告时长为30秒。 spot n abbreviation (spotlight)聚光灯That is when they turned off all the lights and shone the spot on him. a spot of [sth] n informal, UK (small amount of [sth])一点点;一丁点Would you like a spot of tea? Robert asked Dan if he fancied a spot of lunch. spot n (geographical area)地方;地点Tim and Nicola picnicked at a local beauty spot.蒂姆和尼古拉在当地的一个景点野餐。 spot n (individual performance time)个人表演时间The makeup artist rushed to get the singer ready for her spot.化妆师尽速为要登台个人表演的歌手准备好妆容。 spot n (position)位置;岗位Linda is hoping the coach will give her a spot on the team. I think we may have a spot for you at our firm.琳达希望教练能在队伍里给她一个位置。我认为我们公司可能有一个适合你的岗位。 spot vi (become stained)沾上污渍的;有污点的Your white blouse will spot really easily if you chop those cherries with it on.如果你穿着白衬衫切这些樱桃的话,衬衫很容易沾上污渍的。 spot vi (rain lightly)掉雨点;小雨It's not really raining yet, but it's spotting; you should take an umbrella just in case. spot [sth] vtr (stain)使变污;使有污点The oil splashed and spotted the tablecloth. spot [sb] [sth] vtr informal (lend)把...借给Hey man, can you spot me twenty dollars?哥们儿,能借我20美元吗? spot [sth] vtr (place)把…放在某位置上The mobile phone mast was controversially spotted near the school. spot [sth] vtr (sports: place) (体育运动)放置, 摆放The referee spotted the ball too close to the goal after the penalty. spot [sb] vtr (weightlifting) (健身时)监护;从旁保护备注: 指进行举重等训练时请人在一旁保护,以免训练者受伤Can you spot me while I do the bench press? 复合形式: age spot n (skin blemish)老人斑,黄褐斑 bald patch, bald spot n (area of scalp: no hair)秃斑 beauty spot (UK), beauty mark (US) n (mole on the face)美人痣One of the the most famous beauty marks is the one that Marilyn Monroe had on her left cheek.最有名的美人痣之一便是梦露左脸上的那颗痣。 beauty spot n (make-up: artificial mole on face) (化妆方法)美人斑,美人痣 beauty spot n (place of natural beauty)美景;自然美景 black spot n (plant disease) (植物)黑斑病 black spot n UK (hazardous road area)事故多发地段 black spot n UK (dangerous place)危险地带 blind spot n (unseen area in field of vision)盲点 blind spot n (area of road a motorist cannot see) (驾驶中看不见的路况)盲区When I changed lanes, I did not see the car in my blind spot. bright spot n ([sth] positive or cheerful)高兴的事;让人振奋之事;亮点The little girl's smile was a bright spot in an otherwise dreary day. frozen to the spot expr figurative (unable to move with fear, shock)愣住;呆住 hit the spot v expr figurative (satisfy craving)恰到好处;正好满足 hotspot, hot spot n (center of activity)活动中心;热点This city is one of the world's great tourist hotspots. hotspot, hot spot n (nightclub, entertainment venue)闹哄哄的娱乐场所We went on a date at one of the new hotspots in the city. hotspot, hot spot n (venue offering wifi access)无线上网热点All of the coffee shops in this city are hotspots. hotspot, hot spot n (of political conflict)热点地区The country has become a political hotspot due to the increasing civil unrest in its major cities. hotspot, hot spot n (where fire may start)火灾多发区The firefighters investigated several hot spots to insure that they did not reignite. hotspot, hot spot n (geology: area of molten rock) (熔岩)热点 in a spot adv informal (in a difficult situation) (非正式用语)遇到困难,陷入困境We found ourselves in a spot when we missed our train. in a tight spot expr informal (in difficult situation)处境困难;有难处Stan usually turns to Larry for help when he is in a tight spot. Johnny-on-the-spot n US, informal, dated (readily available person)随叫随到的人,随时能帮忙的人 night spot n (late-night entertainment venue)夜总会Gary and his friends decided to explore the night spots near their hotel. on the spot adv (immediately)当场;立即He ordered me to do it on the spot because he couldn't wait.因为他等不及,所以命令我当场完成此事。 on the spot adv (at the place in question)在现场Newspapers' foreign correspondents are on the spot when a story develops.当事件发生时,报刊的海外记者们都在现场。 on the spot expr informal, figurative (in an awkward situation)处于困境中;处于难堪境地Bill was on the spot because he owed a lot of people a lot of money.因为比尔欠着许多人一大笔债,所以正处于困境中。 on-the-spot adj (immediate, without preparation)立即的;当场的The shy actress hated on-the-spot interviews. parking spot n (place to park a car)停车区It's difficult to find a parking spot at the weekend. put [sb] on the spot v expr informal (challenge, embarrass)使…处于难堪地位My teacher put me on the spot with a difficult question. rough spot n informal (difficult period)艰难时期She's going through a pretty rough spot just at the moment. soft spot n informal (particular fondness or affection) (非正式用语)(心中的)柔软之处I have a real soft spot for my cousin: I'd do anything to help her.I don't particularly like most dogs, but I do have a soft spot for poodles. spot check, spot-check n (impromptu inspection)抽样检查;抽查;抽检The ticket inspectors did a spot check to see who had bought tickets. spot clean [sth] vtr (remove stain, mark)清除污点;清除印记 spot on, spot-on adj UK, informal (precise, exactly right) (非正式用语)准确的,十分对的备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a nounThat insight was spot on: you pinpointed the problem exactly.那见解十分准确,你一针见血地指出了问题所在。 spot on interj UK, informal (that's just right)完全正确;确实是 spot price n (trading: immediate cost)现货价格 spot rate n (trading: immediate price) (交易)即期汇率,即期利率 spot welder n ([sb] who fuses metal)熔焊工人;点焊工人 spot welding n (fusing metal)点焊;熔焊 spot with rain v expr (rain a few drops)点滴雨水;小雨 spot-weld [sth] vtr (fuse metal)熔焊;点焊 sweet spot n figurative (most favourable point)最佳的地方;最好的位置 trouble spot n (difficult place)故障点;问题所在;麻烦之处Pakistan and Iran are thought of as trouble spots in the West. trouble spot n (location of frequent fighting, violence)动荡的地区;经常发生暴力事件的地点That pub's a notorious trouble spot. vacation spot (US), holiday spot (UK) n (place popular with holidaymakers)度假胜地 warm spot n (warm place)持久的爱The cat had found itself a warm spot in front of the radiator. warm spot n figurative (affection)持久的爱There's still a warm spot in my heart for my high school sweetheart. watering place, watering hole, watering spot n slang (bar)卖酒的地方;卖酒处;卖酒处We found the drunk at his usual watering hole. weak spot n (special fondness: for [sth] or [sb])嗜好He has a weak spot for German shepherd dogs. weak spot n (fault, flaw)弱点Punctuation's my weak spot when it comes to writing.




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