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词汇 innocent man
释义 innocent man
innocent man发音



Innocent II───无辜者II

Innocent III───英诺森特三世

Innocent IV───无辜IV

inner man───内心的人




Innocents' Day───无辜者节

innocent child───无辜的孩子


What about the odd chance that you do put an innocent man in the dock?───你真的将一个无辜的人送上了被告席可怎么办呢?

I can imagine no greater miscarriage of justice than the execution of an innocent man.───我想象不出比处死无辜的人更严重的误判了。

They have imprisoned an innocent man.───他们监禁了一名无辜的男子。

"I feel like an innocent man dragged from his bed, put in a barrel and hurled over Gullfoss! " wrote one journalist that morning.───“我感觉好象一个无辜的人,被人从床上拖下来,装进一个桶里,丢进黄金瀑布(Gullfoss)里了!”一位记者在那天早上写道。

What if the innocent man was on a bridge over the trolley and you had to push him onto the track to stop the train?───如果一个无辜的人站在火车上的桥上,你会将他推倒在铁轨上来阻止火车么?

THE wretched wife of the innocent man thus doomed to die, under the sentence, as if she had been mortally stricken.───像这样被无辜判处死刑者的悲惨的妻子一听见判决就倒下了,仿佛受了致命的创伤。

There is no doubt that an innocent man will never, never let a bad guy, is a criminal justice ultimate goal.───毋庸置疑,决不冤枉一个好人,也决不放过一个坏人,是刑事司法的终极目标。

They shoot from ambush at the innocent man; they shoot at him suddenly, without fear.───要在暗地射完全人;他们忽然射他,并不惧怕。

The most innocent man, pressed by the awful solemnities of public accusation and trial, may be incapable of supporting his own cause.───最无辜的人,当受到公诉和审判之可怕的严峻压力时,有可能无力为自己申辩。


What about the odd chance that you do put an innocent man in the dock?

Sending an innocent man to prison is a miscarriage of justice.

Bates allowed an innocent man to go to jail for his crime.

I can imagine no greater miscarriage of justice than the execution of an innocent man.

There's an innocent man in prison and an innocent girl missing from home.

They have imprisoned an innocent man.

It was a totally unprovoked attack on an innocent man.

Yet today my ignorance could have caused an innocent man to be sent to the gallows.

Sending an innocent man to prison is a clear miscarriage of justice.





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