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词汇 self
释义 selfUK:*/ˈsɛlf/US:/sɛlf/ ,(self )UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 self, plural: selves n (individuality, identity)个性;自我She's back to her old self again.她又恢复了从前的自我。 self n (true nature)本性;本色He showed his true self by that act of courage.他英勇的举动展现了他的本性。 self- prefix (independent, automatic)自...的备注: 中文无相应前缀用法The virus is self-limiting and needs no treatment.这种病毒是自限性的,不需要治疗。 其他翻译 self n (personal interest, advantage)私利;私欲Most religions require some sacrifice of self. 复合形式: composed, self-composed adj (person: calm)沉着的, 冷静的Even in stressful situations, Cameron is composed.即使在压力很大的情况下,卡梅隆也很沉着。 economic self-sufficiency n uncountable (can support self)经济上的自给自足The program helps unemployed residents to achieve economic self-sufficiency. identify as [sb/sth], self-identify as [sb/sth] v expr (consider as your identity)自我认同为;认为自己是A person who identifies as non-binary may use the pronoun "they".认同自己是非二位性别的人可以使用“they”作为人称代词。 inner self n (spiritual and emotional part of [sb])内在自我;本我Meditation can help you find your inner self. lack of self-confidence n (insecurity)缺乏自信His lack of self-confidence held him back in his relationships with women. lose your self-assurance v expr (become less confident)不再自信Don't lose your self-assurance because of one mistake. one's self pron dated (your inner nature)真实的自我;内在的自我Travel and meditation have long been considered good ways to find one's self. self-abasement n (degradation of yourself)自我贬斥,自卑 self-abnegation n (denying yourself [sth])自我克制,克己 self-absorbed adj (selfish, narcissistic)自恋的,只关注自我的You're so self-absorbed; try thinking of someone besides yourself for a change! self-absorption n (preoccupation with yourself)专心致志;自我专注Michael's self-absorption is typical of boys his age; he has no idea what's going on in the world. self-absorption n (physics: process) (物理)自我吸收;自吸收 self-abuse n (harming yourself)自残, 自虐 self-abuse n euphemism (masturbation)手淫 self-acting adj (acting by itself)自动的,自主的 self-addressed adj (envelope: to sender) (信封)寄给自己的,回邮的 self-addressed envelope n (envelope addressed to self)回邮信封 self-adhesive adj (label, tape: sticks by itself) (标签、胶带)自粘的 self-advocacy n (empowerment of disabled people)自我拥护;自我主张 self-affirmation n (recognition of yourself)自我肯定 self-aggrandizement n (promoting oneself aggressively)自我夸大 self-analysis n (evaluating yourself)自我分析,自我剖析 self-apparent adj (evident by itself)自明的 self-appointed adj (without agreement of others)自封的;自命的 self-appraisal n (assessment of yourself)自我评价 self-assembly adj chiefly UK (to be assembled by buyer)自行组装的 self-assembly n (biology, chemistry: spontaneous ordering) (生物、化学)自我装配;自组装 self-assertion n (confident expression of opinions)自信;有主见 self-assertive adj (expressing one's views)有主见的;自作主张的 self-assessment n (evaluation of oneself on one's own behalf)自我评估;自我评定 self-assessment n UK (calculating own tax bill)自行计算税单;自行计算税款 self-assurance n (confidence in yourself)自信 self-assured adj (confident)有自信的;信心十足的 self-assuredness n (confidence)自信的;自足的 self-audit n (evaluation done on one's own behalf)自我审计 self-aware adj (conscious of your qualities and flaws)自知的, 有自知之明的Being self-aware is important if you want to fix your flaws. self-awareness n (understanding of yourself)自我意识Self-awareness and meditation are central to Buddhism. self-belief n (confidence in yourself)自信心,自我肯定 self-care n (keeping healthy without assistance)自我护理;自理 self-catering n (holiday accommodation not including meals)自备食物;自带伙食Jose booked his family into a self-catering. self-catering adj (holiday accommodation: not including meals)自备食物的;自带伙食的Mary didn't like all-inclusive hotels, so she booked a self-catering motel down by the beach. self-censorship n (suppressing your own expression)自我审查 self-centered (US), self-centred (UK) adj (concerned only with yourself)以自我为中心的;自我中心的I'm so tired of your self-centered behavior! self-certification n (statement of sick leave)自我证明,自己证实 self-checkout, self-service checkout n (automated store payment system)自助结账;自助付款结账 self-cleaning adj (automatically cleans itself)自动清洗的, 自净的 self-closing adj (can close by itself)自动关闭的 self-colored (US), self-coloured (UK) adj (of uniform colour)单色的;纯色的;原色的Keith keeps and races self-coloured pigeons. self-composure n (calmness)镇定,镇静,冷静 self-conceit n (arrogance)自命不凡;自大 self-confessed adj (admitted by self)自己承认的, 自己坦白的 self-confidence n (assurance in own qualities)自信;自信心On stage the band's lead singer was full of self-confidence. self-confident adj (assured)自信的;有自信心的Janice isn't self-confident enough to ask for a promotion.珍妮丝不够自信,不敢要求升职。 self-congratulation n (smugness, being pleased with yourself)自傲,自夸,自得 self-conscious adj (embarrassed, too self-aware)不自然的;扭扭捏捏的;害羞的Knowing that everyone was watching made me feel very self-conscious. self-conscious adj (action, gesture: too self-aware)不自然的, 刻意的Edward gave a self-conscious laugh. self-conscious adj (aware of own existence)有自我意识的The robots in this sci-fi movie are self-conscious. self-consciously adv (shyly, with embarrassment)害羞地;局促不安的Jacob looked at the floor self-consciously when Celia told him he was handsome. self-consciously adv (by design, with awareness)刻意地;自己意识到的The novel is written in a self-consciously literary style. self-consciousness n (embarrassment)害羞;难为情Self-consciousness is normal among teenagers, especially if they move to a new school. self-consciousness n (philosophy: awareness of self)自我意识;自觉意识The philosopher wrote extensively about self-consciousness. self-contained adj (independent, separate and complete) (公寓等)独门独户的,设施齐备的All of our accommodation is fully self-contained. self-contained adj (person: unsociable)沉默寡言的My father was a quiet, shy, self-contained man. self-contained adj ([sth]: operating without outside support)自给自足的The self-contained ecosystem around the reef is vulnerable to climate change. self-contradiction n (internal inconsistency)自相矛盾 self-contradictory adj (statement, behaviour) (说法、行为)自相矛盾的 self-control n (restraint, discipline)自我控制;自制Please try to exercise a little bit of self-control today; this is a very important meeting. self-controlled adj (exercising moderation)能自我控制的;有自制力的 self-correcting adj (fixes itself)自我纠正的,自行修正的 self-critical adj (judgmental of oneself)自我批评的;自我评判的 self-criticism n (critiquing yourself)自我批评 self-deception n (fooling yourself)自欺;自我欺骗 self-declared adj (proclaiming oneself to be)自称的,自命的 self-defeating adj (causing problems for oneself)弄巧成拙的,自己拆台的,适得其反的You'll never get anywhere with a self-defeating attitude like that! self-defense (US), self-defence (UK) n (justifying yourself)自行辩护;自辩 self-defense (US), self-defence (UK) n (skill: fending off attack)自我防卫;自卫 self-defense (US), self-defence (UK) n (law: protecting self and family)正当防卫, 自卫 self-delusion n (believing [sth] false)自我欺骗 self-denial n (unselfishness, self-sacrifice)无私;自我牺牲 self-deprecating adj (critical of yourself)自贬的;自谦的;自嘲的My older sister is far too self-deprecating for her own good. self-described, self-identified adj (considering yourself as)自我描述的;自我讲述的 self-destruct vi (object: destroy itself) (物)自爆 self-destruct vi figurative (person: treat yourself abusively) (人)自毁 self-destruction n (automatic destroy mechanism)自动销毁机制 self-destruction n (self-hating behaviour)自我毁灭The rebellious teenager seemed bent on self-destruction. self-destructive adj (harming oneself)自我毁灭的 self-determination n (person: controlling own life) (人)自决,自主 self-determination n (country: governing itself) (国家)自治 self-determined adj (without outside influence)自主决定的 self-diagnose vi (make diagnosis)自我诊断 self-diagnose [sth] vtr (identify an illness)自我诊断;自诊断 self-diagnosed adj (illness: diagnosed by yourself) (病症)自我诊断的 self-diagnosed adj (person: diagnosing self as) (个人情况)自我诊断的 self-directed adj (aimed at yourself)指向自己的,自我指涉的 self-directed adj (controlled by yourself)自我管理的,自己掌控的 self-directed adj (person: having initiative)自主的 self-direction n (determination and independence)自我决断,自主 self-discharge n (gradual decrease in battery charge)自放电 self-discipline n (control of yourself)自律;自我约束力;自我控制力Showing incredible self-discipline, Irene refused the chocolate cake. self-discipline n (dedication, training)自我训练;自我锤炼You need a lot of self-discipline to be a top athlete. self-disciplined adj (careful, controlled)律己的;自律的self-disclosure n (sharing information about oneself)自我表露self-discovery n (process of understanding oneself)自我发现;发现自我Adolescence is generally a time of self-discovery.self-disgust n (hatred for yourself)自我厌恶self-doubt n (low self-confidence)自我怀疑;缺乏自信self-drive adj UK (rented vehicle: driven by the renter)租来自己驾驶的self-drive adj UK (vacation: driving your own car)自己开车度假的self-driven adj (self-motivated)主动的,自动自发的The job requires a self-driven person.self-driven adj (with own power source)自动的The farmer uses a self-driven machine to harvest the crops.self-driving, driverless adj (vehicle: fully automated)自动驾驶的;无人驾驶的self-driving car, driverless car n (autonomous vehicle)自动驾驶汽车;无人驾驶汽车self-educated adj (having taught oneself)自我教育的;自学的self-effacement n (modesty, humility)自谦,不出锋头self-effacing adj (making self inconspicuous)不爱出风头的The self-effacing man always tried to avoid being the center of attention.self-efficacy n (belief in own capabilities)自我效能self-efficiency n (reliance on oneself to achieve)自我效能备注: 指人对自己能否完成某方面工作能力的主观评估self-employed adj (freelance, working for own company)自雇的;个体经营的Charlotte loved being self-employed because she was her own boss and could work from home.self-employment n (law: not working for company) (法律)自雇self-esteem n (respect for yourself)自尊Ari's self-esteem took a dip after his girlfriend left him.阿里被女朋友抛弃,自尊心受到了极大的打击。self-evaluation n (assessment of oneself)自我评估self-evident adj (obvious)不证自明的,不言自明的,不言而喻的,显然的The answer is self-evident, and I don't feel like explaining it right now.self-evident truth n ([sth] obvious)不证自明的事实真相self-evidently adv (obviously)毋庸置疑;不言而喻self-examination n (inspection of one's own body)自我身体检查A monthly self-examination can help prevent breast cancer.self-examination n (introspective reflection)自省;反省self-explanatory adj (obvious, clear)不辩自明的The image on the road sign was self-explanatory.self-expression n (assertion of your personality)自我表达;自我表现self-financing n (use of own resources)自筹资金, 经费自给self-flagellate vi (punishment: whip yourself)自责;自罚self-flagellate vi figurative (be self-critical)自我批评self-flagellation n (punishment: whipping yourself)自罚;自责self-flagellation n figurative (extreme self-criticism)自我批评self-fulfilling prophecy n (prediction [sb] makes happen)自我应验的预言,自我实现的预言self-fulfillment (US), self-fulfilment (UK) n (satisfaction of one's ambitions)自我实现self-funded adj (financed with own money)自费的;自筹资金的self-governed adj (autonomous)自治的;独立的,自主的self-governing adj (state: autonomous) (州)自治的;自己管理的self-gratification n (act of pleasing yourself)自我满足self-growth n (personal development)自我成长self-guided adj (led yourself)自助的;自动导向的Marco took a self-guided tour of the museum.self-harm n (injury inflicted deliberately on yourself)自我伤害self-harm vi (inflict deliberate injury on yourself)自残She is a counsellor working with young people who self-harm.self-harming n (act of deliberately hurting yourself)自残,自我伤害self-hate n (dislike of yourself)自我厌恶self-hatred n (loathing or contempt for oneself)自我厌恶;自我仇视self-help n (personal development techniques)自助,自力更生Our individualistic society is obsessed with self help,.self-help n (acting with no assistance)自助, 自力更生When others are not willing to help you, you have to rely on self-help.self-help adj (relating to personal development)自助的,关于如何自力更生的A lot of people rely on self-help books, rather than seeing a psychologist.self-help n (law: remedying wrong yourself)自力救助, 自助行为self-help book n (personal development resource)自助书籍self-humiliation n (abasing yourself)自卑,自辱self-image n (view of oneself)自我形象;自我认知self-immolation n (suicide by fire)自焚self-importance n (thinking too highly of yourself)自大;自负self-important adj (pompous, vain)自高自大的,妄自尊大的The professor's self-important tone annoyed the students.self-imposed adj (limit, duty) (限制)自我施加的; (职责)自愿承担的self-imposed adj (leader: seized position by force) (领导者)自封的self-improvement n (making yourself better)自我提升,自我改善;自我改良;自我陶冶self-improvement n as adj (making yourself better)自我提升的,自我改善的;自我改良的;陶冶情操的Kevin is going on a self-improvement course next week.self-incrimination n (revealing one's own guilt)自证其罪The suspect refused to respond to police questioning, fearing self-incrimination.self-induced adj (caused by oneself)自己造成的self-induced adj (produced by self-induction)自感的,自感应的self-indulgence n (excessive self-gratification)自我放纵;自我放任self-indulgent adj (yielding to own desires)自我放纵的;自我骄纵的Lying on the sofa eating chocolate all day is self-indulgent.self-inflicted adj (harm: done to yourself)自己造成的;自伤的self-interest n (concern only for yourself)利己主义;自私Don't try to tell me that you were acting out of anything besides self-interest.self-interested adj (selfish, no concern for others)自私的self-isolate vi (stay separate from others while sick)自我隔离self-isolation n (staying separate from others while sick)自我隔离self-justification n (excusing your own actions)自我开脱的self-knowledge n (understanding yourself)自知之明self-limited, self-limiting adj (condition: runs its course untreated)自限性的,自限的self-limiting adj (virus, etc.: getting better by itself) (病毒等)自限性的,自限的self-loading adj (automatically loads)自动装载的self-loathing n (hatred of yourself)自我厌恶,自我憎恨self-loathing adj (hating yourself)讨厌自己的self-loathing adj (expressing hatred of yourself)表达自我憎恨的,体现出自我厌恶的self-locking adj (locking by itself)自锁的,自锁式self-love n (high self-esteem)自爱self-love n (vanity)自恋self-made adj (independently successful)靠自己努力成功的,白手起家的;靠自己努力成功的Ross is a self-made businessman who started his life in poverty.self-made man n (male: successful through own hard work) (指男性)白手起家的人;靠自己奋斗成功的人self-management n (being responsible for self)自我管理self-mastery n (control of yourself)自我控制,自制self-mockery n (making fun of oneself)自嘲Julie's self-mockery shows that she doesn't take herself too seriously.self-motivated adj (having initiative)自我激励的,自勉的The new employee is very self-motivated and hard-working.self-neglect n (not taking care of yourself)自我忽视self-obsessed adj (thinking obsessively about yourself)自恋的,以自我为中心的,只考虑自己的self-obsession n (concern only with yourself)自恋;自我迷恋self-perception n (view or image of oneself)自我认知,自我知觉self-perpetuating adj (makes itself never-ending)自续的self-pity n (feeling sorry for yourself)自怨自艾的;自怜的;自哀的Enough of your self-pity; let's go out and do something fun!self-pitying adj (feeling sorry for yourself)自怜的self-pollinating adj (plants: no need for insects)自花授粉的,自花传粉的self-pollination n (botany: same plant)自花授粉,自花传粉,自交self-portrait n (artwork depicting the artist)自画像Rembrandt painted more than 40 self-portraits.self-possessed adj (controlled, composed)克制的;平静的self-possession n (composure, control)泰然自若self-powered adj (automatic)自动的self-powered adj (running on own energy)自供电的self-praise n (praise of oneself)自夸self-preservation n (protecting yourself from danger)自卫;自我保护self-pride n (pride in yourself)自尊self-proclaimed adj (as declared by yourself)自称的self-promotion n (advertising oneself)自我推销;自抬身价self-propelled adj (moves by own power)自力推进的self-publish vi (author: without publisher)自行出版;自行发售self-publish [sth] vtr (without publisher)自行出版;自行发售self-published adj (author: has published own books)自行出版的;自行发售的self-publishing n (publication without publisher)自行出版;自行发售self-quarantine n (preventative isolation from others)自我隔离self-quarantine vi (isolate yourself as preventative measure)自我隔离self-raising adj (flour: not requiring a leavening agent)自发酵的self-realization, also UK: self-realisation n (fulfilment of own potential)自我实现Self-realisation is important for happiness.self-referential adj (referring to itself)自我指涉的;自指的self-reflection n (contemplation of self)自我反省self-regard n (concern for own interests)关注自身利益;自顾self-regard n (respect for yourself)自尊;自我欣赏self-regarding adj (focused on yourself)利己主义的self-regulation n (control of your own behavior, etc.)自律Human beings are capable of self-regulation in a way that other animals are not.self-regulation n (organization: control of itself)自我调节, 自我管理self-regulatory adj (organization: controlling itself)自律的,自我监管的self-reinforcing adj (that consolidates itself)自我强化的,自我增强的,自我加强的self-reliance n (dependence on own powers)自力更生;依靠自己Self-reliance is an important quality when you're searching for a job.self-reliant adj (independent, not needing others)自力更生的Lucy is a self-reliant woman.self-report n (assessment of yourself)自测;自我评估There is a self-report at the end of each unit of the book.self-report vi (assess yourself)自测;自我评估Students will have opportunities to self-report and reflect on their learning.self-report adj (assessing yourself)自我评估的Please complete this self-report questionnaire.self-reported adj (symptoms, etc.: reported yourself)自我报告的;自陈式的self-representation n (law: defending yourself in court)自我辩护,自行辩护,自辩self-representation n (how [sb] represents themselves to others)自我表达,自我表征self-respect n (esteem for oneself)自尊;自重People who are unemployed for a long time sometimes lose their self-respect.self-respecting adj (having respect for self, proud)自重的;有自尊心的No self-respecting person would wear that hideous outfit.self-restrained adj (having self-control)自我克制的;自律的;能自控的self-restraint n (control of urges)自制;自我克制You need a lot of self-restraint to diet for a long period.self-righteous adj (smug, sanctimonious)自以为是的;自以为正直的I won't have anything to do with him – he's a self-righteous bore.self-righteousness n (smugness, arrogance)自以为是;狂妄自大self-rising (US), self-raising (UK) adj (flour: with baking powder added) (面粉)自发的;自然发酵的This flour isn't labeled, so I don't know if it is self-rising or all-purpose.self-rising flour (US), self-raising flour (UK) n (flour with baking powder)自发酵面粉self-sacrifice n (neglecting own desires)自我牺牲;舍己self-sacrificing adj (unselfish, neglecting own desires)自我牺牲的,无私的self-satisfaction n (smugness, complacency)自我满足;沾沾自喜self-satisfied adj (smug)沾沾自喜的,自鸣得意的Kevin bowled a strike and then turned around with a self-satisfied look on his face.self-sealing adj (can seal without glue, etc.)自封的,自封式self-seeking adj (selfish, self-centred)自私自利的;以自我为中心的self-serve adj (self-service: unstaffed)自助式,自助的self-service n (facilities that are unstaffed) (商场等)自助部,自助服务部self-service n as adj (unstaffed)自助的;自助服务的I'd rather be served by a waiter than eat in a self-service restaurant.self-serving adj (concerned with own interests)自私的,自私自利的;谋求私利的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounMary's self-serving attitude has gotten her far in her career.self-soothe vi (comfort without intervention)自我舒缓;自我安慰self-soothing n (technique: comforting yourself)自我舒缓;自我安慰self-soothing adj (technique: comforting self)自我舒缓的;自我安慰的self-starter n (person with initiative)自动启动器;做事主动的人Jim's a real self-starter. I never have to assign him work: he finds it by himself.self-stimulation n (the act of masturbation) (自慰、手淫)自我刺激,自体刺激self-study n (teaching yourself)自学self-study n as adj (relating to teaching yourself)自学的self-styled adj (claiming to be [sth])自封的self-sufficiency n (providing for self)自给自足self-sufficient adj (providing for yourself)自给自足的I want to be self-sufficient and not rely on help from others.self-supporting adj (financially independent)自立的;自给自足的self-supporting adj literal (structure) (结构)自撑的self-survival n (preservation of one's own life)自我生存;自保self-sustaining adj (that supports itself)自力更生的;自谋生计的self-talk n (motivational thoughts, affirmations)自言自语;自我对话self-tapping adj (screw: able to cut a thread) (螺丝钉)自攻的,自攻型self-taught adj (having learnt [sth] by yourself)自学的Hearing her play the piano, you'd never guess she was self-taught.self-testing n (testing yourself for a medical condition)自我测试self-testing n (testing yourself on a skill, subject)自测self-transformation n (act of changing yourself)自我转变self-understanding n (ability to understand yourself)自我理解,自我了解,自我认识self-will n (adherence to own desires)任性, 固执self-willed adj (determined)固执的self-worth n (self-esteem)自我价值Victims of abuse often have little sense of their own self-worth.selfing, self-fertilization, UK also: self-fertilisation n (plants: self-fertilization) (植物)自交selfsame, self-same adj (identical, very same)完全相同的;同一的The woman at the beach was the selfsame one they had met earlier at the airport.sense of self n (idea of one's own identity)自我意识to thine own self be true expr literary (be yourself)做真实的自己"To thine own self be true" is a quote from a Shakespeare play.wallow in self-pity v expr disapproving (feel sorry for yourself)整天怨天尤人;自哀自怜




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