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词汇 season
释义 seasonUK:*/ˈsiːzən/US:/ˈsizən/ ,(sē′zən)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 season n (quarter of the year) (一年的四分之一)季节,季Summer has always been my favourite season.夏天一直都是我最喜欢的季节。 season n (fruit, etc: prime period) (水果等)旺季,当令之季Late September's the season for blackberries round here.九月下旬是黑莓的当令之季。 season n (sport: active period) (体育运动)赛季The coach said this season would be the team's best.教练说这一赛季将会是球队的最佳赛季。 season n (TV show: series of episodes) (电视节目)季Each season of the detective show follows a different case.探案剧的每一季都会讲述一桩不同的案子。 season [sth] vtr (add salt, pepper, spice to) (食物)给…加调料They season their food so little that it tastes bland.他们的饭菜中调料加得太少了,淡而无味。 season [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (spice with [sth])用…给…调味Gwen seasoned the chicken with salt and pepper.格温用盐和胡椒给鸡肉调味。 其他翻译 season [sth] vtr (wood, timber: allow to dry) (木头,木材)使…风干,把…晒干The workers seasoned the wood after chopping it.工人在伐木之后,会把木材晒干。 season [sth] vtr (pan: treat with oil before use) (锅: 在使用前用油处理)养…,开…It's best to season a cast-iron skillet before using it.铁质煮锅使用前最好用油养一下。 season [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep figurative (enliven [sth] with [sth])加入…使…生动有趣Although the book's topic was grim, it was seasoned with humor.尽管这本书的主题很残酷,不过穿插的幽默使成文生动有趣。 复合形式: baseball season n (when pro baseball is played) (4月到9月)棒球赛季Baseball season starts in April and ends with the World Series in October. basketball season n (when pro basketball is played)篮球赛季Basketball season overlaps with football in the winter and baseball in the spring. breeding season n (annual period when animals mate)繁殖季节 Christmas season n (December: festive period)圣诞季 dry season n (non-rainy season in the tropics)旱季;干季;枯水季It's no cooler in the monsoon than it is in the dry season! football season (UK), soccer season (US) n (soccer)足球赛季 football season (US), American football season (UK) n (American football)橄榄球赛季 growing season n (part of year when plants grow) (植物)生长季节Climate change is affecting the length of the growing season. high season n (period of greatest activity)(旅游)旺季In most of Thailand, high season starts in November and lasts until January. holiday season n (period: November to January) (从11月到1月这段时间)假日季节Most people feel more generous during the holiday season. hunting season n (annual period when hunting is permitted)狩猎季节The hunting season for wild boar lasts from October to February. in season adj (seasonal, current)时令的;当季的;旺季的Blackberries aren't in season right now: they're an autumn fruit. in season adj (female animal: in heat)处于发情期的 low season n (least popular time of year)淡季Hotel prices are much cheaper in the low season. off season, off-season adv (outside the busiest period)在淡季It's normally cheaper to travel off-season. off-season adj (outside the busiest period)淡季的 off season n (period outside the busiest time)淡季 open season n (hunting period)狩猎期,渔猎期It's open season on deer for the next ten days. open season n figurative (time when [sb], [sth] is freely criticized)自由抨击,随意批评 out of season adv (outside the peak period)在淡季Importing from the southern hemisphere, supermarkets can sell soft fruit out of season. out-of-season adj (outside the peak period)淡季的There were a few out-of-season tourists in the gift shop. peak season n (busiest annual period)高峰季Many shops employ extra staff during peak season. rainy season n (annual period of heavy rainfall)雨季 season pass n (ticket: unlimited entry) (无限制入场)季票,季度通票You can save a lot of money if you buy a season pass. season ticket n (ticket valid for certain period)季票;长期票We have a season ticket for all the performances at our local theatre. season ticket n US (ticket to a series of performances)赛季票He went to every baseball game that fall because he had season tickets. Season's Greetings expr (Christmas card wish) (圣诞贺卡)节日问候 shooting season n (annual hunting period)狩猎季 television season n (set of episodes of a TV show)电视剧季 tourist season n (peak period for holidaymakers)旅游旺季,旅游季节 wet season n (extended annual period of rain)湿季;雨季If you're planning a holiday in Asia it's best to avoid the wet season.




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