

词汇 I m sitting
释义 I m sitting
I m sitting发音




pet sitting───宠物看护

first sitting───第一次开庭

pet sittings───宠物看护

pipe fitting───管件;管道配件

first sittings───第一次开庭





I had just gotten home from running errands — A. T. M. , mailbox, grocery store — and was cooking dinner before sitting down to work.───我刚刚办完一堆差事回到家中——从自动柜员机取款,查看信箱,去食杂店买东西——赶在坐下来工作前准备正餐。

I hate when people say I look miserable when I 'm just sitting there.───我很讨厌当我只是静静地坐在一边时,别人说我看起来很悲伤。

Don't have disgusting breath. If I'm sitting across a conference room table from you and can smell it, that's a bad sign.───千万不要带有臭臭的口气。如果搁着长长的会议桌,我还能闻到对面你的口气,这可不是好兆。

When I'm sitting in an audience listening to a long lecture, my attention usually starts to wane at about this point in the hour.───当我作为听众坐在台下听别人演讲时,演讲进行到这个时间段通常我就开始走神。

Host: So I understand we have time for one more question and I'm going to take the liberty since I'm sitting here to ask it.───主持人:我想还有时间再问一个问题,还是我来问吧,反正都坐这儿了。

But after dinner I got to thinking: Guy comes in in his shorts and I'm sitting here taking this?───可吃完晚饭,我又一琢磨:别人都穿着裤衩进了我家了,我怎么还能坐在这里忍气吞声?

I hope I've healed during our year apart. And that I'm sitting with you while you read this. But if I'm not. . .───我希望在我们分开的这一年我已经能够忘记过去,在你读这封信的时候能够坐在你的身边。

The new WAP phone I've just bought enables me to surf the Internet while I'm sitting on the train going to work.───我刚买了新的WAP电话,这样在去上班的火车中也可以在互联网上冲浪了。

  • I bilive you
  • I live in
  • I was thin
  • I give wool
  • I can cut the
  • Is it snowing
  • I could not
  • I show you
  • Ilikemmass culture
  • I d love to
  • I m trying
  • I am so tired
  • Innocent Grey
  • I bts you
  • I am the best
  • I hear
  • I want fish
  • If you
  • It eats
  • It s OK
  • I am helpful




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