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词汇 scale
释义 scaleUK:*/ˈskeɪl/US:/skeɪl/ ,(skāl)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 scale n US (weighing device)磅秤;天平The boxer stepped onto the scale.拳击手站到磅秤上。 scales, weighing scales npl UK (weighing device)秤,磅秤I put the onions on the supermarket scales and weighed them.我将洋葱放在超市的称上称重。 scale n (mathematical ratio)比例;比例尺The map is drawn on a 1:1,000 scale.这张地图是按照一千比一的比例画的。 scale n (system of measurement)等级体系;评分系统Please rate the class on a scale of one to ten.请按一到十的评分来给这个班级评级。 scale n (size, dimension)规模The dam project was conceived on a grand scale.这个水库工程的设计规模宏大。
 scale n (map: distance line) (地图)比例尺The scale was shown at the bottom of the map.比例尺在地图底部。 scale n (music: sequence of notes) (音乐)音阶The pianist played scales to warm up.钢琴家演奏音阶热身。 scale n usually plural (fish, snake: skin plaque)鱼鳞;鳞片Most fish are covered in scales.大部分鱼都有鳞。 scale [sth] vtr (climb: fence, mountain)越过;爬过The boys scaled the fence.男孩子们爬过了栅栏。 其他翻译 scale n often plural (flake of skin)皮屑There were scales of dandruff on the shirt. scale n often plural (flake)水污;水锈There were scales of rust on the pipe. scale n (calcium in kettles, etc.) (金属容器里的)水锈,水垢The inside of the pot was covered with a calcium scale.水壶的内部附着着水垢。 scale n (build-up on teeth)牙垢The molars were covered with plaque scale.臼齿上覆盖着牙垢。 scale n (bract)(花朵下面)鳞苞;鳞叶The scale is often found just below a plant's flower.鳞苞往往在植物的花朵下方。 scale n (armour: metal plate) (盔甲)金属鳞片The soldier's armour was made up of many small scales of bronze.士兵的盔甲由许多小型的铜制鳞片构成。 scale n (pan of weighing device)天平的盘;秤盘The jeweller put gold on the scale.珠宝商将金子放到秤盘内。 scale n as adj (to a certain scale)缩放的;比例的We looked at scale drawings of the new building.我们看了新建筑的缩放图。 the Scales npl rare (sign of the zodiac: Libra) (星座)天秤座Jim's astrological sign is the scales.吉姆的星座是天秤座。 scale vi (snake: shed skin plaques) (蛇)蜕皮The snake is ready to scale.这条蛇已经准备好蜕皮了。 scale vi (become encrusted)有水垢;形成水垢The taps became scaled.这些水龙头开始生水垢了。 scale [sth] vtr (adjust dimensions)调整…的尺寸;改变…的大小He scaled the model to one tenth of the final size.他把模型的尺寸调整成了实际大小的十分之一。 scale [sth] vtr (remove scales from: a fish)给…刮鳞The fisherman scaled the fish he caught. scale [sth] vtr (remove plaque from: teeth)为…去牙垢The dentist scaled the patient's teeth. scale [sth] vtr (form scale on)在…上面形成一层片状沉淀物;在…上形成水垢Calcium scaled the bathtub. 动词短语 scale back vi phrasal (reduce, downsize)相应缩减;按比例缩减The company has to scale back in order to continue in business. scale [sth] down, scale down [sth] vtr phrasal sep (reduce, downsize)按比例缩减 scale up [sth], scale [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (increase, upsize)按比例增加Now that the business is turning a profit, it is time to scale up operations.现在企业开始盈利,是时候扩大经营规模了。 复合形式: bathroom scales, scales, bathroom scale n (tool to weigh yourself)浴室体重秤 Beaufort scale n (measure of wind force)蒲福风级 chromatic scale n (music: semitone intervals)半音音阶Eastern music differs from Western music in the tonal qualities of the chromatic scales. economy of scale n usually plural (lower cost due to increased production)规模经济 fish scale n usually plural (skin plaque of a fish) (常用复数)鱼鳞 fish scale n figurative (defect in sheet iron enamel)鳞斑 full-scale adj (life size)原尺寸的The artist specializes in painting full-scale portraits. full-scale adj (using all resources)全面的,完全的,彻底的The generals are planning a full-scale invasion of the island. gray scale sonography, grayscale sonography (US), grey scale sonography (UK) n (black-and-white ultrasound imaging)灰阶超声成像;黑白超声成像 great scale n (large dimensions)大范围 large scale, large-scale adj (big, extensive)大规模的备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a nounThere was a large-scale protest against the Iraq war in Washington, DC. long scale n (naming system for powers of a million)长级差 major scale, major mode n (music: sequence of notes)大调音阶;长音阶 not to scale adj (not proportioned accurately)不按比例,不成比例I gave the bricklayer a quick sketch of the wall, though it was not to scale. on a global scale adv (worldwide)在全球范围内The climate is changing not only in my local area, but on a global scale. on a great scale adv (far reaching)大范围地Operations are being conducted on a great scale in order to track down the flight recorder in the aftermath of last week's plane crash. on a large scale adv (to a great extent)大规模Stopping climate change will require action on a large scale. on a scale of prep (ranging from)按…的等级On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd give this book an 8. on a small scale adv (in miniature)按微缩比例The model showed New York City on a small scale. on a small scale adv (not extensively)小范围地;小规模地He started selling watches on a small scale, then increased his business. pay scale n (salary range)薪级,薪酬结构 platform scale n (large weighing apparatus)台称He drove his truck onto the platform scale so the load on the axles could be checked. postal scale n (instrument for weighing mail)邮包称;邮件称 the Richter scale n (earthquake strength)里氏震级 scale drawing n (illustration made in proportion)按原物比例画的画(制的图);比例图样;缩尺图Henrietta made a scale drawing of her garden.The artist began with a scale drawing of the planned mural. scale model n (copy: not actual size)比例模型 scale up [sth], scale [sth] up vtr + adv (increase in size)增大 short scale n (naming system for powers of a million)短阶;短尺度 sliding scale n (prices: according to income) (工资、税收、价格等)浮动费率制The local clinic uses a sliding scale so I can afford their services. small-scale adj (limited scope)小规模的 tip the scale, turn the scale (US), tip the scales, turn the scales (UK) v expr figurative (cause [sth] to be more likely)起决定作用;打破平衡 to scale adv (in correct proportion, at actual size)按规定比例地;等比例地 wage scale n (salary range)工资等级表




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