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词汇 sb/sth
释义 sb/sth 动词短语 advance upon [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (invade, move in to attack)入侵The swarm of killer bees advanced upon the unsuspecting cow that was grazing in the pasture. beam [sb/sth] up, beam up [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (science fiction: transport) (科幻)传送… bear down on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep UK (rush towards)冲向,撞向The truck came bearing down on the brothers as they were crossing the street. become of [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (happen to [sb], [sth])境遇(如何);出了(何事)Whatever became of Joe Hill? Do you know where he is now? blow [sb/sth] off vtr phrasal sep slang (reject or ignore) (俚语)赶走;拒绝;无视I smiled at Rita and said hi, but she blew me off; maybe she didn't recognise me.我朝丽塔微笑并打了招呼,但她却将我赶走,可能她没有认出我。break with [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (group: withdraw from) (组织)与…脱离关系bring [sb/sth] down vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (cause demise)打倒;击败The scandal brought down the government.这件丑闻击垮了政府。bring [sb/sth] in, bring in [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep (transport to a place)带来;推来The nurse brought in an ECG machine.护士拿来一台心电图仪器。bring [sb/sth] on vtr phrasal sep (performer, act: send on stage)通过介绍将(演员或节目)引上舞台It was time to bring on the next act.是时候介绍下一个节目了。brush past [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (skim in passing)与…擦肩而过bump into [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (collide with)碰撞I have a huge bruise where I bumped into the corner of the table.I bumped into the car in front of me on the way to work.我撞到桌角的部位出现一块巨大的淤青。我在上班的路上撞上了我前面的车。carry [sb/sth] off vtr phrasal sep (abduct, kidnap)挟持;绑架She was carried off by persons unknown and never seen again.她被几个不明身份的人挟持了,那之后就再也没过她。catch up with [sb/sth], also US: catch up to [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (go as fast as)追上;赶上I walk faster than he does, so I wait at each corner for him to catch up with me.我走得比他快,所以我在每个转角都会等他赶上来。catch up with [sb], also US: catch up to [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (join, reach)追上, 赶上You go on ahead; I'll catch up with you as soon as I've finished my work here.你先走,我一完成这里的工作就去找你。center on [sb/sth], center upon [sb/sth] (US), centre on [sb/sth], centre upon [sb/sth] (UK) vtr phrasal insep (have as main topic)以…为中心, 重点在于…His talk centered on one key on [sb/sth] (US), centre on [sb/sth] (UK) vtr phrasal insep (have as main purpose)围绕;以…为中心My grandfather's life centered on his [sb/sth] out, chase out [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (force to leave)驱赶The wife's scoldings chased the husband out of the house.check [sb/sth] out, check out [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (investigate, examine)看看When you're in New York, be sure to check out that camera store I told you about.到了纽约,一定要去看看我跟你说过的那家相机店。check up on [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (observe progress)校对;检查;检查When it's very hot, remember to check up on your elderly neighbors every couple of hours.clean [sb/sth] out vtr phrasal sep figurative, slang (take all money)使…失去所有钱财Their business failed and cleaned them out.他们的生意失败,失去了所有的钱财。clean [sb/sth] up, clean up [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep (remove dirt)清洁;把…清洗干净Clean up your face and change your clothes before dinner.先去把脸清洗干净,再换套衣服,然后再吃晚饭。close in on [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (pursuit: get closer)逼近Drive faster! The cops are closing in on us!close in on [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (make claustrophobic) (比喻)迫近Inside the small room, he felt like the walls were closing in on him.come after [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (pursue, chase)追;追逐The police came after the robbers in a patrol car.come down on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (collapse)落到, 降落到, 坍塌到The bedroom ceiling came down on us during the hurricane.在龙卷风期间,我们的卧室屋顶塌了下来。come up against [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (encounter: opposition, obstacle)遭到…的反对The work is behind schedule because we came up against some unexpected problems.我们遇到了一些意想不到的问题,因此工作延期了。creep up on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (approach stealthily)悄悄接近,偷偷上前She startled her sister by creeping up on her and shouting "Boo!"cross over to [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (music, film: appeal diversely)吸引各种听众;吸引各种观众The film has enough appeal to cross over to a wider audience.这部片子有足够的魅力,能吸引各种层面的观众。crowd [sb/sth] out vtr phrasal sep (leave no room)将...挤出去cry [sb/sth] down, cry down [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep dated (disparage)贬低;贬损cry out for [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (call aloud)大声呼喊When the child was scared she would cry out for her mother.cuddle up with [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (snuggle next to)抱着;拥着Nancy cuddled up with her favorite doll and fell asleep.defer to [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (concede to authority, etc.)遵从;服从;听从Rachel's boss didn't agree with her idea so, as he had more experience, she deferred to his judgement.;draw ahead of [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (gradually pass [sb/sth])领先draw [sb/sth] out, draw out [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep (lure, esp. out of hiding) (尤其是从藏身之处)引…出来The pest control technician used smoke to draw out the wasps.害虫防治技术员使用烟雾来引出黄蜂。eat away at [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep informal, figurative (worry)烦扰Raskolnikov's crime ate away at his peace of mind and, ultimately, his soul.edge away from [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (distance yourself)(因为怕羞而)避开;躲开I tried to edge away from the drunk man on the bus.fall back on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep informal, figurative (resort to, rely on)转而依靠;求助于;向…求助Whenever I am in trouble, I know that I can always fall back on my friends and family.无论何时我身陷困境,我知道我总是能向朋友和家人求助。fall on [sb/sth], fall upon [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (attack)袭击…;攻击…The two men fell on their victim as he was walking down the street.fight [sb/sth] off, fight off [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep (defend yourself from)击退;打败(对手)The 26-year-old woman bravely fought off her attackers with several kicks and punches.通过几次拳打脚踢,那名26岁的女性勇敢地击退了几个袭击者。fight [sb/sth] off, fight off [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (competition) (竞赛中)击退,打败(对手)Dannii fought off the competition to win the prize.达尼在竞赛中打败对手,赢得大奖。find out about [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (learn news or truth of)了解,知道;搞清...的情况I have just found out about your mother; I'm so sorry for your loss.我刚知道你妈的情况,请节哀顺变。finish [sb/sth] off, finish off [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (kill) (非正式用语)杀死;使疲惫不堪That 30-mile walk has just about finished me off.那30英里的步行已使我筋疲力尽了。fit in with [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (be easily assimilated)适合…His lifestyle doesn't fit in with the group.他的生活习惯并不适合这个群体的人。flag [sb/sth] down, flag down [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep (stop by signalling: taxi, etc.)给信号使停下;挥手拦车It's hard to flag down a taxi during the rush hour. Julie was lost and had no signal on her phone; she had to flag down a passing car to ask for help.在上下班高峰时段很难叫到一辆出租车。朱莉迷路了,手机也没信号,她不得不拦下一辆过路的汽车寻求帮助。frighten [sb/sth] off vtr phrasal sep (scare away)把…吓跑;吓走Tina's clingy nature frightened off all potential boyfriends.fuss over [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (be overly attentive to)过分体贴;为...过分操心The little boy's mother fussed over him when he hurt himself.gain upon [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (catch up with)赶上;逼近get ahead of [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (overtake)超过He ran faster and got ahead of his sister just as they reached the car.他跑得更快,并在抵达车子的时候超过了姐姐。get ahead of [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (be more successful)领先于;胜过;比…更为成功The firm developed a multimedia game system that allowed it to get ahead of its rivals.该公司开发了一种多媒体游戏系统使自己领先于竞争者。get along without [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (not need)缺少…而对付着;凑合着I can get along without luxuries in this economy.give in to [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (submit, surrender)屈服于;向…投降After the last scandal, the mayor gave in to the pressure and resigned.上次丑闻发生后,市长迫于压力辞职了。give [sb/sth] over to [sth] vtr phrasal sep (dedicate to, grant use of)把…交给…,允许…使用…备注: Often used in the passive.During the war, the university was given over to the hospital to make room for more patients.go ahead of [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (lead, overtake)超过go along with [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (support, agree with)支持;同意;赞同Rachel is happy to go along with Harry's suggestion.瑞秋很乐意支持哈利的建议。go down with [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (be defeated with [sb/sth])与…一起被打败,与…一起被打倒If our company goes down, our subsidiaries will go down with us.如果我们的公司垮掉了,那我们旗下的子公司也会同我们一道破产。go for [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (attack)攻击;攻打Suddenly the dog went for him, snarling fiercely.那条狗突然向他扑去,拼命地叫嚷着。hand [sth/sb] over, hand [sb/sth] over vtr phrasal sep figurative (territory, child: surrender)交出Damascus has given the kidnappers of eight Syrian workers until Tuesday to hand the hostages over.大马士革要求绑架八名叙利亚工人的绑匪在星期二前交出人质。;hem [sb/sth] in, hem in [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep (confine, enclose)包围;围住Troops were dispatched to hem in the enemy, until artillery could be brought up to pound them into submission.hit back at [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (respond to criticism)反驳..., 回击...The pop star has hit back at her critics with a series of tweets.hook [sth/sb] up, hook [sb/sth] up vtr phrasal sep (connect, attach)连接;接通The nurse hooked the patient up to a machine to monitor his heart rate.护士将病人与一台机器上连接来监测他的心率。hook [sth/sb] up to [sth], hook [sb/sth] up to [sth] vtr phrasal sep (connect, attach)将…连接到I had to hire an expert to hook up my computer to the office network.我需要请一位专家将我的电脑连上办公室的网络。hook [sb] up with [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (put [sb] in touch with a person or group)让...与...建立联系;让...与...交流hunt [sb/sth] down vtr phrasal sep (find criminal)搜寻;搜索;追捕The cop swore he would hunt down the murderer.那警察发誓一定要找到凶手。hunt up [sb/sth], hunt [sth/sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (find [sb/sth])搜寻;寻找Steve hunted up some wood to put on the fire.hurry [sb/sth] away, hurry away [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep (quickly make [sb/sth] leave)让…迅速离开The bride was hurried away so her fiance wouldn't see her in her wedding gown before the ceremony.impress [sth] on [sb], impress [sth] upon [sb], impress upon [sb] [sth] vtr phrasal sep (stress the importance of)使...明白...的重要意义;使...牢记...的重要性I must impress upon you all the need for complete secrecy. Ken tried to impress the importance of hard work on his children.我必须使你们牢记严格保密的重要性。肯想使自己的孩子明白勤劳的重要性。keep [sb/sth] out vtr phrasal sep (prevent from entering)防止…进入;使…不能进入A waterproof jacket will keep the rain out.防水夹克能够防止雨水进入。keep [sb/sth] safe vtr phrasal sep (avoid harm coming to)使…保持安全;防止…遇到危险I promised to always keep you safe and I meant it. Would you keep my camera safe while I go for a swim, please?我承诺过会一直保护你,我是认真的。我去游泳时,你能帮我保管好相机吗?keep up with [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (go as fast)跟上…的步伐The old woman struggled to keep up with her agile young granddaughter.那位老妇人努力跟上她敏捷的小孙女。key on [sb/sth], key in on [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep US (single out as important)盯防The basketball team keyed in on their opponent's star player.kick [sb/sth] out, kick out [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (expel or eject)赶走,把…踢走;开除The teacher kicked me out of class for refusing to turn off my iPod.因为我拒绝关掉iPod,所以老师把我从教室里赶了出去。kiss [sb/sth] off, kiss off [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep US, figurative, slang (disregard, consider lost)放弃;死了...的心Kiss off your inheritance: your mother left everything to her cousins twice removed.;lather [sb/sth] up vtr phrasal sep (cover with lather)给…涂上泡沫laugh [sb/sth] down, laugh down [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep (ridicule [sb/sth])嘲笑;嘲讽lay about [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep UK (attack, beat)打…leave [sb/sth] behind vtr phrasal sep (get ahead of)超过;把…抛在后面The sprinter from Nigeria left all the other runners behind.尼日利亚的短跑运动员把所有的其他运动员都甩在了后面。lie with [sb/sth] vi phrasal archaic (have sex with)与...有性关系;与...做爱The man was discovered lying with a woman who was married to another.lift [sb/sth] out, lift out [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep UK (outsource: a team) (团队)外包load [sb/sth] down, load down [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep often passive (make carry [sth] heavy)使承担重负;使负荷沉重The farmer loaded the donkey down.look around for [sb/sth], also UK: look round for [sb/sth], look about for [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (seek in surrounding area)四处寻找I misplaced my keys, so I'll have to look around for them.look back on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (recall, reminisce about)回首;回顾;回忆I look back on my years in school and smile.look in on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (visit or check in passing)短暂拜访某人While I'm in town I should look in on my parents.Please look in on the baby and make sure she's tucked in.make [sth] out to [sb/sth], make out [sth] to [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep (cheque: address to) (支票)把…开给Please make your cheque out to "James Stephenson".请将你的支票开给“詹姆斯·斯蒂芬森”。measure up to [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (match, be equal to)达到…的要求;符合…的标准Rodgers has proved that he is capable of measuring up to the demands of the job.mix with [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (be sociable, mingle)与...交往;与...交际The politician mixed with the crowd, saying hello to everybody.moon over [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (think of [sb/sth] too much)思念,想念 复合形式: abandon [sth] to [sb/sth] vtr + prep (give up control of)把...的控制权让给...;把...的控制权丢给...The army abandoned the territory to the indigenous peoples. abase [sb/sth] vtr (degrade)降低…的地位;卑躬屈膝His years of living in Paris seem to have completely abased him.他在巴黎的这几年生活好像完全让他陷入了自卑。 abreast of [sb/sth] adv (level, side by side)与...持平地, 与...并排地 acclaim [sb/sth] as [sth] vtr + prep often passive (praise, applaud)称许,称赞,赞扬;向…喝彩Critics acclaimed her as the greatest actress of the 20th century.评论家都称赞她为20世纪最伟大的女演员。 acclaim [sb] [sth] vtr (recognize, acknowledge as)拥护;认可The people acclaimed him their leader. acclimatize [sb/sth] to [sth], also UK: acclimatise [sb/sth] to [sth] vtr + prep (accustom to [sth])使适应;使习惯于If you have cats and you move house you need to keep the cats indoors for at least a few days to acclimatize them to their new home. acclimatize [sb/sth] to [sth], also UK: acclimatise [sb/sth] to [sth] vtr + prep (accustom to climate)使...适应气候;使…服水土Before planting out your young seedlings, take them out of the greenhouse for a short period, then increase each day, to acclimatize them to the colder conditions outdoors. accommodate [sb/sth] vtr (provide for)供养,支持,满足…所需The new rules accommodate people of all age groups. be accompanied by [sb/sth] v expr (go in company with)有...陪同的 account [sb/sth] [sth] vtr formal (consider)把…看作;认为...是...This restaurant is accounted the best in town.大家认为这家是镇上最好的餐厅。 accustom [sb/sth] to [sth] vtr + prep (habituate)使…习惯Years of living in Morocco have accustomed me to hot weather.在摩洛哥生活多年让我适应了炎热的天气。 act in the interests of [sb/sth] vtr (act to protect or help)为了…的利益而采取行动An attorney will always act in the best interests of her client. addle [sb/sth] vtr (confuse)使…糊涂;使…头脑混乱Fred is talking nonsense; too much whisky has addled his thinking.佛瑞德在讲胡话,喝了太多威士忌后,让他思维混乱了。 affect [sb/sth] vtr (have an effect on)影响;起作用The government's plan will affect a lot of people.政府的计划将影响到很多人。usage: ‘affect’Affect /ə^fekt/ is a verb. To affect someone or something means to cause them to change, often in a negative way.There are many ways in which computers can affect our lives.The disease affected Jane's lungs. afflict [sb/sth] vtr (affect badly)折磨,使…痛苦,使…苦恼This disease afflicts more and more people every year.每年,这种病症让越来越多的人受苦。 ahead, ahead of [sb/sth] prep (superior to)优于;比…好Jon is ahead of the other children in his reading ability. This car is far ahead of the others in overall handling and safety.乔恩的阅读能力优于其他小孩。在整体操作和安全性能方面,这辆车都远优于其他。 aid and abet [sb/sth] v expr (be accomplice)同谋;伙同作案This type of crime will no longer be tolerated and those who aid and abet the perpetrators will face the full force of the law.我们不再容许这种类型的犯罪,任何伙同罪犯作案的人将面临法律的严厉惩罚。 aim [sth] at [sb/sth] vtr + prep figurative, often passive (have as intended audience)把…当作目标群体; (指针对某一受众)瞄准;以...为受众The movie is aimed at a younger audience.这部电影的目标群体是更年轻的观众。 airlift [sb/sth] vtr (carry or rescue by aircraft)空运;空中救援A helicopter airlifted the injured mountain climber to hospital.直升机将受伤的登山者空运至医院。 alien to [sb/sth] adj + prep (strange, unfamiliar)陌生的These ideas are alien to our way of thinking.这些理念对我们的思维方式来说很陌生。 align [sb] with [sb/sth] vtr figurative (ally)使…与...联盟;与...联合The sudden betrayal aligned Samantha with her former enemy.由于突然遭到背叛,萨曼莎与她以前的敌人联合了起来。 align yourself with [sb/sth] v expr figurative (agree with)公开支持;公开赞同By agreeing with the decision to move forward with the plans, I unknowingly aligned myself with Anthony.我同意了推进计划的决定,这使我在无意中公开支持了安东尼。 allocated [sb] [sth] vtr (distribute to, share among)给...发放;将..分配给;向...发派The teacher allocates each student an exercise book.老师给每位学生都发了一本练习本。 allow [sb] [sth] vtr (let have)允许给予;让…得到You may be allowed travelling expenses. allow [sb/sth] to do [sth] v expr (make possible to do)使…能够做The new tramline will allow residents of this neighbourhood to reach the city centre in just ten minutes.新铺设的电车轨道将使这个社区的住户能够在十分钟内到达市中心。 ally with [sb/sth] vi + prep (join)结盟Brenda reluctantly allied with her former enemy to solve the problem.布兰达不得不和之前的敌人结盟来解决这个问题。 alongside [sb/sth] prep figurative (work, etc.: in cooperation with) (工作、合作等)和...并肩Skylar is lucky to be able to work alongside his father.斯凯拉很幸运能够和他的父亲并肩工作。 alongside [sb/sth] prep figurative (at the same time as)与...同时;和…一起Katie is going to go alongside Nora.凯蒂要和诺拉一起去。 alongside of [sb/sth] prep US, informal (beside, alongside)在…旁边'Come sit alongside of me,' said Minnie to the new boy.“来,坐到我旁边。”米妮对新来的男孩说。 alternate with [sb/sth] vi + prep (take turns with [sb])与...轮班;与...交替做Shannon alternated with Joan as pitcher in the big game. ambush [sb/sth] vtr (launch a surprise attack)埋伏;伏击The jaguar ambushed the sleeping hunter.那只豹子伏击了睡梦中的猎人。 Americanize [sb/sth], also UK: Americanise [sb/sth] vtr (make American in character)使美国化 animate [sb/sth] vtr (bring to life)赋予...生命;使...有生命Frankenstein is a story about a scientist who builds a man and animates him using electricity.《科学怪人》是讲述一位科学家制造出一个人并利用电能赋予其生命的故事。 annihilate [sb/sth] vtr figurative, informal, often passive (sport, etc.: defeat) (用于运动、游戏等)击败,打败The other team annihilated us 5-0.另一队以5比0击败了我们。 be annoyed at [sb/sth], be annoyed with [sb/sth] adj + prep (irritated, angry)对...感到恼怒,对...感到气恼I'm annoyed at my brother for leaving the room in such a mess.弟弟把房间搞得一团糟,让我大为光火。 anoint [sb/sth] vtr (apply oil to)涂油于;搽油于The priest anointed the man's forehead.牧师在那个男人前额涂了油。 answer [sb/sth] vtr (reply, respond)回答;回应Kate answered Ben with a nod of her head.凯特点点头,算是回答本。 ape [sb/sth] vtr (mimic)模仿Billy disrespectfully aped his teacher in front of his classmates.比利当着全班的面模仿他的老师,毫无尊重可言。 apostrophize [sb/sth], also UK: apostrophise [sb/sth] vtr formal (address by apostrophe)向…诵诗;向...述说 apply to [sb/sth] vi + prep (be relevant to [sb], [sth])适用于;适合The guidelines do not apply to this case.这个指导方针并不适用于这个案子。 appoint [sb] [sth] vtr (give a role, job)任命...为;指派...担任The President has appointed Jim his chief of staff.总统已任命吉姆为他的幕僚长。 approach [sb/sth] vtr (move closer physically) (空间)移近,接近,靠近The boxer approached his opponent carefully.拳击手小心地接近对手。 as compared with [sb/sth] expr (in comparison to)与…相比As compared with American English, British English seems more formal. as much as [sb/sth] expr (the same amount as)像…一样多Nobody can eat as much as my brother!没有人能比我兄弟吃得更多! as much [sth] as [sb/sth] expr (an equal amount of)和...等量I can't eat as much cheese as my sister.我吃不了和姐姐等量的奶酪。 ascribable to [sb/sth] adj (can be credited to)归因于 ask [sb] [sth] vtr (with object: enquire)询问某人某事A man stopped me in the street and asked me the time.一个男子在街上叫住了我,并向我询问时间。usage: ‘ask’You say that someone asks a question.The police officer asked me a lot of questions.Be carefulDon't say that someone ‘says a question’. assail [sb/sth] vtr (attack verbally, criticize)抨击;言语攻击The politician's rivals have been constantly assailing him in public speeches.该政客的对手不断地在公开演说中抨击他。 assign [sb] [sth] vtr (charge with a task)指派…做;任命…负责Sarah's supervisor assigned her the task of writing the company newsletter.莎拉的主管指派她编写公司通讯稿。 associated with [sb/sth] adj + prep (related, connected to)与…有关系的;与…有联系的Although they work in similar fields, Charlie is not associated with Bob. She is not associated with the college, so you cannot have her as your advisor.虽然查理和鲍勃在相似的领域工作,但他们与彼此没有联系。她与大学没有关系,所以不能做你的顾问。 at ease with [sb/sth] adj (comfortable)自在;不拘束Chris was very friendly, and I instantly felt at ease with him.克里斯为人友好,所以在他面前时,我马上就觉得很自在。 at [sb]'s disposal, as the disposal of [sb/sth] adv (available for your use)供你自由使用;由你自由支配I'll leave the computer at your disposal.我会把电脑留给你,供你自由使用。 attach [sth] to [sb/sth] vtr + prep (connect to)把...系在...上,把...拴在...上,给…系上The children attached hooks to the ornaments before placing them on the Christmas tree.孩子们给饰品系上挂钩后,把它们挂到圣诞树上。 attach yourself to [sb/sth] v expr figurative (individual, group: follow around)依恋,依赖;缠着...不放Dave attached himself to our group in the first week of college, but none of us really like him.大学第一周,大卫一直缠着我们的小组,但我们中没有人喜欢他。 attached to [sb/sth] adj + prep figurative (fond of)喜欢…的My daughter is very attached to her stuffed bear.我女儿很喜欢她的毛绒熊。 attended by [sb/sth] adj + prep (accompanied)由…陪同The queen was attended by six ladies in waiting. attrit [sb/sth] vtr US, informal (wear down)损耗;使疲劳 attrit [sb/sth] vtr US, informal (decrease in number)消耗;削弱The army was able to attrit the enemy forces. attune [sb/sth] vtr often passive (make receptive)使…和谐;使…协调 attune [sb/sth] to [sth] vtr + prep often passive (make receptive to [sth])习惯于…The politician is known for being attuned to the desires of the people. avoid [sb/sth] like the plague v expr informal (stay away from)不惜一切代价避开;无论怎样都要避免Jenny is the most annoying person in the office; I avoid her like the plague. award [sb] [sth] vtr (give [sb] a prize)给…颁(奖);授予某人某物He was awarded the Nobel Prize for peace.他被授予诺贝尔和平奖。 award [sb] [sth] vtr (grant, give [sb] [sth])给予;允许She was awarded the Advanced Literature class because of her teaching skills.因为她的教学技巧,她被允许开设高等文学班。 baby [sb/sth] vtr (treat gently)像照顾婴儿般照料;细心照料She went to the spa, where the staff would pamper and baby her. ballot [sb/sth] vtr (select by vote)用投票方式选出;用投票方式决定The homeowners' association will ballot a new secretary soon since the previous one moved away.前任秘书搬走之后,业主协会即将投票选出新秘书。 ballot for [sb/sth] vi + prep (make selection by vote)给...投票;就...投票The club will ballot for new officers at the next meeting. bang into [sb/sth] vi + prep (collide with, bump into) (某人)遇到, 碰见; (某物)撞到, 撞上Sara banged into the table, bruising her knee.莎拉不小心撞到桌子,碰青了膝盖。 bankrupt [sb/sth] vtr (ruin financially)使...破产This mistake will bankrupt the company.这个错误会使公司破产的。 baptize [sb] [sth], also UK: baptise [sb] [sth] vtr often passive (christen, name)给…授以教名The priest baptised the little girl Eleanor.牧师为这个小女孩取名为埃莉诺。 barge into [sb/sth] vi + prep informal (shove)撞,推挤I was standing at the bus stop when some idiot barged into me and knocked me off my feet. barrage [sb/sth] vtr (shoot artillery fire)以密集炮火进攻Enemy fire barraged the scout party.敌人的炮火集中攻击侦察队。 bash [sb/sth] vtr informal, figurative (criticize severely) (比喻)抨击;严厉批评Hector bashed the presentation for nearly an hour afterwards.演示结束后,海克托抨击了将近一个小时。 bath [sb/sth] vtr UK (bathe: wash in a tub) (在浴缸里)给...洗澡Fiona checked the temperature of the water before bathing the baby.菲奥娜在给婴儿洗澡前检查了水温。usage: ‘bath’If you bath someone, you wash them in a long rectangular containerThe nurse will show you how to bath the baby.Don't say that people bath themselves. You say that someone has a bath or takes a bath.I'm going to have a bath.She took a long hot bath. Bath is not a verb in American English. Americans use bathe (see the next section). batter [sb/sth] vtr (hit repeatedly)不断击打Hail battered the cars in the parking lot.冰雹不断击打着停车场的车。 battle [sb/sth] vtr (fight: person, group)和…搏斗They battled the enemy for two weeks.他们和敌人搏斗了两个星期。 be hell on [sb/sth] v expr (cause extreme difficulty)让...尝尝厉害;给...点颜色看看 be in contact with [sb/sth] v expr (communicate with)与...联系The man suspected of the bombing attack had been in contact with a foreign terrorist organization. bear [sb] [sth] vtr (give [sb] with an heir)给…生(孩子)The Queen bore her husband three daughters.女王给丈夫生了三个女儿。 beat [sb/sth] hollow, also US: beat [sb/sth] all hollow v expr (defeat)彻底打败;大获全胜 beat [sb/sth] off, beat off [sb/sth] vtr + adv (repel, fight back)击退;赶走The pensioner fought back and succeeded in beating off his attackers. beat the crap out of [sb/sth] v expr slang, figurative, vulgar (beat physically) (俚语)锤爆;打扁He threatened to beat the crap out of me if I didn't pay him by the end of the week. beat the s*** out of [sb/sth] v expr slang, figurative, vulgar (beat physically) (比喻义、俗语)把…打得屁滚尿流,把…打出屎来We got into a fistfight and he beat the s*** out of me. beat [sb/sth] to death v expr (cause death by hitting repeatedly)殴打致死;打死The thieves beat the man to death in order to steal his wallet. become attached to [sb/sth] v expr figurative (grow fond of)依恋;恋慕At first I didn't like him, but I've since become really attached to that dog. bedevil [sb/sth] vtr literary (plague, trouble)使…折磨;使…苦恼;使…困扰Financial problems have bedevilled the project since it was first announced.自这个项目第一次公布以来,一直受到财政问题的困扰。 begrudge [sb] [sth] vtr (resent, envy)嫉妒;嫉恨I don't begrudge Lisa her success; she has worked hard for it.我并不嫉妒丽萨的成功,她一直为之努力工作。 on behalf of [sb/sth], on [sb/sth]'s behalf, also US: in behalf of [sb/sth], in [sb/sth]'s behalf prep (in place of [sb])代表;站在…的立场备注: "On behalf of, on sb/sth's behalf" is currently much more common than "in behalf of, in sb/sth's behalf."I'm phoning on behalf of my daughter, who has lost her voice.The millionaire sent somebody to bid on the painting on his behalf. beleaguer [sb/sth] vtr (surround with military)围困;困扰 belt [sb/sth] vtr figurative, informal (hit hard)狠抽,猛揍,暴打;猛击,猛撞"How dare you!" cried Isabel, and belted Alan across the face.“你怎么敢这样!”伊莎贝尔哭喊到,然后狠抽了艾伦一记耳光。 bend [sb/sth] to [sth] vtr + prep figurative (cause to submit, manipulate)使…屈从于…The king vowed to bend the rebel army to his will.国王发誓要使反叛军屈从于他的意志。 benefit [sb/sth] vtr (be of use)对…有用;使…受益;帮助The work of the volunteers benefits the community.志愿者的工作让社区受益良多。 benefit [sb/sth] vtr (do good to)对…有好处;使…受益;有益于More exercise will benefit your body. bequeath [sb] [sth] vtr (property: leave to [sb] in will)遗赠给My great-aunt bequeathed me her antique wooden cabinet. besmear [sb/sth] vtr figurative, literary (defame, speak ill of)诋毁,败坏,诽谤 besmear [sb/sth] vtr literary (soil, make dirty)弄脏,污染,玷污。 best [sb/sth] vtr often passive (do better than, beat)胜过;超过After practicing every day, Marc bested his sister at their last tennis match.通过每天的练习,马克在上一场网球比赛中战胜了他的姐妹。 bet [sb] [sth] vtr (wager with [sb])与某人打某物的赌;与某人以某物打赌I'll bet you one hundred dollars.我跟你赌100美元。betray [sb/sth] vtr (be disloyal)背叛 , 出卖;失信于 , 辜负Charles I of England was executed for betraying his country.英格兰查尔斯一世因为背叛自己的国家而被处决了。betray [sb/sth] vtr (expose treacherously)出卖;背叛Chad was betrayed by his best friend, and was subsequently arrested.查德被他最好的朋友出卖,之后被捕了。bewitch [sb/sth] vtr (cast spell on)施魔法于;下魔咒于In the past, people believed it was possible to bewitch somebody with a magic spell.过去,人们相信对某人施以魔法是可能的。bias [sb] in favor of [sb/sth] (US), bias [sb] in favour of [sb/sth] (UK) v expr (prejudice, influence in favor)某人因偏见而认同;某人因偏见而支持Steph's upbringing has biased her in favour of left-wing causes.由于成长过程中接受的教育,史蒂夫更加偏好左翼理念。bias [sb] against [sb/sth] vtr + prep (prejudice, influence [sb] against)使…对…产生偏见The media may have biased people against voting for Taylor.媒体可能让人们产生了偏见,导致人们未将选票投给泰勒。bid [sb] [sth] vtr (speak as greeting)对…说问候的话;向…致意The arriving guest bid his host a good [sb/sth] good riddance, bid good riddance to [sb/sth] v expr (get rid of [sb], [sth] undesirable)摆脱...是对的;让...走太好了bigger than [sb/sth] adj + conj (larger)比…大;比…高大When he gets older, he will be bigger than his father.bigger than [sb/sth] adj + conj figurative (more important)比…更重要;比…影响更大The Beatles were even bigger than Elvis.bill [sb] [sth] vtr (charge)给某人开某物的账单;要求某人为某物付账I can't believe the hospital billed me ten thousand dollars.我不敢相信医院给我开了10000美元的账单。bill [sb] [sth] for [sth] vtr + prep (charge)要求某人为某事付...(钱);向某人收取...(钱)的...费用The lawyer billed him three hundred dollars for the service.那名律师向他收取300美元的服务费。bind [sb/sth] vtr (govern) (合同等)对…构成约束The contract binds Isabel's activities under the agency for a period of 5 years.按照合同的约束,伊莎贝尔必须为该机构效力5年。bind [sb/sth] together, bind together [sb/sth] vtr + adv (cause to feel connected)将…连为一体bird-dog [sb/sth] vtr US, informal (investigate)调查bird-dog [sb/sth] vtr US, informal (seek out)寻找, 找出blacklist [sb/sth] vtr (ban or bar)把…列入黑名单blame [sb/sth] (for [sth]) vtr (hold responsible)责备;责怪Don't blame me! It wasn't my fault!别怪我!这不是我的错!usage: ‘blame’ used as a verbIf you blame someone for something bad that has happened, you think that they made it happen.Police blamed the bus driver for the accident.Don't blame me!You can blame something on someone. Maya blames all her problems on her parents. blame [sth] on [sb/sth] vtr (attribute: [sth] bad)将…怪罪于;把…怪到…身上He blamed his lack of concentration on having slept badly that night.他把自己注意力不集中怪罪于前一晚没睡好。blaze past [sb/sth] vi + prep figurative (pass rapidly)飞驰而过blaze past [sb/sth] vi + prep figurative (sportsperson, team: defeat)战胜, 赢They blazed past the opposing team to win their first victory of the season.bless [sb/sth] vtr (ask God to protect [sb/sth]) (祈求上帝)庇佑,保佑Please bless this house.请保佑这座房子。bless [sb/sth] vtr often passive (give health or happiness to [sb/sth])使…幸福;赐福于Joan has five children and ten beautiful grandchildren; life has blessed her.琼拥有五个子女和十个漂亮的孙子女。生活赋予了她幸福。be blessed with [sb/sth] v expr (be lucky to have)庆幸有;幸而有Jane and Simon are blessed with three wonderful children. I am blessed with a good memory.简和西蒙很庆幸,自己有三个很棒的孩子。 我庆幸有很好的记性。blister [sb/sth] vtr US, slang (defeat, outshine)痛打;击败Our team blistered the opposing team, wining by 20 points.block [sb/sth] vtr (obstruct)阻挡;阻拦He tried to reach his home but police officers blocked his path.他想要回家,但是警察拦住他的路。block [sb/sth] vtr (internet: prevent from accessing) (网站)封锁;访问拦截This security software blocks any website with adult content.这款安全软件会对所有含有成人内容的网站进行访问拦截。block [sb/sth] vtr (prevent from contacting)阻止;拦截You should block trolls on social media sites.Zoe kept getting sales calls from the same company, so she blocked their number.你应该拉黑那些在社交媒体上骚扰你的人。同一家公司不停给佐伊打销售电话,因此被她拉黑了。block [sb/sth] out vtr + adv figurative (refuse to listen, think)抹去;忘记Some people abuse drugs or alcohol to block out bad memories.有些人通用滥用药物或酒精来抹去痛苦的记忆。blow by [sb/sth] vi + prep (be swept past) 没有提供翻译 bludgeon [sb/sth] vtr (beat with a weapon)用大头棒殴打;用武器击打The victim was bludgeoned with a heavy object.受害者遭到重物击打。bombard [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (attack with)用…攻击The kids bombarded the teacher with water [sb/sth] vtr (hire, engage)预雇;预约The parents are going to book a clown for the party.家长们打算预雇一位小丑来聚会上表演。boop [sb/sth] vtr informal (tap playfully on the nose)轻戳鼻子boop [sb/sth] vtr informal (dog, cat: bump on the nose)碰鼻子bop [sb/sth] vtr (hit, strike)击打The boxer bopped his opponent on the nose.拳击手打中了他对手的鼻子。borrow [sth] from [sb/sth] vtr + prep figurative (ideas: adopt from others) (想法、观念等)借用,采用;借鉴Most religions borrow ideas from older ones.大多数宗教都会从更古老的宗教中借用一些理念。borrow from [sb/sth] vi + prep figurative (ideas: take adopt)借用;采用;借鉴His work borrows from many other artists.他的作品借鉴了许多其他艺术家。bottle-feed [sb/sth] vtr literal (give food with bottle)用奶瓶喂育…We found a kitten on the street without a mother and bottle-fed it until it was old enough for solid food.bowstring [sb/sth] vtr (strangle with cord) (如弓弦等)用…勒死brand [sb] [sth], brand [sb] as [sth] vtr (stigmatise)将…指责为;将…抹黑为Because of his radical views, he was branded a revolutionary.由于他激进的观点,人们称他为革命者。bring [sb/sth] vtr (attract [sb], [sth])把…引来;吸引…前来This new window display should bring a crowd.bring [sb/sth] to heel v expr figurative (subjugate)使...顺从;让...服从bring [sb/sth] to mind v expr (recall)想起;回忆起The smell of bread baking brings to mind the years I spent in boarding school.bring [sb/sth] together, bring together [sb/sth] vtr + adv (unite)使团结;使走到一起Sunday lunch at my parents' house brings the whole family together.星期天,我父母家的午餐将全家人都聚在了一起。bucket [sb/sth] vtr AU, slang (criticize harshly)严厉批评;严厉指责buffer [sb/sth] from [sth] vtr + prep figurative (cushion from impact of)缓冲;减震bulldog [sb/sth] vtr mainly US, informal (attack roughly)凶猛地攻击...buoy [sb/sth] up, buoy up [sb/sth] vtr + adv literal (cause to float)使…浮起burn [sb/sth] vtr US, slang (sports: beat, score against) (尤指快速得手)击败,在…上得分The Bulls really burned the Knicks in last night's basketball game!在昨晚的篮球比赛中,公牛队彻底击败了尼克斯队!bury [sb/sth] vtr (person, animal: inter)埋葬;葬We buried my grandmother on a rainy day.我们在雨天下葬了我的祖母。bury [sb/sth] vtr (snow, debris: cover [sb], [sth])覆盖;遮盖Snow buried the road.雪覆盖了道路。bushwhack [sb/sth] vtr (ambush, surprise attack)伏击, 埋伏butt-dial [sb/sth] vtr mainly US, slang (phone by accident)意外拨打;误拨bypass [sb/sth] vtr figurative (proceed without regard to [sth])绕过;避开;越过Henry decided to bypass his supervisor and go ahead with his plan.亨利决定绕过他的主管,继续他的计划。cabin [sb/sth] vtr figurative, often passive (confine [sb/sth] in small place)软禁;监禁During the lockdown, the whole family was cabined in their small apartment.在封锁期间,全家人都被困在他们的小公寓中。cable [sb] [sth] vtr dated (send a telegraph to)拍电报给...通知...;给…发电报通知...The agent cabled the government an urgent message.那名特工给政府发了一封紧急电报。call [sb] [sth] vtr often passive (name [sb] [sth]) (某人)称呼The baby's due in three weeks but we don't know what to call her.宝宝还有三周就出生了,但我们还不知道该叫她什么。call [sb] [sth] vtr (label)把…叫做How dare you call me a cheat!call [sb/sth] to order v expr (request silence)要求…安静[sb]'s/[sth]'s calling card, the calling card of [sb/sth] n figurative (identifying mark, sign)特点,特征Serena dresses flamboyantly; brightly-colored clothing is her calling card.赛琳娜打扮非常张扬;色彩鲜亮的穿着就是她的特征。calm [sb/sth] vtr (make quiet or peaceful)使镇定;使宁静;使平静She patted the excited horse to calm it.她轻拍受惊的马,使它平静下来。canonize [sb/sth], also UK: canonise [sb/sth] vtr figurative (treat [sb], [sth] with reverence)虔诚地对待care for [sb/sth] vi + prep (like, approve of)关怀;关心;关爱Even though they are no longer together, Sarah still cares for her ex-husband as a friend.尽管分手了,但莎拉还是像关心朋友一样关心她的前夫。care for [sb/sth] vi + prep (take care of)照顾;照料Will you care for me in my old age?我老了你会照顾我吗?caricature [sb/sth] vtr (portray satirically)把...画成漫画, 用漫画讽刺...The entire audience laughed as the comedian caricatured the president.cast a spell on [sb/sth] v expr figurative (enchant, seduce)迷住The skilful musician's passionate performance cast a spell on the entire audience.cast aspersions on [sb/sth] v expr (disparage, slander)诽谤;抨击catch [sb/sth] vtr (grasp, seize)抓住,捉住Jason caught her by the wrist.杰森抓住她的手腕。catch hold of [sb/sth] v expr (grasp, grab)抓住;握住;抓牢Mr. Jones caught hold of Mark by the collar and dragged him off to see the headmaster.cause [sb/sth] to do [sth] vtr (prompt)致使某人做某事The cat ran out into the road, causing Ellen to swerve and crash the car.那只猫闯入机动车道,导致艾伦急转弯撞坏了自己的车。chafe [sb/sth] vtr (fabric, etc.: rub painfully) (粗糙布料)擦伤, 擦红These socks chafe my ankles.这些袜子擦伤了我的脚踝。chain [sb/sth] up, chain up [sb/sth] vtr + adv (restrain with a chain)拴住...charge [sb] [sth] vtr (ask for money)向某人收钱;收某人钱The taxi driver charged me £15.出租车司机收了我15英镑。charge [sb/sth] vtr (rush towards)朝…冲过去The other team charged the [sb/sth] vtr (pursue)追逐, 追捕;追求The dogs chased the rabbit.狗在追兔子。ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 他以四处追求女孩为乐。chase [sb/sth] vtr figurative (strive for) (比喻)追求,争取You should never give up chasing your dreams.你不应该放弃对梦想的追求。chloroform [sb/sth] vtr (make unconscious using chloroform)用氯仿麻醉;用氯仿使失去知觉christen [sb] [sth] vtr informal (give [sb] a name)为…命名They christened their son "Paul" in memory of his grandfather.他们将自己的儿子取名为“保罗”来缅怀他的祖父。cinematograph [sb/sth], kinematograph [sb/sth] vtr UK, historical (record with a motion-picture camera)把...拍成电影,拍摄电影clap [sb/sth] vtr (strike [sb] lightly)轻拍;轻敲The old man clapped my shoulder in greeting.clap eyes on [sb/sth] v expr informal (see)注视;看见clash with [sb/sth] vi + prep (fight)与…发生武装冲突;与…发生武力冲突Three soldiers were killed on Tuesday when security forces clashed with separatists.周二,保安部队与分离主义分子发生了武装冲突,造成三名士兵死亡。clasp [sb/sth] vtr (embrace)拥抱The little girl clasped her doll tightly.小女孩紧紧地抱住她的娃娃。clobber [sb/sth] vtr informal, figurative (treat harshly)严厉对待;粗暴对待cluster around [sb/sth] vi + prep (gather)紧紧环绕着,聚集在…周围During story time, the students clustered around their teacher and listened intently.coax [sb/sth] into [sth] vtr + prep (persuade, entice into)劝说…进入;劝说…做No matter how hard I tried, it was impossible to coax my cat into the carrier.不管我怎么努力,都无法让猫进到便携式猫箱里。coexist with [sb/sth], also UK: co-exist with [sb/sth] vi + prep (exist at the same time as)与...共存Ants coexisted with dinosaurs.come to know [sb/sth] v expr (grow familiar)逐渐明白;开始清楚You're not the woman I've come to know. You've changed.come to the defense of [sb/sth] (US), come to the defence of [sb/sth] (UK) v expr (defend, support)保护;保卫command [sb/sth] vtr (be in charge)指挥;带领Johnson commands our platoon.我们团由约翰森指挥。committed to [sb/sth] adj + prep (dedicated to)献身于...的;奉献给...的Sheila was fully committed to her family, above all else.家庭对希拉而言高于一切,她全心全意地献身于自己的家人。compare notes, compare notes on [sb/sth] v expr (exchange opinions, experiences)就...交流思想;就...交换意见We met up for lunch to compare notes on our new boss.complain to [sb/sth] vi + prep (make formal complaint)向…投诉You need to complain to the local government in writing if you want anything to be done.concern [sb/sth] vtr (involve)关...的事;涉及;跟...有关This doesn't concern you.这不关你的事。condemn [sb/sth] vtr (morally disapprove of) (道德上)谴责,责备On what grounds does the church condemn this man?Confound [sb/sth]! interj formal (mild curse: expressing irritation)该死Confound this terrible weather!confront [sb/sth] vtr (oppose, face [sth])与...对质;直面Neil was reluctant to confront his boss about the problem.尼尔不想就那个问题与老板对质。conquer [sb/sth] vtr (military)征服Early colonists attempted to conquer indigenous peoples.早期殖民者曾试图征服当地土著居民。conquer [sb/sth] vtr (defeat)击败;打败The university's baseball team conquered the rival team in the tournament.consider [sb/sth] [sth] v expr (with a noun: judge)认为;把…看作Shani is considered a good student.萨尼是公认的好学生。consider [sb/sth] to be [sth] v expr (with a noun: judge as [sth])评判;认定;认为I consider my actions that day to be a mistake. Many consider Mozart's "Requiem" to be his masterpiece.我认为我那天的行动是个错误。consider [sb/sth] to be [sth] v expr (with an adjective: judge)评判;认为Many people today consider corporal punishment to be wrong.如今许多人认为体罚是错的。consign [sb/sth] to [sth] vtr + prep (banish, relegate)把…发配到;将...流放到The former emperor was consigned to life on a remote island.这位前帝王被终生流放到一座遥远的小岛上。control [sb/sth] vtr (direct)指挥;指教;指教The manager controls the employees under him.该名经理负责管理手下的员工。usage: used as a verbIf someone controls something such as a country or an organization, they have the power to take all the important decisions about the way it is run.The Australian government at that time controlled the island.His family had controlled the company for more than a century.When control is a verb, it is not followed by a preposition.convince [sb] [sth], convince [sb] that [sth] vtr (make [sb] believe [sth])使…信服;使…相信;说服某人相信The jury had been sceptical, but the evidence convinced them the defendant was not guilty.Reading the manifesto convinced me that this was the party I wanted to vote for.convulse [sb/sth] vtr ([sth]: cause to shake violently)剧烈震动;剧烈摇晃Sobs convulsed the grieving widow's body.cooperate with [sb/sth], co-operate with [sb/sth] vi + prep (act with)与...合作,与...协作The witness would not cooperate with the investigation.copycat [sb/sth] vtr informal (mimic [sb], [sth])模仿Thousands of girls copycatted the singer's fashion.cost [sb] [sth] vtr (be sold to [sb] for)成本为;价格为This dress cost me $50.这条裙子花了我50美元。counterpoise [sb/sth] vtr (oppose, balance out)平衡...courier [sth] to [sb/sth] vtr + prep (deliver [sth] to [sb/sth])把...递送给...;把...快递给...If you need a signed copy right away, our company will courier it to you.如果你立马需要一份签名副本,我们公司可把副本快递给你。courtesy of [sb/sth] prep (provided by)由…提供The posters are courtesy of the Minister for Tourism.cradle [sb/sth] vtr (hold, coddle)轻轻抱着;怀抱The little girl cradled the kitten in her arms.小女孩怀抱着那只小猫咪。cradle [sb/sth] vtr figurative (hold, contain)怀抱;环绕High mountains cradle the valley on all sides.crash into [sb/sth] vi + prep (collide violently)撞上;撞到A drunk driver crashed into the side of the house. The skier crashed into the other skier.滑雪选手撞上了另外一位滑雪选手。醉驾司机驾车撞到了房子的一侧。crib from [sb/sth] vi + prep UK, informal (cheat in an exam)抄袭I failed the test because Jill wouldn't let me crib from her.因为吉尔不让我抄袭她的答案,所以我没及格。cross [sb]'s/[sth] path, cross the path of [sb/sth] v expr (encounter)与...相遇;遇见;与...不期而遇crowd [sb/sth] vtr (push, press forward)向...挤过去;向前推The fans crowded the celebrity in their eagerness to get close to her.粉丝们热切地想要接近自己的明星,向前挤了过去。crown [sb] [sth] vtr figurative (award championship title to)为...授(冠军头衔)Anna spelled the last difficult word and the teacher crowned her 'Spelling Champion'.crown [sb] [sth] vtr often passive (appoint king, queen)给...加冕为...;使...成为君主Elizabeth Tudor was crowned Queen Elizabeth in 1559.cry for [sb/sth] vi + prep (shed tears for)为…流泪;为…哭泣Please don't cry for me.cuddle [sb/sth] vtr (hug)抱住,搂住The mother panda is cuddling her baby.熊猫妈妈正搂着自己的宝宝。curse [sb/sth] vtr (cast an evil spell on)诅咒Witches in fairy tales are always cursing people.童话里的女巫总是喜欢给人下诅咒。curtains for [sb/sth] expr figurative, informal (death, disastrous end)对…来说就完蛋了;意味着…完蛋了If this gets into the wrong hands, it's curtains for the free world.如果这东西落入坏人手里,就意味着自由世界要完蛋了。cut [sb/sth] down to size expr (criticize, find faults)揭穿...的底细;挫挫…的傲气Rick was cocky at first, but his new teammates cut him down to size.damn [sb/sth] with faint praise v expr (criticize by praising unenthusiastically)名褒实贬;用冷言冷语来表扬dash by [sb/sth] vi + prep (rush past)飞驰而过;掠过date [sb/sth] vtr informal (show age)使…显老;使老气The fact that she remembers commercials from the 70's really dates her.她还记得70年代的商业广告,这个事实暴露了她的年龄。daze [sb/sth] vtr (stun)使…恍惚;使…迷茫;使…惶惑The boxer dazed his opponent with a right hook.dazzle [sb/sth] vtr (light: blind temporarily) (光)刺眼,炫目The glare of the oncoming car's headlights dazzled Polly.不断驶来的车辆灯光炫目,刺得波利眼花缭乱。dead against [sb/sth] adj + prep informal (totally opposed to)坚决反对I wanted to go to Art School, but my parents were dead against it.dealings with [sb/sth] npl (business transactions)和某人的买卖;与某人的交易His dealings with the company were conducted in secret.他与公司的交易是秘密进行的。declare [sth/sb] [sth] vtr (with noun: proclaim to be)正式宣布某人为某事The judge declared Ben the winner.裁判宣布本获胜。declare [sth/sb] [sth] vtr (law: proclaim guilty, innocent) (法律)宣判,宣判某人The jury declared the defendant guilty.陪审团宣判被告有罪。declare war on [sb/sth], declare war against [sb/sth] v expr (state intention to make war with)向…宣战France declared war on Prussia on July 19, 1870.On July 28th 1914 Austria-Hungary declared war against Serbia.法国在1870年7月19日向普鲁士王国宣战。// 1914年7月28日,奥匈帝国向塞尔维亚宣战。dedicated to [sb/sth] adj + prep (monument, building opening) (建筑物、纪念碑等)敬献给…的Yesterday, the monument was dedicated to the thousands who died during the epidemic.就在昨天,纪念碑举行了落成仪式,敬献给数千名在瘟疫中丧生的人。deem [sb/sth] [sth] vtr formal (view as)认为,将…视为Gerald always insists on meeting his daughter's boyfriends to see if he deems them suitable.杰拉德总是坚持要见女儿的男朋友,看自己是否认为这些男孩适合。deem [sb/sth] as [sth] vtr + prep formal (view as)认为,将…视为The defence deemed the judge's verdict as very unfair.辩方认为法官的裁决非常不公。deem [sb/sth] to be [sth] v expr formal (view as being)认为The panel deemed Patricia to be suitable for the job and hired her.评审小组认为帕特里夏适合这一工作,并聘用了她。defend [sb/sth] against [sb/sth] vtr + prep (protect)保护…不受…攻击Lisa defended her friend against the bully.Mark was unable to defend himself against his attackers.defenestrate [sb/sth] vtr formal (throw [sb] from window)把…从窗口扔出去The prince was defenestrated by one of his own servants.deluge [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr figurative (inundate, overwhelm)淹没The office has been deluged with new business orders.demonize [sb/sth], also UK: demonise [sb/sth] vtr (portray [sb], [sth] as evil)妖魔化The media has demonized the actor for his affairs.deny [sb] [sth] vtr (withhold [sth])拒绝给予They denied the teacher the use of their telephone.他们拒绝把电话给那位老师用。designed for [sb/sth] adj + prep (aimed at, intended for)面向,针对They make films designed for the domestic market.despair of [sb/sth] vi + prep (lose hope in [sb], [sth])对...感到绝望;对...不抱希望Brian had dropped out of school and refused to get a job; his parents were starting to despair of him. Sometimes, when I read the papers, I despair of humanity.布莱恩辍了学,拒绝参加工作;他父母开始对他感到绝望了。有时候读报纸上的新闻,让我对人性感到绝望。despise [sb/sth] vtr (hate, have contempt for)蔑视;鄙视I despise hypocrisy.我鄙视伪善。destigmatize [sth/sb], also UK: destigmatise [sb/sth] vtr (remove shame from)去污名;消除耻辱detail [sb/sth] to [sth] vtr + prep (assign [sth/sb] to do [sth])派;派遣detrain [sb/sth] vtr (remove from a train)从火车上卸下detrimental to [sb/sth] adj + prep (bad for)对...不利的;对...有害的The scandal was detrimental to the politician's career.那件丑闻对那位政客的政治生涯不利。devolve to [sb/sth], devolve on [sb/sth], devolve upon [sb/sth] vi + prep formal (be transferred)转让;交给diminish [sb/sth] vtr (belittle)轻视;看不起Don't diminish his efforts; he's doing his [sb/sth] away from [sth] v expr (point in different direction)引导…绕过The police were directing traffic away from the street where they were repairing the gas leak.dis [sb/sth], diss [sb/sth] vtr slang (disrespect: speak ill of) (俚语)贬损;贬低Mark's always dissing this place, but I think they make a great hoagie.disembowel [sb/sth] vtr (gut, eviscerate)取出…的内脏;除去…的内脏The wolf disembowelled several ewes.dismember [sb/sth] vtr (remove limbs)肢解"I think they should dismember the person who committed that grisly murder!" a man angrily exclaimed.dispose [sb] towards [sb/sth] vtr + prep (make inclined)使对...抱有某种态度;使对...持某种态度George's optimistic view of life disposed him towards cheerfulness.乔治对生活乐观的看法让他抱有欢快的态度。dispraise [sb/sth] vtr (show disapproval)非议;非难disrespect [sb/sth] vtr informal (speak ill of)不尊重That editorial disrespects people of other cultures.disserve [sb/sth] vtr (do a disservice to)危害,损害distinguish [sb/sth] vtr (make out, see)看清;辨明The fog was so thick, Harry could hardly distinguish the road.浓雾弥漫,哈利几乎看不清路。distinguish [sb/sth] from [sb/sth] vtr + prep (see the difference between)辨别;分辨;将…与…区分开Some people find it difficult to distinguish right from wrong.有的人很难分辨是非。distinguish [sb/sth] vtr (make different)使特别;使与众不同Francesca's Italian accent is what distinguishes her.弗兰切斯卡的意大利口音使她与众不同。distinguish [sb/sth] from [sb/sth] vtr + prep (make different)使...不同于...;使...区别于...What distinguishes him from his colleagues is his unshakeable self-confidence.他不可动摇的自信使他不区别于自己的同事。distribute [sth] among [sb/sth] vtr + prep (divide, share)将某物分配给某人The estate was distributed equally among the four children.房产被均分给了四位孩子。distrust [sb/sth] vtr (be suspicious of)怀疑;质疑His nervousness and appearance made me distrust [sb/sth] a disservice, do a disservice to [sb/sth] v expr (do [sth] unfavorable to [sb/sth])损害;伤害The soldier did his country a disservice by deserting his unit during a job on [sb/sth] v expr (harm or damage)搞砸;弄坏do [sb/sth] justice, do justice to [sb/sth] v expr (present fairly and accurately)真正反映出…,使...得到公平对待Mr. Smith's oil portrait of the Queen really did her justice.Karen's work did justice to her reputation.;dock [sb] [sth] vtr (deduct pay)扣除...的...钱Irene's boss docked her a week's pay for her unauthorised absence.艾琳无故缺勤,因此被扣了一周的工资。doctor [sb/sth] vtr UK (castrate)阉割Yes, we need to get our two dogs doctored soon.dominate [sb/sth] vtr (have control over)控制;支配The bully dominates the other kids in the playground.It was a struggle, but Barry managed to dominate his emotions.那个小霸王控制着操场上的其他孩子。// 虽然颇为困难,但巴里还是成功控制住了自己的情绪。donate [sth] to [sb/sth] vtr + prep (money: give) (钱财)捐赠…给They donated $100 to the Red Cross.他们捐赠了一百美金善款给红十字会。doom [sb/sth] to [sth] vtr + prep often passive (condemn to [sth])注定让...做某事;注定让...变成...A poor education system doomed the children to a life of low-paid work. We are doomed to continue making the same mistakes.不良的教育系统会注定让孩子们未来在低薪工作中挣扎。我们注定会继续犯同一个错误。doom [sb/sth] vtr often passive (to death or terrible fate)注定会死亡;注定要走向厄运The child was doomed from the moment of his birth.那个孩子自出生起就注定会死亡。doom [sb/sth] to failure v expr often passive (cause to fail)注定失败;注定失手Not having the right people for the job doomed the project to failure.double-time [sb/sth] vtr (cause to move in double time)让...速度翻倍down [sb/sth] vtr informal (fell, knock to the ground) (非正式用语)打倒;击倒That wrestler could down anyone in thirty seconds.drill [sth] into [sb], drill into [sb] [sth] vtr + prep figurative (instill)将…灌输给…;将…传授给…;将…教给…The teacher tried to drill the multiplication tables into his students. My parents always drilled into me the importance of studying hard.老师试图将乘法口诀表灌输给学生们。我父母经常向我灌输努力学习的重要性。drip feed [sb/sth], drip-feed [sb/sth] vtr (gradually supply with liquid)滴入;滴灌This part drip-feeds lubricant into the mechanism.该部件将润滑油滴入机械装置。drip feed [sb/sth], drip-feed [sb/sth] vtr UK, figurative (gradually supply [sth])缓慢供应The police are drip-feeding information about the case to the press in order to not create a panic.为了不引起恐慌,警方正将有关案件的信息一点点地透露给新闻媒体。drive [sb/sth] away vtr + adv (repel, force to leave)赶走;使...远离;使...离开She drove him away with her constant nagging.他受不了她不停的唠叨,离开了她。drive [sb/sth] back vtr + adv (cause [sb/sth] to retreat)使…后退;击退…drop [sb] [sth] vtr (write and mail) (信件)投寄I'll drop you a postcard when we get there.我们到那儿后,我会给你寄一张明信片。dub [sb] [sth] vtr (give nickname) (人)给…取外号;给…起绰号Patricia's classmates dubbed her four-eyes, because she wore glasses.因为帕特丽夏戴眼镜,所以同学们给她取外号叫四眼。dub [sb] [sth] vtr (knighthood)给...封爵I dub thee Sir Lancelot.dunt [sb/sth] vtr Scot (bump into)撞击;冲击earmark [sth] for [sb/sth] vtr + prep figurative, often passive (set aside for a purpose)指定用途We have earmarked the chairs in the corner for tomorrow's ceremony.eavesdrop on [sb/sth] vi + prep (listen secretly to)偷听…的谈话;对...窃听How did you know that? Were you eavesdropping on my phone call?你是怎么知道的?你当时在对我的电话进行窃听吗?eighty-six [sb/sth] vtr US, slang (reject, discard) (俚语)丢弃, 丢掉, 扔掉;驱逐, 逐出eject [sb/sth] vtr often passive (throw out, remove)驱逐;赶出The security guard ejected a woman from the auditorium when she jeered the speaker.eject [sb/sth] vtr often passive (propel)喷射;射出The pilot's seat ejected him from his plane when the rocket hit [sb] [sth], e-mail vtr (send: to [sb] via email)给某人通过电子邮件发送I will email you the directions.我会给你通过电子邮件发送指示。embalm [sb/sth] vtr (preserve: dead body) (尸体)对...进行防腐处理Ralph chose an unusual career when he decided to learn how to embalm bodies.emulate [sb/sth] vtr (person, performance: equal)媲美;比得上See if you can emulate your brother's performance on the test.enamor [sb/sth] (US), enamour [sb/sth] (UK) vtr (enchant, endear)使...倾心,使...迷恋,迷住备注: Most often in the passive and followed by 'of'.John became a television star, enamoring teenagers all over the world.encounter [sb/sth] vtr (military: meet in conflict) (军事)与...会战;与...对峙They encountered the enemy off the coast of Spain.encumber [sb/sth] vtr (impede: progress, effort)阻碍;妨碍Unreasonable restrictions have encumbered this project since the beginning.endanger [sb/sth] vtr (life, person: put in danger)使...面临危险,使...受到威胁No parent would wilfully endanger the life of a child.enfeeble [sb/sth] vtr (weaken, sap strength of)使衰弱;削弱;使无力The tranquilizer quickly enfeebled the tiger, allowing rescue workers to relocate him without injury to him or themselves.enrapture [sb/sth] vtr figurative (enchant, fascinate)使…狂喜, 使…着迷ensure [sb] [sth], also US: insure [sb] [sth] vtr (guarantee [sth] for [sb])保证Her cheerful manner ensured her a warm welcome at our house.她乐观欢快,我们家随时欢迎她。entice [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (lure using)用...引诱...;用...诱骗...Daisy tried to entice the stray dog with food, but it was too nervous to come near her.黛西想用吃的引诱那只流浪狗,但流浪狗太过紧张,不敢靠近她。envy [sb] [sth] vtr (be covetous)羡慕某人的某物;嫉妒某人的某物I envy my grandchildren their energy and exuberance.我羡慕自己孙子、孙女旺盛的精力和勃勃的生气。equip [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (supply)配备The school is aiming to equip every student with a laptop.esteem [sb/sth] vtr (high regard)对…评价很高;敬重The boss esteemed Charlotte's work highly.老板对夏洛特的工作评价很高。esteem [sb/sth] vtr (respect)尊敬;敬重Many cultures esteem artistic people.Europeanize, Europeanize [sb/sth] vtr (make European)使…欧化evade [sb/sth] vtr (escape)逃避,逃离;回避,避开The suspect evaded police for three days.eviscerate [sb/sth] vtr (disembowel, gut)去除…的内脏eviscerate [sb/sth] vtr figurative (remove the substance of)去除…的重要部分,抽除…的精华examine [sb/sth] vtr (check health)检查...的身体;诊视...的身体The doctor examined the patient.医生检查了病人的身体。excoriate [sb/sth] vtr (rub the skin from)擦伤…的皮肤,擦破…的表皮excoriate [sb/sth] vtr figurative (criticize severely)严厉指责;苛评;非议execrate [sb/sth] vtr (loathe)憎恨;憎恶exhume [sb/sth] vtr (dig up, disinter: dead body)将(尸体)挖出exhume [sb/sth] vtr figurative (bring up: old subject)将…重新提起,旧事重提expect [sth] of [sb/sth] vtr + prep (require, demand [sth] of [sb])对某人有…的要求;对某人有…的期待The editor expects high journalistic standards of all his reporters.编辑要求所有记者都能写出高质量的新闻稿。eye [sb/sth] vtr (look at)看;审视He eyed her across the room, making her nervous.他从房间那头看她,让她很不自在。face [sb/sth] vtr (look towards)面向;朝向;面朝Face the teacher when you're talking to her.和老师说话的时候你得面向着她。face [sb/sth] vtr (turn toward)正对;面对Turn and face the audience.face to face with [sb/sth], face-to-face with [sb/sth] expr (confronted with, meeting)与...对峙;与...相见;与...面对面Walking in the woods, the man was shocked to find himself face-to-face with a bear.走在林中,这人惊讶地发现自己遇到了一只熊。fall for [sb/sth] vi + prep informal (be attracted)爱上;迷上;为…倾心He is good-looking and smooth: all the women fall for him.Audrey fell for a beautiful pair of shoes she saw in a shop window.他外表英俊、举止潇洒,所有女人都为他倾心。// 奥德丽在商店橱窗中看到了一双漂亮的鞋子,非常喜欢。fall on [sb/sth], fall upon [sb/sth] vi + prep (eyes: look at [sth]) (目光)落在…上The teacher's eyes scanned the room and fell on Joshua's nervous face.fall on [sb/sth] vi + prep (suspicion: be directed at)指向...When Harry went missing, suspicion fell on the last person to have seen him [sb/sth] vtr (cool with a fan) (使凉爽)为…扇风She fanned him with the newspaper.她用报纸给他扇风。fascinate [sb/sth] vtr (transfix, hold attention of)使着迷;迷住The kitten was fascinated by the shiny decorations.小猫被闪亮的装饰品吸引住了。fault [sb/sth] vtr (criticize [sb], [sth])批评,责备,指责;挑剔I couldn't fault his performance in any way.他的表现无可指摘。be favorably disposed toward [sb/sth], be favourably disposed towards [sb/sth] v expr formal (like)对某人有好感;喜欢某人,偏好某人fear [sb/sth] vtr (be afraid of)恐怕, 担心;害怕, 畏惧Alice feared the dog.恐怕他们出事了。ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 小孩子都怕死。fear [sb/sth] vtr (have awe of)畏惧;敬畏We all fear God in this community.fecundate [sb/sth] vtr (impregnate)使怀孕feed [sb/sth] vtr (be a food source)养活,给…提供食物来源This farm feeds the entire village.这个农场养活了全村。feed [sb/sth] on [sth] vtr (give [sth] as nourishment)用…喂养She feeds her chickens on a variety of scraps.她用各种剩饭喂鸡。feed [sb] [sth] vtr figurative (supply) (信息等)给…提供The assistant fed the actor his lines.助理给演员提词。feeze [sb/sth], feaze [sb/sth] vtr UK, dialect (beat, drive off)赶走,击退The farmers were able to feeze the thieves for a little while, but eventually they came back.fellowship [sb/sth] vtr archaic or religious (admit to fellowship)接纳…加入宗教社团fetter [sb/sth] vtr (restrain)给…戴上脚镣The guards fettered the prisoner and took him to solitary confinement.守卫们给这位囚犯戴上镣铐,把他单独监禁。fight [sb/sth] vtr (try to defeat)与…斗争;与...战斗She fought the government and won.她与政府斗争并取得了胜利。find [sth/sb] ([sth]) vtr (regard, consider)觉得;认为I find modern music rather repetitive.我觉得现代音乐翻来覆去总是那一套。find fault with [sb/sth] v expr (criticize [sb/sth])找...的茬;埋怨fine [sb] [sth] vtr (charge, penalize by an amount)对…处以(罚款)The judge fined her £500 for contempt of court.由于蔑视法庭,法官对她处以500英镑的罚款。flank [sb/sth] vtr (military, combat)从侧翼包围;从侧面攻击The army's main body engaged the enemy while a smaller group flanked them.军队主力抗击敌人,而一个小分队从侧翼包围敌人。flank [sb/sth] vtr usually passive (be at the side of)左右两侧有;左右两侧是The boss was flanked by his two most trusted advisers.老板的左右是他的两位最受信任的顾问。flatter [sb/sth] vtr (make attractive)将...衬托得更漂亮Black clothes flatter all body types.黑色的衣服能将所有的体型都衬托地更漂亮。flay [sb/sth] vtr (remove skin from) (尤指动物或死人)剥…的皮The first step in the recipe is to flay the fish.食谱的第一步是给鱼去皮。fling [sb/sth] into [sth] vtr + prep (put [sb/sth] somewhere suddenly)使…突然处于,猛然...The political activist was flung into prison. Flinging some books into her bag, the student hurried out of the door.那个政治运动家被投入监狱。那个学生把几本书塞进她的包里,匆匆出了门。flog [sb/sth] vtr (beat, whip)棒打;鞭打The mutinous sailors were flogged for their insubordination.暴动的水手因不服从命令而受到鞭打。follow [sb/sth] vtr (move behind)跟随;跟着He followed his wife into the house.他跟着妻子进了房子。follow [sb/sth] out vtr + adv (leave closely after [sb/sth])跟随…离开,在…之后离开fond of [sb/sth] adj + prep (feeling affection)喜欢;热爱I'm fond of my dogs: they keep me company when nobody's about.我很喜欢我的狗狗,它们在没人的时候给予我陪伴。for the sake of [sb/sth] prep (for the good of)为了;为了…的利益,为了…的好处Some couples stay together for the sake of their children. She gave up smoking for the sake of her health.许多夫妻继续待在一起,是为了孩子。为了她的健康,她戒烟了。许多夫妻继续待在一起,是为了孩子的好处。for [sb]'s/[sth]'s benefit, for the benefit of [sb/sth] expr (to create impression for)为了;为了...好;为了...的利益The celebrity struck a pose for the benefit of the cameras.force feed [sb/sth], force-feed [sb/sth] vtr (animal, person: feed against their will)强迫...进食;填鸭Her hunger strike was cut short after they force-fed her.他们强迫她进食,导致她的绝食抗议提前中止了。force feed [sb/sth] [sth], force-feed [sb/sth] [sth] vtr (animal, person: force to eat)强迫...吃某物The guards force-fed the prisoner food.守卫们强迫囚犯吃东西。foredoom [sb/sth] vtr (condemn, fate)命中注定;命运安排forsake [sb/sth] vtr literary (abandon)抛弃;放弃The soldier decided to forsake his responsibilities to his country and deserted.那位士兵决定抛弃自己的国家的职责,叛逃离开。forward [sth] to [sb], forward [sb] [sth] vtr + prep (transmit, retransmit [sth] to [sb])将…转发给Let me forward this email to you.我来把这封邮件转发给你。forward [sth] to [sb], forward [sb] [sth] vtr + prep (mail, letter: send on to [sb])向...转发;向...发送The woman living in my old apartment forwarded all my mail to me.现在住在我旧公寓里的女士把我所有的邮件都转寄给我了。free [sb/sth] vtr (release, liberate [sb], [sth])解放;释放;使自由Slaves were freed in 1865 in the USA.美国1865年解放了奴隶。free [sb/sth] from [sth] vtr + prep (disengage)将...从...中解开;将...从...松开He couldn't free the fishing line from the weeds.他没法将鱼线从水草的缠绕中解开。frighten [sb/sth] vtr (scare [sb], [sth])吓到;吓怕You frightened me, jumping out of nowhere like that! Her hoots of laughter frightened the cat.你就那样突然出现,吓了我一跳!她的一阵阵笑声吓到了那只猫。usage: ‘frighten’If something frightens you, it makes you feel afraid.Rats and mice don't frighten me.Frighten is almost always a transitive verb. Don't say that someone ‘frightens’. If you want to say that someone is afraid because of something that has happened or that might happen, you say that they are frightened. Miriam was too frightened to tell her family what had happened.He told the children not to be frightened.➜ For more information, see afraid - frightenedfrighten [sb/sth] away, frighten away [sb/sth] vtr + adv literal (cause [sb/sth] to run away)把…吓跑,把…吓走frighten [sb/sth] away, frighten away [sb/sth] vtr + adv (deter, discourage)使…灰心,使…丧气The new translator hasn't responded to the feedback I gave her; I'm worried I've frightened her frightened of [sb/sth] v expr (be scared of)害怕...的,对...感到恐惧的It's quite common to be frightened of spiders.害怕蜘蛛很常见。fusillade [sb/sth] vtr (attack with gunfire) (枪炮)对…连射,炮火启发地攻击The soldiers fusilladed the bunker before advancing.garland [sb/sth] vtr (place wreath on)给...戴花环The woman garlanded the winners with flowers after the race.gather [sb/sth] vtr (assemble)集合;召集;使聚拢Gather the people together so we can begin the musical program.把大家集合起来,我们好开始音乐节目。gawk at [sb/sth] vi + prep (stare, gawp at)呆呆地看Sarah's friends gawked at her when she arrived at the party wearing a cow costume.gaze at [sb/sth] vi + prep (look intently at)凝视着We lay on our backs and gazed at the stars.我们一个大字地躺下,凝视着星星。usage: ‘gaze’If you gaze at something, you look at it for a long time, often because you think it is beautiful or impressive.The little girl gazed in wonder at the bright lights.get ahold of [sb/sth] v expr US, informal (grab, grasp)抓住;握住get confused with [sb/sth] v expr informal (be mistaken for [sb])被搞混;被混淆;被错当成I always get confused with my sister: she's also a brunette, and the same height as me.get hold of [sb/sth] v expr (grasp)抓到,捉住She got hold of his arm and pulled him towards her.她捉住他的手臂,将他拉向自己。give [sb] [sth] vtr (hand, pass: [sb] [sth])给;给予;递给Could you give me that book over there, please?请您把那儿的那本书给我,好吗?give [sb] [sth] vtr (as a gift)赠予;赠送;送给She gave me a tie for my birthday.她送我一根领带作生日礼物。give [sb] [sth] vtr (provide)提供...给;向...供应;给某人某物Can you give me something to eat?你可以给我点吃的吗?give [sb] [sth], give [sb] [sth] for [sth] vtr (pay)支付某人某物;付款给;向...缴纳I'll give you five hundred dollars for that car.那辆车我会付你五百美元。give [sb] [sth] vtr (assign, allot)将...分配给;指派...给After three interviews she was given the job.经过三次面试后,她得到了那个工作。give [sb] [sth] vtr (place in [sb]'s care)将某物交付…保管I gave them the house keys for the week.give [sb] [sth] vtr (cause)使得…感到It gives me great pleasure to welcome you tonight.give [sb] [sth] vtr (infect) (疾病)传染;感染;传给She's given me her cold.give [sb] [sth] vtr (deliver)将...传递给;将...传达给Give them our fondest regards.give [sb] [sth] vtr (administer) (药物)给…服用How much aspirin should I give her?give [sb/sth] a standing ovation v expr (audience: rise to applaud [sb/sth])起立鼓掌The crowd gave the film a standing ovation.give a wide berth to [sb/sth], give [sb/sth] a wide berth v expr figurative (keep away from)避开;保持距离give aid to [sb/sth] v expr (provide charity)捐款;捐赠(物品)Some criminals ease their conscience by giving aid to the poor.give [sb/sth] airtime, give airtime to [sb/sth] v expr (TV, radio: publicize) (电视台)播放,播映; (电台)广播give [sb/sth] the elbow v expr informal, figurative (break with, reject)与...分手;与...决裂;放弃My sister has finally given her no-good boyfriend the elbow. Isn't it about time we gave these old-fashioned customs the elbow?give way to [sb/sth] v expr (give in to: [sb], [sth])对…屈服;对…让步Adrian pestered me so much about going to the party that eventually I gave way to him.艾德里安老是缠着我要我去参加那个派对,最后我还是不得不答应他了。gladden [sb/sth] vtr (cheer, make happier)使…开心;使...愉快glower at [sb/sth] vi + prep (stare moodily at)怒瞪;怒目相视Jason glowered at his math teacher, feeling that algebra was torture.杰森怒视着他的数学老师,感觉代数这门课就是一种折磨。go to [sb/sth] vi + prep (be awarded to) (奖品等)被授予,归于And the Oscar goes to Steve McQueen!奥斯卡奖得主是史蒂夫·麦奎因!go toward [sb/sth], go towards [sb/sth] vi + prep (move in the direction of)朝...方向前进;向...方向进发She got up and went towards the door.go up to [sb/sth] v expr (approach, accost)靠近;接近Don't be shy, just go up to him and say hi!good for [sb/sth] adj + prep (healthy)对…的健康有益Cod liver oil is supposed to be good for you.鱼肝油对你的健康有益。good for [sb/sth] adj + prep (beneficial)对…有益;对…有好处Whoever said that pain is good for the soul?是谁说痛苦对于灵魂有益的?be good with [sb/sth] v expr (people, animal: handle well)善于应付;善于与…打交道He is good with children and animals.他善于与小孩和动物打交道。gore [sb/sth] vtr (animal: injure with horns, etc.) (动物用角等)抵破,刺破;挑破,刺穿The bull gored the toreador.govern [sb/sth] vtr (rule)统治;管理She governs her people with a firm hand but is fair to everyone.grace [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (person: be present)参与...莅临;给...赏光参加The mayor graced the villagers with his presence at the ceremony.市长给村民赏光,莅临仪式活动。grade [sb/sth] vtr (classify)归类;分等级People are sometimes graded according to socio-economic status.grade [sb/sth] vtr (education: award a grade to)给…评分;批改The professor graded the performance an A+.grant [sb] [sth] vtr (give, cede, bestow)授予...给, 准予某人某物; (财产)立约转让The judge granted the plaintiff the right to see the documents.法官授权原告查看文件。ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 他把房产转让给了自己的侄子。grapple with [sb/sth] vi + prep (wrestle, fight with)与…搏斗;与…扭打;与…对打Horace grappled with his opponent in the wrestling ring. The police officers grappled with the protesters to keep them behind the barrier.贺拉斯在摔跤场与对手搏斗。警察与抗议者搏斗,好让他们待在隔离障后面。gravitate to [sb/sth], gravitate toward [sth/sb], gravitate towards [sth/sb] vi + prep figurative (be drawn or attracted)被吸引Many people gravitate to Chris because of his charisma. Crocodiles naturally gravitate towards water.许多人被克里斯吸引,因为他很有魅力。鳄鱼天生与水亲近。greet [sb/sth] vtr often passive (react to)给予...反应,对…作出反应The teacher's questions were greeted by confused silence from her students.老师的问题把学生搞糊涂了,学生们都沉默以对。grin at [sb/sth] vi + prep (smile broadly at)对…咧嘴笑After I tripped on the stairs, I noticed a really cute boy grinning at me.在楼梯上绊了一跤过后,我注意到一个很可爱的小男孩正对着我大笑。grow fond of [sb/sth] v expr (come to like)喜欢…My sister-in-law and I didn't get along well at first, but now we have grown quite fond of one another.growl at [sb/sth] vi + prep (animal: snarl at) (动物)对着…吼叫,对着…咆哮The lion in the cage growled at the tourists.笼子里的狮子对着游客们咆哮。grudge [sb] [sth] vtr (resent)因…怨恨…,因…对…不满My brother, whose business has folded, really grudges me my success. Jamie grudged her best friend every date she went on where she had to spend the evening alone.由于自己的生意倒闭,哥哥对我的成功很不满。由于最好的朋友每次约会时,自己就只能独自度过漫漫长夜,所以洁咪对好友很是不满。guarantee [sb] [sth], guaranty [sb] [sth] vtr (with object: promise [sb])就...向...保证,就...向...确保The deposit guarantees you a place on the course.这笔押金可以确保您能就读该课程。hail [sb/sth] as [sth] vtr + prep (acknowledge as)认为…是This latest piece of technology is being hailed as the answer to all our problems.这项最新技术被誉为我们所有问题的答案。halo [sb/sth] vtr (surround with halo)晕状物围绕着;光环围绕着hamstring [sb/sth] vtr (cut leg tendons of)切断腿筋;切开腿筋hamstring [sb/sth] vtr figurative (make ineffective)使无作用, 使无能力Excessive ordinances seem to be hamstringing the neighborhood's development.过多的法令似乎阻碍了这个社区的发展。hand [sb] [sth] vtr (pass, give: [sb] [sth])传递;交给Could you hand me that pen, please?帮我递一下那支钢笔,好吗?hand in glove with [sb/sth], also US: hand and glove with [sb/sth] adj + prep figurative (in partnership)与...密切合作的Organized crime bosses worked hand in glove with the construction industry.handicap [sb/sth] vtr (disadvantage)给…设置不利条件;制造障碍The opposing team tried to handicap our best player.对方球队试图阻碍我们最好的选手。handpick [sb/sth], hand-pick [sb/sth] vtr (select personally)亲自挑选;细心挑选The manager handpicked Charlotte for the position because of her extensive experience.happen to [sb/sth] vi + prep (become of)…怎么了What happened to that book I lent you?我借你的那本书怎么了?harry [sb/sth] vtr (attack repeatedly)反复攻击;持续进攻The invading army harried the outskirts of the kingdom for months before laying siege to the castle.hatchet [sb/sth] vtr (attack with a hatchet)以小斧头砍The killer hatcheted his victim in the woods.凶手在树林里用小斧头砍死了受害者。haunt [sb/sth] vtr (by ghost) (鬼魂)缠在…身上,出现并吓唬; (鬼魂)出没于The old house had a ghost that haunted anyone who was there after midnight.这栋老房子里有鬼,半夜后留在房子里的人都会被鬼缠上。have a bias against [sb/sth] v expr (be prejudiced against)对…有偏见They have a bias against assertive women.have a picture of [sb/sth] v expr figurative (visualize)有…的照片The architect had a picture in his mind of what the finished building would look like.have a run-in with [sb/sth] v expr informal (quarrel with)与…争吵;与…争执I had a run-in with my brother yesterday over whose turn it was to borrow the car.have [sb/sth] around vtr + adv (be near [sb/sth])有…;和…在一起,有…在身边If you want some maple syrup, just ask--I always have some around.My husband gets on my nerves sometimes, but overall, I like having him around.have confidence in [sb/sth] v expr (trust [sb]'s abilities, honesty) (某人的能力、人品等)信任The players have confidence in their team's ability to win.have dealings with [sb/sth] v expr (do business with)与…做买卖;与…做生意He has dealings with representatives of foreign companies.have designs on [sb/sth] v expr (aim to obtain)对…抱有企图He has designs on my girlfriend.have no association with [sb/sth] v expr (not be connected, involved)与…没有联系Type 1 diabetes has no association with obesity or other lifestyle factors, and is not preventable.have nothing on [sb/sth] v expr slang (be inferior)比不上;赶不上Richard is lovely, but he's got nothing on his brother.have power over [sb/sth] vtr (be able to control or influence)能够支配或控制;对…有控制权His wife has power over him because she is the family's breadwinner.have regard for [sb/sth] v expr (respect)尊敬,尊重;器重,看重;注意,关注I have great regard for my parents' achievements.have the look of [sb/sth] v expr (resemble)看起来像You have the look of a woman in love!have to hand it to [sb/sth] v expr informal (must credit, must concede [sth] to) (非正式用语)称赞,给…肯定You have to hand it to the team: they may have lost their last ten matches, but they have never stopped trying!be head and shoulders above [sb/sth], stand head and shoulders above [sb/sth] v expr figurative (be vastly superior to)远远胜过;远远优于George's essay was head and shoulders above those of the rest of the class.乔治的作文远远胜过班上其他学生的作文。headbutt [sb/sth], head-butt [sb/sth] vtr (hit with the forehead)用头撞The wrestler violently headbutted his opponent.那位摔跤手很暴力地用头撞击他的对手。heal [sb/sth] vtr (restore health)使恢复健康,使痊愈,治愈The vet tried to heal the ailing lamb.兽医试图治愈那头生病的羊羔。hear [sb/sth] vtr informal (understand)明白;理解I hear you, but I don't agree.hear [sb/sth] vtr (listen with favor)听到(某人的祈祷等)备注: This sense is often used in a religious context.Pray for forgiveness and the Lord will hear you.祈求宽恕,主会听到你的祈祷。hedge [sb/sth] in vtr + prep often passive (surround, encircle)把…围住There was no escape; we were hedged in.无路可逃了,我们已经被包围了。helicopter [sb/sth] vtr (transport in a helicopter)用直升飞机运载The medics helicoptered the patient to the nearest hospital.helicopter [sb/sth] to [sth] vtr + prep (transport in a helicopter)用直升机运送The president was helicoptered in to the ceremony.;help [sb/sth] vtr (be useful to)对…有用;对…有助益A little bit of salt would help his cooking. You could help me by holding up the other end of the table.加一点点盐会让他做的菜更好。你可以帮我扶住桌子的另一边。hinder [sb/sth] vtr (slow progress) (进展)阻碍,妨碍,拖…的后腿The manager's incompetence hindered the progress of the project.经理无能,拖了项目的后腿。hinder [sb/sth] vtr (slow physically)阻碍,妨碍The handcuffs hindered the escaping prisoner and he was caught quickly.手铐妨碍了囚犯逃跑,他很快就被抓住。hit [sb/sth] vtr (vehicle: strike, collide with)碰撞;撞击The driver suffered a head injury when his car hit a tree.汽车撞到树上,司机头部受伤。hit [sb/sth] vtr (driver: strike, collide with)撞到;碰到Richard was driving to work when he hit a pedestrian.The distracted driver went over the line and hit an oncoming vehicle.理查德开车去上班时撞到了一位行人。//走神的司机越了线,撞上迎面开来的车辆。hold a candle to [sb/sth] v expr figurative (be as good)能与…相比, 可与…相提并论备注: Used in the negative, in questions and where there is doubtAs a songwriter, George Harrison couldn't hold a candle to Paul McCartney.hold [sb/sth] in high regard v expr (have great respect for)对…非常器重;对…很重视honor [sb/sth] (US), honour [sb/sth] (UK) vtr (show respect) (给予尊重)尊重,尊敬The university honoured the professor because of his groundbreaking research.由于其开创性的研究,该大学十分敬重这位教授。honor [sb/sth] with [sth] (US), honour [sb/sth] with [sth] (UK) vtr + prep (do [sth] to show respect)很荣幸…She was honored with a special dinner at the school.她很荣幸在学校吃了一顿特别的晚餐。honor [sb/sth] with [sth] (US), honour [sb/sth] with [sth] (UK) vtr + prep (treat with honour)使荣耀;以…给予…荣耀The princess honored us with her presence.公主的现身使我们倍感荣耀。hood [sb/sth] vtr (put head covering on)以头巾覆盖,用头巾包It may be necessary to hood your horse if it gets very nervous.Hooray for [sb/sth]! interj (praise, appreciation)好!好啊!You won first place? Hooray for you!你得了第一名?太好啊!humanize [sb/sth], also UK: humanise [sb/sth] vtr (make appear more sympathetic)使…显得更为人道;使…显得仁慈hunt for [sb/sth] n (search)搜寻;寻找The hunt for the killer took several years.对杀人凶手的搜寻花了好几年。identify [sb/sth] vtr (recognize identity)认出;识别出The witness identified the criminal.目击证人认出了罪犯。identify as [sb/sth], self-identify as [sb/sth] v expr (consider as your identity)自我认同为;认为自己是A person who identifies as non-binary may use the pronoun "they".认同自己是非二位性别的人可以使用“they”作为人称代词。identify [sb/sth] with [sb/sth] vtr + prep (consider related to)将...视作;将...与...认同Voters identify the party leader with a new kind of politics.identify yourself with [sb/sth] v expr (associate with [sb], [sth])参与(团体等);和…打成一片The largest group of people that don't identify themselves with a religion is young people.idolize [sb/sth], also UK: idolise [sb/sth] vtr (worship: a god) (对象为神)崇拜,对…顶礼膜拜Primitive people often idolized natural forces.ill-treat [sb/sth] vtr (abuse)虐待某人ill-use [sb/sth] vtr (treat badly, abuse)虐待,折磨image of [sb/sth] n (perception, idea)对…的印象,对…的概念I have this image of him as being a very nice person.我对他的印象是他人很好。immobilize [sb/sth], also UK: immobilise [sb/sth] vtr (prevent from moving)使无法移动When Jenny saw the horror movie, she was immobilized by fear.immolate [sb/sth] vtr (offer as a sacrifice)献祭;把…作为牺牲品;宰杀…作为祭品immolate [sb/sth] vtr (burn to death)烧死;将…作为祭品烧掉immortalize [sb/sth], also UK: immortalise [sb/sth] vtr (make famous or historic)使不朽;使流芳百世;使名垂千古Barack Obama will be immortalized as the first African American president.immortalize [sb/sth], also UK: immortalise [sb/sth] vtr (commemorate)纪念;使永垂不朽We will immortalize the fallen soldiers by erecting a monument in their honor.immure [sb/sth] vtr (enclose, wall in)监禁;禁闭implant [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (insert, fit)植入The patient was implanted with a pacemaker.impoverish [sb/sth] vtr (make poor)使贫穷;使贫困The newly passed trade deal did little more than impoverish the nation's working class.新通过的贸易协定只会让美国的工人阶级更加贫困。in awe of [sb/sth] adj + prep (amazed by, admiring of)惊叹于;叹赏于I'm in awe of your bravery!in bed with [sb/sth] expr figurative (in collusion with)与…勾结The mayor's in bed with the property developers to get the plans approved command of [sb/sth] adj + prep (leading, in charge)负责;领导,率领,指挥in defense of [sb/sth] (US), in defence of [sb/sth] (UK) prep (justifying, in favor of)赞同;同意;偏好The minister spoke in defense of anti-pollution defiance of [sb/sth] expr (in spite of)虽然有;即便有in thrall to [sb/sth] expr (in the power of [sb] or [sth])受...控制;受...奴役incentivize [sb/sth], also UK: incentivise [sb/sth] vtr (give incentives to)鼓励;激励indemnify [sb/sth] against [sth] vtr + prep (insure: against [sth])就...赔偿This policy will indemnify you against all loss in case of fires, floods, or theft.该保单将就火灾、洪水或偷盗情况下的所有损失向你赔偿。infect [sb/sth] vtr (contaminate)污染;传染The germs had infected his wound.细菌感染了他的伤口。infect [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (contaminate with [sth])传染The traveler became infected with malaria.infect [sb/sth] vtr figurative (taint, corrupt)腐蚀, 使腐化Anarchism infected the youth.无政府主义腐化了年轻人。infect [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr + prep figurative (tainted by [sth])影响The news of the gold strike infected the townspeople with greed.infect [sb/sth] vtr figurative (affect, be spread among)感染;影响The teacher's sense of fun infected the whole class.infuse [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr figurative, often passive (fill: with idea, emotion) (观点、情绪)灌输, 注入The island is infused with history and tradition. The teacher tried to infuse his students with enthusiasm for the subject.这座岛屿拥有丰富历史和传统。老师尝试激发学生对该学科的热情。inject [sb/sth] vtr (give an injection to)给…注射;给…打针The chart indicates that no-one has injected the patient.这张表说明没有人给该病人进行过注射。inject [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (give an injection)注射Doctors inject patients with vaccines.inject [sth] into [sb/sth] vtr + prep (administer by injection)注射给药The insulin must be injected into the buttocks.inseminate [sb/sth] vtr (impregnate)使…怀孕;使…受精interface with [sb/sth] vi + prep (communicate with)与…交流;与…通讯Dan called his manager and asked to interface with him for a moment.intubate [sb/sth] vtr (medicine: insert tube into an airway)插管invoice [sb/sth] for [sth] v expr (present [sb] with an invoice for [sth])给…开发票Please invoice my company for the charges.请给我的公司开出费用发票。irritate [sb/sth] vtr (person, animal: cause discomfort)使...不舒服The tag on the neck of my dress is irritating me.jab at [sb/sth] vi + prep (poke at)戳;拨动The old lady was jabbing at Vince with her finger.jade [sb/sth] vtr dated, formal (wear out)使...精疲力尽;磨损;用旧Don't let a few bumps on the way jade you; the world still has a lot of goodness in it.别让前进道路上的一些磕碰磨灭了你的意志,世界上依然有许多美好的事物。jinx [sb/sth] vtr (superstition: cause failure)使倒霉;使遭殃;把霉运带给Ian jinxed the cricket match when he said it wasn't going to rain.伊恩说不会下雨时,这场板球比赛就倒了霉运。jitney [sb/sth] vtr US (transport in jitney)让...乘小公共汽车jolt [sb/sth] vtr (by electricity)电击100 watts of electricity jolted Eric as he touched the wire.埃里克碰到电线时,100瓦的电使他震颤。jolt [sb/sth] vtr (move with jerk)使…颠簸;使…震动Another train passenger stumbled and jolted Paula's arm, causing her to spill the cup of tea she was holding. The movement of the car over the stony track jolted the passengers.另一位火车乘客踉跄了一下,撞到宝拉,使她的胳膊晃动,撒了手中的茶。车开过石头路面,使乘客们颠簸。judge [sb/sth] vtr (criticize or assess)鉴定;评判;评断You can't judge him just from that one mistake!你不能单凭那一个错误就贸然评断他!jump into bed with [sb/sth] v expr figurative, informal, disapproving (form an alliance with) (含贬义)与...穿一条裤子;与...同流合污keep [sb/sth] vtr (have custody of)抚养;养育She kept the children after the divorce.keep a close watch on [sb/sth] v expr (monitor [sth], [sb] attentively)严格监督;严密监视;密切注意Parents of teenagers have to keep a close watch on everything they do.keep [sb/sth] close vtr + adj (keep nearby)将…处于附近Claire decided to work from home so that she could keep her children close.keep close to [sb/sth] v expr (stay near)靠近Keep close to me when we're at the concert; I don't want you to get lost.keep [sb/sth] cool vtr + adj (prevent getting hot)使保持凉快These plants don't like too much heat, so keep them cool by planting them in a partially shaded spot.keep [sb/sth] from doing [sth] vtr + prep (prevent)阻止;克制,压抑;克制;压抑The constant interruptions were keeping Alvin from doing his work.在持续的干扰下,阿尔文无法继续他的工作。keep [sb/sth] from [sb/sth] vtr + prep (keep apart)使…与…分开Dave's ex tries to keep him from his son.戴夫的前妻阻止他见他的儿子。keep [sb/sth] from harm v expr (protect)保护...不受伤害Victor was ready to risk his life to keep his daughter from harm.keep [sb/sth] in line v expr (control, make conform)管控;管束keep pace with [sb/sth] v expr (go as fast)跟上步伐,跟上,保持步调一致John wasn't able to keep pace with the other runners.keep tabs on [sb/sth], keep a tab on [sb/sth] v expr figurative, informal (monitor)密切注意;密切关注A business should keep tabs on what its competitors are doing.kick [sb/sth] vtr (strike with foot)踢, 踹The object is to kick the ball into the net.目的是要把球踢入网内。kill [sb/sth] vtr (cause death)杀死,处死He killed the ant before it could bite him.The murderer had killed three people.他在蚂蚁咬他之前杀死了它。// 凶手杀死了三人。knee [sb/sth] vtr (hit with knee)用膝盖碰;用膝盖撞Shaun kneed the punching bag.肖恩用膝盖撞沙袋。knock into [sb/sth] vi + prep (hit)撞到;撞上Rachel tripped and knocked into a coworker.瑞秋绊了一下,撞到了一位同事。knock [sb/sth] off [sb/sth] vtr + adv (push [sb/sth] off [sb/sth] forcefully)把...从...上敲落, 把...从...上打落At the funfair, Jerry won a prize for knocking a coconut off its post.在游乐场,杰瑞将椰子从杆子上打落,因此获得了奖品。know of [sb/sth] vi + prep (be aware [sb], [sth] exists)听说过;认识;知道一些I know of him, but he's not really a friend.我认识他,但不算是朋友。label [sth/sb] [sth] vtr figurative (call)把…称为;给...打上...的标签The media labelled Chamberlain's policy "appeasement".label [sb/sth] as [sth] vtr + conj figurative (classify)把…归类为;将…分类为;把…列为The police have labelled him a radical.lag behind [sb/sth] vi + prep (not be as fast)落在…的后面Clarkson was lagging behind the leading group of cyclists.lag behind [sb/sth] vi + prep figurative (not maintain: standards, pace)落后于;比…落后In the economic recovery, manufacturing is lagging behind other sectors.lampoon [sb/sth] vtr (mock, satirize) (以诗文等)对…进行讽刺The cartoonist often lampoons important leaders in the government.lap [sb/sth] vtr (wrap)围住;裹住The mother lapped her child in blankets.母亲用毯子裹住自己的孩子。lash [sb/sth] vtr (strike with whip)鞭打The guard lashed the criminal in front of a crowd.警卫当着众人的面鞭打罪犯。lather [sb/sth] vtr (cover with lather)用皂沫覆盖;在…上涂上肥皂泡沫Lather your face before shaving.剃须前在脸上涂上泡沫。;laud [sb/sth] vtr (praise)赞美;称赞Teachers lauded the new contract.教师们纷纷称赞新的合同。laugh at [sb/sth] vi + prep (find amusing)因为…而大笑We all laughed at the film. My boyfriend laughs at my jokes, even when they're not funny.我们都因为那部电影而大笑。我讲的笑话男友都会笑,即使有些并不那么好笑。laugh at [sb/sth] vi + prep (mock)嘲笑;讥笑I wish you wouldn't laugh at me, it's not funny!我希望你不要嘲笑我,这不是什么好笑的事!lay [sb] [sth] vtr (bet)打赌I'll lay you ten to one that he wasn't there at all.lay down your life for [sb/sth] v expr (die for a cause)为...献出生命;为...拼上性命Some mothers would lay down their lives for their children.lead [sb/sth] vtr (command)领导;指挥;率领The general leads his troops well, so they do what he orders.这位将军把军队带得很好,手下人都愿意服从他的命令。lead [sb/sth] vtr (music: conduct a group) (乐队)指挥The conductor has led this orchestra for two years.leaflet [sb/sth] vtr (hand out fliers to)向…发传单The campaigners leafleted every house in the area.活动人士向这一片的每一家发传单。lean over backward for [sb/sth] (US), lean over backwards for [sb/sth] (UK) v expr figurative (make every effort)尽力;尽全力learn from [sb/sth] vi + prep (gain lessons from [sb/sth])从...中学习;从...身上学习leave [sb/sth] vtr (abandon)抛弃;扔掉;抛开不顾He left his wife at home, and went out with his friends on Friday night.礼拜五晚上,他把妻子扔在家里,自己和朋友出去了。leave [sb] [sth] vtr (let [sb] keep, take)把…留给Leave me your number in case I need to get in touch.把你的电话号码留给我吧,以防我要联系你。leave [sb] [sth] vtr (have remaining)给...剩下;把...留给The coat cost thirty-five dollars and the shoes cost twenty, so that leaves us only five dollars.leave [sb/sth] alone, leave [sb/sth] well enough alone vtr + adj (not disturb)让…独自呆着;别去打扰I just want to be left alone to get on with my novel.leave [sb/sth] alone, leave [sb/sth] well enough alone vtr + adj (stop harassing)停止骚扰She wished that the man beside her at the bar would leave her alone.leave the door open for [sb/sth], leave the door open to [sth/sb] v expr figurative (allow possibility, access)为…保留可能性When the reigning gold medalist fell, she left the door open for her competitors.By not completely cutting ties with the country's former allies, the prime minister is leaving the door open for negotiations to be resumed in the future.lend [sb] [sth] vtr (loan money) (指金钱)给某人借某物Dan's parents lent him some money to pay his hospital bills.为了偿还医疗费用,丹的父母给他借了些钱。lend [sb/sth] [sth] vtr (give characteristic)给…添加(特色);给…增添(特点)The glasses lent Brian an air of sophistication.这幅眼镜为布莱恩添加了一丝老练的感觉。lend [sth] to [sb/sth] vtr + prep (give characteristic)给…增加(特色)The vocalist's British accent lends a certain charm to her singing.这位歌唱家的英式口音给自己的演唱增加了不少魅力。let [sb/sth] by, let by [sb/sth] vtr + adv (allow [sb/sth] to pass)让…过去,让…通过let down by [sb/sth] expr (disappointed, failed)因...而失望Alicia feels let down by her best friend, who always says she's too busy to spend time with her.艾丽西亚觉得让她最好的朋友失望了,因为她总是说她太忙了,没时间跟她一起。let [sb/sth] loose vtr + adj (set free, release)放开;放了He let his dogs loose on my lawn and they made such a mess!let [sb/sth] through vtr + adv (allow to pass)允许通行;准予通过The police asked the crowd to let the ambulance through.liberate [sb/sth] vtr (set free)释放;放出Animal activists liberated the farm animals.liberate [sb/sth] from [sth] vtr + prep (set free from confinement)释放;使自由The government finally liberated the political prisoner from incarceration.lick [sb/sth] vtr slang, figurative (defeat) (口语)打败Kate's soccer team licked the other team easily.lick [sb/sth] vtr (beat, thrash)打;揍The school bully licked Greg during recess.lie with [sb/sth] vi + prep (be attributable to)在于,归于The responsibility for the decision lies with the manager.那个决策的责任归于经理一人。link [sb/sth] to [sb/sth] vtr + prep figurative (connect mentally) (比喻)认为…之间有联系,将…与…联系起来The detective linked the suspect to the crime scene.侦探认为这位嫌犯与那个犯罪现场之间有联系。load [sb/sth] down with [sth], load down [sb/sth] with [sth] v expr often passive (make carry [sth] heavy) (通常指重物)使承担;使负担Lucy loaded her husband down with [sb] [sth], loan [sth] to [sb] v expr (lend money) (金钱)借钱给,借款给,贷款给I hope that the bank will loan me the money.我希望银行贷款给我。loan [sb] [sth], loan [sth] to [sb] v expr (lend [sth])把…借给She loaned me her car for the day.她把她的汽车借给我用一天。lock [sb/sth] in vtr + adv (prevent from leaving)将…锁起来The police officer threw the two men in a cell and locked them lockstep with [sb/sth] expr (at the same rate as)与...一致, 与...同步look at [sb/sth] vi + prep (watch, direct attention to)看着;看向Look at me when I'm talking to you!The young woman was looking at a painting in the art gallery.我在跟你说的话的时候,请看着我!// 那位年轻女士正在画廊中欣赏绘画作品。look askance at [sb/sth], look at [sb/sth] askance v expr (glance sidelong)斜眼看;怀疑地看look askance at [sb/sth], look at [sb/sth] askance v expr figurative (regard with disapproval, suspicion)蔑视;看不惯Fancy restaurants look askance at shorts and sneakers.look down on [sb/sth], look down upon [sb/sth] v expr (observe from high up)俯视;俯瞰From the top of the tower you can look down upon the whole city.从山顶上看,你可以俯瞰整个城市。look down your nose at [sb/sth] expr figurative (think yourself superior)看不起;轻视look like [sb/sth] vi + prep (resemble)看起来像;长得像This table looks like the one we have at home.Lucy looks like her aunt.这张桌子看起来像我们家的那张。 // 露西长得像她的姑姑。look toward [sb/sth], look towards [sb/sth] vi + prep (look in direction of [sb/sth])看向;向...看去loom over [sb/sth] vi (look big, intimidating) (令人恐怖的事物)赫然出现,隐约显现The bully loomed over his victim and demanded his lunch money.小恶霸赫然出现在受害者面前,要后者交出午餐钱。lose [sb] [sth] vtr (cause the loss of)使某人损失某物;使某人失去某物His lack of punctuality lost him his job.他的不守时使他失去了工作。be lost on [sb/sth] v expr (not be understandable by [sb/sth])使...无法理解;让...不明白The teacher did his best, but it was clear that his explanations were lost on the lost to [sb/sth] v expr (not be available to [sb/sth])让...失去;导致...失去Alas, the opportunity of seeing that beautiful building was lost to us when it burned lost to [sb/sth] v expr figurative (beyond reach)不再属于…的She used to be a committed Christian, but now she is lost to the Church.她曾经是一位虔心的基督徒,但现在她已不再属于教会。be lost to [sb/sth] v expr (be insensible to)失去;丧失;不顾忌His grief for his fallen comrades was so strong that the soldier was lost to all sense of duty.low-rate [sb/sth] vtr (not value highly)对…评价不高,贬低lullaby [sb/sth] vtr (soothe with song)给…哼摇篮曲David put the baby in his crib and lullabied him to sleep.lunge at [sb/sth] vi + prep (jump toward)向…冲;向…扑过去The mugger lunged at Heather and stole her purse.lure [sb/sth] vtr (entice, tempt)引诱, 勾引, 诱惑The smell of cooking meat lured the wild animals.烤肉的香气引来了野生动物。lure [sb/sth] into [sth] vtr + prep (entice into)引诱...进入;诱导...步入The police lured the criminal into a trap.警方将罪犯引入了陷阱。lure [sb/sth] into doing [sth] v expr (entice into doing)引诱某人做某事;诱惑某人做某事The interviewer tried to lure the politician into admitting that he had made a mistake.采访者想套那位政客的话,让他承认自己犯了错。luv [sb/sth] vtr written, slang (love) (俚语)宝贝;亲爱的Maja texted her boyfriend: "luv u".have [sth] made for [sb/sth] v expr (request special creation)为…特别制作的She had a gown made for the gala.mail [sb] [sth] vtr informal (send an e-mail to)把…通过电子邮件发送给Can you mail me the details?你能把详情通过电子邮件发送给我吗?maintain [sb/sth] vtr (support)供养He maintained a large family on his salary.他靠着自己的薪水供养着一大家子人。make [sb] [sth] vtr (+ adj: cause to be)使某人怎么样You make me happy.你使我快乐。make a fuss over [sb/sth] (US), make a fuss of [sb/sth] (UK) v expr informal (pay a lot of attention to)注意;关注The boss brought his dog to work yesterday and everyone made a fuss of it.昨天老板带着他的狗来上班,引起了所有人的注意。make a visit to [sb/sth] v expr informal (go to)访问My tooth hurts; I need to make a visit to the dentist.make an exception for [sb/sth] v expr (exempt [sb] from [sth])为…破例We don't usually allow students to take holidays during term, but we'll make an exception for your daughter, as she's such a good student.make arrangements for [sb/sth] to do [sth] v expr (organize for [sth] to happen)安排…做I have made arrangements for a taxi to pick you up from the airport.make fun of [sb/sth] v expr informal (mock, ridicule)取笑;开…的玩笑The comedian tried to make fun of the man wearing glasses.make much of [sb/sth] v expr (give a lot of attention)关注;注意The dog was thoroughly enjoying being made much of.make [sb/sth] out to be [sth] v expr (represent as)把…描绘成备注: Often refers to a false claim.The press are making him out to be the greatest singer since Elvis, but he's not that good.媒体将他描绘成自猫王以来最伟大的歌手,但他并没有那么好。make time for [sb/sth] v expr (reserve time)腾出时间;弥补失去的时间My calendar is full, but I can make time for you.malign [sb/sth] vtr (say bad things about)诽谤;中伤;诋毁Mrs. Smith maligned her husband during the divorce.在离婚办理期间,史密斯夫人诋毁了她丈夫。manage [sb/sth] vtr (supervise)管理I manage a team of 5 editorial assistants.我管理着一个由5名编辑助理所组成的团队。maneuver [sb/sth] (US), manoeuvre [sb/sth] (UK) vtr (manipulate [sb])操纵;操控The president maneuvered congress in order to pass the bill.masquerade as [sb/sth] vi + prep figurative (person: pretend to be)假装是;伪装成The police officer masqueraded as a prostitute in order to arrest customers.警察为了抓捕嫖客而伪装成了一名妓女。maul [sb/sth] vtr (animal: attack) (动物)攻击,伤害The lion tamer was mauled by one of the lions.maul [sb/sth] vtr (treat roughly)粗暴地对待The book was badly mauled by its borrowers.medicate [sb/sth] vtr (treat with drugs)用药医治You must medicate strep throat; it cannot cure itself.menace [sb/sth] vtr (threaten, endanger [sb], [sth])威胁,威吓;危及,对…构成威胁Widespread pollution menaces our planet.广泛污染问题威胁着我们的星球。mike [sb/sth] vtr informal, abbreviation (supply or amplify with microphone)通过话筒传送The news crew prepped and miked the whole family before the interview.mingle with [sb/sth] vi + prep (socialize or mix with)与…交往;与…社交I can't stay talking to you all evening, I must mingle with the guests.我不能一晚上都只陪你说话,我得去与客人们交往。mire [sb/sth] in [sth] vtr + prep often passive (cause to be stuck in: marsh, etc.)使陷入或困于沼地中The troops were mired in the mud.misname [sb/sth] vtr (call wrongly)叫错…的名字;误称The child misnamed the elephant when he called it a giraffe.mistreat [sb/sth] vtr (person, animal: treat badly)对…不好;虐待Neighbours couldn't believe she'd mistreated her children so badly.邻居们都不敢相信她竟然那样虐待自己的孩子。mistrust [sb/sth] vtr (lack confidence in)不相信;不信任She's mistrusted him from the word go.她从一开始就不相信他。mistrustful of [sb/sth] adj + prep (not trusting)对…不信任;对…猜疑I am always mistrustful of anything that sounds like its too good to be true.我一直不相信任何看似好得令人难以置信的事情。get mixed up with [sb/sth] v expr informal (become involved with)掺合进,牵涉进;与...有牵连Brad got mixed up with the wrong crowd in his teenage years and ended up dropping out of school with no mixed up with [sb/sth] v expr informal (be involved with)与...混在一起;与...有牵连Don is mixed up with some very dubious people; I think they might be involved in organized crime.mobilize [sb/sth], also UK: mobilise [sb/sth] vtr (make ready for action)动员;调动Successful candidates must mobilize minority voters.成功的竞选人必须动员少数选民。mock [sb/sth] vtr (make a joke of)嘲笑;嘲弄The comedian mocked the politician.那位喜剧演员嘲弄了政客。mold [sb/sth] (US), mould [sb/sth] (UK) vtr figurative (person, character: develop)塑造;使…形成It was his time at boarding school that moulded his character.在寄宿学校的那段时光塑造了他的性格。




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