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词汇 's
释义 's 动词短语catch [sb]'s attention vtr phrasal sep (attract notice)吸引…的注意力复合形式: a hairbreadth away (US), a hair's breadth away (UK) expr figurative (very close)近在咫尺The house that I bought was a hair's breadth away from the sea. a stone's throw n figurative, informal (short distance)掷石可及的距离;一箭之遥The distance from our house to hers is a stone's throw. a stone's throw away expr figurative, informal (nearby)在…附近;在近处We can easily walk to Martha's house; she lives a stone's throw away. a stone's throw from [sth], within a stone's throw of [sth] expr figurative, informal (near)离…一箭之遥;离…不远The shop is just a stone's throw from my house. ABC's npl (alphabet)字母表;26字母表 ABC's npl figurative (basic skills or facts)基础知识;基本技能 Adam's apple n (prominent part of man's throat)喉结A man's Adam's apple sticks out from his throat. Addison's disease n (glandular disorder)阿狄孙氏病John F. Kennedy reportedly suffered from Addison's disease. all in a day's work expr informal, figurative (routine activity)日常工作;分内之事There's no need to thank me - it's all in a day's work for me. All's well that ends well., All is well that ends well. expr (everything is resolved happily)结果好;万事好备注: This is the title of a play by Shakespeare. Alzheimer's disease n (progressive brain disease)阿兹海默症,老年痴呆症 angel hair, angel's hair n (Christmas tree decoration)圣诞装饰丝线 apple of [sb]'s eye n (beloved person)某人的掌上明珠Jenny loved all her children, but her eldest child was the apple of her eye.珍妮深爱着自己所有的孩子,不过长子是她的掌上明珠。 April Fools', April Fool's n abbreviation, informal (April Fools' Day)愚人节 April Fools', April Fool's n as adj (joke, prank: played on 1st April) (玩笑、恶搞)愚人节的 April Fools' Day, April Fool's Day, All Fools' Day n (1st April)愚人节On April Fools' Day in the UK, it's traditional to play practical jokes on people before midday.在英国,到了愚人节,正午前玩恶作剧是节日传统。 arm's-length n as adj figurative (not intimate)有距离的;保持距离的 artist studio (US), artist's studio (UK), art studio n (workshop of an artist)艺术家工作室One half of the barn has been converted into an artist's studio.That potter whose work you loved finally opened his art studio to the public. ASAP, A.S.A.P., asap, a.s.a.p. adv acronym (as soon as possible)尽快;越快越好备注: Most commonly used in American English as an acronym, and in British English as an initialismPlease send your reply to the following address ASAP. associate degree, associate's degree n US (2-year qualification)大专文凭;两年制的专科学位For an associate degree, it's not unusual for students to study part time.攻读专科学位的学生经常是非全日制学习。 at arm's length adv figurative (at safe distance)保持一定距离He has lied to me before, so I keep him at arm's length now. at arm's length adv literal (at end of your arm)手臂够得到地,一臂之长The wild deer stood at arm's length from us.那头野鹿站在离我们一臂远的地方。 at death's door adv figurative (very ill, about to die)生命垂危;垂死;濒临死亡 at each other's throats expr figurative, informal (arguing)唇枪舌剑;互相攻击The couple are constantly at each other's throats, always arguing about something or other.这对夫妻总是吵架,经常争来争去。 at [sb]'s expense adv figurative (causing [sb] discomfort)让...付出代价John made a joke at Lina's expense, causing everyone to laugh except Lina, who frowned in dismay. at the behest of, at [sb]'s behest expr literary (as ordered by)受...的吩咐;应...的要求 at the behest of, at [sb]'s behest expr literary (as strongly requested by)在…的敦促下;在…的强烈要求下The accused man was deported to the UK at the behest of the British government. at the discretion of [sb], at [sb]'s discretion expr (according to [sb]'s judgment)任凭...决定;由...自行裁定 at the expense of [sb], at [sb]'s expense adv (paid for by [sb] else)由...出钱Faculty can attend the conference at the university's expense. at the expense of [sb], at [sb]'s expense prep figurative (to the detriment of [sb])以损失…为代价Many children make cruel jokes at the expense of other children. at [sb]'s expense prep figurative (to detriment of [sb]) (人)以损伤...为代价,以伤害...为代价 at [sb]'s feet, at the feet of [sb] adv (in front of feet)在某人脚边The pencil was lying at his feet, just where he had dropped it. at [sb]'s feet, at the feet of [sb] adv figurative (worshipping)臣服于某人脚下;让某人崇拜Michael had all of the audience at his feet when he sang his latest hit song. at [sb]'s hands, at [sb]'s hand, by [sb]'s hands, by [sb]'s hand prep (because of) (指由于某人行为)因为,由于;于...之手,在...手里 at [sb]'s mercy prep (dependent)受...支配;在...的掌握之中 at the request of [sb], at [sb]'s request expr (in response to [sb] asking)应…的要求At the request of the Headteacher, the teachers attended a conference. at the suggestion of [sb], at [sb]'s suggestion expr (in response to [sb] else's idea)根据…的建议At the suggestion of my neighbor, I went to the library and checked out some good books. at the water's edge adv (on the bank or shore)在水边;在岸边We strolled at the water's edge, picking up shells. at wit's end, at your wit's end, at your wits' end adj (upset, frustrated)茫然不知所措备注: Both positions of the apostrophe are in use: wit's and wits'.Kathy was at her wit's end with worry when her son failed to come home from school. at wit's end, at your wit's end, at your wits' end adj (unable to find a solution)束手无策,无计可施;黔驴技穷备注: Both positions of the apostrophe are in use: wit's and wits'.Having spent three hours unsuccessfully trying to fix the photocopier, Dave was at his wit's end.戴夫花了整整三个小时时间,试图修复复印机,但最后终究束手无策。 at [sb]'s beck and call, at the beck and call of [sb] expr (available to serve you at any time)随叫随到I will be at your beck and call. at [sb]'s disposal, as the disposal of [sb/sth] adv (available for your use)供你自由使用;由你自由支配I'll leave the computer at your disposal.我会把电脑留给你,供你自由使用。 at [sb]'s disposal, as the disposal of [sb] adv (person: available to serve you)随时为您服务;随时听候您的差遣Once I finish this work I will be at your disposal.一旦我做完这个工作,就随时听候您的差遣。 at [sb]'s fingertips expr figurative (easily available) (比喻)唾手可得的,手边的You should have everything you need at your fingertips before you start your work. at [sb]'s side, by [sb]'s side adv (beside) (本义)在某人身旁, 在某人身边I will sit at your side during the banquet. at [sb]'s side, by [sb]'s side adv figurative (supporting, comforting) (比喻,表示支持)和某人站在一起, 站在某人一边;支持某人, 安慰某人Fortunately, your husband will always be at your side because he loves you. athlete's foot n (fungal infection)足癣;脚气I wear sandals in the shower at the gym so I won't pick up athlete's foot. B.S.A. n initialism (Boy Scouts of America)美国童子军The vision of the B.S.A. is to prepare every eligible youth in America to become a responsible, participating citizen. B/S, b/s n written, initialism (bill of sale)转让或抵押契约,卖契 baby's-breath, baby's breath, babies'-breath n colloquial (flowering plant: Gypsophila)水香花菜 Bachelor of Science n (graduate degree)理学学士学位Richard has a Bachelor of Science from Lancaster University. Bachelor of Science n (holder of science degree)理学学士;拥有理学学士学位的人Kate is a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. bachelor party (US), stag night, stag party, stag do (UK), buck's party (AU) n (party for a husband-to-be)男子婚前告别单身聚会Bachelor parties tend to be wild and crazy.We're going to a nightclub for Simon's stag do. bachelor's degree n (undergraduate qualification)学士学位Most well-paying jobs today require at least a bachelor's degree.当今多数高薪工作要求至少持有学士学位。 backbone of [sth], [sth]'s backbone n figurative ([sth/sb] that supports)主心骨;支柱;中坚力量Jerry is the backbone of this office; it would never succeed without him.杰瑞是办公室的主心骨,没有他是无法成功的。 baker, baker's n informal (baker's shop)面包店;糕点店I asked George to stop by the baker and pick up a loaf of bread.我让乔治路过面包店买一块面包回来。 baker's dozen n (food: thirteen)十三The bakery sells its fresh doughnuts by the baker's dozen. baker's yeast n (leavening agent used in baking)发面酵母,面包酵母Baker's yeast is used to leaven bread. bakery, also UK: baker's, baker's shop, also US: bakeshop n (store that sells bread, cakes)面包店;糕点店The bakery on Main Street sells delicious rye bread.大街上的面包店出售美味的黑麦面包 banker's order n (pay order, banker's cheque)银行汇票 barber chair (US), barber's chair (UK) n (seat at male hairdresser's) (美容美发店用的)可调座椅;美容椅In order to get my hair cut, the man asked me to sit on the barber's chair.为了帮我理发,那个男人让我坐上理发椅。 barber shop, barbershop (US), barber's shop (UK) n (men's hairdressing salon) (男士用)理发店A spinning red, white, and blue pole denotes a barbershop. barbershop quartet (US), barber's shop quartet (UK) n (singing group: four men's voices)男声四重唱Martin sings bass in a barbershop quartet. be in the driver's seat, take the driver's seat, have the driver's seat, be in the driving seat v expr figurative (have control)掌控;处于控制地位If he thinks he can lead the team better, let him have the driver's seat. be in [sb]'s shoes v expr figurative (be in another person's situation)站在...的角度思考;替...着想 be music to [sb]'s ears, be music to the ears of [sb] v expr figurative (be welcome news)好消息;佳音 be [sb]'s eyes and ears v expr figurative (gather information) (比喻义)做某人的耳目 be to [sb]'s advantage, be to the advantage of [sb] v expr (benefit [sb])让…得益;对…好处I know you're not a natural linguist, but learning French would be to your advantage, given that we live in France. beat a path to [sb]'s door v expr figurative (be keen to meet with [sb])争先恐后地登门拜访If you have a good idea, investors will beat a path to your door. beat [sb]'s brains out v expr (physically beat [sb] severely)打到屁滚尿流;狠狠地揍一顿 the bee's knees n figurative, informal (superb person, thing)出类拔萃的人 beginner's luck n (success despite inexperience)新手的好运Joe attributed his success to beginner's luck. on behalf of [sb/sth], on [sb/sth]'s behalf, also US: in behalf of [sb/sth], in [sb/sth]'s behalf prep (in place of [sb])代表;站在…的立场备注: "On behalf of, on sb/sth's behalf" is currently much more common than "in behalf of, in sb/sth's behalf."I'm phoning on behalf of my daughter, who has lost her voice.The millionaire sent somebody to bid on the painting on his behalf. behind [sb]'s back expr figurative, informal (without [sb]'s knowledge)在…背后;背着…She often told lies about him behind his back. Bell's palsy n (facial paralysis)贝尔面瘫,面部神经麻痹 bird's nest n (structure built by a bird)鸟巢;鸟窝There is a bird's nest built in the tree outside my house. bird's-eye view n (view from above)鸟瞰I got a bird's-eye view of the Atlantic as my plane flew over it. bird's-eye view n figurative (overall view)全景 bite [sb]'s head off, bite the head off [sb] v expr figurative, informal (respond angrily, impatiently)对..发火;生...的气 in [sb]'s black book, in [sb]'s black books expr (in [sb]'s disfavor)上了某人的黑名单;遭人唾弃 blind man's buff, blind man's bluff n (blindfolded tag game)捉迷藏 blow [sb]'s cover v expr (reveal [sb]'s true identity)揭露...的身份;揭穿...的底细 blow [sb]'s mind v expr slang (astound [sb])让…震惊When I heard about the revolutionary new cancer treatment, it blew my mind. Wait until you see the final scene of the movie--it's going to blow your mind! blow [sb]'s mind v expr slang (drugs: disorient, overwhelm [sb]) (药物)让…无法思考;令...痴狂 BLT, plural: BLTs, BLT's n informal, initialism (sandwich: bacon, lettuce and tomato) (培根、生菜、番茄组成)三明治 bosun, bo's'n, boatswain n (ship's officer)帆缆军士长;水手长 [sth]'s bowels, the bowels of [sth] npl figurative (innermost part: of building, etc.) (建筑等)内部,深处The crew labored in the bowels of the building to repair the plumbing leak.维修工在建筑物的内部辛苦劳作,以修复水管漏水。 break [sb]'s fall v expr (lessen impact)减弱落势Fortunately, the pillow broke the boy's fall, and he wasn't injured. break [sb]'s heart v expr figurative (make [sb] sad)伤某人的心It breaks my heart to hear you are quitting. break [sb]'s heart v expr figurative (end relationship)和...分手That boy will only break your heart. breathe down [sb]'s neck v expr (monitor closely)监视;密切监控 breathe down [sb]'s neck v expr (be close behind [sb])逼近某人;对某人紧追不舍 brewer's yeast n (yeast used to ferment beer)啤酒酵母Mixing brewer's yeast in sugar water will create CO² that attracts and drowns mosquitoes. bring [sth] to [sb]'s attention, bring [sth] to the attention of [sb] v expr (make [sb] aware of)使...注意;引起注意An employee brought the matter to my attention. BS, B.S., BSc, BSc. n initialism (degree: Bachelor of Science)理科学士Lauren is studying for a B.S. in Chemistry at Cornell. BS, B.S., BSc, BSc. n initialism (holder of Bachelor of Science degree)理科学士持有人 bull's-eye, bull's eye, bullseye n (darts, archery: centre of target)靶心;凸透镜John threw a dart, which hit the bull's eye. bull's eye, bull's-eye, bullseye n figurative (target, goal)目标 bullhead, miller's thumb n (type of catfish)大头鱼;鲇鱼 butcher, UK: butcher's, butcher's shop n (meat shop, department)肉商;肉贩The butcher is open until 5:00, but the rest of the store closes at 8:00.肉商只营业到5点,但其他店铺开到8点。 buyer's market, buyers' market n (low prices, large supply)买方市场It is definitely a buyer's market for large gas-guzzling automobiles.对于高耗油的汽车来说,现在绝对是买方市场。by a hair's breadth adv (by the slightest margin)险些;几乎;毫厘之差The horse won by a hair's [sb]'s bluff v expr (challenge [sb] who may be faking)虚张声势[sb]'s/[sth]'s calling card, the calling card of [sb/sth] n figurative (identifying mark, sign)特点,特征Serena dresses flamboyantly; brightly-colored clothing is her calling card.赛琳娜打扮非常张扬;色彩鲜亮的穿着就是她的特征。camel hair, camel's hair, camelhair n (hair of a camel)骆驼毛camel hair, camel's hair, camelhair, camel n (fabric made of camel's hair)骆驼毛布料;驼绒camel hair, camel's hair, camelhair, camel n as adj (made from camel's hair)骆驼毛制成的;驼绒的备注: When 'camel hair' precedes the noun, a hyphen is used.cashier's check, cashiers check n US (cheque issued by a bank)银行本票Since I had no credit card, and the store does not accept personal checks, I had my bank issue me a cashier's check to purchase my new's cradle n (children's string game)翻线戏;翻花绳Cat's Cradle n (novel) (小说)猫的摇篮cat's cradle n (complexity, intricacy)纷繁复杂的;精心策划的cat's paw n (foot of a cat)猫爪A cat's paw is soft on the bottom, but has dangerous retractable's paw, cat's-paw n figurative (duped person) (比喻)爪牙,傀儡,被人利用的人cat's-eye, cat's eye n UK, usually plural (reflective road stud) (路面反射装置)反光灯cat's-eye, cat's eye n (gemstone)猫眼石cat's-eye, cat's eye, cat's-eye marble n (marble)猫眼大理石catch [sb]'s drift, get [sb]'s drift v expr informal, figurative (understand what [sb] means)懂某人的意思catch the eye, catch [sb]'s eye v expr (be noticeable)引人注目The bold designs and bright colours of these dresses really catch the eye.catch [sb]'s eye v expr (be noticed)引起…的注意to [sb]'s certain knowledge expr ([sb] knows for a fact)据...所知To my certain knowledge, Wellington won the battle of Waterloo.chef's hat, also US: chef hat n (white starched hat worn by a chef)厨师帽chemist, chemist's n UK (drugstore)药房I'm going to the chemist to get some milk of magnesia.我要去药房买一些镁乳。child's play n figurative ([sth] very easy) (比喻)轻而易举的事I finished the crossword puzzle very quickly; it was child's play.children's book n (book intended for children)儿童读物During his career, the artist illustrated several children's books.children's home n (care institution for minors)儿童福利院children's menu n (restaurant: dishes for children)儿童菜单The children's menu offers small portions.children's wear n (clothes made for children)童装I'm going to open a shop specializing in the sale of children's [sb]'s judgment, also UK: cloud [sb]'s judgement v expr (impair or prejudice [sb]'s reasoning)蒙蔽你的判断Don't let your love for someone cloud your judgment.on [sb]'s coattails expr figurative (aided by [sb]'s success)靠...的提携collector's item (unique article)收藏家的藏品;收藏品come down on the side of [sb], come down on [sb]'s side v expr (choose to support)支持;站在...一边come [sb]'s way n (happen in [sb]'s life)经历;阅历That is the worst thing that ever came my way.I have a feeling that some good luck will come your way soon.那是我所经历的最糟糕的事情。// 我预感你很快就要走运了。come to [sb]'s assistance v expr (offer to help)向…提供帮助;帮…的忙She was quick to come to my assistance when I needed some help.come to [sb]'s aid v expr (offer to help)帮助..., 援助...come to the attention of [sb], come to [sb]'s attention v expr (be noticed)引起...的关注;吸引...的注意It has come to the attention of management that many employees are using the computers to play games.come to [sb]'s/[sth]'s defense (US), come to [sb]'s/[sth]'s defence (UK) v expr (defend, support)保护..., 捍卫...comply with [sb]'s orders v expr (obey [sb])遵守命令;遵循指令The journalist failed to comply with the judge's orders to reveal his sources.confectioner's sugar, powdered sugar, powder sugar (US), icing sugar (UK) n (fine sugar for frosting) (做甜点用)糖粉Ellen usually dusts her brownies with powdered sugar before she serves them.cook [sb]'s goose v expr figurative (cause to fail)搞砸机会;弄糟corn salad, lamb's lettuce, mache n (leafy vegetable)野苣;玉米莴苣cow parsley, Queen Anne's lace n (plant: Anthriscus sylvestris)峨参be all it's cracked up to be, be what it's cracked up to be v expr (be as good as claimed)并没有所说的那么好;徒有虚名;名不副实备注: Often used in the negative.That film's not all it's cracked up to be; I didn't enjoy it at all!cramp [sb]'s style v expr informal (hinder [sb])束缚...的风格;限制...的发挥Fred complained that having to take his little brother with him would cramp his where it's due, to give credit where it's due expr (expressing reluctant praise)该赞扬还得赞扬,这点还是要承认She wasn't the nicest boss, but credit where it's due, she did increase profits.Crohn's disease, regional enteritis, regional ileitis n (inflammatory bowel condition)克隆氏症;克罗恩病cross [sb]'s/[sth] path, cross the path of [sb/sth] v expr (encounter)与...相遇;遇见;与...不期而遇crow's-feet npl figurative (wrinkles at outer corner of eye)眼角鱼尾纹She thought the crow's feet at her eyes were the first sign that she was getting old.crow's nest n figurative (lookout on a ship) (比喻)桅杆瞭望台Up in the crow's nest, Jack spotted land before anyone on deck.杰克在桅杆瞭望台率先发现了陆地。crow's nest n (structure made by bird)鸦巢, 鸟巢There's a crow's nest on top of my neighbour's chimney.我邻居的烟囱顶上有一个鸟巢。it's no use crying over spilled milk (US), it's no use crying over spilt milk (UK) expr figurative (it's pointless to regret what is done)无济于事;覆水难收;懊悔也于事无补DA n initialism (1950s men's hairstyle: duck's ass)鸭尾发型The movie is set in the 1950s, and all of the actors have DAs.a daddy's girl, a real daddy's girl n informal (daughter indulged by father)乖乖女,爸爸的好女儿darken [sb]'s doorstep, darken [sb]'s door v expr figurative, disapproving (come to [sb]'s house)上...的门;登门拜访Get lost, and don't ever darken my doorstep again![sb]'s day n (past era)时代;时期In Caesar's day people used to wear togas.在凯撒的时代,人们穿的是罗马长袍。[sb]'s days npl (remaining lifetime)…的余生When I retire, I would like to live out my days in a cottage near the sea.退休之后,我想要在一间海边的小屋里度过自己的余生。day's work n (work done in one day)一天完成的工作It will take one more day's work to finish the job.[sb]'s days are numbered expr (person will die soon)某人将不久于人世[sb]'s days are numbered expr (person will lose position soon)某人在位的时间不多了Dean's Honor List, Dean's list n US (roll call of academic distinction)院长荣誉名单;院长嘉许名单;优等生名单The Dean's Honor List recognizes students who have demonstrated academic excellence in a semester.dean's list (honor roll)优秀学生名单;院长名单dedicated to [sb]'s memory, dedicated to the memory of [sb] expr (in tribute)为纪念某人After Samantha died, her parents created a scholarship fund dedicated to their daughter's memory.Delhi belly, Montezuma's revenge n slang (traveler's diarrhea) (痢疾性感染, 表现为急性腹泻)德里腹dental surgery n UK (dentist's treatment room)牙科手术室I had to go to the dental surgery to have my wisdom teeth removed.我不得不去牙科手术室拔智齿。the dentist, the dentist's n (dentist's office)牙科诊所Alan went to the dentist because he had's chair n (adjustable seat for dental patient) (病人躺在上面接受治疗)牙科诊所的就诊椅He is sitting in the dentist's's office (US), dentist's surgery (UK) n (dentist's treatment room)牙医诊所detract [sb]'s attention from [sth] v expr (distract [sb] from [sth])分散...对...的注意力Stop trying to detract our attention from what's really important.devil's advocate n figurative (argues for [sth] unpopular)为抬杠而唱反调的人Can I play devil's advocate, and ask you a question?direct attention to [sth/sb], direct [sb]'s attention to [sth/sb] v expr (attract notice, highlight)使…密切注意;将注意力引向I'd like to direct your attention to the graph at the top of Page 5 in the report.我想将大家的注意力引向报告第5页顶部的图表。director's chair n (film director's seat) (原多为电影导演坐用,故而得名)导演椅,轻便扶手折椅The film director sat in the director's chair and gave instructions to the actors.director's chair n figurative (position of authority)导演的位置;导演的权威I'm in the director's chair now.distract [sb]'s attention vtr (divert: [sb]'s attention)转移…的注意力The boy distracted the woman's attention while his friend picked her pocket.在朋友摸那位女士的包时,那个男孩负责转移她的注意力。distract [sb]'s attention from [sth] vtr (divert: [sb]'s attention)使某人从…分心The nurse talked to the baby to distract his attention from the injection.护士跟宝宝聊天来让宝宝从注射一事上分心。do [sb]'s will v expr (carry out [sb]'s instructions)执行某人的命令do [sb]'s bidding, do the bidding of [sb] v expr (do as [sb] orders)遵从...的要求;听从…的命令The servants were there to do his's and dont's npl (set of rules)规则;注意事项Mandy will explain the do's and don'ts of hosting a dinner's appointment n (scheduled medical consultation)与医生的约见;与医生的预约I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, and a dentist appointment the day's office (US), doctor's surgery (UK) n (where you see a doctor)医生办公室I went to the doctor's office to get a prostate's visit n (scheduled medical appointment)看医生the dog's bollocks, the mutt's nuts npl UK, vulgar, figurative, slang (top quality, the best) (形容非常棒,粗俗语)屌炸天dog's dinner, dog's breakfast n UK, figurative, slang (mess, failure)大杂烩;糟糕的局面a dog's life n figurative (miserable existence)悲惨的生活;狗一般的生活doll clothes (US), doll's clothes, dolls' clothes (UK) npl (clothing for a doll)玩偶服装;洋娃娃服饰dollhouse (US), doll's house, dolls' house (UK) n (miniature house for dolls)玩具屋;迷你娃娃屋Edgar built an elaborate dollhouse for his granddaughter.donkey's years (very long time)很久;很长时间dos and don'ts, do's and don'ts npl informal (rules and regulations)注意事项;小提示Here's a useful list of dos and don'ts for keeping tropical the i's and cross the t's, dot your i's and cross your t's v expr figurative (attend to detail)一丝不苟;注重细节Down's n abbr, informal (Down syndrome)唐氏症;唐氏综合症备注: 由染色体异常引起的,先天性生长发育障碍Down's syndrome, also US: Down syndrome n (chromosome abnormality)唐氏综合征My brother was born with Down's syndrome.draw [sb]'s attention, draw the attention of [sb] v expr (attract, interest)吸引…的注意The street entertainer drew the attention of a large crowd.那位街头艺人引来了一大群人的注意。Driver's Education n US (high-school driving classes)驾驶教育,驾驶训练driver's license (US), driving licence (UK), driver's licence (Can) n (permit to drive)驾驶证;驾照I've had my driver's license for 15 years.我拿驾照已经15年了。driver's seat n (seat in vehicle for the driver)驾驶座The driving instructor sat in the passenger seat and the student sat in the driver's seat.driver's test (US), driving test (UK) n (exam for learner drivers)驾照考试Gina failed her driver's test several times before finally passing.drum [sth] into [sb]'s head v expr (instill by repetition) (教学)反复灌输,填鸭式教授Our father, a clever but uneducated man, always drummed into our heads the importance of a good education.dry cleaner, dry-cleaner, dry cleaner's, dry-cleaner's n (company: cleans clothing)干洗店That suit's too delicate for the washing machine; you'll have to take it to the dry cleaner.dunce cap, dunce's cap, dunce hat, dunce's hat n historical (pointed hat worn as punishment)傻瓜帽the earth's crust, the Earth's crust n (outermost layer of our planet)地壳be eating out of [sb]'s hand figurative (be submissive to [sb])使…百依百顺;把...吃得死死的;the eldest, [sb]'s eldest n (child: born first)老大My eldest is a lawyer; my other two daughters are still at college.E.S. n initialism (Education Specialist)教育专家etch lines on [sb]'s face v expr figurative (time, etc.: age [sb])在…的脸上刻下皱纹Time had etched deep lines on Leon's face.exceed expectations, exceed [sb]'s expectations vtr + npl (be better than expected)超乎...的预期The boss knew Nina was good at her job, but her latest project was so good, it exceeded his expectations.farmer's market n (venue for sale of organic produce)农贸市场,农产品市场The farmer's market is the best place to buy fresh fruit and vegetables.Father's Day n (annual celebration day for fathers)父亲节This year, Father's Day falls on Sunday 21st June. I always make sure to call my dad on Father's Day.feeding bottle, baby bottle, baby's bottle, also US: nursing bottle n (infant's feeding receptacle)奶瓶Nina is breast-fed, so her baby bottle is always filled with water.the fifties, the '50s, the 50s, the '50's, the 50's npl (decade: 1950s) (二十世纪的)五十年代Some people feel nostalgia for the fifties, but they don't realize the social problems that were prevalent during that era, such as racism and sexism.很些人很怀念五十年代,但他们没有考虑到那个年代普遍存在的社会问题,比如种族歧视和性别歧视。fill [sb]'s shoes v expr figurative (replace [sb], perform [sb]'s role)代替;替换It will be hard to fill her shoes.finder's fee n (estate agent's charge)经纪人佣金,中介费When they sold their house they had to pay a finder's fee of 2% to the estate agent.focus of [sb]'s attention n figurative (centre of [sb]'s interest)某人注意力的中心;某人最感兴趣的事The focus of our attention should be on how we can help.follow in [sb]'s footsteps, follow in the footsteps of [sb] v expr figurative (do as [sb] else has done)步...的后尘follow in [sb]'s footsteps, follow in the footsteps of [sb] v expr figurative (take the same career path as [sb] else)步...的后尘;继承...的事业He wanted to follow in his brother's footsteps and become a football player.She followed in her mother's footsteps and became an artist.follow on the heels of [sb], follow on [sb]'s heels v expr figurative (do the same as [sb])跟某人做的一样;仿效The young singer wanted to follow on the heels of his famous father.follow [sb]'s example vi (do the same as [sb] else)以某人为榜样;仿效I'm going to follow Maria's example and spend more time working with the community.follow [sb]'s lead v expr (do the same as [sb] else)效法某人;以某人为榜样The leader of the exercise class wanted us to follow her lead.fool's errand n (a pointless exercise)徒劳无益的差事;无谓的奔走fool's gold n (mineral: iron pyrites)黄铁矿;黄铜矿Hank thought he was rich until he found out his mine was full of fool's gold.fool's gold n (foolish quest, goal)误以为宝贵所以追求最后却发现无用之物He worked hard to get her attention, but his reward turned out to be just fool's gold.fool's paradise n (happy state based on false beliefs)虚幻的幸福;黄粱美梦for f***'s sake interj vulgar, offensive, slang (exasperation)天哪For God's sake!, For Christ's sake! interj possibly offensive (expressing anger or frustration) (表示生气或沮丧)看在上帝的份上!;天哪!;上帝呀!For God's sake, leave me alone when I'm trying to read!看在上帝的份上!请让我一个人静静,我正要看书!for heaven's sake interj (expressing frustration)看在老天爷的面上For heaven's sake, why do you keep doing that?for what it's worth adv informal (in my opinion)不管怎么说;在我看来I know you won't change, but for what it's worth, I think that skirt looks awful on you.for [sb]'s benefit, for the benefit of [sb] expr (for [sb]'s sake)为了你好;为了你的利益For your benefit, I recommend you quit smoking.为了你好,我建议你戒烟。for [sb]'s/[sth]'s benefit, for the benefit of [sb/sth] expr (to create impression for)为了;为了...好;为了...的利益The celebrity struck a pose for the benefit of the cameras.fps, f.p.s. n abbreviation, usually plural (foot per second)英尺/秒fps, f.p.s. n abbreviation, usually plural (film: frame per second) (电影)帧/秒the fringes of [sth], [sth]'s fringes npl figurative (edge, outside mainstream)边缘;社会边缘The fringes of popular culture are where the most interesting art is made.流行文化的边缘地带正是最有趣艺术的诞生之地。from the bottom of [sb]'s heart expr (with deep sincerity)发自内心地;发自肺腑地from the horse's mouth expr (first-hand, directly from the source) (消息、情报等)直接得来地,一手地Of course it's true - I got it straight from the horse's mouth.from under [sb]'s nose, right from under [sb]'s nose, from under [sb]'s very nose expr figurative (in full view of [sb])从眼皮底下frustrate [sb]'s plans v expr (thwart [sb])破坏某人的计划;使某人的计划受挫The heavy rain frustrated our plans to go to the beach.[sth]'s far reaches, [sth]'s furthest reaches, also US: [sth]'s farthest reaches npl (most distant part)...的最远端As a wildlife photographer, Jack has travelled to the earth's furthest reaches.gentleman's agreement, gentlemen's agreement n (unwritten rule or agreement)君子协定The two friends had a gentleman's agreement not to talk about politics.gentleman's agreement, gentlemen's agreement n (law: based on trust, not contract)君子协定get in [sb]'s hair, be in [sb]'s hair v expr figurative, informal (annoy, disturb)心烦意乱;烦恼get off [sb]'s back v expr figurative, informal (stop nagging [sb])别唠叨某人get on [sb]'s nerves v expr informal (irritate)惹得…烦躁不安Her husband's constant grumbling was starting to get on Olga's nerves.get up [sb]'s nose v expr UK, informal (annoy [sb])惹恼;使…生气get [sb]'s back up v expr informal (offend, annoy)惹...生气get [sb]'s dander up v expr figurative, informal (make [sb] angry)生气,怒火,怒气Cruelty to animals really gets my dander up.对动物的残忍行为非常让我生气。get [sb]'s goat v expr figurative (annoy [sb])惹人生气get your money's worth v expr (get good value)投资等获得相当的收益; (比喻)付出得到回报When buying a computer, you need to do your research if you want to get your money's worth.not give a monkey's v expr UK, regional, slang (not care)一点不在乎;无所谓give a monkey's v expr UK, regional, slang (care, be concerned)关心;在乎give a tinker's damn, give a tinker's dam, give a tinker's cuss v expr informal (not care at all)一点不在乎;无所谓give a tinker's damn v expr informal (care, be concerned)关心;在乎give [sb] the bum's rush v expr slang (dismiss [sb] rudely) (俚语)将某人赶走;将某人打发走give [sb] the bum's rush v expr slang (eject [sb] forcibly) (俚语)将某人轰走;强行驱赶gnat's pee n figurative, informal (weak tasteless drink)难喝的酒;难以下咽的饮料gnat's piss n figurative, vulgar, slang (weak tasteless drink)难喝的酒;难以下咽的饮料go behind [sb]'s back v expr figurative, informal (act without [sb]'s knowledge)背着某人;在某人不知情的情况下Don't go behind her back; if you think she's wrong, tell her directly.go over [sb]'s head v expr (consult with [sb] of higher rank)与...的上级沟通;找...的前辈商量go over [sb]'s head v expr figurative (not be understood)不懂;不明白Martin's explanation was too complicated; it went over my head.go to [sb]'s head v expr figurative, slang (make egotistical)冲昏了…的头脑His one hit record went to his head, and now he is impossible to live with.go to [sb]'s head, go straight to [sb]'s head v expr (make drunk) (酒)让…上头,使喝醉That glass of wine has gone straight to my head!goat cheese (US), goat's cheese (UK) n (dairy product)羊奶酪She made an unusual pizza with goat cheese and sun dried tomatoes.goat milk (US), goat's milk (UK) n (dairy product obtained from goats)山羊奶Feta is made from goat's milk.God's will n figurative ([sth] predetermined or meant to be)命中注定;命运;天命God's will, the will of God n ([sth] determined by God)神的意志;上帝的意志My grandmother says that what happens is God's will.Good job, It's a good job interj UK, informal (it is fortunate)幸运的是,幸好Good job you remembered your umbrella!幸好你带伞了!good thing, it's a good thing expr informal (just as well, fortunately)幸好;还好;幸亏Someone drove into the back of my car yesterday; good thing I'm insured!grant [sb]'s wish v expr (fulfil [sb]'s dream)满足某人的心愿Cinderella's fairy godmother granted her wish to go to the royal ball.grant [sb]'s wish v expr (fulfil [sb]'s request)满足某人的要求Picasso granted Quinn's wish to photograph the artist at work.Gray's Anatomy n (medical textbook)《格雷氏解剖学》;《亨利·格雷氏人体解剖学》grease [sb]'s palm, grease the palm of [sb], grease [sb]'s hand, grease the hand of [sb] v expr figurative (bribe) (比喻贿赂)孝敬某人;贿赂某人;买通greengrocer, greengrocer's n UK (shop selling fruit, vegetables)果蔬店Janine picked up some kale and cucumbers at the greengrocer.grind [sb]'s gears v expr US, informal, figurative (annoy, irritate)让...生气;使...恼怒grist to the mill, grist to [sb]'s mill n figurative (fuel, fodder)有用之物;对...有用之物备注: 原指一种可以研磨为面粉的谷物grocer's n colloquial (grocery store)食品杂货店Can you stop at the grocer's and pick up some hamburger for tonight?H.M.S., HMS n UK, initialism (Her Majesty's Ship) (女王)陛下之舰备注: "H.M.S." is used in the name of a naval ship.H.M.S., HMS n UK, initialism (His Majesty's Ship) (国王)陛下之舰备注: "H.M.S." is used in the name of a naval ship.H.S. n written, abbreviation (high school)高中haberdashery, haberdasher's n UK (shop, department: sells fabrics)缝纫用品杂货店;(男子)小件服饰用品店I bought fabric to make a new apron at the haberdashery.a hairbreadth (US), a hair's breadth (UK) n figurative (minute gap or margin) (美式拼法,比喻)毫厘之差的,距离极短的,间隙极小的,一发之差的,hand's turn n UK, regional, informal (stroke of work)轻微的劳动;举手之劳[sb]'s hands are tied expr figurative ([sb] is powerless to act)无能为力;爱莫能助hang on [sb]'s every word, hang upon [sb]'s every word, hang on [sb]'s words v expr (attend very closely to)仔细倾听Now that was interesting! I hung upon his every word.Hansen's disease n (leprosy)麻疯病Happy Valentine's Day! interj (February 14th greeting) (2月14日)情人节快乐!have [sb]'s back v expr informal, figurative (be ready to defend)支持…have fun at the expense of [sb], have fun at [sb]'s expense v expr (joke about [sb])拿某人开玩笑;笑话某人The media is currently having a lot of fun at the disgraced politician's expense.he's contraction colloquial, abbreviation (he is)[he is的缩略形式]I love my uncle; he's the kindest man I know.he's contraction colloquial, abbreviation (he has)he has 的缩写He's given me a whole load of chores to do by lunchtime.hell's bells interj informal, dated (surprise)地狱的钟声Hell's bells! What has he done now?Here's to [sth/sb]! interj informal (toast)为...干杯Here's to you! interj informal (toast) (祝酒词)敬你,为你干杯Cheers, here's to you!HMSO n initialism (Her Majesty's Stationery Office)皇家出版局Hobson's choice n figurative (lack of genuine alternative) (比喻)毫无选择余地Since it's Hobson's choice I suppose I have to agree.Hodgkin's disease n (serious disease of the lymph nodes)何杰金病;恶性肉芽肿病I have been diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease.Hodgkin's Disease is a kind of lymphoma.hogback, hog's back n (geology: long ridge with steep sides) (地理)猪背岭hold [sb]'s interest v expr (stay interesting)使…保持兴趣Speakers need to select stimulating topics to hold the listeners''s mouth (source)来源;源头hot on [sb]'s heels, hot on the heels of [sb] expr slang (close behind)紧随;紧追;紧跟The police officer was hot on the heels of the speeding on the heels of [sth], hot on [sth]'s heels expr figurative, slang (soon after, subsequent to)紧跟着...houndstooth, hound's tooth, houndstooth check, hounds-tooth check n (textile pattern: checkered)犬牙织纹houndstooth, hound's-tooth n as adj (with checkered pattern)犬牙织纹的How's that? interj (what) (请对方说明)怎么回事?How's that? What did you say?in a dog's age, for a dog's age adv figurative, informal, US (for a long time)很长时间;很久in harm's way expr (in danger)陷入危险;有危险in layman's terms adv figurative (in plain language)通俗地说,用通俗的话讲in place of [sb], in [sb]'s place expr (as a substitute for [sb] else)代替某人;取代某人He sent a delegate to attend the ceremony in his the charge of [sb], in [sb]'s charge expr (in [sb]'s care)由...照顾;由...负责The orphan was placed in his uncle's charge until he reached the pocket of [sb], in [sb]'s pocket expr (under [sb]'s control)在某人控制之下;在某人掌握之中It's well-known that the mafia in this town have the mayor in their the presence of [sb], in [sb]'s presence prep (in front of, before: [sb])在…面前;当着…的面Bill never smoked in the presence of his girlfriend. Tom asked Emily not to use language like that in his presence, as he didn't like it.比尔从不在他女朋友面前抽烟。汤姆让艾米丽不要当着他的面说那样的话,因为他不喜欢。in the wake of [sth], in [sth]'s wake prep (following)随着…;尾随…之后In the wake of the game the fans ran onto the pitch.In the wake of the Beatles' success a number of British bands released records in the [sb]'s good books expr figurative, informal (in favor with [sb])受...的青睐in [sb]'s good graces expr (approved of, in favor)受...的首肯;受...的赞许;被...批准incur [sb]'s anger, incur [sb]'s wrath v expr (cause anger)惹...生气;让...恼怒The student incurred his teacher's wrath by playing truant again.injure [sth], injure [sb]'s [sth] vtr (hurt: [sb]'s feelings) (情感)伤害Pam's rejection of Jim injured his pride.帕姆的拒绝伤害了吉姆的自尊。It is all for the best, It's all for the best expr (outcome is beneficial)这是最好的结果I lost my job, but it's all for the best since now I can start a business, just like I always's contraction colloquial, abbreviation (it is) (口语)[it is 的缩约形式]备注: Not to be confused with the possessive adjective "its"It's almost time for us to leave.我们该走了。it's contraction colloquial, abbreviation (it has) ("is has"的缩写)已经是It's been a difficult year for the whole family.全家这一年过得很困难。It's a fair distance expr informal (It's quite a long way.)相当远it's a free country expr informal (can do what we want) (非正式用语)这是一个自由的国家I can eat with my fingers if I want to; it's a free country!it's a given expr (it's a fact)我同意;这是既定事实There is going to be a big line-up for tickets: it's a given.It's a given that junk food is not good for your health.It's a piece of cake! interj informal (it's very easy)小菜一碟I don't think that arithmetic problem is difficult. It's a piece of cake!我认为那道算术题不难。小菜一碟!It's about time interj informal (impatience)是时候…It's about time you returned my book!It's about time! interj informal (impatience)是时候了!"I'm going to apply for a job." "It's about time!"It's all the same to me expr informal (I have no preference.)对我来说都一样You can stay or leave; it's all the same to's back to the drawing board, it's back to the drawing board for [sb] expr figurative, informal (need to start over)从头再来;推倒重来Well, my boss vetoed my proposal - I guess it's back to the drawing's been a long time expr (a lot of time has passed)已经过了很久了It's been a long time since I last saw's been ages since prep (it's been a very long time since)从…以来已经过了很久了It's been ages since we all sat down's child's play expr (it's extremely easy)太简单了;这件事无关紧要It's so easy to do -- it's child's play,'s childishly simple expr informal (it's extremely easy) (非正式用语)这像小孩子做游戏一样简单,跟小孩子过家家似的;三岁小孩都会做it's early days, it's still early days, it's early days yet expr UK, informal (situation may change)为时过早;言之过早It's high time expr informal (urgency) (表示不能再拖延了)是必须做…的时候了It's high time I went to the doctor; I've postponed it four times.It's high time you found a's inconceivable informal (it's unthinkable or impossible) (非正式用语)这是不可想象的It's inconceivable that he will fail his exams after all the work he's done.It's none too soon, it is none too soon expr informal (it is overdue)一点也不早;有点晚了It seems like spring has finally arrived, and it is none too soon for's not easy expr informal (it's difficult) (非正式用语)这不容易It's not easy to find a partner in this day and's nothing expr informal (it is not important)没什么"What's the problem?" "Oh, it's nothing."it's over interj informal (it has finished) (非正式用语)结束了,完了it's pouring down, it's pouring expr informal (it's raining heavily)下着瓢泼大雨, 下着倾盆大雨I'm not going to walk the dog right now, it's pouring down; I'll do it later on.It's the gospel truth expr figurative, informal (it's the absolute truth)这是绝对真理He can make nonsense sound as if it's the gospel truth.It's up to you. interj informal (it is your decision)由你来定;你说了算We can get Mexican or Chinese food tonight - it's up to you.Jehovah's Witnesses npl (religious denomination)耶和华见证会Jehovah's Witnesses don't celebrate holidays or birthdays.Jew's harp, mouth harp n (musical instrument played with mouth)单簧口琴The Jew's harp, or mouth harp, is played in various forms all round the store (US), jeweller's (UK) n (sells, repairs jewelry)珠宝店journey's end n (destination)目的地After months on the road, they were sad to have finally reached journey's end.KB n UK, initialism (law: King's Bench)王座法庭,王座法院KC n UK, initialism (lawyer's title: King's Counsel)皇家律师,王室律师;王室法律顾问keep [sb]'s spirits up v expr (help [sb] stay cheerful)振作精神;保持乐观积极king's ransom n (large sum)巨款Harry paid a king's ransom for that suit.knife edge, knife-edge, knife's edge n (blade) (本义)刀刃The knife edge was sharp and cut through the thick vegetables with ease.knife's edge, knife edge n (blade)刀刃A knife's edge is generally very sharp.knock [sb]'s socks off, knock the socks off [sb] v expr figurative, informal (amaze, impress)使...震惊;惊叹不已lad's love n (herb: wormwood)苦艾,洋艾ladies' man, lady's man n informal (man: seduces women)有女人缘的男人; (比喻义)女人杀手ladies' room, women's room n Chiefly US (public toilets for women)女厕,女厕所lady slipper, lady's slipper n colloquial (orchid: flowering plant)拖鞋兰;兜兰Lady slippers need shade and humidity.拖鞋兰需要在阴凉潮湿环境中生长。lady's maid (woman's personal servant)女佣;侍婢lady's-eardrop n (flowering plant: fuscia)倒挂金钟;吊钟花lady's-slipper, lady's-slipper orchid, slipper orchid n colloquial (botany: orchid)凤仙花laugh in [sb]'s face v expr informal (greet [sb] with derision)当面嘲笑When he suggested that I pay $10,000 for that piece of junk, I laughed in his face.let's contraction abbreviation (suggestion: let us) (表示建议)让我们…Let's stay in and just watch a video.让我们呆在家里看视频吧。usage: let'sYou use let's when you are suggesting that you and someone else should do something. Let's is short for ‘let us’. It is followed by an infinitive without to.Let's go outside.Let's decide what we want.The full form let us is used with this meaning only in formal English. Let us postpone the matter.If you are suggesting that you and someone else should not do something, you say let's not.Let's not talk about that.Let's not waste time.let's interj UK (agreement: OK) (表示同意、赞同)我们就这么做"Shall we try the new Chinese restaurant?" "Yes, let's!"“咱们去尝尝新开的中国餐厅吧?”“嗯,我们就这么做!”let's call it a day expr (stop work for today)就到此为止吧;今天就到这里吧When the computer crashed for the ninth time, the boss said, "Let's call it a day."let's go interj informal (let us go) (非正式用语)我们走吧Let's go to town and do some shopping! Are you ready to leave? Let's go.我们去城里购物吧!你准备好离开了么?我们走吧。let's say interj informal (supposing that, imagine) (非正式用语)假设Let's say we don't make a profit this quarter. What can we change in order to become profitable?Levi's, levi's n ® (blue jeans)李维斯牛仔裤备注: As a registered trademark, “Levi's” should be capitalized, but it is sometimes not capitalized in informal communication.libber, women's libber n slang, pejorative (supporter of women's liberation) (俚语,轻蔑语)女权运动支持者,(妇女)解放论者lifework, life's work, life-work n (one's main endeavour)一生从事的工作;毕生的事业;毕生的心血lift [sb]'s spirits, raise [sb]'s spirits, lift [sb]'s mood v expr (improve [sb]'s mood)振奋...的精神;让...精神好起来These party songs are guaranteed to lift your there's no tomorrow adv informal, figurative (in a frenzied way) (比喻义)就像没有明天似的;疯狂地lion's den n (lair of big cat)狮穴,狮子巢穴lion's den n figurative (dangerous place)险境I was enthusiastic about my new job, but soon found I had been thrown into a lion's den of excessively demanding bosses and envious colleagues.the lion's share n figurative (largest portion of [sth])最大的一份,最大的那份live up to [sb]'s expectations, live up to expectations v expr (be as good as anticipated)不负所望;满足期望I fear I will never live up to my parents' expectations.Lord's day n (Christianity: Sunday)礼拜日;安息日The Lord's Day should be reserved for worship and not work.Lord's Prayer n (Christian prayer: sung, recited)主祷文;天主经When I was at school we were made to recite the Lord's Prayer every morning, but few people knew what it was all about.[sb]'s loss expr ([sb] is the person losing out)…的损失Your boyfriend dumped you? Well, that's his loss; you're too good for him anyway.You don't want to come out with us tonight? Oh well, your loss!lucky rabbit's foot n (paw of a rabbit kept as a lucky charm)幸运兔腿I always carry my lucky rabbit's foot when I sit an exam.make [sb]'s blood run cold, make your blood run cold v expr (cause intense fear)让人惊恐万分;使人毛骨悚然make [sb]'s day v expr (make [sb] happy)让...开心;使...高兴make [sb]'s hair stand on end v expr (frighten [sb])让…毛骨悚然;把…吓得汗毛倒立That guy was so creepy, he made my hair stand on end.make the acquaintance of [sb], make [sb]'s acquaintance v expr (meet [sb] for the first time)初次认识;与...初次见面make [sb]'s mouth water v expr informal (food: look appetizing)让某人垂涎三尺;馋得某人流口水The smell of that steak on the grill is making my mouth water.make [sb]'s skin crawl v expr (disgust, unnerve [sb])令人厌恶;令人作呕Something about that man makes my skin crawl.mother's boy, mama's boy (US), mamma's boy (US), momma's boy (US), mummy's boy (UK) n informal, pejorative (man overly attached to his mother)胆小怕事的男孩子Tim's mother has him tied to her apron strings; he's become a mama's boy.many's the time adv (often)曾好多次;有好多次Many's the time I've been tempted to hand in my notice.master's degree, masters degree, master's, masters n (postgraduate qualification)硕士学位He is now studying for a master's degree in English Literature.medical certificate, doctor's certificate n (doctor's note excusing [sb] from work)病假证明meet with [sb]'s approval, meet with the approval of [sb] v expr (be endorsed, supported by [sb])受到...的支持;获得...的支持The plans met with the approval of the local business's chorus n (male voice choir)男子合唱团Since he loved singing so much and sang so well, he joined a men's's clothing n (men's wear, apparel for men)男装;男子服饰This shop specialises in men's clothing and men's's magazine n (periodical dealing with men's interests)男性杂志Playboy is the quintessential men's's pants (US), men's trousers (UK) npl (long pants for men)男长裤;男士长裤men's restroom, men's room (US), men's toilets (UK) n (toilets for males)男厕所;男卫生间men's room (US), men's toilets (UK) n (public toilets for men)男厕所,男士洗手间,男士卫生间menswear, men's wear n uncountable (clothing for adult males)男装The menswear department is on the store's second floor.mess up [sb]'s hair, mess [sb]'s hair up v expr informal (make [sb]'s hair untidy)弄乱某人的头发Don't mess up my hair - I've only just come from the hairdressers![sb]'s mid-thirties npl (age)三十多岁mind your p's and q's v expr informal (show good manners)谨言惧行in your mind's eye expr (in your imagination)想象;脑海中In my mind's eye, I can picture the big house that I will live in one day.more power to [sb], more power to [sb]'s elbow expr (expression of encouragement)加油;再加把劲Well, it sounds like Adam's thought it through carefully, so if it's really what he wants to do, more power to his elbow.Mother's Day, also UK: Mothering Sunday n (celebration for mothers)母亲节What date is Mother's Day this year?mother's milk n (woman's breast milk)母乳mother's milk n figurative (nourishment)滋养的源泉movie's bad guy, movie bad guy n informal, US (cinema: villain)电影中的反角The late Heath Ledger portrayed the movie's bad guy in 'The Dark Knight'.MS, M.S., MSc., M.Sc. n initialism (degree: Master of Science) (学位)理学硕士, 科学硕士It took me two years to finish my MSc.MS, M.S., MSc., M.Sc. n initialism (holder of Master of Science degree) (头衔)理学硕士John Smith, MSc., will be awarded for his outstanding achievements in biomedical science.Mum's the word. interj slang (It's a secret.)保密;别说出去Don't tell anybody about this; mum's the word.[sb]'s lips are sealed expr figurative (this will be kept secret)我会守口如瓶Interviewers keep asking the actor who he is dating but his lips are sealed.nail in [sb]'s coffin n figurative ([sth] that hastens [sb]'s demise)致命一击;决定成败的关键因素New Year's Day n (1st January)元旦; (指公历一月一日)新年In the US, New Year's Day is often celebrated watching the Pasadena Rose Parade followed by football games.New Year's Eve n (31st December)新年前夕On New Year's Eve, a lot of people go to parties and let off fireworks. New Year's Eve is the 31st of December.在新年前夕,许多人都会去参加聚会,燃放烟花。新年前夕是12月31日。newsagent's n UK (shop: sells newspapers)报刊杂志店no biggie, it's no biggie interj slang (that is not a matter for concern)没什么大不了,不要紧no man's land, no-man's land n (war: unoccupied area) (战争)无人区域,无人地带During the war, he wandered into no man's land and was very nearly shot by his own man's land, no-man's land n (wasteland)荒地;荒野The Sahara Desert is mostly a no man's land.It's no skin off my back, It's no skin off my nose expr (it makes no difference to me)毫不相干;毫不在乎it's no use doing [sth], there's no use doing [sth] expr (it is pointless)没有帮助的;没有用的It's no use calling out his name, he can't hear you any more.there's no use in doing [sth], there's no point doing [sth], there's no point in doing [sth] expr (it is pointless)没有用的;无济于事的;于事无补的There's no point in asking Jake if you can borrow his car; he'll say no.There's no use in telling me now that I shouldn't put that vase there; you should have mentioned it before I knocked it over and broke it.nobody's fool n informal (person: intelligent)为人精明Jack is nobody's fool; he knows better than to lose his money in card games.none of [sb]'s business expr informal (does not concern [sb])跟某人不相干;与某人无关What I do with my time off is none of your business.none of your business, that's none of your business interj informal (it isn't your concern) (非正式用语)没你的事,不关你的事,别管闲事How much do I earn? None of your business!be nothing doing expr informal (no activity)无事可做Pete went to the bar, but there was nothing doing there, so he headed home.[sb]'s number is up expr figurative, informal ([sb] is about to die)气数已尽;命数已定nurse's aide n (assistant to a nurse)助理护士OHMS, O.H.M.S. expr written, initialism (On His/Her Majesty's Service) (书面首字母缩略语)为英王陛下效劳the olds, [sb]'s olds npl UK, AU, informal (parents)父母;家长When they found out what I'd done, my olds grounded me for a month.old-people's home n potentially offensive (nursing home) (可能具有冒犯性)养老院on account of [sb], on [sb]'s account expr (for [sb]'s sake)为了…Don't turn the music off on my account; it doesn't bother me.不用为我关掉音乐,我并没有受到干扰。on everyone's lips adv (being much discussed)众口相传地;热论地;大家都在讨论地For or against, national healthcare is on everyone's lips lately.This new scandal is on everyone's lips these days.On Her Majesty's Service, On His Majesty's Service expr UK, Can, AU, written (franking on government correspondence) (政府公函抬头)为女王陛下服务;为英王陛下效劳on [sb]'s back adj (nagging [sb] to do [sth])打扰某人的;缠着某人(做某事)的I've got my boss on my back about these late reports.My mother's always on my back about my homework.on Shanks's pony, on shanks's pony expr informal (on foot)步行;徒步on short notice, at short notice, on a moment's notice, at a moment's notice adv (with little warning)短期通知Her appointment was cancelled on short notice.I'm sorry to ask you on such short notice, but I only found out about this yesterday.on [sb]'s coattails, on the coattails of [sb] (US), on [sb]'s coat-tails (UK) expr (succeed: thanks to [sb] else)在…提携之下;靠…提携on the order of [sb], on the orders of [sb], on [sb]'s orders expr (at [sb]'s command)按...的指令;按...的要求What's on your mind? interj (what are you thinking?)你在想什么?on [sb]'s radar adj figurative, informal (noticed, known)注意到He wasn't even on my radar till I saw him in that rom com; now he's my favorite movie star!be one of life's [sth] v expr (be [sth] by nature)天生;自然而然Suzanne is one of life's optimists; however tough life gets, she never seems sad or's adj formal (I, we: impersonal possessive form) (无人称的所有格代名词)某人的One does one's best.尽力就好。one's own time n (free time, leisure time)空闲时间;非工作时间My boss asked me to chat online on my own's self pron dated (your inner nature)真实的自我;内在的自我Travel and meditation have long been considered good ways to find one's [sb]'s eyes to [sth] v expr figurative (make [sb] aware of reality)让...认清; (比喻)让...睁开眼看清楚optician, also UK: optician's n (business that sells eyeglasses)眼镜商;眼镜店Harry always buys his glasses at the optician on his street.哈里总是在他所在街区的眼镜店购买眼镜。[sb]'s other half n figurative, informal (spouse, significant other) (指伴侣,非正式用语)另一半out of harm's way expr (away from danger)远离危险;安然无恙out of the reach of [sb], out of [sb]'s reach expr (inaccessible)超出范围的;够不着的Your pills should be out of the reach of children.out of [sb]'s league adj figurative, informal (too good for [sb]) (非正式用语)高不可攀的;高攀不起的She is beautiful, smart and funny.She would never talk to me; she is out of my league.over [sb]'s head expr figurative (beyond [sb]'s comprehension)让...无法理解;是...理解不了的p's and q's (manners, behavior)得体的举止;礼貌的行为Pandora's box n figurative (unforeseen problems)潘多拉之盒;恶运之源Parkinson's disease n uncountable (degenerative nervous disorder) (一种疾病)帕金森综合症His hands were trembling because he has Parkinson's disease.pawn in [sb]'s game n figurative (unimportant person) (比喻无关紧要的人)某人游戏中的小卒子,某人游戏中的棋子Fred thought he was playing an important role, but really he was just a pawn in Mr. Big's game.弗雷德以为自己扮演着重要角色,实际上不过是大佬们游戏中的一枚棋子。pawn shop, pawnshop (US), pawnbroker's (UK) n (loans on personal property)当铺The murder weapon was purchased at a local pawn shop.perm [sb]'s hair vtr + n informal (put curls or waves in hair)烫发;卷发philosopher's stone n (alchemical substance)点金石The philosopher's stone can turn iron into gold.physician's assistant, physician assistant, PA, P.A. n US (person trained to assist physician)医师助理;助理医生pick pockets, pick [sb]'s pockets, pick [sb]'s pocket v expr (steal money from [sb])扒窃;扒…的口袋The thief picked the passengers' pockets.pick [sb]'s brain, pick [sb]'s brains v expr figurative (ask [sb] a question) (比喻)向…请教,征求…的想法Can I pick your brain for a minute?pierce [sb]'s ears vtr (make holes in: earlobes)给某人打耳洞,给某人的耳朵打洞My mother pierced my ears when I was thirteen.我十三岁时,我妈就给我打了耳洞piercing saw, also UK: jeweller's saw, also US: jeweler's saw n (cutting tool)弓锯;斜形狭圆锯pig's ear n (ear of a pig)猪耳朵pig's ear n UK, figurative (mess, botched job)一团糟,混乱pilot license (US), pilot's licence (UK) n (aircraft permit)飞行执照pique [sb]'s curiosity, pique the curiosity of [sb] v expr (make curious)激发好奇心;引起好奇pique [sb]'s interest, pique the interest of [sb] v expr (interest)激起...的兴趣Your mention of a job vacancy has really piqued my interest.pj's, p.j.'s, P.J.'s n informal, abbreviation (pajamas, pyjamas)睡衣play into [sb]'s hands v expr (unknowingly do what [sb] wanted)让……占便宜;落入...的圈套play into the hands of [sb], play into [sb]'s hands v expr (give [sb] an advantage)正中你下怀pope's nose (US), parson's nose (UK) n informal (cookery: tail of fowl)鸡屁股;家禽屁股POS, P.O.S. n acronym (business: point of sale)销售点;售货点The market near my house just changed to POS.POS, P.O.S. n as adj acronym (point-of-sale: computerized checkout) (缩写)销售点的;售货点的We have replaced our old cash registers with a new POS system.postscript n (letter: [sth] written after signature) (简称PS)又及,附言In a short postscript, Jason reminded Debbie to write back soon.potter's clay n (kiln-drying modelling material)陶土,粘土He made that bowl out of potter's clay.potter's wheel n (device: pottery) (制陶)陶轮pull the wool over [sb]'s eyes v expr figurative (deceive [sb])欺骗;隐瞒pull [sb]'s leg v expr figurative, informal (tease)取笑;捉弄;耍弄备注: Commonly used in continuous tenses.Stop pulling my leg - I know perfectly well what you're up to!put [sb]'s mind at rest, set [sb]'s mind at rest, set [sb]'s heart at rest v expr (reassure)使消除疑虑;使安心Let me just put your mind at rest: your condition is completely treatable.put yourself in [sb]'s shoes v expr figurative (try to empathize)设身处地为...想想;站在...的角度想问题QB n UK, Can, initialism (law: Queen's Bench)王座法院queen's birthday, Queen's birthday n (commonwealth celebration day)女王的生日;女皇诞辰Queen's Counsel n UK (high-ranking barrister) (英国)御用大律师;皇室法律顾问备注: 指服务皇家的法律顾问Queen's Counsels are the highest-ranking lawyers in the UK.皇室法律顾问中都是英国最高等级的律师。Queen's English n (standard variety of English language)标准英语;规范英语;纯正英语I don't understand you! Why can't you speak the Queen's English?!raise one's hand v expr figurative (admit to [sth], confess)承认ram [sth] down [sb]'s throat v expr figurative, informal (force, impose)强迫(某人)接受;把(观点等)强加于人I wish they'd stop ramming their ideas down our lips, read [sb]'s lips v expr (understand by watching mouth)读唇语read [sb]'s mind v expr figurative (guess [sb]'s intentions correctly)读心,猜透心思You must have read my mind; this report is exactly what I would have written.refresh [sb]'s memory v expr (make remember)提醒;提示You say you don't remember the night in question? Let me refresh your memory.return a call, return [sb]'s call v expr (phone [sb] back)回电;给...回电话Can I return your call when I'm less busy?robin's-egg blue n (turquoise colour)淡蓝绿色;知更鸟蛋蓝色备注: Two hyphens are used when the term is an adjectiverobin's-egg-blue adj (turquoise in colour)淡蓝绿色的;知更鸟蛋蓝色的The mother of the bride usually wears a robin's-egg-blue dress.RSVP, R.S.V.P. interj initialism (invitation: please reply) (缩写,请柬用语)请回复,敬请赐复RSVP by the 2nd of August, please!RSVP, R.S.V.P. vi informal, initialism (reply to invitation) (缩写,非正式用法)回复(邀请)The invitation requests that we RSVP by October 1.RSVP, R.S.V.P. n informal, initialism (reply to invitation) (缩写,非正式用法)对邀请的回复All RSVPs should be sent by email.rub [sb]'s nose in [sth] v expr figurative, informal (tease someone persistently about)揭...的伤疤;调侃...所犯错误ruffle [sb]'s feathers v expr figurative (offend, upset)使...发怒;使...生气run in the family, run in [sb]'s family v expr (be inherited, genetic)世代相传;家族遗传Artistic talent must run in Paul's family; he and his three sisters are all painters.runner's high (state of euphoria)跑步高潮S, s n (19th letter of alphabet)[字母表中的第19个字母]Is there one S or two in “desiccate”?“Desiccate”这个单词里有一个字母S还是两个?S adj abbreviation (clothing size: small) (衣服)小号The shirt comes in S, M, L, and XL.这款衬衫有小号、中号、大号和超大号。S n written, abbreviation (south)[南方的缩略形式]The instructions say to start by identifying which way is S.指南上说,首先要确认南方的方向。SAE, S.A.E., sae n UK, initialism (stamped addressed envelope) (写好姓名地址且邮资已付的,英国,首字母缩略词)回邮信封Saint Patrick's Day n (March 17: Irish holiday) (爱尔兰节日,3月17日)圣帕特里克节Saint Valentine's Day (holiday)情人节SASE, S.A.S.E. n US, initialism (self-addressed stamped envelope)回邮信封save the blushes of [sb], save [sb]'s blushes v expr (avoid embarrassing [sb])免得…尴尬;使…免于受窘Samantha saved Ben's blushes by not mentioning who had broken the [sb]'s bacon v expr figurative, informal (rescue, help)助一臂之力;使摆脱困境Gudrun saved my bacon by lending me some money for the bus ticket.SD, S Dak, S Dak. n written, abbreviation (US state: South Dakota) (书面语,美国州,缩写)南达科他Season's Greetings expr (Christmas card wish) (圣诞贺卡)节日问候seller's market, sellers' market n (low supply and high prices)卖方市场The shortage of housing in our city makes it a real seller's market.set [sb]'s teeth on edge v expr figurative (cause discomfort)让...感到不舒服; (比喻不适)让...牙根发酸sharpen [sb]'s wits v expr (make smarter)使某人思维敏捷I find that doing crosswords sharpens my wits.she's contraction colloquial, abbreviation (she is)[she is的缩写形式]She's tall.I like Mrs. Stevens; she's a good teacher.she's contraction colloquial, abbreviation (she has)she has 的缩写形式Lauren's not here; she's gone to the shops.shepherd's pie n (minced lamb topped with potato)土豆泥肉馅饼The shepherd's pie was served in a warm bowl.ship's log n (book for recording ship's data)航行日志The ship's log showed that the ship was heading northeast at the time of the collision.ship's wheel n (helm: steering wheel of a sailing vessel)舵柄,舵轮s***, sh**, sh*t vulgar, slang (shit) (粗俗用语)拉屎; (粗俗用语)放屁,胡扯备注: All meanings of "shit" can be spelled "s***, "sh**" or "sh*t" when someone wants to avoid writing out a profane word.Don't listen to Barry; he talks sh*t.别听巴里的话,他说话跟放屁一样。sing the praises of [sth/sb], sing [sb/sth]'s praises v expr figurative (praise)赞美;称颂,赞颂slip [sb]'s mind v expr (be forgotten)不小心忘记;遗忘I was planning to go to the store, but it slipped my mind.SO, S.O. n initialism, informal (significant other)另一半;配偶something's up expr (something is amiss)有事要发生了SOS, S.O.S. expr (used to call for help)船只或飞机遇险时发出的紧急求救信号"SOS!" the stage manager cried into the walkie-talkie.SOS, S.O.S. n (distress call or signal)紧急求助电话,紧急求助信号The telegraph operator sent an SOS just before the ship sank.SOS, S.O.S. n informal (request for help)紧急求助When we saw that we couldn't prepare dinner by ourselves, we sent out an SOS for help.SOS, S.O.S. n as adj (relating to an SOS)紧急呼救的spider web, UK: spider's web n (structure spun by spider) (美式拼法)蜘蛛网I hate walking into spider webs in the forest.spiderweb (US), spider web (mainly US), spider's web (mainly UK) n (structure spun by a spider)蛛网;蜘蛛网The hikers encountered many spiderwebs on the little-used trail.SSAE, S.S.A.E. n US, initialism (stamped self-addressed envelope)回邮信封St John's wort, St. John's wort n colloquial (medicinal plant, herb)贯叶连翘;金丝桃;圣约翰草St. John's wort is thought to alleviate symptoms of depression.stand in the way, stand in [sb]'s way v expr (be an obstruction)挡住去路;妨碍If that's what you've decided, go ahead. I won't stand in your way.state attorney, state's attorney n US (law)州检察官stationer, stationer's, stationery shop n UK (shop that sells writing materials)文具店The assistant went to the stationer's to buy more paper and pens.stay [sb]'s hand, stay the hand of [sb] v expr literary (stop from acting)留手The king could have ordered the thief's execution, but mercy stayed his hand.stay out of the way of [sb], stay out of [sb]'s way v expr informal (avoid)离…远点;躲…远点You should stay out of the way of our boss today - he's in a bad [sb]'s stead expr formal (in [sb] else's place or position) (人)代替I told my mother I would attend the funeral in her stead.我告诉母亲会代替她出席葬礼。steal [sb]'s thunder v expr (take attention from [sb])抢...的风头Harry was delighted when he passed his driving test, but his brother stole his thunder by getting engaged on the same day.steal [sb]'s thunder v expr (take credit for [sb]'s achievement)抢...的功劳;夺走...的荣誉Rachel was proud of the work she'd done, but her boss stole her thunder by announcing the results of her research as his own.stick to one's guns v expr figurative, slang (not change one's mind)坚持己见;固执己见the straw that broke the camel's back n figurative (final bad thing)压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草;致命一击Ursula had tolerated her husband's bad temper for years, but when he yelled at her mother, that was the straw that broke the camel's back and she kicked him out.The lawsuit was the straw that broke the camel's back for the struggling business.sue for [sb]'s hand v expr literary, dated (court, woo)向…求爱, 追求summer day, summer's day n (warm day in summer)夏日;夏天sun's rays npl (beams of light and heat from the sun)阳光,太阳光tailor's chalk n (compressed mineral used to mark fabrics) (裁缝)划粉a take on [sth], [sb]'s take on [sth] n mainly US (version, interpretation)对…的讲述,对…的诠释;某人对…的讲述,某人对…的诠释This movie is the director's take on the classic love story.这部影片是导演对经典爱情故事的诠释。take a leaf out of [sb]'s book v expr figurative (follow [sb]'s example)效仿;学...的样子take away [sb]'s innocence v expr euphemism (take [sb]'s virginity) (委婉语)夺走某人的童贞take away [sb]'s innocence v expr (disillusion)夺去某人的纯真;使某人不再抱有幼稚的想法take [sb]'s mind off [sth/sb] v expr informal (distract [sb] from thinking about [sth], [sb])使某人分心不想某事;让某人从某事中抽身take the wind out of [sb]'s sails v expr (kill [sb]'s motivation)让...失去动力take the words out of [sb]'s mouth, take the words right out of [sb]'s mouth v expr (say what [sb] else was going to say)完全同意某人的话;把某人想说的话说了出来take [sb]'s breath away v expr figurative (astonish, stun)使震惊;使惊讶take [sb]'s word v expr (believe what [sb] says)相信某人说的Don't just take my word - look it up for yourself.take [sb]'s word for it, take [sb]'s word for that v expr (believe what [sb] says)相信某人的话talk out of both sides of one's mouth v expr figurative (say contradictory things)说自相矛盾的话tan [sb]'s behind, tan [sb]'s backside vtr figurative, slang (whip, beat)狠狠揍…一顿;痛打…一顿Polly's father said he'd tan her backside if she was late home again.tan [sb]'s hide, whip [sb]'s hide v expr (beat [sb] as punishment)揍一顿tap [sb]'s phone v expr (bug [sb]'s telephone)窃听某人的电话I think someone might have tapped my phone – it's making a funny noise.teacher's pet n figurative (pupil favoured by a tutor)老师的宠儿;老师最宠爱的学生Ben accused his brother of being the teacher's pet.that's contraction colloquial, abbreviation (that is)那是Rick is always cheerful; that's one of the things I like about him.that's a different story interj informal (quite the contrary)那又是另一回事了Singing pop is pretty easy, but singing opera – well, that's a different story!That's a wrap, It's a wrap! interj informal (movie: filming has ended)今天就到这儿!;收工!The director shouted, "That's a wrap!"That's a wrap, It's a wrap! interj figurative, slang (the job is finished)完成;收工;完工"That's a wrap," the boss announced, at the end of the project.that's all very well, but expr informal (nevertheless, even so) (非正式用语)好吧…但是,那也好…然而That's all very well, but it still doesn't explain why you didn't finish the work.that's all well and good, but expr informal (nevertheless, even so) (非正式用语)好吧…但是,那也好…然而That's all well and good, and I enjoy talking to your granny, but isn't it about time we left for the movies ?that's as may be interj (even so)即便这样That's fine by me interj informal (acquiescence)我没意见If you leave, that's fine by me.that's for sure! interj informal (expressing agreement) (非正式用语)我很肯定。This operation will relieve the pain in your abdomen – that's for sure!that's how it goes sometimes interj informal (expressing philosophical acceptance) (非正式用语)有时候事情就是这样。I didn't get the job, but that's how it goes sometimes.I know it isn't fair but that's just how it goes sometimes.that's it interj informal (that is correct)就这样,完了;正是这样,正是这个问题That's it! - that piece is the center of the jigsaw puzzle.就是那个!那块拼图就是拼图中央的那一个。that's it interj informal (I've had enough)受够了,够了That's it! - all this noise has got to stop! That's it, you're fired: clear out your desk and leave!够了!所有的噪音必须停止!够了,你被开除了,收拾好桌面然后离开!that's just it interj informal (that is precisely the issue) (非正式用语)说的就是这件事。That's just it. We don't agree so we'll never arrive at a solution.that's just the thing interj (it's exactly what is needed)这正是我想要的Take an aspirin – that's just the thing for a bad headache.that's life interj informal (expressing acceptance of fate)这就是生活;生活就是这个样子I've missed the last train. Ah well, that's life!that's right interj informal (that is correct) (非正式用语)对!没错!That's right. The truck ran the red light and slammed into that car.that's that interj informal (that is the end of the matter)就这么定了You're not going to marry that boy, and that's that! You're not going to the party, and that's that.that's the idea interj informal (that's precisely what is expected) (非正式用语)这正是我想要的!这个我赞成!that's the idea interj (you understand what I meant)你明白我的话了!就是这个意思!that's the thing interj informal (that is precisely my point)正是所需要的东西;正合所需That's the thing! I never wanted to get married in the first place.that's the ticket interj informal (that is exactly what's needed)正是所需要的东西;正合所需That's the ticket! Now you're sure to win the science fair.that's the way the cookie crumbles interj informal, figurative (acceptance of [sth] disappointing) (指接受令人失望之事)生米已经煮成熟饭;生活就是这么回事;认命呗the cat's meow (US), the cat's whiskers (UK) n figurative, informal (person: important)妄自尊大;自命不凡Look at her, strutting about! She really thinks she's the cat's meow!the cat's whiskers expr informal (person, thing: very good)了不起的人;绝妙的事物the exception proves the rule, it's the exception that proves the rule expr (a truth: doesn't apply)凡有规定,必有例外The lights are on but nobody's home, The lights are on but there's nobody home expr figurative, informal ([sb] is unintelligent)愚蠢;没脑子;脑袋空空My brother can be incredibly stupid sometimes; the lights are on but nobody's home.the three Rs, the three R's npl dated (reading, writing, and arithmetic) (基础教育)读、写、算there is, there's expr (indicating [sth] singular)有备注: incorrectly but commonly used with plural nounsThere's a bank just across the street.街对面就有家银行。there's no accounting for [sth] expr ([sth] can't be explained)无法解释;说不通Kevin has been odd lately; there's no accounting for his behaviour.there's no accounting for taste, there's no accounting for tastes expr (taste can't be explained)人的爱憎好恶是无法解释的I have no idea what Chloe sees in Dean; there's no accounting for taste.There's no help for it. expr (there is no remedy)没有办法;毫无办法There's no help for it. We'll have to sell the house.throw [sth] back in [sb]'s face v expr figurative (charge with past misdeeds)翻某人的旧账I wish you wouldn't throw that incident back in my face every time we have a row!throw [sth] back in [sb]'s face v expr figurative (reject spitefully)带有恶意地拒绝thwart [sb]'s plans v expr (prevent [sb] achieving [sth])破坏某人计划Mr. Richards thwarted Mr. Johnson's plans when he revealed new information on the project.tiger's-eye, tigereye, tiger eye n (semi-precious stone)虎眼石Time up, Time's up interj (end of allotted time)时间到了!to [sb]'s liking adj (suiting [sb]'s taste)如某人所愿I'm afraid the colour green is not to my liking; I prefer [sb]'s liking adv (in preferred way)合...口味地Choose a steak and we will cook it to your the best of my knowledge, to the best of [sb]'s knowledge expr (as far as I know)据我所知To the best of my knowledge, all of the coffee shops in the city close before 9:00 [sb]'s credit expr (deserving praise)值得表扬某人;拜某人所赐to your heart's content adv figurative, informal (as much as you please) (比喻,非正式用语)按照你的心意,如你所愿You can ask me to your heart's content, but I won't answer your questions.tobacconist, tobacco shop, tobacconist's n (tobacco seller)烟草商Run down to the tobacconist and buy some cigarettes for me, please.Today's Special n (menu item: speciality)今日特色菜Tourette's syndrome, also US: Tourette syndrome n (neurological disorder)妥瑞症;抽动症traveler's check (US), traveller's cheque (UK) n (cheque: exchanged for currency) (美式拼法)旅行支票Bob believed that traveler's checks were safer than carrying cash.traveler's diarrhea (US), traveller's diarrhoea (UK) n (disgestive disorder)旅行者腹泻tread on [sb]'s toes, step on [sb]'s toes v expr figurative (encroach on [sb]'s territory) (因干预他人)惹恼;得罪The new employee trod on Gloria's toes when he sold some new products to her clients.try [sb]'s patience, try the patience of [sb] v expr (become tiresome)考验某人的耐心;消磨某人的耐心twist [sb]'s arm v expr figurative (force to do [sth])强迫...做某事[sb]'s type n (person: attractive to [sb])…喜欢的类型,对…有吸引力的类型Sara's not my type; she's too serious.萨拉太过严肃认真,不是我喜欢的类型。U.S.S., USS n initialism (United States Ship) (美国舰船)号under the leadership of [sb], under [sb]'s leadership expr (with [sb]'s management or guidance)在某人的领导下under [sb]'s nose, right under [sb]'s nose expr (in an obvious place)在你眼皮底下;当你的面Ursa Major, Great Bear, Charles's Wain n (constellation) (星座)大熊(星)座I identified Ursa Major on the star chart.the US, the U.S. n initialism (United States)美国the usual, [sb]'s usual n (same drink as always)和平时一样的饮品;常点的饮品Dan asked the barkeeper for his usual.丹向酒店老板要了平时常点的酒。Valentine card, Valentine's card n (card given on 14th February)情人节卡片Valentine's Day, Saint Valentine's Day n (14th February: lovers' celebration)情人节What did you and your partner do for Valentine's day?vendor's endorsement, also US: vendor's indorsement n (warranty, seller's guarantee)销售者产品责任险visitor badge, visitor's badge n (name tag worn by visitor)游客标签;访客胸牌WAC n historical, acronym (Women's Army Corps)陆军妇女军团wasp nest (US), wasp's nest, wasps' nest (UK) n (structure built by wasps)蜂窝;黄蜂窝Take this spray into the steeple and take care of that wasp nest.water off a duck's back, like water off a duck's back expr figurative (having no effect on [sb])毫无影响;毫无作用The press wrote all sorts of nasty stories about the politician, but it was like water off a duck's back; she paid no attention to them at all.weeds, widow's weeds npl (mourning clothes) (寡妇穿的)丧服,孝服The woman dressed in weeds for a month after her husband passed away.weigh on [sb]'s conscience v expr (cause feelings of guilt)让...良心不安what's contraction colloquial, abbreviation (what is)是什么What's that smell?What's good for the goose is good for the gander, What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander expr figurative ([sth] should apply equally)一律平等;同样适用What's happening? expr informal (greeting)怎么回事?出什么事了?Hi, guys. What's happening?What's new? expr informal (greeting)有什么新情况吗?;有什么新鲜事吗?What's next? interj informal (expressing disbelief or mild dismay) (表达不相信或轻微的沮丧)接下来是什么?What's the matter? expr (What is wrong?)出什么事了?;怎么了?what's up with [sth/sb] expr slang (what is happening to)出了什么事?I don't know what's up with Jane. This is the first time she hasn't been on time.What's up with that? expr slang (That is unfair, not logical) (俚语,表示不公平或不理解)搞什么啊?;怎么回事?She never does any work and now she's been made our manager. What's up with that?What's up? expr slang (What is wrong?)怎么了?;有什么问题?Sarah looked sad so I asked her "What's up?"What's up? expr slang (What is happening?)过得如何?;近况如何?I haven't seen you for a long time. What's up?what's what n (useful, essential information)重要信息What's wrong? expr informal (What is the matter?)怎么了?;出什么事了?what's your game? interj UK, informal (what are you doing?)你在搞什么?;你在玩什么鬼把戏?what's-her-name, whatshername n informal (female with forgotten name)无名氏女子;不知道名字的女性what's-his-name, whatshisname n slang (man: forgotten name) (记不起名字时)那个某某,你叫他什么来着I ran into what's-his-name again this afternoon.whet [sb]'s appetite, whet [sb]'s appetite for [sth] v expr figurative (make [sb] eager for [sth])吊起了某人的胃口;勾起了某人的兴致The city tour whetted our appetite for bigger adventures.who's contraction colloquial, contraction (who is)谁在;谁是Who's knocking at the door?Who's Who n US, informal (social elite)社会精英,名人All the best families are listed in the Who's Who.who's who expr (identities)身份I'm not sure who's who in these old family photos.widow's peak n (hairline: point)前额V形发尖,美人尖will-o'-the-wisp, ignis fatuus, friar's lantern, jack-o'-lantern n (ghost light)鬼火will-o'-the-wisp, ignis fatuus, friar's lantern, jack-o'-lantern n as adj (relating to a ghost light)难以捉摸的;鬼火的;变幻莫测的Strange will-o'-the-wisp lights moved over the marshes at [sb]'s heart v expr figurative (endear yourself)赢得某人的心Our new neighbor's son won my heart when he raked up the leaves for the affection of [sb], win [sb]'s affection v expr (seduce, make [sb] love you)赢得...的喜爱wind up in [sb]'s pocket, wind up in the pocket of [sb] v expr US, figurative, informal (be controlled) (比喻)落入…的口袋之中winter day, winter's day n (day in winter)冬日We got married on a cold but sunny winter's day.witch's hat, witch hat n (tall pointed black hat)女巫帽with compliments, with [sb]'s compliments, with the compliments of [sb] adv (free of charge, as a goodwill gesture)作为...谨赠;不吝赞扬wolf in sheep's clothing n figurative ([sb] dangerous who looks harmless)披着羊皮的狼After he stole from the company we realized that Joe was a wolf in sheep's clothing.women's clothing n (apparel for adult females, ladies' clothes)女装The women's clothing department is on the fourth floor.women's lib n informal, dated, abbreviation (women's liberation: equal rights)女权运动;妇女解放运动The first wave of feminism made great strides towards women's lib.women's lib n informal, pejorative, dated, abbreviation (women's liberation: feminism)女权运动;妇女解放运动My daughter wants to be Pope. What will women's lib dream up next?women's liberation n dated (equal rights for women)女性解放;妇女解放The suffragette movement made enormous strides in the fight for women's liberation.women's magazine n (periodical for female readers)女性杂志In the past women's magazines focused on cooking and housekeeping tips.women's rights (rights claimed for women)女性权利;女性权益women's shelter n (woman's refuge)妇女庇护所women's suffrage n (right of adult females to vote)成年女性的选举权New Zealand was the first country to grant women's suffrage or voting one's ass off v expr slang, figurative, vulgar (work extremely hard)拼命干活;拼命工作world's fair, world fair n (international event)世界博览会,世博会wring [sb]'s heart v expr (make sad)令人心痛;让人伤心Seeing the victims of the disaster on TV wrung the hearts of many people.writer's block n (author: inability to write)创作困境,创作瓶颈writer's cramp n (spasm in the hand muscles)书写痉挛you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear expr (poor materials make poor products)朽木不可雕;烂泥扶不上墙




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