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词汇 rush
释义 rushUK:*/ˈrʌʃ/US:/rʌʃ/ ,(rush)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 rush vi (move with speed) (流水、雨水等)快速流动,奔腾,急泻He rushed through the airport to catch the plane.为了赶上飞机,他一路狂奔穿过机场。 rush at [sb/sth] vi + prep (charge, run at [sb/sth])冲向, 扑向The bull suddenly rushed at the farmer.公牛突然冲向了农夫。 rush n (haste)匆忙;急急忙忙In her rush to get out of the door, Audrey forgot her purse and had no money to buy lunch that day.因匆忙出门,奥德丽忘带了钱包,没钱购买当天午餐。 rush n (intensity of activity)激增;涌现I miss the rush of city life.There was a sudden rush of activity as the guests began to arrive.我怀念城市生活的繁忙。//客人陆续到来,活动忽然就增多了。 其他翻译 rush n (onslaught) (人)蜂拥而至There was a rush of customers on the first day of the sale.特价促销期的第一天,顾客们蜂拥而至。 rush n (American football: running play) (橄榄球)带球突破,跑动带球The quarterback was tackled, and the pass rush was complete.四分卫已经解决,带球突破也成功完成。 rush n (hostile attack)突然袭击The mugger's rush at him was sudden and violent.抢劫犯对他的袭击,既突然又暴力。 rush n (migration)蜂拥前往某地(的人群)Flight prices skyrocket during the winter rush to the tropics.在冬季人们蜂拥前往热带避寒的时期,机票疯涨。 rush n (sudden appearance)匆忙;仓促;忽然出现The spring flowers have appeared with a rush this year.今年,春天的花朵忽然就绽开了。 rush n usually plural (marsh plant) (植物)灯心草The fishermen stopped the boat among the rushes. rush n (strong demand for commodity)争相抢购;需求激增There was a rush for the popular doll before Christmas.圣诞节前,人们都争相抢购这款热销的洋娃娃。 rush n (sudden intense emotion)突然一阵强烈的情感Mark felt a rush of anger when he saw his enemy.当马克看到自己的敌人时,突然感到一阵怒火窜上他的心头。 rush n (sudden intense sensation) (强烈感情等)一股;一阵Emily experienced a rush of sweet flavour as she bit into the cake. John felt a rush of heat when he opened the oven door. rush vi (appear rapidly)猛冲;奔The star rushed onstage.明星冲上舞台。 rush vi (American football: run with ball) (橄榄球)带球跑The team rushes for an average of two hundred yards a game.这支球队,平均每场比赛带球跑200码。 rush [sb] vtr (American football: tackle) (橄榄球)突破,突袭,冲向He rushed the player with the ball. rush [sb/sth] vtr (transport with haste)快速运送The paramedics rushed Fred to the hospital. rush [sth] vtr (hurry)匆忙做;草率作出I rushed my decision, and later regretted it. rush [sb/sth] vtr (charge)突袭;冲向;向…猛冲The army rushed the enemy. 动词短语 rush around, also UK: rush about vi phrasal (go about things hurriedly)风风火火地四处奔忙;忙完这边忙那边James was rushing around, trying to get everything organized for the party. rush in vi phrasal (enter in a hurry)冲入;冲进来He rushed in before we could stop him. rush into [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (do hastily)仓促地做, 匆匆忙忙作出Don't rush into a decision which you may regret later. rush off vi phrasal (leave in a hurry)仓促跑掉;急忙跑掉I hate to rush off, but I am late for work. rush over vi phrasal (approach in a hurry)猛冲向I rushed over to the woman who fell down to see if she was okay. rush up vi phrasal (come over in a hurry)冲过来She rushed up to me and grabbed my hand. 复合形式: adrenaline rush n (flush of excitement or panic)肾上腺素激增Roller coasters give him an adrenaline rush. give [sb] the bum's rush v expr slang (dismiss [sb] rudely) (俚语)将某人赶走;将某人打发走 give [sb] the bum's rush v expr slang (eject [sb] forcibly) (俚语)将某人轰走;强行驱赶 gold rush n (mass migration to goldmine)淘金热The gold rush of the early 20th century became a symbol of the American Dream. in a rush adv (hurrying, making haste)匆忙地;急冲冲地Isabella was running around in a rush trying to get everything ready. in a rush adj (hurrying, making haste)匆忙的;急冲冲的Ava was in a rush to get to work on time. rush away vi + adv (hurry and leave)匆忙离开When the soldiers arrived, the villagers rushed away. rush back vi + adv (return in a hurry)赶回来I rushed back home after work so I could watch the hockey game on TV. rush hour n (peak traffic times)高峰时间The city roads are in chaos during the rush hour.上下班高峰期,城市道路一片混乱。 rush hour, rush-hour n as adj (peak traffic times)高峰期;高峰时间备注: A hyphen may be used when the adjective precedes the nounStan left work early to avoid the rush hour traffic.斯坦提早下班,以避开高峰时段的交通。 rush out vi + adv (exit in a hurry)仓促跑出;急忙跑出;冲出We rushed out to get some medicines before the pharmacy closed.为了赶在药店关门前买到药,我们仓促地跑了出去。 rush through [sth] vi + prep (hurry through a place)快速通过,快速穿过Ron rushed through the school to get to his class in time. rush [sth] through, rush through [sth] vi + prep (hurry to complete [sth])匆忙做完,仓促完成Helen rushed through her homework. sugar rush n informal (energy boost)食糖后兴奋感A sugar rush is followed by a quick dip in stamina.




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