

词汇 If you
释义 If you
If you发音



if not───如果不;不然的话

mind you───注意;留心

of yours───属于你(们)的;你(们)的

if poss───如果可能

of yore───很久以前

see you───再见;回头见

after you───您先请


Heck, if you don't like it, don't vote for him.───如果你不喜欢,不要投他的票不就得了。

If you build more plastics into cars, the car lasts longer.───如果汽车采用更多塑料元件,寿命会更长一些。

It's enough to make you wet yourself, if you'll pardon the expression.───这足以吓得你尿裤子了,请原谅我这么说。

If you're not satisfied with the life you're living, don't just complain. Do something about it.───对于现况的不满,不能只是抱怨,要有勇气作出改变。

If you think as I do, vote as I do.───如果你考虑问题和我一样,就和我投一样的票。

You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest. And if you do, if you stay positive, then you have a shot at a silver lining.───你必须全力以赴,最大限度地去努力。如果你这么做,并且保持乐观,你就会看见乌云背后的幸福线。

If you wait, all that happens is that you get older.───如果你等待,发生的只有变老。

If you ever cross him, forget it, you're finished.───如果你曾经和他作对过,就别想了,你没戏了。

If you keep your eyes squeezed shut, you'llmiss the show.───如果一直紧闭双眼,你就要错过精彩的表演了。

This is more like a downpayment, or a deposit, if you like.───这更像是首付,也可以说是定金。

Lumbar support is very important if you're driving a long way.───长途驾驶时,腰部的支撑十分重要。

If you have had a problem with the vatman, let us know.───如果您对增值税有什么异议的话,请告诉我们。

If you'd like more information, ring the Hotline on 414 3929.───如果想了解更多信息,请拨打热线电话4143929。

If you love life, life will love you back.───热爱生活,生活也会厚爱你。

If you're a Billy Crystal fan, you'lllove this movie.───如果你是比利·克里斯托的影迷,你会喜爱这部影片。

If you kept your nose clean, you had a job for life.───如果你规规矩矩,就可以一辈子都捧着这个饭碗。

If you see him, give him this note.───你要是见到他,就把这个便条给他。

If you get stuck, click on Help.───如果你碰到困难,请点击“帮助”。


If you want peace, prepare for war. 

If you want knowledge, you must toil for it. 

If you wish for peace, be prepared for war. 

If you swear you will catch no fish. 

If you want knwledge, you must toil for it. 

If you can't be good, be careful. 

If you dance you must pay the fiddler. 

If you command wisely, you'll be obeyed cheerfully. Thomas Fuller 

If you build it they will come. 

  • If you




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