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词汇 religious
释义 religiousUK:*/rɪˈlɪdʒəs/US:/rɪˈlɪdʒəs/ ,(ri lij′əs)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 religious adj (pious)虔诚的,虔敬的,笃信宗教的He was devoutly religious, insisting that his wife also convert.他非常虔诚,坚持要求妻子也改信同样的宗教。 religious adj (relating to religion)宗教的,宗教信仰的Many of the world's religious leaders met at the last conference.来自世界各地的众多宗教领袖在上次大会上汇聚一堂。 其他翻译 religious adj figurative (conscientious, diligent)认真的,一丝不苟的,兢兢业业的She is religious about dusting every day. the religious npl (devout persons)笃信宗教的人As an atheist, she had trouble understanding the religious. 复合形式: conversion, religious conversion n (adoption of religion)改变信仰;皈依Lila's conversion to Buddhism was surprising to her family. nonreligious, non-religious adj (not associated with religion)与宗教无关的;非宗教性的 nonreligious, non-religious adj (having no religious faith)无宗教信仰的;不信宗教的 religious background n (upbringing in a particular faith)宗教背景 religious belief n (faith)宗教信仰My religious beliefs prohibit me from eating pork. religious believer n ([sb] who believes in god)信仰宗教者;信教者 religious ceremony n (special church service)宗教仪式After their civil wedding there was a short religious ceremony. religious divide n (division caused by differences in faith)宗教分歧;宗教信仰分歧 religious education n (religion as school subject)宗教教育All pupils have lessons in religious education during their first year in secondary school. religious holiday n (feast day, holy day)宗教节日Christmas is a religious holiday that has become secularized. religious leader n (head of a church or order)宗教领袖The religious leaders of the community gathered for an interfaith conference.The Pope is the religious leader of the Roman Catholic church. religious order n (monks: monastery)修道院;寺院The Benedictines are a very old religious order. religious order n (nuns: convent)女修道院 Religious Studies npl (academic subject: religion)宗教研究 religious war n (conflict between religions)宗教战争;圣战The Crusades were part of a religious war between Christians and Muslims. zealously religious adj (fanatically devout, pious)热忱地笃信宗教的I'm tired of these zealously religious people mixing their beliefs with politics.




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