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词汇 rack
释义 rackUK:*/ˈræk/US:/ræk/ ,(rak)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 rack n (stand)架子Maria arranged the bottles neatly on the rack.玛利亚将瓶子井井有条地放在架子上。 rack n (shelving unit)挂架Could you pass me a saucepan from the rack over there?你能把挂架上的深平底锅递给我吗? rack [sb] vtr often passive (pain, sobs: convulse)折磨;使痛苦The boxer had taken a real beating during the fight and was racked with pain.Sobs racked the grieving woman's body.那位拳击手在比赛中被人胖揍,痛苦不堪。那位女士哀恸地抽泣,浑身颤抖。 rack [sb] vtr often passive (cause mental suffering) (精神上)使遭受痛苦,折磨Jeremy was racked by guilt over betraying his best friend.背叛自己最好的朋友所带来的内疚之情,让杰里米饱受折磨。 其他翻译 rack of ribs n (food: ribs)肋排肉;颈脊Helen sat down to eat a rack of ribs. rack n figurative, vulgar, slang (breasts)胸部;奶子Alice has a fantastic rack.爱丽丝的奶子很正。 rack n (for animal food)草料饲槽;牲口槽The farmer filled the rack with hay for the horses.农夫给马的牲口槽添加干草。 the rack n historical (torture instrument)肢刑架The rack was used as an interrogation device in medieval times.中世纪时期,肢刑架是一种拷问工具。 rack, roof rack n (fixture on car) (轿车等)车顶行李架Mark secured his canoe to the roof rack with heavy straps. rack, clothes rack n (apparatus for hanging clothes)衣帽架Hang your wet jeans on the clothes rack; they'll be dry by the morning. rack n (mechanics: gear bar) (机械学)齿条 rack, bike rack, rear bike rack, pannier rack n (fixture on bicycle) (自行车)车架 rack [sb] vtr US, slang (hit in testicles)踢…的下档 动词短语 rack out vi phrasal US, informal (fall asleep)睡觉;入睡 rack [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (accumulate)添草料;累积得分;累计Canada racked up fourteen gold medals in the Winter Olympics. I travel for business so I rack up a lot of frequent flier miles.加拿大在冬季奥运会上累计获得14枚金牌。我经常商务出差,所以累计了很多常旅客飞行里程。 复合形式: bike rack, bicycle rack, cycle rack n (stand for parking cycles)自行车停放架 bike rack, bicycle rack, cycle rack n (device for carrying cycles on car) (汽车)自行车固定架 bookrack, book rack n (support for an open book)书架,书托 bookrack, book rack n (shelf for holding books)书架 cake rack n (wire stand for cooling baked items)蛋糕架;蛋糕冷却架 cheese rack n (for drying cheese)奶酪架 coat rack, coatrack (US), coat stand (UK) n (stand for overcoats)衣帽架;衣架 coat rack, coatrack n (pegs for overcoats)挂衣钩On the back of the door, there is a coat rack where you can hang your hat or coat. dish rack n (frame for drying dishes) (洗后晾干水分用)碗碟架You should clean your dish rack frequently or the crockery will be unhygienic.She unloaded the dish rack as the water boiled. display rack n (shelf for showing goods for sale)陈列架When there are too many items on the display rack, I have trouble picking one. drying rack n (apparatus for hanging items to dry)干燥架;晒架In wet weather, we leave the washing to dry indoors on a drying rack. flat rack n (open transportation container)框架柜;框架集装箱 hat rack n (structure to hang hats on)帽架;衣帽架He hung his hat on the hat rack. luggage rack n (shelf for baggage on a train)行囊架;行李架I can't reach the luggage rack - could you lift my bag for me, please? magazine rack n (shelf for storing periodicals)杂志架 magazine rack n (stand for displaying periodicals)杂志摊 off-the-peg (UK), off-the-rack (US) adj (clothing: ready to wear) (衣服)现成的 oven rack n (shelf inside an oven)烤架Place the pizza directly on the oven rack. plant rack n (shelves for displaying pot plants)植物展示架 rack and pinion n (mechanism)齿条与齿轮 rack of lamb n (roasted ribs of young sheep)烤小羊排 rack rate n (full charge for a hotel room)门市价,全价 rack your brains, rack your brain, wrack your brains, wrack your brain v expr (try to remember)绞尽脑汁 rack-rent, rack rent n (high rent)高额租金 rickrack, rick rack, rick-rack n US (decorative zigzag ribbon trim)Z字形花边 shoe rack n (shelving unit for storing footwear)鞋架 spice rack n (shelf that holds seasonings)香料架 test-tube rack n (laboratory: holder for test tubes)试管架 towel rack n (frame for hanging towels on)毛巾架He hung his wet towel on the towel rack to dry. wine rack n (holder for bottles)酒架Adrian took a bottle from the wine rack.




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