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词汇 pro
释义 proUK:*/ˈprəʊ/US:/proʊ/ ,(prō; prep. prō, Eng. prō)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Australian:Jamaican: 主要翻译 pro n informal, abbreviation (sport: professional)职业运动员The tournament's open to pros and amateurs alike. a pro n figurative, slang, abbreviation (expert)专业人士;专家;内行He claimed to be a pro at crossword puzzles. pro n usually plural (advantage, point in favor)赞成;好处;优点I can't think of a single pro; if I were you, I would definitely say "no".我想不到任何一个赞成的理由。如果我是你,我肯定不会同意。 pro adj informal, abbreviation (professional)职业的,从事某种职业的;职业性的,非业余的;专业的,业务娴熟的,训练有素的He turned pro in 1990 after winning two amateur titles. pro adv (in favor)正面地;赞成地;支持地I voted against the increased budget; my partner voted pro. pro prep informal (for, in favor of)支持;赞成I'm pro the idea of the European Union, but in practice their regulations often seem unfair. 复合形式: pros and cons npl (advantages and disadvantages)利弊She weighed the pros and cons of the situation before making a decision.We're making a list of the pros and cons of living in France. pro and con expr (for and against)利弊Before making her decision, Maria made a list of arguments, pro and con. pro-and-con expr (for and against)赞成与反对The class debated the pro-and-con arguments around nuclear power. pro bono adv Latin (not for profit)无偿服务The claimant's lawyers were acting pro bono. pro forma, proforma adj Latin (invoice, balance: advance)试算的;预估的备注: The single-word form may be used when the term is an adjective that precedes the noun. pro forma, proforma adj Latin (done as a formality)走形式的;形式上的We'll need to have a pro forma interview to satisfy the legal department. pro rata adv (proportionately)按比例地;成比例地The job is paid pro rata. pro rata, pro-rata adj (proportionate)按比例的;成比例的Julia is paid a pro-rata salary. pro tem adj abbreviation (pro tempore)临时的;暂时的 pro tem adv abbreviation (pro tempore)临时地,暂时地She was brought in to serve as judge pro tem until the regular judge recovered from his illness.在常任法官病愈之前,她被暂时任命为法官。 pro tempore adj Latin, formal (temporary)临时的;暂时的 pro tempore adv Latin, formal (temporarily)临时地;暂时地 pro-abortion adj (favoring legalization of abortion)支持堕胎的,赞成堕胎的 pro-abortionist n (supports abortion)赞成堕胎者 pro-choice adj (abortion: supporting right to choose)主张女性有权人工流产的;提倡堕胎合法的 pro-life adj (anti-abortion)反对人工流产合法化的 quid pro quo n Latin (fair exchange)交换物;报偿In a quid pro quo, the union accepted salary decreases in exchange for an increase in overtime. semipro, also UK: semi-pro adj informal, abbreviation (semiprofessional)半职业性的,半专业性的




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