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词汇 positive
释义 positiveUK:*/ˈpɒzɪtɪv/US:/ˈpɑzɪtɪv/ ,(poz′i tiv)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 positive adj (affirmative)肯定的;同意的Karen has asked Richard to marry her and is hoping for a positive answer.卡伦向理查德求婚了,希望能获得肯定的答复。 positive adj (good, beneficial)积极的;有助益的There were some problems with Ann's behaviour last term, but I'm pleased to say there have been positive changes this term.上学期安在行为方面有些问题,但我很高兴地说,本学期情况有了积极的改变。 positive adj (certain, sure)有把握的;确信的I'm positive I saw someone run across the garden.我确信刚才看到花园里有人跑过去了。 positive adj (attitude: optimistic)积极的;乐观的Everyone likes Joe, because he's always so positive. A positive attitude isn't a guarantee of success, but it helps.每个人都喜欢乔,因为他总是非常乐观。积极的态度并不一定就意味着会成功,但对成功有所帮助。 positive adj (favourable)赞许的;赞成的Alex's project proposal got a positive reception.亚历克斯的项目提案获得了赞许的回应。 其他翻译 positive adj (electricity: positively charged) (电)正电荷的You need to get the positive terminal and the negative terminal of the battery the right way round, or the device won't work. positive adj (greater than zero)正的;正数的This equation contains positive numbers and negative numbers.After a few days of extreme cold, we should finally see positive temperatures again today. positive adj (blood type: rhesus positive) (血型)Rh阳性的Alan's blood type is A positive. positive adj (definite, clear)明确的;确切的The company issued a positive denial in respect of the allegations. positive adj (beyond doubt)确信的;肯定的The police confirmed a positive sighting of the missing man. positive adj informal (complete)完全的;彻底的Bill thinks Shakespeare wrote Pride and Prejudice? The man's a positive idiot! positive adj (medical test results) (医学测试结果)阳性的I'm sorry, Mrs Smith, your results are positive; you do have MS. positive adj (showing progress)有进步的;积极的The economy is showing positive signs of recovery. positive adj (chemistry) (化学元素)阳性的Ions can have a positive or a negative charge. positive adj (grammar: base form) (语法)原级的"Good" is a positive adjective. positive adj (photography) (摄影)正像的,正片的Positive images are produced from negatives. positive interj (yes, I'm certain)赞同的;认可的"Are you sure you saw someone run across the garden?" "Positive!" positive n (good attribute)优点;优势Marilyn is good with money, so that's a positive. positive n (grammar: positive degree) (语法)原级Today we will be learning about positives, comparatives, and superlatives. positive n (photography) (摄影)正像,正片Now you have your negatives, you need to develop them into positives. 复合形式: HIV positive, HIV-positive adj (infected with HIV virus)艾滋病毒呈阳性的,艾滋病毒阳性的,感染艾滋病毒的 on a positive note expr (in an optimistic way)从好处看备注: Commonly used after the following verbs: start; begin; end; finish; conclude; go out; leave. on a positive note expr (pointing out [sth] favorable)还好的是;值得赞许的是There wasn't much to do at our hotel in Greece, but on a positive note, the view was stunning. positive feedback n (good report, favourable comments)正面反馈;正面回馈;好的反应They gave her some positive feedback on her article but didn't publish it.It's always nice to get positive feedback when you're doing things right. positive reinforcement n (encouragement)正面强化Positive reinforcement works better than punishment with children. positive side n (good point or aspect)积极一面,积极的方面 positive thought n (optimistic or cheerful idea)积极想法,正向思维 positive-sense adj (biology: of DNA) (生物学:DNA)正义的,正股的 stay positive vi (keep an optimistic outlook)保持积极 test positive vi + adj (have positive result)检测呈阳性Out of all the patients screened for the virus, only 20% tested positive. test positive for [sth] v expr (have positive result for a condition)...检测呈阳性 think positive vi + adj (be optimistic)保持乐观You'll do fine on the test. Keep thinking positive!




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