

词汇 hospital beds
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hospital bed───病床;医院病床

hospital bedside───医院床边

hospital boards───医院董事会

hospital bills───医药费

hospital bill───医药费

hospital pass───n.易使人受伤的传球





Hospital beds were scarce and medicines were practically non-existent.───当时医院病床紧缺,药物根本所剩无几。

an urgent need for more hospital beds.───医院床位急需增加。

London seems to lose more than 2,000 hospital beds.───伦敦似乎会丧失2000多个医院床位。

Beds of infectious diseases around the country are basically planning to configure the light of general hospital beds configuration.───国内各地对传染病床位的规划配置基本上都是参照综合医院床位的配置方法。

Different results might have been obtained if the survey had focused on people who were lying in hospital beds.───如果调查对象集中在躺在医院病床上的病人,那么有可能得出不同的结果。

Just now, Tientsin UNRRA was trying to find a route to send medicines and hospital beds across the lines to Communist areas.───正好这时“联总”天津办事处想开辟一条路线,把药品和医院用的病床穿越战线运往共产党地区。

Health insurers have reacted positively, since costs are a fraction of those of keeping patients in hospital beds.───由于成本只是患者留院治疗的很小一部分,因此健康保险公司的反应相当积极。

Rather than being pushed roughly out of hospital beds, they stay three times as long as the rich-world average.───日本人从不被粗暴地推下医院的病床,他们住院的时间是发达国家平均水平的三倍。

conversely , we were touched by the firefighters heroic efforts and felt their pain as we saw them lying in their hospital beds.───当目睹这些英雄因义勇救人而不幸受伤躺在病床上时,我们深为他们的英勇行为而感动,同时也对他们的痛苦感同身受。


And hospital beds, precious things.

The number of mental hospital beds trebled to over 300,000 in 20 years and has since risen to 340,000.

There's a shortage of hospital beds .

There are so few hospital beds available that health authorities plan to set up emergency treatment centres in football stadiums.

Many patients who are occupying hospital beds could be transferred to other places.

They occupy about 50 percent of all hospital beds.

Plain hospital beds with flock mattresses laid on interlaced wire springs were for the junior members of the staff.

30 per cent of psychiatric hospital beds are occupied by people of no fixed abode.

Hospital beds were scarce and medicines were practically non-existent.

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