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词汇 plane
释义 planeUK:*/ˈpleɪn/US:/pleɪn/ ,(plān)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 plane n colloquial, abbreviation (airplane, aeroplane)飞机We boarded the plane ten minutes early.我们提前十分钟上了飞机。 plane n (flat surface)平面A ramp is an inclined plane.斜坡就是倾斜的平面。 plane n (instrument for smoothing wood)刨子The carpenter used a plane to smooth the rough piece of wood.木匠用刨子将粗糙的木材打磨光滑。 plane adj (level)水平的Jill used a spirit level to ensure she had a plane surface.吉尔用一个酒精水准器,保证平面水平。 其他翻译 plane n figurative (elevation) (比喻)高度,水平He lives on a higher moral plane than the rest of us. plane vi (glide)滑行;滑过The car planed along the icy road surface. plane vi (work with a plane)用刨子刨平The carpenter will cut, plane, and sand to achieve a smooth result. plane [sth] vtr (make level)平整;弄平The bulldozers planed the land. plane [sth] vtr (wood: smooth with a plane)用刨子把…刨平Richard planed the rough spots on the piece of wood until they were smooth. 复合形式: bush plane n (for remote areas)丛林飞机A bush plane is sometimes the only means of getting to remote locations. cargo plane n (freight aircraft)运输飞机;货运飞机The airport extended its runway to accommodate bigger cargo planes. chartered plane n (aircraft hired for private use)包机;专机He can even afford a chartered plane to take him to and from the ranch. ground plane n (horizontal plane)地平面 ground plane n (electric: ground plate)接地板;接地片 horizontal plane n (parallel to horizon)水平面;地面The teacher asked the students to calculate the speed of a car moving along a horizontal plane. horizontal stabilizer, also UK: horizontal stabiliser, tail plane n (aeronautics) (飞机)水平安定面,水平稳定面 inclined plane n (sloping, tilted surface)斜面When painting with water-colours, keep the paper on an inclined plane so the water can run downwards. jet airplane, (US), jet aeroplane (UK), jet plane n (aircraft)喷气式飞机 paper airplane (US), paper aeroplane (UK), paper plane n (plane: folded paper)纸飞机The children threw paper airplanes across the room. passenger plane n colloquial (aircraft: carries travelers)客机The de Havilland Comet was the world's first jet passenger plane. plain sailing (UK), plane sailing (UK), clear sailing (US) n figurative (easy course)进展顺利;一帆风顺 plane crash n (aircraft accident)飞机失事;飞机坠毁A stone memorial commemorates the plane crash of 1981. plane ticket n (entitlement to travel by aircraft)飞机票Have you booked your plane ticket yet? The use of paper plane tickets is declining in the age of computers. plane tree, American planetree n (American sycamore)美洲悬铃木,美国梧桐The plane tree is a species that is native to North America. plane tree, London plane n (deciduous tree)英国梧桐Plane trees were commonly planted in London in the 18th and 19th centuries. plane trip n informal (journey by aeroplane)飞行旅程The longest plane trip I've ever taken was from Khartoum to Singapore. rocket plane n (aircraft that launches rockets)火箭飞机




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