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词汇 pie
释义 pieUK:*/ˈpaɪ/US:/paɪ/ ,(pī)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 pie n (food: savory pastry) (食物)馅饼I would like pie, mashed potatoes, and vegetables.请给我来一份馅饼,一份土豆泥,再加一些蔬菜。 pie n (food: sweet-filled pastry)果馅派Would you like ice cream with your apple pie?您要不要把你那份果馅派和冰淇淋搭配着吃? 其他翻译 pie n (printing: jumble of type)乱码 复合形式: apple pie n (pastry dessert)苹果派They served apple pie with ice cream for dessert.他们将苹果派和冰淇淋作为点心。 apple-pie adj US, figurative (traditional American values)传统美国价值观的;美国传统的 banoffee pie n (toffee and banana dessert) (太妃糖和香蕉)香蕉太妃 cherry pie n (sweet pastry containing cherries) (一种馅饼)樱桃派My mother prefers to use morello cherries in her cherry pies. cottage pie n UK (minced meat topped with mashed potato)肉馅土豆泥饼;肉馅薯饼 cow pie, cow patty, cow flop, cow chip (US), cowpat (UK) n informal (bovine feces)牛粪;一坨牛屎When Beverly walked across the cow pasture, she stepped in a huge cow pie! cream pie n US (dessert: custard pie)奶油馅饼 custard pie n (food: sweet pastry)蛋奶冻派 custard pie n (comedy prop) (喜剧片中增加喜剧效果的一种道具)蛋奶冻派, 奶油馅饼Most custard pies used for comic effect are actually filled with shaving foam.喜剧中用到的多数奶油馅饼里其实加的都是剃须泡沫。 cutie pie n informal (affectionate term) (非正式)甜心 cutie pie n informal (sweet or adorable creature) (非正式)甜心,小可爱You are such a cutie pie, I could eat you all up. easy as pie, as easy as pie adj informal (very easy)简单得很,再简单不过; (比喻性说法)小菜一碟,不在话下When you've done it a few times, it's easy as pie. eat humble pie v expr figurative (be forced to admit error) (比喻)被迫赔罪;被迫低头谢罪Well I was wrong, so I guess I'll just have to eat humble pie.The team are making their detractors eat humble pie with a series of impressive wins. have a finger in every pie v expr figurative (be involved in others' affairs)多管闲事;到处插手 have a finger in the pie v expr figurative (have an interest, share in [sth])对...感兴趣;涉及;关心 humble pie n figurative (forced humiliation)屈辱Well, after that defeat, I guess humble pie will be on the menu for quite some time. key lime pie n (food: sweet pastry dish)青柠派 kidney pie n (savoury pastry containing kidney)菜豆派;菜豆糕点 meat pie n (pastry containing meat)肉饼;肉馅饼I will use the leftovers from the meal to make a meat pie. mince pie n (spiced fruit pastry)肉馅饼Mince pies are traditionally eaten around Christmas. mud pie n US (Mississippi mud pie: chocolate dessert) (一种巧克力甜点)泥馅饼My daughter likes eating mud pie. mud pie n informal, literal (mud that is played with by a child)小泥饼,泥团Nina decorated her mud pie with lilac flowers and rose petals. nice as pie, as nice as pie adj (person: pleasant, kind)招人喜欢的;讨喜的 pecan pie n (sweet pastry)山核桃派 pie chart, pie graph n (circular graph divided into segments)饼状图Pie charts are an easy way to visualize expenses. Pie graphs help you present your data effectively.饼状图是可视化开销的最简单的方式。饼状图能帮助你更有效地展示数据。 pie crust, piecrust n (pastry topping) (指覆盖整个馅饼的)馅饼皮 pie crust, piecrust n US (pastry lining) (指绕馅饼的边皮)馅饼皮I have trouble making pie crust from scratch, so I usually buy ready-made pastry. pie filling n ([sth] cooked inside a pie)饼馅This pie filling's a bit wet, Joan – did you forget to drain the fruit? pie in the sky n figurative (wishful thinking, idealism) (比喻)空中楼阁,不太可能实现的愿望She thinks her book will be a best-seller, but that's just pie in the sky. pie plate n (dish for cooking pie)馅饼烤模 pie-eyed adj figurative, informal (drunk)烂醉如泥的,酩酊大醉的 pizza pie n US (pizza)比萨饼 pork pie n (food: pig meat in pastry)猪肉馅饼 pork pie, porkpie n abbreviation (pork pie hat)平顶帽 pot pie n US (pie baked in dish)罐烘馅饼Kathy is baking a pot pie. pot pie n US (stew with dumplings)炖菜带面饺This is a great recipe for pot pie. pumpkin pie n (sweet pastry)南瓜派We will have pumpkin pie for dessert for our traditional Thanksgiving dinner.我们传统的感恩节晚餐会准备南瓜派作为甜点。 shepherd's pie n (minced lamb topped with potato)土豆泥肉馅饼The shepherd's pie was served in a warm bowl. steak and kidney pie n (meat pastry)牛肉腰子馅饼,牛肉腰子派 sweetie pie n slang (endearing person)心爱的人;宝贝




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