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词汇 other
释义 otherUK:*/ˈʌðər/US:/ˈʌðɚ/ ,(uᵺ′ər)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 other adj (different)另一个;其他的;别的Not that shirt, the other one.不是那件衬衫,是另外一件。usage: ‘the other’When you are talking about two people or things and have already referred to one of them, you refer to the second one as the other or the other one. They had two little daughters, one a baby, the other a girl of twelve.He blew out one of the candles and moved the other one. other adj (additional)此外的;外加的;另外的How many other people are coming? The other four students will join the class after the Christmas break.此外还有多少人要来?圣诞节假期后,班上还会再来四位学生。 other adj (remaining)剩下的;余下的;其余的I just have one other thing to do.We need to interview the three other candidates before we make a decision.我就只剩一件事要办了。// 在下决定之前,我们还要面试其余的三位候选人。 others pron (other persons)别的人;其他人;其余的人The others will arrive in a few minutes.其余的人几分钟后就到。 others pron (remaining things)剩下的东西;其余的物品I received some books today, and the others will come tomorrow.我今天收到了一部分书籍,剩下的明天会到。 other adv (otherwise)另外地;不同地I don't know what we'll do if the day turns out other than expected.要是那天的结果与预期不符,我真不知道我们该怎么办。 其他翻译 other adj rare (former) (罕见用法)从前的;以前的In other days, people did it differently. the other, the Other n sometimes capitalized (person or thing perceived as alien)外来的;外部的Mainstream movies often portray those with facial differences as the other. or other pron (distinct person or thing)其他人Some person or other must have left this phone behind. other [sb] vtr (treat as other, as alien)将...作为外来人;排外The movie was criticized for othering its non-white characters. 复合形式: above all, above any other, above all others adv (more than any other)尤其;最重要的是Peter is a clever, handsome and, above all, honest man.彼得头脑聪慧、外表英俊,以及最重要的是还很诚实。 among other things expr (one of a number)除了…外(还);此外还有I cleaned out the junk drawer and found, among other things, my old slide rule. any other adj (an alternative, another)另一个的Is there any other solution to the problem?这个问题还有另一个解决办法么? any other business n (matter not on agenda)其他事项;其他议题 at each other's throats expr figurative, informal (arguing)唇枪舌剑;互相攻击The couple are constantly at each other's throats, always arguing about something or other.这对夫妻总是吵架,经常争来争去。 at some other time adv (at an unspecified future time) (指将来)改天,下次I promise that we'll go to Disneyland at some other time. at some other time adv (at an unspecified past time) (指过去)另一天,另一次I had promised that we would go to Disney at some other time. at the other end of the spectrum adv (as a complete contrast)另一方面I like opera but at the other end of the spectrum I'm a punk rock fan. call each other names v expr informal (exchange insults) (非正式用语)互相辱骂Children love to call each other silly names like Poopy-Head. confront each other v expr (meet face to face)面对面遭遇;对峙It would be wise for the estranged couple to avoid confronting each other while they are still so angry. confront each other v expr (try to resolve dispute)相互对质;当面对证They'll have to confront each other if they want to put this disagreement behind them. each other pron (one another)互相;彼此They always help each other out when things get rough.当事情变得棘手时,他们总是互相帮助。usage: usesYou use each other or one another to show that each member of a group does something to or for the other members. For example, if Simon likes Louise and Louise likes Simon, you say that Simon and Louise like each other or like one another. Each other and one another are sometimes called reciprocal pronouns.Each other and one another are usually the direct or indirect object of a verb. We help each other a lot.They sent one another gifts from time to time.You can also use them as the object of a preposition.Pierre and Thierry were jealous of each other.They didn't dare to look at one another. ESOL n acronym (school subject) (学科)操其他语言者适用的英语 every other (alternate)隔;每隔Every other Thursday is market day.The parents share custody; the father gets to see his daughter every other weekend. every other day adv (on alternate days)每隔一天The medication should be taken every other day.这种药应该每隔一天就服用一次。 feel strongly one way or the other v expr (have a passionate opinion)对...态度强烈备注: Used in negative sentences, in questions, or where there is doubt. go in one ear and out the other v expr figurative, informal (instructions, advice: be ignored)一个耳朵进,另一个耳朵出;当耳旁风 go the other way v expr (take a different direction)往另一边走;往另一个方向走 go the other way v expr (take the opposite direction)往相反的方向走Joe set off towards the bank and I went the other way towards the post office.乔朝银行方向走,而我则往相反方向的邮局走。 have other fish to fry v expr figurative (have [sth] else to do)有更好的事要做I can't wait around here, I've other fish to fry. have other things to do v expr (be busy already)另有要务;有更好的事要做I can't make it to the movies; I have other things to do. in other respects adv (in other ways)在其他方面Sometimes my uncle can appear unfriendly, but in other respects he is a good man. in other ways adv (by different means)用别的方式She soon realized she'd have to earn her living in other ways. in other ways adv (in relation to other things)在其他方面I like some things about him, but in other ways I find him difficult to understand.He acts maturely in some ways, but in other ways he can be extremely childish. in other words adv (that is to say)换句话说;换言之I would love to go but I have a lot to other words, I don't have time.我很想去,不过有太多事情要做了,换言之我没有时间。 in some way or other adv (somehow)以某种方法;无论以哪种方式;用种种办法I'd like to help him in some way or other because he deserves to succeed. kill each other v expr (murder one another)互相残杀You had better call the police before those two kill each other. like any other expr (ordinary, unremarkable)普通的,平常的It was a day like any other when the car crashed into their living room. like no other adv literary (incomparably)特别;与众不同Pedro promised to love her like no other. like no other adj (incomparable, unique)特别的;与众不同的This holiday offers tourists a holiday like no other. look the other way v expr (look in the opposite direction)看向另一边;朝另一边看Don't just look to your right when you cross the street; look the other way as well. look the other way v expr figurative (ignore [sth] bad)故意看向另一边;假装没看见That judge looks the other way when members of his own staff commit minor crimes. be made for each other, be made for one another v expr informal, figurative (be ideally suited to each other) (情侣等)天造地设,天生一对,非常般配What a lovely couple; they're made for each other.Those two business partners are equally nasty; they're made for one another. no other adj (not something else)没有其他的;再无其他的No other company provides such good service! no other n literary (not something or somebody else)无他;别无他人;别无其他I am forever yours; I can love no other. none other than [sb] expr ([sb] well known)不是别人;正是We have with us today a man we all know, none other than the champion racer of the entire league. nothing other than expr (actually, in fact)除…外没有;不过;仅仅Some Americans think government oversight of health care is nothing other than socialism. on the one hand ... on the other hand, on the one hand ... on the other, on one hand ... on the other hand, on one hand ... on the other adv figurative (comparing points of view)一方面…另一方面On the one hand, it would be quicker to fly to Manchester; on the other, it would be more expensive than the train. on the other hand expr (from the opposing point of view)另一方面I really want to see this movie; on the other hand, it's raining and I'm tired.我真的很想看这部电影,不过天还在下雨,我也很累。 one after the other adv (one at a time)一个接一个地I couldn't believe it! He sat there and ate ten habanero peppers, one after the other! one or the other expr (either one of a pair)非此即彼;其中之一 one way or the other adv (by either means)无论用怎样的方法;无论如何 [sb]'s other half n figurative, informal (spouse, significant other) (指伴侣,非正式用语)另一半 the other half n figurative (different economic class) (指不同经济阶层)另一半 the other side, the Other Side n (afterlife)阴间,冥间;黄泉之下 the other side n (sports: opposing team)对手;竞争对手 the other side n (opposite end)另一边;另一面;另一端 the other side of the coin n figurative, informal (opposite aspect, converse)事物的另一面 other than adj + prep (apart from)除了,除…以外There were no applications, other than the internal ones received earlier. Other than a couple seated at a table by the window, the restaurant was deserted.除了之前收到的内部申请外,没有其他申请了。除了坐在靠窗位置的那对夫妻外,整家餐馆空空如也。 other than that expr (apart from this, otherwise)除此之外 see each other v expr informal (be dating)相互交往;约会;谈恋爱 significant other n informal (partner, spouse)配偶;另一半 "Some other time", "OK, some other time", "Some other time then" expr (Let's try again sometime in the future.)以后再说;改天再说 somehow or other adv (in an undetermined way)不知怎么回事;不知怎么搞的Jan studied the cliff face, determined to scale it somehow or other. something or other n ([sth] not remembered precisely)(不确定的)某件事;某个什么东西Something or other didn't feel quite right about him.She told me something or other about not being able to pay the bill. the grass is always greener, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence v expr figurative (things seem better from afar)这山望着那山高 the other day adv (several days ago)有一天The other day we went snowboarding and we had a great time.We're still good friends; just the other day we met for coffee. the other way around, also UK: the other way round expr (physically reversed)反方向;颠倒;反过来 the other way around, also UK: the other way round expr (opposite situation)相反;反过来;反而 the other woman n figurative (married person's female lover) (指女人)情妇, 第三者; (口语)小三 the shoe is on the other foot, the boot is on the other foot expr figurative (circumstances reversed)形势已经转变;形势已经不同了Lily was always scornful of unemployed people; the shoe's on the other foot now that she's lost her job. this and that, this, that, and the other n (various things)各种各样的东西 turn the other cheek v expr figurative (not retaliate)甘愿挨打;甘心忍受;不予回击She was being extremely rude but I decided to turn the other cheek. understand one another, understand each other vtr + refl (have an agreement)彼此理解;相互了解We really understand one another; sometimes we don't even need to speak.




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