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词汇 one
释义 oneUK:*/ˈwʌn/US:/wʌn/ ,(wun)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 one, 1 n (cardinal number: 1) (基数词1)一My daughter can already count from one to ten.她已经能从一数到十了。 one, 1 n (symbol for number 1)1The golfer wrote a one on her score card.高尔夫球手在记分卡上写了一个“1”。 one, 1 adj (1 in number)一个;一颗;一颗I only need one onion for this recipe.做这道菜只需要一颗洋葱。 one pron (single: item)一件事情;一个东西One of the books costs twice as much as the other.那些书中的有一本,其价格是其余的两倍。usage: used instead of a noun phraseYou can use one instead of a noun phrase beginning with a when it is clear what sort of thing you are talking about. For example, instead of saying ‘If you want a drink, I’ll get you a drink', you say ‘If you want a drink, I’ll get you one'.Although she wasn't a rich customer, she looked and acted like one.The cupboards were empty except for one at the top of the bookshelves.Be carefulYou can't use a plural form of ‘one’ in this kind of sentence. Don't say, for example, ‘If you like grapes, I’ll get you ones'. Say ‘If you like grapes, I’ll get you some'.The shelves contained Daisy's books, mostly novels but some on history and philosophy too.We need more helicopters. There are some, but we need more. one pron (single: group member) (众人中的)一个; (团体中的)一员The taxi will only take four passengers; one of us will have to walk.出租车只能载四个人,我们中的一个得用走的。 one pron formal (I, we: impersonal)我;我们One doesn't like to criticize, but it's rather unattractive.我们不想批评,但外表实在不美观。usage: ‘one’One is sometimes an impersonal pronoun, showing that something is generally done or should generally be done. One doesn't talk about politics at parties.You can also use the possessive determiner one's and the reflexive pronoun oneself.Naturally, one wants only the best for one's children.We all understood the fear of making a fool of oneself.One, one's, and oneself are fairly formal. Here are some other ways in which you can say that something is generally done or should be done: one adj ([sth], [sb] unspecified)有一个的;某一个的One car looks pretty much like another to me.在我看来,有一辆车和另一辆车很相似。 one adj (the same)同一的There should be one law for everyone in the land.这片土地上的所有人都应该遵守同一款法律。 the one adj (unique)唯一的;仅有的My manager is the one person who can operate this system.只有我的经理能够操作这个系统。 其他翻译 one, 1 n (time: 1 o'clock) (时间)一点It's already one; how am I ever going to finish everything today?已经一点了,我究竟该怎么完成今天所有的工作? one, 1 adj (1 year of age)一岁的Tragically, the elephant died when it was only one.不幸的是,那头小象在仅一岁的时候死掉了。 one n (single unit) (表示一个单位)一The odds are ten to one against him.他的胜算是十比一。 one, 1 n (1 pip on a die) (骰子)一点I rolled a one and a two and lost the game.我骰子分别投了一个一点和一个两点,输掉了比赛。 one n (banknote: £1, $1)一块钱,一元I have a ten and three ones.我有张十元,和三张一元。 the one about n (joke)笑话;玩笑When I told the one about the horse and the bar, nobody laughed.当我讲了那个关于马和酒吧的笑话时,并没人发笑。 the [adj] one n (particular item)那个…的东西I don't like the blue sweater; I prefer the red one.我不喜欢那件蓝色的毛衣,我比较喜欢红的那件。 the one n (soulmate, true love)真爱Christine believed Richard was the one, but he dumped her in the end. 1 n US, written (first day of specified month)1日; (口语)1号备注: The example would be spoken "April first".In many countries, it's traditional to play pranks on each other on April 1. 1 n mainly UK, written (first day of specified month)1日; (口语)1号备注: The example would be spoken as "(the) first of June". This date format is most commonly used in the UK, though it is gaining popularity in the US.My date of birth is 1 June 1990. one n (item of a kind)这个;这种Can I have a red one? I like them better than the green ones.Don't let the courgettes grow too big; small ones taste better. the one pron (specific person)特指的那个人Jackie's the one I love.杰基就是那个我爱的人。 one pron formal (+ who: unspecified person) (泛指)人One should always take care not to offend others.人应当时刻小心谨慎,不要冒犯到他人。 复合形式: a great one for doing [sth] n informal (person: does [sth] frequently)擅长做某事者He's a great one for telling stories. a hard one n informal ([sb] difficult)难相处的人Mark is a hard one; you never know what he is thinking. a hard one n informal ([sb] cold, severe)严酷冷厉的人The boss is a hard one; he is very strict. a live one n figurative, informal (gullible person)易受骗的人;冤大头 A-1, A1, A-one adj informal (excellent, top quality)一流的;极好的The customer service at the store is A-1 quality. all for one interj (expressing solidarity) (常作one for all, all for one)(我为人人,)人人为我 all one adj (the same thing)都一样Whatever way you choose, it's all one.无论你怎么选择,结果都一样。 all-in-one adj (combined, comprehensive)多合一的I have an all-in-one printer; it prints, scans, and photocopies. all-in-one, one-piece n UK (bodysuit, catsuit)(胸罩和腰带连一起的)紧身内衣;紧身胸衣Gloria was wearing an all-in-one. another one n (one more)再一个The muffins were delicious, so I ate another one.松饼很好吃,所以我又吃了一块。 another one n (a different one)另一个I lost my teddy bear so my parents bought me another one. any one pron (no matter which one)任何一个;任何人Just take any one. It doesn't matter which.无所谓,随便拿一个。 any one adj (no matter which)任何的Any one of those cakes will surely be delicious. as one adv (together, in unison)一齐;同时The bride and groom stepped out of the church as one. as one adv (in agreement)一致The committee members agreed as one to approve the plan. at any one time expr (any point in time)在任何时候At any one time, there are numerous children suffering from rare illnesses. at one adv (at one o'clock)一点整We went for lunch at one. at one point adv (at a given moment)某一刻;在某一时间At one point, I thought we might even get married. at one time expr (once, at some point in the past)一度;曾经At one time you were allowed to buy milk straight from the farmer. at one time expr (at once: simultaneously)同时I was trying to do three things at one time, and failed the three. at one with adj (in agreement with, at peace with)与…意见一致After I meditate, I feel at one with the world. be of one mind expr (two people: same opinion)意见一致 big one (one-thousand-dollar bill) (指一千美元)大钞 billion, a billion, one billion, 1,000,000,000 n invariable (thousand million, 10^9) (基数)十亿备注: "a billion" is used generally; "one billion" is used to emphasize the precise amountI bet you can't count to two billion!那个国家有二十亿人口。 a billion, one billion, 1 billion, 1,000,000,000 adj invariable (one thousand million in number, 10^9)十亿的One celebrity donated one billion dollars to charity last year.去年,一位名人向慈善机构捐款10亿美元。 billion, a billion, one billion, 1,000,000,000 pron invariable (people, things: thousand million, 10^9)十亿个The world's population is predicted to go up by a billion over the next decade.全球人口预期在未来十年内增加10亿。 a billion, one billion, 1 billion, 1,000,000,000 n invariable (thousand million pounds or dollars, 10^9) (指金钱)十亿The profits last year topped one billion.The government has pledged two billion to finance a new sports stadium.去年的利润超过了10亿。// 政府已经承诺要投资20亿来打造一座全新体育场馆。 billion, a billion, one billion n UK, dated (million million, 10^12) (过时用语)万亿Max thinks he can easily make a billion and retire early.马克思自认为可以轻轻松松赚一万亿,然后早早退休。 billion, a billion, one billion adj UK, dated (million million in number, 10^12) (过时用语)万亿的There are thought to be a billion bacteria in the human intestine.一般认为,人体消化道中有数以万亿的细菌。 blessed one n (religion: saint) (宗教)赐福者After the birth of Christ, Mary became known as the Blessed One. can't be in all places at one time v expr US, informal (have too many obligations) (因事情太多)分身无术I can't be in all places at one time so someone will have to help me.我分身乏术,因此有人需要帮助我。 the chosen one n (person: specially selected)天选之子Only the chosen one can save the world. cold one n informal (drink of beer)冰啤酒 Come one, come all interj (exhorting all to attend)来吧,大家一起来The loudspeakers shouted out "Come one, come all, to see the circus." complement one another v expr (be well matched)互补,相辅相成Liz and Brian are very different, but as a couple, they complement one another. dear ones npl (family, friends) (家人、朋友)亲爱的人Moving to find work would have meant leaving her dear ones. dear one interj written (term of affection)亲爱的We all wish you good luck, dear one. dozen, a dozen, one dozen n invariable (twelve)十二A dozen plus 10 makes 22.那位老妇人养了许多猫,我看至少有十二只。usage: ‘dozen’You can refer to twelve things as a dozen things. We need a loaf of bread and a dozen eggs. When he got there he found more than a dozen men having dinner.Be carefulYou use a in front of dozen. Don't talk about ‘dozen’ things.You can talk about larger numbers of things by putting a number in front of dozen. For example, you can refer to 48 things as four dozen things. On the trolley were two dozen cups and saucers.They ordered three dozen cookies for a party.Be carefulYou use the singular form dozen after a number. Don't talk about ‘two dozens cups and saucers’. Also, don't use ‘of’ after dozen. Don't say ‘two dozen of cups and saucers’. dozen, a dozen, one dozen adj invariable (twelve)十二个的;一打的If you're going to the shop, could you get me two dozen eggs?如果你要去商店的话,能不能帮我买一打鸡蛋? dozen, a dozen, one dozen pron invariable (people, things: 12 of them) (人、物)十二个The old lady had lots of cats; I'd say she had at least a dozen.那位老妇人养了很多只猫,我敢说她至少养了十二只。 driver, number one wood n (golf) (高尔夫球)球棒He used a driver to hit over the sand trap. each and every one pron (all)每一个;所有的Each and every one filed in and sat down. each one pron (every individual one)每个;每一个Each one of them is different.Examine each one in turn. eighth, an eighth, one eighth, 1/8 n (fraction: 8th part)分成八份;八份备注: "an eighth" is used generally; "one eighth" is used to emphasize the precise amountCut the pie into eighths. feel strongly one way or the other v expr (have a passionate opinion)对...态度强烈备注: Used in negative sentences, in questions, or where there is doubt. a fifth, one fifth, 1/5 n (fraction: 5th part, 20 per cent)五分之一;百分之二十备注: "a fifth" is used generally; "one fifth" is used to emphasize the precise amountOnly a fifth of people with hearing problems wear hearing aids.只有五分之一有听力障碍的人士会佩戴助听设备。 a fifth, one-fifth, 1/5 adv (extent: 1/5)五分之一备注: "a fifth" is used generally; "one-fifth" is used to emphasize the precise amountOur apartment block is one-fifth empty.我们的公寓楼有五分之一无人入住。 fiftieth, a fiftieth, one fiftieth, 1/50 n (fraction: 50th part)五十分之一备注: "a fiftieth" is used generally; "one fiftieth" is used to emphasize the precise amount the First World War, World War One, World War I, the Great War n (international conflict 1914-1919) (1914 - 1919年)第一次世界大战 follow one another v expr (come one after the other)一个接一个;前赴后继The goals quickly followed one another in the second half of the game. for one expr (personally, in contrast to others)我本人, 我Well, I for one enjoy classical music, even if none of my friends do. for one thing expr informal (the first reason is) (非正式用语)第一个原因是;首先No, you can't go out! For one thing, you can't afford it. fourth, a fourth, one fourth, 1/4 n (fraction: fourth part, quarter)四分之一备注: "a fourth" is used generally; "one fourth" is used to emphasize the precise amountA fourth of the company's profits are donated to a charity.公司利润的四分之一都捐给一个慈善机构。 fourth, a fourth, one-fourth, 1/4 adv US (extent: 1/4, a quarter)四分之一备注: "a fourth" is used generally; "one-fourth" is used to emphasize the precise amountSeven is a fourth of 28.7是28的四分之一。 from day one expr (from the beginning)从一开始;从第一天起 get one over on [sb] v expr slang (fool, trick) (俚语)欺骗;愚弄 get to know one another v expr (become better acquainted)互相了解;彼此熟悉The two men got to know each other while they were both at college. go in one ear and out the other v expr figurative, informal (instructions, advice: be ignored)一个耳朵进,另一个耳朵出;当耳旁风 go off on one v expr UK, slang (rant) (俚语)抱怨Brett went off on one about the amount of money it had cost to get the car repaired. go one better v expr (exceed [sb] else's effort)胜过某人一筹;比某人更进一步 go one better than [sb], also US: go [sb] one better v expr (exceed the effort of)胜过某人一筹;比某人更进一步 go one step further v expr figurative (do [sth] more extreme)更进一步This year the team went one step further and won both domestic cup competitions. Good one! interj informal (expressing approval of a joke) (肯定绝妙的笑话)真有你的!;说得好! half, a half, one half n (fraction: 50 per cent)半数的;百分之五十的备注: "a half" is used generally; "one half" is used to emphasize the precise amountAll of these groups combined add up to half.这些组加在一起就是半数了。 hang one on [sb] v expr slang (hit)挑逗;与...调情 hang one on v expr slang (get drunk)喝酒;喝醉 a heck of a [sth], one heck of a [sth] n slang, euphemism (intensifier) (加强语气)…很大,…非常多That was a heck of a thunderstorm.这场暴风雨真大。 hell of a, one hell of a [sth], a hell of a [sth] expr informal (extreme example)简直;极其That's a hell of a goal!Your aunt dying like that must have been a hell of a shock. help one another v expr (assist each other)互相帮助;彼此帮助The students formed study groups, to help one another prepare for the exams. hole in one, hole-in-one n (golf: one stroke) (高尔夫)一杆进洞At 103 years old, Gus Andreone is the oldest golfer to ever record a hole in one. hundred, a hundred, one hundred n invariable (cardinal number: 100) (数字)一百备注: "a hundred" is used generally; "one hundred" is used to emphasize the precise amountShe lost count just after a hundred.What is one hundred and three multiplied by five?刚数过一百,她就忘了数到了哪里。//一百零三乘以五是多少? hundred, a hundred, one hundred adj invariable (100 in number)一百的;一百个的There were a hundred singers in the choir.A hundred and twenty people crowded into the hall for the meeting.合唱团里有一百名歌手。// 有三百人参加了会议。 hundred, a hundred, one hundred, 100 pron invariable (people, things: 100 of them) (人、物)一百个I wonder how many people are here? I'd guess a hundred.我想知道这儿有多少人。我猜有一百个吧。 a hundred and one expr figurative (very many)许多, 很多 a hundredfold, one hundredfold adv (by a hundred, 100 times)百倍地The value of their investment has increased a hundredfold over the past 30 years. a hundredfold, one hundredfold adv (in 100 ways)以百种方式 hundredth, a hundredth, one hundredth, 1/100, 100th n (fraction: 100th part)百分之一备注: "a hundredth" is used generally; "one hundredth" is used to emphasize the precise amountThe profits are one hundredth of what we predicted.The horse won the race by two hundredths of a second. in one fell swoop, at one fell swoop expr (in a single fast action)一下子;一举Pests or disease can wipe out the entire crop in one fell swoop. in one piece expr (intact, unharmed)安然无恙地;毫发无伤地The driver was lucky to survive the crash in one piece. in one sitting expr (without stopping)一口气;一鼓作气The novel was so good, I finished it in one sitting. in one word adv (in summary)总而言之;一言以蔽之;一句话How was the movie? In one word, awful. kill two birds with one stone v expr informal, figurative (do 2 things at once)一石二鸟;一箭双雕I can stop by your house on the way to the grocery store, so I'll kill two birds with one stone. let one off, let one go v expr UK, slang, figurative (pass intestinal gas)放屁;排气Did you just let one off? let one rip, US: rip one v expr slang (pass intestinal gas)放屁Paul raised a butt cheek and let one rip. little one n (affectionate term: small child)小孩子Eight o'clock is bedtime for the little one. little ones npl (small chlidren)小孩子们Be quiet! The little ones are napping! long one n slang (bottle of beer) (俚语)啤酒 loved one n often plural (close family member or friend)所爱的人;所珍视的人The loss of a loved one is hard to bear. be made for each other, be made for one another v expr informal, figurative (be ideally suited to each other) (情侣等)天造地设,天生一对,非常般配What a lovely couple; they're made for each other.Those two business partners are equally nasty; they're made for one another. million, a million, one million, 1,000,000 n invariable (cardinal number: 1,000,000) (基数)一百万备注: "a million" is used generally; "one million" is used to emphasize the precise amountThree million is a very big number.三百万可是个大数目。 million, a million, one million, 1,000,000 n invariable (sum: 1,000,000 pounds or dollars)一百万元The movie star's house cost around three million.那位影星的豪宅价值约三百万元。 million, a million, one million, 1,000,000 adj invariable (1,000,000 in number)一百万的Some houses cost a million dollars or more.有的房子价格为一百万美元甚至更高。 million, a million, one million, 1,000,000 pron invariable (people, things: 1,000,000 of them) (人、物)一百万个I'm not sure exactly how many subscribers he has, but it's at least a million.我不知道他具体有多少关注者,起码有100万吧。 millionth, a millionth, one millionth n (fraction: 1,000,000th part)一百万分之一备注: "a millionth" is used generally; "one millionth" is used to emphasize the precise amount more than one n (a number greater than one)不止一个He says he has only had one beer, but the way he is behaving, it looks like he's had more than one. more than one adj (greater than one: of [sth])两个或以上的;不止一个的We will need more than one table as there are 12 people coming to dinner. murder one n US (law) (法律)一级谋杀 my little one interj (affectionate term for a child)我的小宝贝Come here, my little one, and I'll tell you a story. neither, neither of them, neither one of them pron (not either one)两者中无一个;哪个都不I invited Steve and David to the movies this evening, but neither was interested.Which skirt do I like? Neither of them!我邀请了史蒂文和戴维今晚去看电影,但他们俩都不会去。我喜欢哪条裙子?哪条都不喜欢! nice one interj UK, informal (expressing congratulations or admiration)做得好,做得漂亮You won the lottery? - nice one, mate! ninety-one adj (91 of [sth])91个的There are ninety-one items on the price list.ninety-one adj (91 years old)91岁的My grandmother is ninety-one.ninth, a ninth, one ninth, 1/9 n (fraction: 9th part)九分之一备注: "a ninth" is used generally; "one ninth" is used to emphasize the precise amountCan you cut a pie into ninths?nobody, no one, also UK: no-one pron (not one person)没有人;无人备注: "Nobody" is slightly more informal than "no one"Peter threw a party, but nobody showed up. I thought I heard someone, but there was no one there.彼得举办了一个聚会,但没有人参加。 我觉得听到有人在,但那边根本没人。nobody else, no one else, also UK: no-one else pron (not any other person)除了…以外没有人not a bit, not one bit adv informal (not at all)一点也不Am I bothered about missing the show.Not a bit.I'm not a bit worried about this exam because I've revised really hard for it.not a single one expr (not one from a group)一个也没有;一个也不是Jackie tried on several dresses, but not a single one was the right size.number one n (numeral, cardinal number: 1) (基数)数字1备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a nounPlease look at paper number one in your packet.number one n (song: biggest-selling) (音乐排行榜)榜首歌曲It made number one on the charts in the first week.number one n slang, dated (oneself) (俚语,旧时用语)自己Take care of number one.要照顾好自己。number one, number-one n as adj (leading, most successful)首位的;第一位的For a long time, Ford was the number one automaker in America.number one, number-one n as adj (favorite) (指人)最爱的;最喜欢的Ron is my number one person.我最喜欢的人是罗恩。odd one out n ([sth] or [sb] that does not belong)与众不同的人或事物Study the people in the photo for 15 seconds then tell me which is the odd one out.on one hand adv (from one point of view)一方面On one hand, the restaurant serves excellent food, but on the other, it's very expensive.一方面,那家餐厅供应极品美食,另一方面,价格非常贵。on one occasion expr (at one particular time)某一次On one occasion, Taylor scored six goals in one game.on one occasion expr (once)曾经I've only been to Liverpool on one occasion.on one side adv (unilaterally)片面地;一方面地;单方面地We are all on one side.on one side adv (on one surface only)在(其中的)一面An image of George Washington can be found on one side of a US dollar bill.on the one hand ... on the other hand, on the one hand ... on the other, on one hand ... on the other hand, on one hand ... on the other adv figurative (comparing points of view)一方面…另一方面On the one hand, it would be quicker to fly to Manchester; on the other, it would be more expensive than the after the other adv (one at a time)一个接一个地I couldn't believe it! He sat there and ate ten habanero peppers, one after the other!one and all expr (everyone)大家,所有人one and the same n (same person or thing)同一个人;同一个东西;完全相同的东西At the end of the story, the boy and his twin were revealed to be one and the same!one another pron (each other)相互;彼此The lovers liked nothing better than to be with one another. Lisa believes that women in academia should help one another to get ahead.丽萨认为学术界的女性应该相互帮助以获得进步。那对恋人最喜欢的事情莫过于与彼此厮守。usage: possessivesYou can form possessives by adding 's to each other and one another.I hope that you all enjoy each other's company.Apes spend a great deal of time grooming one another's at a time adv (one by one)一次一个Customers are only allowed into the store one at a by one adv (one at a time, singly)一个接一个;一个一个地;逐个地The clerk searched through the records one by one until she found the one she wanted.One by one the nations of Europe fell before Napoleon's day, one of these days adv (someday: an unspecified day in the future) (指未来)哪一天,某一天,总有一天One day I hope to travel to South America.I would like to have children one day.我希望有一天能去南美旅游。/ /我希望有一天能有孩子。one day adv (at a point in the future)有一天,总有一天; (书面)有朝一日One day I'll be rich.总有一天我会发财的。one day adv (an unspecified day in the past) (指过去)某一天,有一天There was one day last winter when it snowed heavily.去年冬季有一天,雪下得非常大。one day at a time expr (not worry about the future)把握每一天,过好每一天Jasmine told her daughter not to worry too much, and to live one day at a for the books, one for the history books n ([sth] amazing)值得载入史册的;值得人铭记的one for the road expr (final [sth] before leaving a place)临行前最后一次one hell of a fight n slang (immense struggle or resistance)艰苦的战斗one hit wonder, one-hit-wonder n informal (pop performer only successful once)昙花一现When their song became a best-seller, the band thought they were going to be successful for life; however, they unfortunately ended up being a one hit hundred, a hundred, 100 n (cardinal number: 100) (基数词)一百备注: "a hundred" is used generally; "one hundred" is used to emphasize the precise amountIn Roman numerals, C means "one hundred".在罗马数字中,C表示“一百”。one hundred, a hundred, 100 adj (100 of [sth])一百个None of us will be here one hundred years from now.一百年后,我们没有人还会在这里。one hundred, a hundred, 100 adj (100 years old)一百岁的;百岁的My grandmother lived to be one hundred.我祖母活到了一百岁。one hundred or so adj informal (about a hundred)一百左右It's a middle-sized plane, with one hundred or so hundred thousand, 100,000 adj (100,000 in number)十万的one hundredth, 100th adj (100th in a series or list)第一百one in a million n informal, figurative (person: unique)万里挑一的人I love you so much! You are one in a in a million adj (1 out of 1,000,000)百万分之一Sue suffers from a rare condition that is seen in perhaps one in a million in a thousand adj (1 out of 1000)千里挑一的人(或物)One in a thousand births have some sort of birth million, 1,000,000 n (1,000,000: one thousand thousand)一百万one million, 1,000,000 adj (a million in number)一百万的one minute adv (at a given moment)上一刻,上一分钟;此刻One minute I was walking down the street, the next I found myself waking up on the more adj (another)再一个I'll give you one more more pron (another one)再一个Can I have one more, please?one more time adv (once more)再;再次;再一次Please, repeat the question one more o'clock, 1 o'clock n (time: 1 P.M.)中午一点one o'clock, 1 o'clock n (time: 1 A.M.)凌晨一点one of expr (out of many)…之一One of my coworkers is from Barbados.我的同事之一来自巴巴多斯。one of a kind n ([sb] or [sth] unique)独一无二My aunt is one of a kind; there's nobody else quite like one of life's [sth] v expr (be [sth] by nature)天生;自然而然Suzanne is one of life's optimists; however tough life gets, she never seems sad or of many n (of possibilities, people, things)众多之一one or the other expr (either one of a pair)非此即彼;其中之一have one over the eight v expr UK, slang (be drunk)喝得微醺Oh dear. Audrey's had one over the eight again!be one over the eight v expr UK, slang (be drunk)酩酊大醉Tania's one over the eight; someone had better take her size fits all expr (clothing: flexible size) (衣服)均码The tag says "one size fits all," although it may be too small for some size fits all, one-size-fits-all adj figurative (applicable to everyone)普适的There is no one-size-fits-all diet plan that will work for step at a time adv (gradually, progressively)一步一步地,逐渐one thing leads to another expr (one action begins a series) (用于直接进入结论时)一件事情引发另一件One thing led to another, and now she's thousand, a thousand, 1000 n (cardinal number: 1000) (基数词)一千one thousand, a thousand, 1000 adj (1000 of [sth])一千个one time adv (once: on one occasion)有一次;某一次I remember when my brother came home drunk one time.我记得有一次哥哥喝醉了酒才回家。one-time payment n (single fee)一次性付款one-to-one, one-on-one n informal (private talk)一对一谈话;私下谈话备注: American English prefers "one-on-one", while British English has a slight preference for "one-to-one".one-to-one, one-on-one adj (between individuals)一对一的;私下的Can we have a one-to-one chat soon? I had a one-to-one meeting with my manager at adj (having only one match)一对一的In database structure, a one-to-one relationship means an entity in one table maps only to a single entity in another to one, one on one adv (on an individual or personal basis)一对一地;私下地You will have the opportunity to speak to an advisor one to too many n (a slight excess of [sth])太多东西The elevator won't move; we have one too many on too many n informal, euphemism (an excess of alcoholic drink)太多酒John had one too many and was hungover the next too many adj (a slight excess of)太多的be one up, be one-up v expr informal (have an advantage)领先的,有优势的be one up on [sb], be one-up on [sb] v expr informal (have an advantage over [sb])比...有优势get one up, get one-up v expr informal (obtain an advantage)胜过get one up on [sb], get one-up on [sb] v expr informal (obtain an advantage over [sb])获得比...更高的优势one up [sb], one-up [sb] vtr informal (outdo)胜出;胜过one way or another adv (somehow, by some means)用某种办法one way or the other adv (by either means)无论用怎样的方法;无论如何one-armed adj (having only one arm)独臂的,单臂的one-armed bandit n slang (gambling: fruit or slot machine) (俚语,指吃角子老虎机)独臂大盗He lost all his money trying to win on the one-armed adj (having one dimension)一维的,单面的one-dimensional adj figurative (superficial)肤浅的,无深度的one-eyed adj (having only one eye)独眼的Have you heard the tale of the one-eyed tiger?one-handed adj (having only one hand)独臂的one-handed adj (done with one hand)单手完成的one-handed adj (operated with one hand)单手操作的one-handed adv (using just one hand)用单手地With one arm in a cast, Jon struggled to button his coat adj (using one horse)单马拉的one-horse adj figurative (small, unimportant)极小的. 微不足道的Don talked as though he was running a great business empire, but really it was just a one-horse town n (very small town)乏味的小镇Reggie couldn't wait to grow up and leave that one-horse adj (having only one leg)只有一条腿的one-liner n informal (brief joke, witty remark) (非正式用语)简短笑话one-man n as adj (involving one person)仅一人的one-man n as adj (wanting romance with one man only) (爱情)只等一人的,专属一人的one-man band n (street musician: many instruments)独奏乐队;单人乐队one-man band n figurative (person: does many tasks)一人团队;同时做多项任务的人one-man band n figurative (person: runs a business alone)个体户;个体经营one-man show n (entertainment)独角戏one-night stand n (isolated sexual encounter with [sb])一夜情Betty's not my girlfriend; we had a one-night stand, that's all.贝蒂不是我的女朋友,我们发生过一夜情,仅此而已。one-of-a-kind adj (unique)独一无二的,唯一的,举世无双的,非常特别的This is a handcrafted, one-of-a-kind piece of n mainly UK, informal ([sth] done once only) (非正式用语)一次性事件;昙花一现The song was a one-off and the group never produced another hit.那首歌只是昙花一现,其乐队再也没能推出其他的热门歌曲。one-off adj mainly UK, informal (happening only once)一次性的I had a one-off chance to hear Sixto Rodriguez, one-piecer n (one-piece garment)连身衣,连体裤one-piece n as adj (clothing: in one continuous piece) (衣物)一件式的,连体的one-shot adj figurative, informal (once only) (比喻,非正式用语)只一次的one-sided adj (single viewpoint)片面的One-sided research will give you an F on this adj (not reciprocated)单方的;不对等的Damian is sad about his one-sided love for adj (contest: unequal) (比赛)一边倒的,实力悬殊的The one-sided competition was boring to n (bias, prejudice)片面, 不公正one-star n as adj (hotel, etc.: rated one star)一星级的one-step adj (consisting of one stage)一步的,单步的one-stop adj (from a single source)单独一处就可以提供各种服务的;一站式的one-stop shop n (store with variety of products)一站式商店There are many large stores in the US that are one-stop shops: they have groceries, furniture, healthcare items, clothing, and other shop n (business providing various services)一站式服务one-third, 1/3 adj (of 1/3, 33.3 per cent)三分之一的She has a one-third share in the fee n (one-off charge)一次性费用,一次性收费one-track adj (having only one track)单轨的one-track mind n figurative, informal (mental focus on one thing only)一根筋,一门心思one-two, one-two punch n (boxing: two blows)连击两次Joe knocked John down with a one-two punch to the head and, one-two punch n US, figurative (double impact)双重影响The one-two of the scandal in his private life and his failure to deliver on his main election promise ended the politician's punch n US, figurative (double impact) (比喻)连环出击one-two punch n (boxing: two blows) (拳击)连续出击的组合拳Joe knocked John down with a one-two punch to the head and n informal (trying to gain advantage)胜人一筹的伎俩one-way adj (traffic direction)单行的,单向的All of a sudden I found myself going the wrong way down a one-way mirror n (mirror which functions as a window on one side)单面镜;单向镜There was a one-way mirror in the interview room so that the detectives could watch the questioning unobserved by the suspect.The police observed the suspect through a one-way ticket, also UK: single ticket, single n (transport: single-journey fare)单程票I didn't know when I would be coming back, so I bought a one-way show n (performance by one woman)独角戏one-year adj (lasting one year)一年期的,持续一年的one's adj formal (I, we: impersonal possessive form) (无人称的所有格代名词)某人的One does one's best.尽力就好。one's own time n (free time, leisure time)空闲时间;非工作时间My boss asked me to chat online on my own's self pron dated (your inner nature)真实的自我;内在的自我Travel and meditation have long been considered good ways to find one's self.onetime (US), one-time (UK) adj (former)曾经的;过去的;过去的To look at her now, you'd never believe she was a onetime supermodel.看看现在的她,你绝不会相信她曾经是超模。onetime (US), one-time (UK) adj (done only once)一次的This is a one-time only offer, the price will go back up tomorrow.这是绝无仅有的一次报价,明天将恢复原价。paralyzed on one side, also UK: paralysed on one side adj (hemiplegic)偏瘫Ever since my uncle had his stroke, he's been paralyzed on one n informal (guest accompanying [sb] invited)陪同人;同伴pull a fast one v expr informal (trick [sb] stealthily)欺骗put all your eggs in one basket v expr proverb (rely on a single plan)孤注一掷;把全部希望寄托在一件事上If you put all your eggs in one basket you risk losing them all.put [sth] to one side v expr figurative (save) (钱等)储存, 存I'll put it to one side and eat it later.put [sth] to one side v expr figurative (disregard)不理会, 忽视, 不顾Let's put this problem to one side for the moment and consider more important issues.He found it too hard, so he just put it to one side.put [sth] to one side v expr (place to the side)把…放在一边, 将…搁到一旁Put the cake to one side and start making the icing.quarter, a quarter, one quarter, 1/4 n (0.25, fourth, 25%)四分之一备注: When only one, "a quarter" is used generally; "one quarter" is used to emphasize the precise amount.An eighth and an eighth add up to one quarter.八分之一加八分之一等于四分之一。quarter, a quarter, one-quarter, 1/4 adv (extent: 1/4, one fourth)四分之一The water bottle was only a quarter full.水杯只装了四分之一。raise one's hand v expr figurative (admit to [sth], confess)承认seventh, a seventh, one seventh, 1/7 n (fraction: 7th part)七分之一备注: "a seventh" is used generally; "one seventh" is used to emphasize the precise amountOne seventh of 49 is 7.single-celled, one-celled adj (organism: made of one cell)单细胞的single-parent, one-parent n as adj (with one parent)单亲的sixth, a sixth, one sixth, 1/6 n (fraction: 6th part)六分之一备注: "a sixth" is used generally; "one sixth" is used to emphasize the precise amountA sixth of a pie is a very big piece!sleep with one eye open v expr figurative (stay alert to danger)时刻保持警惕;不敢睡得太熟square one (starting point)回到起点;回到原地stick to one's guns v expr figurative, slang (not change one's mind)坚持己见;固执己见talk out of both sides of one's mouth v expr figurative (say contradictory things)说自相矛盾的话tenth, a tenth, one tenth, 10th n (fraction: 10th part)十分之一备注: "a tenth" is used generally; "one tenth" is used to emphasize the precise amountBill cut himself a tenth of the cake.that one pron ([sth] indicated at a distance)那一个This coat's mine and that one's yours.I'll take that one, please.the big one n informal, figurative ([sth] massively important)非常重要的事the one and only adj (incomparable and unique)世间仅有的;独一无二的third, a third, one third, 1/3 n (fraction: 3rd part)三分之一备注: "a third" is used generally; "one third" is used to emphasize the precise amountShe only ate a third of the sandwich.她只吃了这块三明治的三分之一。third, a third, one-third, 1/3 adv (extent: 1/3)三分之一备注: "a third" is used generally; "one-third" is used to emphasize the precise amountThe glass of water was a third full.这杯水有三分之一满。thirty-one, 31 n (cardinal number: 31) (基数词)三十一I live at number thirty-one.thirty-one, 31 adj (31 in number)三十一;三十一个的There are thirty-one days in January.The group was made up of thirty-one girls and thirty-five boys.thirty-one, 31 adj (31 years of age)三十一岁的He will be thirty-one years old on Monday.thirty-one, 31 pron (people, things: 31 of them)第三十一位;第三十一个31 n US, written (thirty-first day of specified month)三十一号备注: The example would be spoken "April thirty-first".The new regulations are due to come into effect on April 31.31 n mainly UK, written (thirty-first day of specified month)三十一号备注: The example would be spoken as "(the) thirty-first of January". This date format is most commonly used in the UK, though it is gaining popularity in the US.If you wish to submit your tax return online, the deadline is 31 January.this one pron (indicating [sth] nearer)这一个This one's better than those over there.this one here pron ([sth] indicated in close proximity)这一个If you want something cheap, I would suggest this one here.thousand, a thousand, one thousand, 1000 n invariable (cardinal number: 1000)一千备注: "a thousand" is used generally; "one thousand" is used to emphasize the precise amountThree thousand came to the concert.有三千人来参加这场音乐会。thousand, a thousand, one thousand, 1000 pron invariable (people, things: 1000 of them) (人、物)一千个Zoe counted the books on her shelves and was amazed to find she had a thousand.佐伊数了数书架上的书,发现已经有一千本了,非常惊讶。thousand, a thousand, one thousand, 1000 adj invariable (amounting to 1000) (数字)千Three thousand people came to the concert.这个音乐会有三千人到场。to one side adv (put [sth]: aside)(放)在一边;搁置;暂不处理She set her book to one side and picked up the one side adv (movement: to the side)(放)在一边;搁置;暂不处理The cars all moved to one side of the road so the ambulance could the side, to one side adv (aside, out of the way)放到一边,抛开,弃置He put it to the side because it was useless.a tough cookie, one tough cookie n informal, figurative (resilient person)性格坚强的人a trillion, one trillion, 1 trillion adj invariable (a million million in number, 10^12)一万亿的The country's GDP is now over one-trillion dollars.a trillion, one trillion, 1 trillion, 1,000,000,000,000, plural: trillions n (sum: trillion pounds or dollars, 10^12) (总金额)一万亿Deficits of trillions are now taken for granted.twenty-one, 21 n (cardinal number: 21) (基数)二十一,21Twenty-one comes before twenty-two.二十一后跟着二十二。twenty-one, 21 adj (21 in number)二十一(个)的Yesterday I saw twenty-one birds in the tree in my backyard.twenty-one, 21 adj (21 years of age)二十一岁的In many states of the US, you must be twenty-one to buy alcohol.在美国的许多州,你必须年满二十一岁,才能购买酒精饮品。twenty-one, 21 pron (people, things: 21 of them)21 人;21 个Twenty-one of the thirty positions have already been filled.30个名额中已有21个被占。21 n US, written (twenty-first day of specified month) (日期)21 日,21 号The heads of state are meeting to discuss this issue on March 21.21 n mainly UK, written (twenty-first day of specified month) (日期)21 日,21 号I finish work on 21 December and will be on holiday for two weeks.understand one another, understand each other vtr + refl (have an agreement)彼此理解;相互了解We really understand one another; sometimes we don't even need to speak.with one voice adv figurative (unanimously)异口同声;一致地;众口一词地When asked to vote for the resolution, we responded in favor with one voice.with one voice adv figurative (in unison)异口同声;一致地;众口一词地The crowd shouted with one voice, "Long live the king!"work one's ass off v expr slang, figurative, vulgar (work extremely hard)拼命干活;拼命工作young one n (child)小孩子Come on, young ones, it's your bedtime!young ones npl (youth, adolescents)年轻人The young ones were drinking Coke and Fanta, while the grown-ups were drinking wine.




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