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词汇 on
释义 onUK:*/ˈɒn/US:/ɑn, ɔn/ ,'on': (on, ôn); 'On': (Bible on)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 on adj (running, not switched off)开着, 打开的The computer's already on.Keep your phone on in case I need to call you.电脑已经开着了。// 电话不要关,等我给你打来。 on prep (atop)在…上;在…上头;在…上面Your book's on the table.你的书在桌子上。usage: used for saying where something isOn is usually a preposition. You use on to say where someone or something is by mentioning the object or surface that is under them.When I came back, she was sitting on the stairs.There was a photograph of a beautiful girl on Deepak's desk.On is used in some other ways to say where someone or something is. For example, you use it to mention an area of land where someone works or lives, such as a farm, building site, or housing estate. He briefly worked on a building site in Seoul.You also use on to mention an island where something exists or happens.She lives on a Caribbean island.➜ See in (for a common way of saying where something is)➜ See at (for a common way of saying where something is) on prep (on the surface)在…上;挂在…上;以…为支撑The picture's on the wall.画在墙上。 on prep (in the vicinity)靠近;在…旁;在…旁They bought a house on a lake.他们在湖边买了一栋房子。 on prep (part of)加入;进入;成为、…中的一员He's been on the football team for several years.他进球队几年了。 on prep (according to)根据;凭借We'll continue on that basis.我们将在那个基础上继续。 on prep (purpose)为了He's here on business.他来办公事。 on prep (means)以…方式;通过His car runs on diesel. Did you come here on foot?他的车是柴油车。你是走来的吗? on adv (into position) (放上)…上Put the lid on and boil for five minutes.把盖子盖上,煮五分钟。 on prep (condition)[表示状况]The house is on fire.房子着火了。 on prep (time, occasion) (指时间)在...时候I always go jogging on Sundays.Let's go to the cinema on Tuesday.Are you available on 6 June?On that fateful day, Audrey had no idea what was about to happen to her.我总是在周日去慢跑。//我们周二去看电影吧。//你6月6日有空吗?//在那命中注定的日子,奥黛丽不知道自己将要发生什么。 on adv (being worn)穿着The old lady was sitting on the bus with her hat and coat on.穿大衣戴帽子那位老妇人坐在公交车上。 其他翻译 be on to [sth], be onto [sth] v expr informal (have: a promising idea) (非正式用语)对…有头绪了Open a crèche in the office? You could be on to a good idea there.在办公室开设托儿服务?你这主意不错。 be on to [sb], be onto [sb] v expr informal (suspect [sb]'s secret)怀疑;盯上The thief knew the police were on to him, so he was trying to keep a low profile.那个窃贼知道警方已经怀疑上了自己,所以他正努力保持低调。 on adj (occurring)发生的;进行的The film festival is on all week.电影节会进行一整周。 on adj (broadcasting)正播放的;正广播的Your favourite programme is on.正在播放你最喜欢的节目。 on adj (performing)开始表演的;开始演出的I always get stage fright, but I'm OK once I'm on.我总是怯场,不过一旦开始表演就没问题了。 on adj (planned)依照计划的;计划中的Is the party still on for tonight?派对今晚照计划进行吗? on adj (baseball: on base)上(垒的)They have three men on.他们有三个人占垒。 on adj informal, UK (acceptable) (非正式用语)可以接受的;值得接受的Tom's behaviour is just not on. on adj informal, figurative (due onstage)在舞台上的;在舞台上演出的Theresa's on in two minutes! Where did she go?还有不到两分钟就轮到特蕾莎上台了!她去哪儿了? on adv (situated atop)就位Are you on? Can I start pedalling?你坐好了么?我能开始蹬车了吗? on adv (onto position, cooking) (烹饪)…上(煮、烹饪)I'll put the potatoes on.我去把土豆放到锅里。 on adv (covering, wrapping)(穿)上;(铺)上;(盖)上Fred has his coat on already.弗雷德已经穿上了外套。 on adv (tightly attached)盖好地;系好地;绑好地Make sure the cap is on properly.确保盖子盖好了。 on adv (towards a place, object)朝着某地或某物They walked further on down the road.他们沿着路继续朝前走去。 on adv (onward)向前The crowd urged her on.人群催促她向前走。 on adv (continuously)继续地;继续下去Carry on with what you were doing.继续你手头的工作。 on adv (into operation)进入运转状态;开着Could you turn the radio on?能麻烦你打开收音机吗? on n (button)开始键Press "on".摁下“开始”键。 on prep (suspended from)(挂、放、系)在…上Her coat is on the hook.她的大衣挂在衣帽钩上。 on prep (supported by)在…上面;...朝下Lie on your stomach. on prep (covering, wrapping)(包、裹)在…上You should put a bandage on that wound.你应该在伤口处包上绷带。 on prep (carrying, with you)随身Have you got any cash on you? on prep (about)关于;在…方面I'm looking for a book on orchids.我正在找关于兰花的书籍。 on prep (basis)基于The film is based on an 18th century novel.She depends on the dictionary to do her homework. on prep (in the direction of)朝…方向She shone the light on the intruder.她照亮了入侵者。 on prep (vehicles)在(某种交通工具)上We can eat our sandwiches on the train.我们可以在火车上吃准备好的三明治。 on prep (membership)为(效力);参加My Mum served on a jury for a murder trial. on prep (media) (节目放映等)在...上What's on Channel 4 tonight? on prep (undertaking: journey, etc.) (旅程中等)正在Leah is on a business trip to London. on prep (added to)附加;额外You can insure it for only pennies on the pound. on prep informal (liability: down to)是...的任务(责任)It's always on me to sort out these problems.解决这些问题一直都是我的任务。 on prep (destination)朝;向;往The police closed in on him.警方朝他靠近。 on prep (object)[表示对象]They've always looked on me with kindness.他们总是友善待我。 on prep (reference)关于;涉及What are your thoughts on global warming?关于全球变暖一事,你怎么看? on prep (at the time of)在…的时刻;一…(就)They started to get lost on entering the city.一进到那座城市,他们就迷路了。 on prep (diet, medicine) (指饮食或药)服用,吃She's on antibiotics.她正在服用抗生素。 on prep (to the detriment of)与...相比They have a three-mile lead on us.与我们相比,他们领先三英里。 on prep (via the medium of)通过(...媒介);在(电视、电影等)上They saw it on TV.他们是在电视上看到的。 on prep (about: a subject)关于;有关This presentation is on the French Revolution and changes in society thereafter.这次展出的是法国大革命及其之后的社会变化。 on prep informal (taking: drugs)服食(毒品);吸食(毒品)Mitch seemed agitated and strange all evening, as if he were on something.米奇整晚都看起来焦躁不安,举止怪异,好像吸了毒一样。 on prep informal (paid by)由…支付;由…付账Dinner's on me tonight! You paid last time we went out.今晚的晚餐我来付账!上次我们出去的时候就是你付的。 动词短语 act on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (respond)根据…行事;作用于;影响Olga acted on the email she received.奥尔加根据她收到的邮件行事。 act on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (have effect)对…起效;对…产生效果;对…起作用The engraving was the result of the acid acting on the metal.该雕刻是酸对金属起作用的结果。 add [sth] on, add on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (charge [sth] in addition)加收;将…加收进去备注: A hyphen is used when the term is or modifies a nounRestaurants add on sales tax after the bill is calculated.餐馆在结算账单后还加收了销售税。 add on [sth], add [sth] on vtr phrasal sep (append [sth]) (邮件附件)附加Before sending the email, Irene added on a document. bail out on [sb], UK: bale out on [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal, figurative (abandon: [sb])放弃;抛弃James bailed out on Chris and left him to do all the work on his own. bang on vi phrasal UK, informal (talk insistently about [sth])啰嗦;唠叨;喋喋不休The lecturer kept banging on even though most of the students weren't listening. bang on about [sth] vi phrasal + prep UK, informal (talk insistently about [sth])啰嗦…;唠叨…;喋喋不休地说…Tanya is always banging on about how awful her boss is. bargain on [sth], bargain on doing [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (expect)指望;预期I hadn't bargained on retiring at 59, but here I am, retired! barge in on [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (interrupt [sth]) (对事)打扰It was rude of you to barge in on their family reunion. barge in on [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (interrupt [sb]) (对人)打扰She barged in on me while I was getting dressed! barge in on [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal, figurative (conversation: interrupt)打断(谈话)What makes you think you can just barge in on someone else's conversation? bash on vi phrasal informal, UK (continue, persevere)继续坚持,坚持下去The mountaineers decided to bash on even though the weather was getting worse. be on about [sth] vi phrasal + prep UK, slang (talk incessantly)不停地说What on earth are you on about? bear down on [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep (push, press on)用力压在…上;加压力于Bear down on the pen to make clear carbon copies. bear down on [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative (weigh heavily upon)沉重地压在…心头;让...难以承受Emma felt the full weight of her financial worries bearing down on her. bear down on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep UK (rush towards)冲向,撞向The truck came bearing down on the brothers as they were crossing the street. bear down on [sb] vtr phrasal insep (approach threateningly)气势汹汹地向…进逼The man was bearing down on Jim along the path. bear on [sth], bear upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep formal (be relevant to)与…有关 beg off on [sth] vi phrasal (excuse yourself)请求解除 bone up on [sth] vi phrasal + prep slang (revise knowledge of)复习;温习If you're going to be that picky, I'd better bone up on basic grammar. bone up on [sth] vi phrasal + prep slang (learn about) (考试前)突击背诵,突击学习,为…临阵磨枪The students boned up on psychology terms before the exam. book out, book on out vi phrasal slang (leave quickly)迅速离开;匆忙离开 border on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (be adjacent to)接壤;相邻;邻界Our house borders on conservation land that no one can build on.border on [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (be almost)近似;接近;差不多His bizarre behavior borders on the insane.bring [sth] on vtr phrasal sep (prompt, cause)引起;导致His allergies brought on the asthma attack.他的过敏引起了哮喘。bring [sb/sth] on vtr phrasal sep (performer, act: send on stage)通过介绍将(演员或节目)引上舞台It was time to bring on the next act.是时候介绍下一个节目了。brush up on [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (refresh knowledge of [sth]) (已生疏的知识、技能)温习,重新拾起Janice joined the course to brush up on her maths skills.珍妮丝参加这门课程是为了重新拾起她的数学知识。bug out on [sb] vi phrasal + prep US, slang (abandon)抛弃;放弃build on [sth], build upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (develop further)以…为基础The beginners' course will give you a good base which you can build on.该初学者课程能给你打下一个良好的基础,你能以此为基础继续学习。calculate on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (expect, intend for [sth])期望;期待;期待We're calculating on your being here for in on [sb] vi phrasal + prep UK (visit) (某人)拜访,访问Stef called in on her neighbour on the way to the shops, to ask if he needed anything.斯黛弗在去商店的路上拜访了她的邻居,询问是否需要帮他带点什么。call on [sb] for [sth], call upon vtr phrasal insep (seek help)请求;向某人求助John called on his friends for support.约翰请他的朋友支持他。call on [sb], call upon vtr phrasal insep (turn to [sb] for help) (某人)向…求助When you need help, then who can you call upon if not your friends?当你需要帮助时,除了你的朋友还能找谁?call on [sb] to do [sth], call upon [sb] to do [sth] vtr phrasal insep (request that [sb] do [sth])要求某人做某事The union called on the workers to support a strike.工会号召工人支持罢工。call on [sb] vtr phrasal insep (visit [sb])拜访John called on Mary while she was in the hospital.玛丽住院时,约翰去看过她。call on [sb] vtr phrasal insep US (teacher: pick a student to talk) (老师)让…回答问题The teacher called on me but I couldn't answer as I hadn't been listening.老师让我回答问题,但是因为我没有在听讲,所以回答不出。capitalize on [sth], also UK: capitalise on [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (make the most of)最大化利用carry on vi phrasal (continue doing [sth])继续做某事备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a noun or a modifier.She carried on as if nothing had happened.她继续做,好像什么事没发生过的样子。carry on with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (continue [sth])继续The teacher told us to carry on with the exercise she had assigned while she prepared a test.老师让我们继续做她布置的练习,并且准备了测验。carry on [sth], carry [sth] on vtr phrasal sep (preserve, continue)继续;维持His daughter plans to carry the business on just as it was before.他的女儿打算像以前一样把生意经营下去。carry on vi phrasal informal (make a fuss)吵闹At bedtime the spoiled child would carry on until his parents shouted, "Enough!"到了睡觉时间,这个被宠溺的孩子闹个不停,直到他的父母喊道:“够了!”cash in on [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (profit)趁机利用;以…获利;靠…赚钱The witness wrote a book about his experiences to cash in on his fame.cast on vi phrasal (knitting: make first stitches) (编织)起针To knit a sweater you cast on the bottom edge, and knit upward towards the neck.cast on vtr phrasal sep (knitting: start first stitches) (编织)起针Using large needles and chunky wool, cast on 30 stitches.catch on vi phrasal informal (person: understand)理解;明白I told her that he'd poisoned his wife with arsenic, but she didn't catch on.我告诉她他用砒霜毒死了妻子,不过她没有理解。catch on vi phrasal informal ([sth]: become popular) (非正式用语)变得很流行,受欢迎Do you think that the practice of people sewing their own clothing will ever catch on again?自己动手缝制衣服会不会再次流行起来,你怎么看?catch up on [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative, informal (compensate for time lost)赶上;赶完Audrey sighed when she saw that she had to catch up on a huge pile of work.看到自己必须赶完一大堆工作时候,奥黛丽叹了口气。catch up on [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative, informal (get up to date)了解…的最新情况I phoned my brother to catch up on the latest news back home.我给哥哥打电话,以了解家里面的最新情况。center in on [sth] (US), centre in on [sth] (UK) vtr phrasal insep (focus on)聚焦于Now that the camera's shown us the whole pitch, centre in on just the on [sb/sth], center upon [sb/sth] (US), centre on [sb/sth], centre upon [sb/sth] (UK) vtr phrasal insep (have as main topic)以…为中心, 重点在于…His talk centered on one key on [sb/sth] (US), centre on [sb/sth] (UK) vtr phrasal insep (have as main purpose)围绕;以…为中心My grandfather's life centered on his family.chance on [sth], chance upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep (unexpectedly encounter [sb/sth])偶然遇到;偶然见到Walking throught the woods, I chanced upon young rabbits cavorting in the tall grass.cheat on [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (be sexually unfaithful to)对…不贞;对…不忠Carol admitted that she had cheated on her husband.卡罗尔承认了自己对丈夫不忠。cheat on [sth] vtr phrasal insep US (be dishonest on [sth])在…方面欺诈The teacher gave Bobby an F when she found out that he had cheated on the test.老师发现鲍比考试作弊后,她给了他一个F。check on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (verify state, progress of [sth])检查;核查;调查When Janet left the children alone at home, she called frequently to check on them.如果珍妮特把孩子留在家里出门,就会频繁地给家里打电话,检查孩子们的状况。check up on [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (observe progress)校对;检查;检查When it's very hot, remember to check up on your elderly neighbors every couple of hours.cheer [sb] on, cheer on [sb] vtr phrasal sep (shout encouragement to)为…欢呼,向…喝彩We're going to the match to cheer on the team.cheer [sb] on, cheer on [sb] vtr phrasal sep figurative (encourage, support)鼓励,为…鼓气Ginny thanked her mum for always being there to cheer her on.金妮感谢她的妈妈总是在身边鼓励她。choke on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (have stuck in one's throat)噎在喉咙处,噎住The old man choked on his food and almost turned blue before the waiter arrived to help him.choke on [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (be unable to say)话噎在喉咙里,哽噎难以成语He didn't want to mess up the marriage proposal but was afraid that he'd choke on the words when the time came.chomp down on [sth] vi phrasal + prep (bite [sth] forcefully)把...猛咬一口clamp down on [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative (be strict, enforce rules)严厉打击,严格压制;严厉扼制The city is clamping down on gang violence.cling on vi phrasal (hold tightly)紧紧抓住不放;坚持When I went around a corner quickly on my motorcycle, my passenger was clinging on for dear life.cling on to [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (hold tightly)紧紧抓住clip on vi phrasal (be attached by a clip)夹住了clip [sth] on vtr phrasal sep (attach [sth] with a clip)把…夹住clock in, also UK: clock on vi phrasal (register arrival at work)打卡上班;记录上班时间Steven clocks in at 7 every morning. Don't forget to clock in when you get to work.close in on [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (pursuit: get closer)逼近Drive faster! The cops are closing in on us!close in on [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (make claustrophobic) (比喻)迫近Inside the small room, he felt like the walls were closing in on him.;clue [sb] in on [sth], also UK: clue [sb] up on [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (inform)告诉某人某事Can you clue me in on what's going on?come along, come on vi phrasal informal (progress)进展备注: Commonly used in continuous tenses.My history project is coming along nicely.我的历史项目进展得很顺利。come down on [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative, informal (punish) (比喻,非正式用语)斥责,呵斥;惩罚,处罚The teacher came down on him for his repeated absence.come down on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (collapse)落到, 降落到, 坍塌到The bedroom ceiling came down on us during the hurricane.在龙卷风期间,我们的卧室屋顶塌了下来。come on vi phrasal slang (flirt) (俚语)调情备注: Commonly used in the continuousHenry isn't just being friendly; he is definitely coming on.亨利并不只是表达友善,他肯定是在调情。come on to [sb] vi phrasal + prep slang (flirt with [sb])勾引;跟…调情备注: Commonly used in the continuousAre you coming on to me?你是在勾引我吗?come on vi phrasal informal (illness, weather condition: start) (疾病,天气状况)开始备注: Commonly used in the continuousMegan's sniffing a lot today; she must have a cold coming on.I can feel a storm coming on.梅根今天一直流鼻涕,她一定是感冒了。//我能感觉到暴风雨要来了。come on vi phrasal informal (make progress)进步;有进展Aliyah's tennis has really come on since Marcus started coaching her.自从马库斯开始训练阿莉娅后,她的网球水平有了很大的进步。come on vi phrasal UK, informal (get menstrual period)进入月经期I get spots on my face when I'm about to come on.我要来月经时,脸上就开始长斑。come on strong vi phrasal + adv (be forceful)表现得太强硬I don't like it when salespeople come on strong.come upon [sth], come on vtr phrasal insep (find by chance, encounter)偶然遇见;偶然发现The kids were thrilled to come upon a small gingerbread house in the woods.孩子们在树林里偶然发现一座姜饼屋,兴奋不已。cop on vi phrasal UK, slang (realise)明白,理解cop on to [sth], cop onto [sth] vi phrasal + prep UK, slang (fact, idea: realise, grasp)意识到,理解到She didn't cop on to the fact that the girl he was describing was her sister.cotton on vi phrasal informal (understand)理解cotton on to [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (realise)认识到;明白She finally cottoned on to the fact that they were teasing her.count on [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (trust, rely on)依靠;指望(某人)I included Sheila in the team because I know I can count on her.因为我知道能指望席拉,所以让她加入了队伍。count on [sb] to do [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (trust, rely on)指望某人做某事;相信You can count on her to be on time.你可以相信她会准时到场。count on [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (expect, be confident of)料想;预期(某事会发生)The fans were counting on victory today after the Manchester United's recent successes.在曼联最近的几次成功之后,球迷们可以对今天的胜利有所预期。crack down on [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (not tolerate)打击;制裁The principal is starting to crack down on unexcused absences.校长开始严厉打击无故旷课。crack down on [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (punish)惩治Every holiday, police set up checkpoints to crack down on drunk drivers.每逢节假日,警察都会设立检查站,以惩处酒驾司机。crack on vi phrasal (sailboat: use sails under high wind) (帆船: 在大风下)扬帆crack on vi phrasal (powered boat: travel fast in bad weather) (机动船: 在坏天气下)快速航行crack on vi phrasal UK, informal (do, work on quickly)快速做;快速进行creep up on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (approach stealthily)悄悄接近,偷偷上前She startled her sister by creeping up on her and shouting "Boo!"creep up on [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative (fact, situation: arrive unforeseen) (不可预知的情况)渐渐地到来, 不知不觉地到来You had better start working now; don't let the deadline creep up on you.cue [sb] in on [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (inform about)暗示某人做某事cut back on [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (reduce: to economize)减少…;削减…Now that I am unemployed we are going to have to cut back on our spending.cut down on [sth] vi phrasal + prep (reduce, consume less of)削减对…的消耗;减少对…的消费It's hard to cut down on alcohol when my friends keep inviting me out for drinks.在朋友一直邀请我外出喝酒时,就很难减少对酒精的摄入。dawn on [sb] that vtr phrasal insep figurative (occur to [sb] that)意识到;想起Suddenly it dawned on her that her remarks might have been offensive to the others.deliver on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (fulfil, go through with)履行;实行;完成Mark is very reliable, as he always delivers on his promises.depend on [sth], depend upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep (be determined by [sth])取决于Whether the heating will be fixed today depends on the repairman's schedule.暖气今天能不能修好取决于维修人员的日程安排。depend on [sth], depend upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep (be assured of)相信;确信You may depend absolutely upon your solicitor's discretion.你可以完全信赖你的律师的决断。depend on [sth], depend upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep (trust in [sth]) (对事物)相信,信任I depended on her ability to keep a secret.我相信她能够保守秘密。depend on [sb], depend upon [sb] vtr phrasal sep (be supported financially by) (经济上)依赖;靠...生活In the 1950s, most women in the US did not do paid work and depended on their husbands.20世纪50年代,大多数美国女性都未从事有报酬的工作,经济上需依靠她们的丈夫。depend on [sb], depend upon [sb] vtr phrasal sep (rely on [sb]) (对人)依赖,依靠She is a proud lady and doesn't like having to depend on her relatives for help.她是一位有自尊的女士,不喜欢依靠亲戚的帮助。usage: ‘depend on’If you depend on someone or something or depend upon them, you need them in order to survive.At college Julie seemed to depend on Simon more and more.Uruguay's economy has depended heavily on its banking sector.The factories depend upon natural resources.If one thing depends on another thing, the first thing is affected by the second. The success of the meeting depends largely on whether the chairperson is efficient.The cooking time depends on the size of the potato.Be carefulDepend is never an adjective. Don't say, for example, that someone or something ‘is depend on’ another person or thing. You say that they are dependent on that person or thing.The local economy is dependent on oil and gas extraction. descend on [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (visit [sth] en masse) (非正式用语)造访,到访Thousands of protestors descended on the capital to demonstrate against big government.descend on [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (visit [sb] unexpectedly)突然造访...;double down on [sth] vi phrasal + prep mainly US, figurative (become more stubborn about [sth])在…上加倍努力;在...方面更加执着When the interviewer questioned her, she doubled down on her support for the President.采访者质疑她时,她更为坚定支持总统。drag on vi phrasal (continue tediously)拖延,拖沓The three-hour movie dragged on and on.那部时长3小时的影片,真是冗长乏味,极度拖沓。draw on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (resources: use) (事物)利用,使用Henrietta drew on her experience as a hockey captain when asked to lead the project.亨丽埃塔应要求担任了这个项目的领导角色,在工作中,她利用了之前当冰球队长时获得的经验。draw on [sb] vtr phrasal insep (use [sb]'s contribution)利用,使用;依靠Ruby lives alone, so she draws on her neighbours for help.因为鲁比一个人住,所以她只能向邻居寻求帮助。drone on vi phrasal (talk boringly)单调乏味地讲,说;单调低沉地说;单调无聊地进行I slipped out the back of the hall while she was droning on.drone on about [sth] vi phrasal + prep (talk boringly about [sth])喋喋不休地说;唠叨Clive was droning on about his problems at work.drop in on [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (visit)拜访;造访Matilda enjoys dropping in unannounced on her friends.dump on [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative, slang (abuse verbally)严厉批评;责难Just because you broke up with Jack doesn't mean you have to dump on him all the time.earwig on [sth] vtr phrasal insep UK, informal (eavesdrop on, listen in to)偷听;窃听ease up on [sb] vtr phrasal insep (treat less harshly)对某人放松要求;对某人没有过去严厉You may find if you ease up a bit on the child she will behave better.egg [sb] on vtr phrasal sep informal (encourage, urge) (非正式用语)怂恿, 煽动, 鼓励The fans cheered for their favorite team, egging them on.encroach upon [sth], encroach on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (property: trespass) (房产)非法侵入encroach upon [sth], encroach on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (rights: infringe) (权利)侵犯encroach upon [sth], encroach on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (infringe on land) (土地)侵占Their oak tree has begun to encroach on my property.enlarge upon [sth], enlarge on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (go into more detail about)详述;进一步阐述In this book, the author enlarges upon some topics she mentioned briefly in her previous book.fade in on [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep (camera: show gradually)渐显...fade in on [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep (viewer: see gradually appear)逐渐看见At the opening of the movie, we fade in on a scene of a family at the dinner table.fall on [sth/sb], fall upon [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (attack, assault)袭击The group of men fell on Pete, punching and kicking him.一群人袭击了皮特,对他拳打脚踢。fall on [sth], fall upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (eat hungrily)狼吞虎咽I could tell by the way the homeless man fell upon the burger that he hadn't eaten all day.我从这个流浪汉狼吞虎咽的样子就可以看出他一天都没吃过东西。fall on [sth], fall upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (opportunity: grab enthusiastically) (机会)激动地抓住Being a huge fan of the band, Stella fell upon the chance to see them in concert.作为这个乐队的超级粉丝,斯特拉拿到了看他们演唱会的机会。fall back on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep informal, figurative (resort to, rely on)转而依靠;求助于;向…求助Whenever I am in trouble, I know that I can always fall back on my friends and family.无论何时我身陷困境,我知道我总是能向朋友和家人求助。fall on [sb/sth], fall upon [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (attack)袭击…;攻击…The two men fell on their victim as he was walking down the street.fall on [sth], fall upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (food: eat eagerly) (食物)扑向…The man fell on the crust of bread as though he had not eaten for days.fall on [sb], fall upon [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (person: greet, embrace)迎接…;拥抱…Derek fell upon his brother and they wept with joy at being reunited.fall on [sb], fall to [sb] vtr phrasal insep (be the obligation of)落在…肩上Responsibility for the project's success or failure ultimately falls on the manager.feast on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (eat with pleasure)享用…feed on [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (eat [sth]) (生物)吃…生存,以…为食The tabloid newspapers feed on scandal.figure on [sth] vtr phrasal insep mainly US, informal (expect, plan)打算vtr;想I figure on traveling around Europe when I'm through with college.我在计算出正确数额的当儿,请安静一点。fink on [sb] vtr phrasal insep US, slang (inform on)告发The police apprehended one of the gang's members and convinced him to fink on the leaders.fink out on [sb] vi phrasal + prep US, slang (break promise to)对某人食言;违背对某人的承诺fink out on [sth] vi phrasal + prep US, slang (break: a promise, deal)违背对某事的承诺;打破对某事的承诺fix on [sth] vtr phrasal insep US, informal (date, venue: choose) (选定时间、地点)确定,选定Have you fixed on a church for the wedding?flake out on [sb] vi phrasal + prep mainly US, slang (fail to meet obligations) (俚语)放某人的鸽子;爽某人的约What? She's not coming? That's it! She's flaked out on me for the last time, we're through.flick [sth] on, flick on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (turn on device) (设备)开启…,打开…follow on vi phrasal (be a consequence)随之会发生;随之会有…的结果It follows on that any rise in taxes must be accompanied by an improvement in services.follow on from [sth] vi phrasal + prep (be the next step)接着;在...后继续This action follows on from the decision taken last month.上个月做出决策后,接着就进行了这项举措。follow on vi phrasal (walk behind [sb])尾随;跟随follow up on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (investigate)对…进行进一步调查;追查The detective followed up on the lead.侦探对这则线索进行进一步调查。forge ahead, forge on vi phrasal (do [sth] with determination)稳步前进;奋勇前进Jared forged ahead despite the bad weather.尽管天气不好,杰瑞德还是继续前进。forge ahead with [sth], forge on with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (do with determination)锐意进取;努力开拓Forge ahead with your life; don't let negativity get the better of you.found [sth] on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (base on, build on a basis of)将…建立在…的基础之上Gandhi's movement was founded on the premise of non-violence.frown on [sth/sb], frown upon [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (disapprove of)不赞成Teachers frown on students being late for class.Management frowns upon employees socializing at the water cooler.gain on [sb], gain upon [sb] vtr phrasal insep (catch up with)逼近;赶上Drive faster - the police are gaining on us!gang up on [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (attack as group)联合起来对付, 结伙对付Every time the teacher makes a mistake, the students gang up on her to point it out.老师每次犯了错,学生们就会联合起来指出她的错误。gen up on [sth] vi phrasal + prep UK, informal (become informed about)了解;补习;做功课get by on vtr phrasal insep (survive on)靠…生活;靠…维持生计The older couple had learned to get by on their small retirement income.这对老夫妇已学会了靠他们微薄的退休收入来维持生活。get hooked on [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative, slang (become addicted to [sth])对…上瘾He'd gotten hooked on the new video game.get in on [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (obtain a share in)参加;加入She's always trying to get in on the action.get off on [sth] vi phrasal + prep slang (take pleasure in)享受;以…为乐趣He really gets off on seeing other people suffer.他以看到别人受苦为乐。get on vi phrasal informal (be friends)和睦共处,友好相处;混熟Sarah and her new roommate got on as soon as they met.萨拉和她的新室友一见面就很合得来。get on vi phrasal informal (with task: progress)取得进展;取得进步How are you getting on?你是如何做到的?get on vi phrasal informal (in life: advance)取得成功;出人头地To get on in life, you need to be willing to work hard.要想取得成功,你必须愿意努力工作。get on to [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (contact [sb])联系,联络Let me get on to my attorney and see what he says.get on to [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (progress to [sth])继续到;转至Let's get on to the next item on the agenda.get on with [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (be friends)与…处得好;与…相处愉快,与…愉快相处If you can't get on with your boss, it might be better to quit.如果你不能与老板愉快相处,那最好就离职吧。get on with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (do without delay)赶快做Don't watch TV. Just get on with your homework!不要看电视了。赶快去做你的家庭作业!get onto [sth], get on to [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (discuss)骑上(马等),登上(车等);与…联系,接触;学会,掌握;察觉,发现(秘密等)My boss always becomes defensive when we get onto the subject of a pay rise.;give up on [sb] vi phrasal + prep (abandon: [sb])对…失去信心;对...不抱希望Don't give up on me! I just need a little more encouragement.不要对我失去信心!我只是需要更多一点的鼓励。give up on [sth] vi phrasal + prep (abandon: a cause)放弃做某事You should never give up on your dreams.你永远都不应放弃你的梦想。go down on [sb] vi phrasal + prep slang (give oral sex)给…口交; (口交)给…吹箫Sandy enjoys it when her boyfriend goes down on her.桑迪喜欢她男朋友给她口交。go easy on [sb] vi phrasal informal (be lenient toward [sb])宽恕;网开一面go easy on [sth] vi phrasal informal (use with moderation)适度;有节制go off on [sb] (US), go off at [sb] (UK) vtr phrasal insep informal (express anger)向某人发火;朝某人发作All I said was that he had a bit of a temper and he went off on me!go on vi phrasal (endure, continue)持续;继续After she twisted her ankle, the runner found it impossible to go on.扭伤脚踝后,这名赛跑运动员觉得无法继续坚持下去。usage: go onIf you go on doing something, you continue to do it.I just went on eating like I hadn't heard anything.Asif went on working until he had finished.If you go on to do something, you do it after doing something else.She went on to talk about her plans for the future.He later went on to form a successful computer company.go on vi phrasal informal (continue for a long time)持续很久"Gone With the Wind" is a classic film, but it goes on a bit.《乱世佳人》是一部经典电影,但只风靡了一阵。go on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (embark on, begin: a journey) (旅游、度假等)去I can't wait to go on this road trip.我等不及要开始这次公路旅行。go on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (visit: website) (网站)访问I went on the WordReference website to check the meaning of a word.我访问WordReference网站,查询一个单词的意思。go on vi phrasal UK, informal (talk for a long time)说个不停When my grandma reminisces about her childhood, she tends to go on.每当我奶奶回忆起她的童年,她总是滔滔不绝。go on about [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep UK, informal (talk unintelligibly about)嘟囔,含糊不清地说When my sister goes on about programming, I can't understand a word she is saying.我姐妹嘟囔着编程,但她说的我一个字也听不懂。go on about [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep UK, informal (talk incessantly about) (俚语)喋喋不休地说,无休止地说The teacher went on about the topic he had chosen regardless of the fact that many students were asleep.go on with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (continue to do, say)继续…I apologised for the interruption and he went on with his story.goad [sb] on vtr phrasal sep (provoke)惹某人;激怒某人goof on [sb] vtr phrasal insep (make fun of [sb])捉弄;戏弄grass on [sb] vtr phrasal insep UK, slang (inform on)供出;告发;检举His sister-in-law grassed on him and he was arrested.grind on vi phrasal ([sth] unpleasant or boring: continue) (令人不快或无聊的事)持续The negotiations ground on for several weeks without success.hammer on vi phrasal (guitar-playing technique) (吉他演奏技巧)击弦hand [sth] on, hand on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (pass on, transmit)传递I always hand on my favourite books to my sister.我总是把最喜欢的书传给妹妹。hang on vi phrasal informal (wait for a moment)等一会儿;稍等Hang on please and I'll be with you in a couple of minutes.请稍等,我几分钟后就来。hang on vi phrasal US, informal (telephone: hold) (电话通话中使用)别挂断, 等一下Hang on please, I'm just putting you through.请稍等,我马上给您转接过去。hang on to [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (retain, keep)保留, 保有These old books are worthless, but I hang on to them because they remind me of my childhood.hang on to [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (cling to)紧握住;紧紧抓住The slope was so steep and slippery that I had to hang on to a tree to avoid falling.hang on to [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (attend very closely to)仔细注意;密切留意hang up on [sb] vi phrasal + prep (end phone call)挂断…的电话happen on [sth/sb], happen upon [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep dated, literary (find, encounter)偶然发现;偶然遇到I happened on an interesting article about Cuba in the newspaper.harp on vi phrasal informal (talk incessantly)喋喋不休;唠叨;絮聒harp on about [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (talk incessantly about [sth])喋喋不休;唠唠叨叨harp on at [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (nag)在...耳边唠叨;对...絮聒My mother always harps on at me about doing my chores.harp on [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (talk incessantly about [sth])喋喋不休地说;唠叨;絮聒The politician keeps harping on his opponent's age.have [sb] on vtr phrasal sep informal (tease, try to fool)戏弄;愚弄备注: Commonly used in continuous tenses.'I don't believe it!' exclaimed Harry. 'You're having me on!'have [sth] on vtr phrasal sep UK, informal (have planned)有...的计划I've got nothing on tonight, so I could meet you for a drink, if you like.hinge on [sth], hinge upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (rely, depend on [sth])依赖于,取决于The business deal hinges upon securing a loan.这笔生意能不能成,取决于能否获得贷款。hire on vi phrasal US (take a job)应聘Joe and Bob heard the rodeo was looking for wranglers, so they hired on.hit on [sb] vtr phrasal insep mainly US, slang (flirt with, try to seduce) (俚语)勾引;与...调情;向...示爱Gladys told the guy who was hitting on her to get lost.格拉迪斯让那个勾引她的男人滚开。hit on [sth], hit upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep (idea, plan: devise, discover)忽然想到;偶然想到;偶然发现I have hit upon a great way to save money: stay in bed all day!我忽然想到一个省钱妙计,那就是整天都躺床上不动!hold off doing [sth], hold off from doing [sth], hold off on doing [sth] vtr phrasal insep (postpone, delay)拖延;克制,节制,忍住Please hold off playing the drums until after I've gone!请克制一下,等我离开后再打鼓吧!hold on vi phrasal (stay courageous or patient) (困境中)坚持住, 挺住I know you are upset, but you must hold on for the sake of the children.我知道你很难过,但为了孩子们,你必须挺住。hold on vi phrasal informal (wait, maintain position) (非正式用语)保持原来的姿势,继续Hold on till I get there!坚持住,等我过去!hold on vi phrasal (telephone)别挂电话;不要挂断"Can I talk to Camille?" "Hold on. I'll see if she's here."“我能和卡米尔通话吗?”“请等一下,我看下她在不在。”hold on to [sth/sb], hold onto [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (grasp, clutch)抓住…不放If you think you are going to slip, hold on to my arm.如果你觉得自己要滑倒了,就牢牢抓住我的手臂。hold onto [sth], hold on to [sth] vtr phrasal insep (keep, maintain despite difficulty)保持,保住;挺住,坚持住In all the years of poverty, she managed to hold onto her dignity.在这漫长的贫穷的岁月里,她设法保住了自己的尊严。hold out on [sb] vi phrasal + prep (refuse to give information)瞒着,对...保密Please don't hold out on me; just tell me who did it!请不要瞒我了,告诉我是谁干的!hold out on [sb] vi phrasal + prep (refuse to give [sth] to [sb])隐瞒;保留I need Jason's help but he is holding out on me.我需要杰森的帮助但是被他拒绝了。home in on [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep (go towards: a target, etc.)导向目标追踪Airplane pilots use radar, wind speed and direction, and air traffic reports to home in on the destination airport.home in on [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative (focus attention on)集中注意力于hone in on [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep US, nonstandard but common (go towards: a target, etc.)向...走去;向...集中备注: The correct form is "home in on".备注: 虽然属于不正确用法,但非常常见hop on vi phrasal figurative, informal (board a vehicle) (指交通工具)登上,跳上;上车When the bus to the beach finally came, we hopped on.hop on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (jump onto)跳上;跳到…上When I go into the town centre I usually hop on a bus rather than take the car. Hop on my back, I will carry you to school.去市中心的时候,我通常会搭乘公车而不坐小汽车。跳到我背上来,我背你去学校。horn in on [sth] vi phrasal + prep (intrude)唐突某人;干涉;impose on [sb] vtr phrasal insep (force yourself on [sb])硬缠着(某人);强迫(某人)与己为伴Ken imposed on his hosts and made them irritable.impose on [sb] vtr phrasal insep (inconvenience [sb])给...带来麻烦I don't want to impose on you but could you collect my dry cleaning?impress [sth] on [sb], impress [sth] upon [sb], impress upon [sb] [sth] vtr phrasal sep (stress the importance of)使...明白...的重要意义;使...牢记...的重要性I must impress upon you all the need for complete secrecy. Ken tried to impress the importance of hard work on his children.我必须使你们牢记严格保密的重要性。肯想使自己的孩子明白勤劳的重要性。imprint on [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (bird, person: attach psychologically) (心理)依恋;喜爱The birds had imprinted on their keeper, and followed him around the yard.improve on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (refine, develop)提高;改进The teacher wants you to improve on your math skills before the next test.jabber on vi phrasal informal (talk incessantly)喋喋不休地说下去I can't take another meeting with her: she jabbers on for hours.jam on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (slam on)猛按,猛压;猛踩Nancy jammed on the buttons, trying to get something to work.南希猛按按钮,试图让其恢复工作。jog on vi phrasal UK, slang (go away)走开A strange bloke tried to chat me up, but I told him to jog on.jump on [sb], jump all over [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative, informal (criticize, find fault with)责备;责骂;斥责备注: 指一发现有错就立马责备Olivia jumped on her husband for being slow to offer the guests another drink.keep on doing [sth] vtr phrasal insep (persist: in doing [sth])继续做…Why do you keep on talking after I've asked you to be quiet?我都已经告诉你保持安静了,为什么你还要继续说话。key on [sb/sth], key in on [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep US (single out as important)盯防The basketball team keyed in on their opponent's star player.lash out on [sth] vi phrasal + prep UK, informal (extravagantly spend money on)大手大脚地在…上花很多钱For his 50th, James lashed out on a sports car.在他50岁生日的时候,詹姆斯花大价钱买了一辆跑车。latch on vi phrasal (baby: grab the nipple) (婴儿、幼崽)咬住奶头不放The kittens latched on and began to suckle.latch on vi phrasal figurative (idea, etc.: adopt, understand)理解;明白latch on to [sth/sb], latch onto [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (cling)缠住…不放Sea lampreys latch on to passing fish, sharks, and even humans.latch on to [sth], latch onto [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (idea, etc.: adopt, understand)理解The student began to latch on to the idea of Socialism.latch on to [sb], latch onto [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (follow [sb] around)缠着;缠着不放She's so clingy, she just latches on to whatever boy she meets.latch on to [sth], latch onto [sth] vtr phrasal insep (baby: grab nipple with mouth)吸住;吸着不放lay [sth] on vtr phrasal sep informal (exaggerate)夸大;夸张Your brother can really lay on the drama!你兄弟真会装腔作势!lay [sth] on vtr phrasal sep (apply)把…涂抹在…上The builder laid the plaster on with a trowel.建筑工人用泥刀铺上灰泥。lead on vi phrasal (go first, show the way)带路"Lead on!" she said, and I showed her along the corridor.“带路!”她说到,我便领着她沿走廊前行。lead [sb] on vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (mislead) (非正式用语)哄骗;误导I thought he loved me, but he was just leading me on.我以为他爱我,可他其实一直在哄骗我。lead on to [sth] vtr phrasal insep (progress to)带来We hope that this early success will lead on to further triumphs.lean on [sb], lean upon [sb] vtr phrasal insep (rely on for support) (比喻)依靠You can always lean on me.你可以总是依靠我。lean on [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (pressure to do [sth])威胁,恐吓;对…施加压力The president's advisors are leaning on him to back the deal.顾问们向总统施压来支持这笔交易。let on vi phrasal informal (reveal or indicate) (非正式用语)泄露,透露;表露,流露John tried his best not to let on about Jane's surprise party. I was upset, but did not let on.约翰尽最大努力,保密给简举办的惊喜派对。我很沮丧,不过并没有表露出来。light on [sth], light upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep (find, discover [sth])找到;发现Ned lit on the perfect solution to his problem.light on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (land on [sth])停落于live on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (use for money)靠…为生My mother gives me a monthly allowance but I couldn't live on just that.我妈每个月会给我零用钱,不过我不能就靠那个为生。live on vi phrasal (continue to exist indefinitely)继续生存下去;永存;继续存在Although a great performer has died today, his memory will live on.一名伟大的表演大师在今天陨落了,但他的精神将永存世间。lock on vi phrasal (track or focus on [sth])锁定;瞄准lock on to [sth], lock onto [sth] vtr phrasal insep (follow closely) (比喻义)锁定log in, log on vi phrasal (computing: sign in) (计算机)登录,登入You have to log in to view your friends' photos on Facebook.I have to log on before I can check my e-mail account.你必须登录才能在Facebook上浏览你朋友的照片。//我必须先登录才能查看我的电子邮件账户。look back on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (recall, reminisce about)回首;回顾;回忆I look back on my years in school and smile.look down on [sb], look down upon [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (feel superior to) (比喻)看不起,鄙视It is wrong to look down on people less fortunate than yourself.看不起不如自己幸运的人是错误的。look down on [sth], look down upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (consider inferior)看不上These were rich girls who looked down on cheap clothes.这些有钱女生看不起廉价的衣服。look in on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (visit or check in passing)短暂拜访某人While I'm in town I should look in on my parents.Please look in on the baby and make sure she's tucked in.look on vi phrasal (watch)观测;观察While my father taught me to swim, my mother looked on from the shore.父亲教我游泳的时候,母亲在岸边看着我。look on [sb] as [sth], look upon [sb] as [sth] vtr phrasal insep (regard, consider: as)把…视为;把…看成I always looked upon him as a brother.我总是把他视作兄弟。lose out on [sth] vi phrasal + prep (miss: an opportunity) (机会)错失;失去The team lost out on a chance to play in the final.那只球队失去了踢决赛的机会。miss out on [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (be denied: an opportunity, etc.)错失Milly was laid up with the flu, so she had to miss out on the party.米莉得了流感卧床不起,所以她不得不错过了这次派对。miss out on [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (fail to get: an opportunity, etc.)错失; (机会等)没有得到I missed out on the teaching job I wanted, but I'm sure there'll be other opportunities.我错过了我想要的老师工作,但我确信会有其他的机会。move in on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (move closer to attack or capture)向…逼近;准备攻击When the signal was given the police quickly moved in on the suspect and arrested him.move in on [sth] vi phrasal + prep (intrude)进入;侵入The salesman lost customers when a competitor moved in on his territory.由于竞争对手的进入,那位销售员损失了许多客户。move in on [sb] vi phrasal + prep (make advances to)设法接近...He was about to move in on her when her boyfriend returned.move on vi phrasal (go elsewhere)去其他地方;前往别处I've really enjoyed my time in Rome, but now it's time for me to move on.我真的很享受我在罗马的时光,但现在我该去其他地方了。move on vi phrasal informal, figurative (accept change)接受改变;开始新生活Roger is ready to move on after his divorce.罗杰离婚后准备开始新的生活。move on vi phrasal figurative (take up new activity, subject)做别的事;谈其他话题If everyone understands that now, let's move on.如果现在大家都懂了,我们就继续吧。move on to [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (progress to)进入;转向After the children have mastered addition they will move on to division.孩子们掌握了加法后,他们将继续学习除法。move [sb] on, move on [sb] vtr phrasal sep often passive (compel to go elsewhere)驱赶…;命令…走开They went to the park, but once more the police moved them on.他们去了公园,但警察又把他们赶走了。muddle on, muddle along vi phrasal informal (continue without guidance) (非正式用语)混日子;得过且过;mumble on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (chew ineffectively)用牙龈费劲地咬The toothless old man mumbled on a piece of bread.muscle in on [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (get involved in, try to take over)挤进;强夺Solar technology is trying to muscle in on the crowded energy market.muscle in on [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (displace, compete with)取代...;与...竞争I told Jack that the project was his territory and I didn't want to muscle in on him.;palm [sth] off on [sb] vtr phrasal sep informal (get rid of [sth] by giving it to [sb]) (非正式用语)转手摆脱,转手处理掉The car was such a junker that she couldn't palm it off on anybody.那辆车车况极为糟糕,她没法转手给任何人。pass [sth] on vtr phrasal sep (bequeath)遗赠;传给The house and all its belongings were passed on to her.这栋房子和所有的财产都传给了她。pass [sth] on vtr phrasal sep (give to next person)把…给下一个人Take a cookie and pass them on.拿一块饼干,然后传下去。pass on [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (reject, not take)拒绝,放弃I'm afraid I must pass on your kind invitation - I'm not free that evening.我恐怕必须拒绝你的盛情邀请,那天晚上我没空。pass on, pass away vi phrasal euphemism (die)去世;逝世Uncle James passed on a couple of years ago.His grandfather passed away after a five-year struggle with cancer.詹姆斯叔叔几年前去世了。/ /他爷爷在与癌症抗争五年后去世了。paste [sth] on, paste on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (stick or affix)将…粘上;粘到…上The children pasted glitter and small shapes onto the paper to make a birthday card.peg [sth] on [sb] vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (assign guilt for: [sth] on [sb])把(罪名)认定给They tried to peg the murder on him but his family knew he was innocent.pick on [sb] vtr phrasal insep (harass, bully [sb])招惹;故意找茬;欺负Please don't pick on me because I'm small!请不要因为我身材矮小就来招惹我!pick up on [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (detect)注意到,发现;重新回到(已提到过的要点)I made an error in my calculations, but nobody picked up on it.我的计算中有一处错误,不过没有人注意到。pick up on [sth] vi phrasal + prep (talk about: [sth] mentioned)重新谈到(已提到过的要点)Denise picked up on Laura's comment about working mothers.丹妮丝重新谈到劳拉关于要上班的母亲的评论。pile on vi phrasal figurative, informal (join in: with criticism, etc.)参与批评;一个劲地批评pin [sb] down on [sth] vtr phrasal 3-part figurative, informal (force to a decision, statement) (非正式用语)迫使…就…明确表态;迫使…就…作出决定The interviewer struggled to pin the Prime Minister down on whether she planned to raise taxes.记者竭尽全力让首相表态是否计划增税。pitch on [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (decide on, choose) (非正式用语)决定,选定The couple eventually pitched on a date for their wedding.plan on [sth], plan on doing [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (intend to)打算I don't plan on being home before midnight.plan on [sth], plan on doing [sth] vtr phrasal insep (count on, expect)预料;预计I planned on going with my sister, but she is sick so I'll have to go on my on vi phrasal (continue to make music)继续演奏play on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (exploit)利用Many confidence tricksters play on the sympathy of their victims.plow on (US), plough on (UK) vi phrasal figurative (continue despite difficulty)继续奋力前进pot [sth] on vtr phrasal sep (seedling: put in larger pot)移植到更大的花盆He's in the greenhouse, potting on the tomato in on [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative (make [sb] feel claustrophobic)向...涌来;朝...扑面而来It felt as if the crowd was pressing in on Pat, and she began to on, press ahead vi phrasal informal (continue, persevere)使负担沉重;把…强加给Despite the worsening weather conditions, the explorers decided to press on with their journey.pull [sth] on, pull on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (clothing: put on)穿上She pulled on a sweater and jeans and went to investigate the noise.她穿上毛衣和牛仔裤,去看看那个噪音到底是怎么回事。punch in, clock in (US), clock on (UK) vi phrasal (activate time card at job) (指上班记录考勤的方法)打卡;打钟push on vi phrasal figurative (persevere, keep going)继续推行;继续做;继续前进push on [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep literal (exert pressure against)对…施加压力;用力推;put [sth] on, put on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (wear: clothing) (衣服、鞋袜)穿上She put on a pretty dress to wear to the party.她穿上一件漂亮的裙子去参加派对。put [sth] on, put on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (switch on: lights, stove, etc.) (灯等)打开Put the lights on, will you? It's getting dark.把灯打开,好吗?天开始黑了。put [sth] on, put on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (set going: music) (唱片等)放, 播放Could you put a CD on? I fancy some music.你能播放一张CD吗?我想听听音乐。put [sth] on, put on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (exhibition, event, show) (展览,活动,表演)上演,举办They're putting on a production of Hamlet at the local theatre.当地剧院正在上演《哈姆雷特》。put [sth] on, put on [sth] vtr phrasal sep mainly UK (gain: weight)体重增加Keith has put on 10 lbs since he split from his wife.自从和妻子离婚后,基思胖了10磅。put [sth] on, put on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (facial expression) (面部表情)露出,做出My dog always puts on a sad face when he wants food.我的狗想吃东西时总是露出一副愁眉苦脸的样子。put [sth] on, put on [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (fake [sth])假装,装出;佯装He put on an annoying high voice to imitate his sister.The footballer pretended to be injured but he was putting it on, hoping to be awarded a penalty.他装出烦人的尖锐声,模仿他妹妹。//这位足球运动员假装受伤,但实际他在演戏,希望骗得一个点球。put [sb] on vtr phrasal sep US, informal (try to fool)尝试愚弄;尝试欺骗备注: Usually used in continuous tenses."You're putting me on!" said Bob. "No," Neil insisted, "it's true".鲍勃说:“你在骗我!”奈尔却坚称:“我没有骗你,这是真的。”put [sth] on, put on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (provide a service)提供The activists are putting on coaches to take protesters to London.put [sth] on vtr phrasal sep (apply: makeup)上妆;化妆put [sb] on vtr phrasal sep (pass phone to)让...接电话Your mother's just come in and wants to speak to you; I'll put her on.put [sb] on to [sb], put [sb] onto [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (put in touch with)介绍...联系某人A friend of his father's put him on to Mr. Smith, and Mr. Smith hired him as a printer.put [sb] on to [sth], put [sb] onto [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (inform about)向某人报告;将…告知某人rabbit on vi phrasal UK, slang (talk incessantly)喋喋不休Brian never stops rabbiting on.rabbit on about [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep UK, slang (talk incessantly)没完没了地讲Barbara is always rabbiting on about her lazy husband.ramble on vi phrasal figurative (speak at length)喋喋不休;说个不停rat on [sb] vtr phrasal insep slang (inform on)告发;告密Polly knew it was Tim who let the teacher's car tyres down, so she ratted on him.宝丽知道老师的车胎是提姆划破的,所以向老师告发了他。rat on [sth] vtr phrasal insep UK, informal (break: a promise) (承诺)没遵守,违背He ratted on his promise to help me move.他承诺帮我搬家,却没有守诺。rattle on, rattle away vi phrasal informal (talk at length)喋喋不休地说Rachel rattled on about her holiday, but Lisa wasn't really on vi phrasal (continue to read)继续读read up on [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep (research)研究;查找...的信息I like to read up on a subject before expressing an opinion.reckon on [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (count on, rely on)指望,依靠Brian hoped that he could reckon on his wife's support.rely on [sth], rely upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep (depend on)依靠;指靠Can you rely on that car?那辆车你指得上吗?rely on [sb], rely upon [sb] vtr phrasal insep (have trust in)依赖;信赖Can you rely on her?你可以信赖她吗?rely on [sb], rely upon [sb] vtr phrasal insep (be dependent on) (人)依赖; (人)依靠My mother relies on me to go shopping for her.我妈妈要依赖我去购物。rest on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (depend on, rely on)依赖;取决于The whole deal rests on your ability to keep your on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (be based on)基于ride on [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal, figurative (be at stake in)押在...上;指望There's a lot riding on the outcome of this contest - not least, my reputation!riff on, riff on [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative, informal (improvise on: a theme)即兴重复讲The comedian riffed on current political tensions.rub off on [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative (be transmitted to [sb] else)影响;感染Dad's bad mood rubbed off on the rest of us, and by the end of the day we were all arguing.爸爸的坏心情影响到了我们,那天结束后,我们都在争吵。rub off on [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep (be smeared onto [sth] else)擦到...上,蹭上The dirt from his clothes rubbed off on the furniture.他衣服上的尘土蹭到了家具上。run on vi phrasal (continue)继续The meeting ran on until seven in the evening, and still no agreement was reached.会议一直开到晚上七点,但仍未达成任何协议。run out on [sb] vtr phrasal insep (leave spouse or partner) (伴侣)抛弃,离开scoot over, scoot on over vi phrasal informal (come quickly)快速过来scrimp on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (use sparingly)在…上节俭;在…上吝啬My client told me not to scrimp on anything when I redid the front reception area.我客户跟我说在重装前台区域时无需节省开支。seize on [sth], seize upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (adopt, exploit)抓住;利用A great tennis player will seize upon his opponent's mistakes and use them to his own advantage.sell [sb] on [sth] vtr phrasal sep mainly US (convince) (非正式用语)使某人同意某事; (想法等)把某事成功推销给某人;使某人赞成某事As hard as he tried, he couldn't sell her on the idea.虽然他很努力,但还是没能把那个想法成功推销给她。set off on [sth] vi phrasal + prep (begin: a journey) (旅程)开始That morning, we set off on our trip to California.那天早上,我们开始了加州之旅。set on [sb] vtr phrasal insep (attack)攻击;袭击When we refused to hand over our wallets, they set on us with a pair of baseball bats.我们拒绝交出钱包,他们就用一对棒球棒攻击我们。set [sth/sb] on [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep (let loose)让…对…发起袭击;使…袭击;释放……,放出……,放开……The hunters set the dogs on the scent.猎人放出猎犬来追踪气味。set [sth/sb] on [sth/sb] vtr phrasal sep (urge to attack)让…攻击…If you go into that garden, the owner will set his dog on you.如果你进到花园里,花园的主人就会让狗攻击你。set out on [sth] vi phrasal + prep (begin, esp. a journey)开始,着手;启程去,上路去Jason and the Argonauts set out on their quest for the Golden Fleece.settle on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (decide on, choose)决定;选定We've settled on Majorca for our summer holiday this year.The children settled on the chocolate chip cookies instead of the peanut butter ones.sign off on [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (authorize)认可,同意,批准The director must sign off on the project before work can begin.主管必须批准项目后方可开始工作。sign on vi phrasal UK (claim unemployment benefit)登记以领取失业保险sign on vi phrasal US (join)签约加入sit in on [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (observe, be present at)列席(会议);旁听I was allowed to sit in on the meetings, but with neither voice nor vote.You may sit in on university courses if you pay an auditor's fee.sit on [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative, informal (keep silent about, not divulge)保持沉默;缄口不言My conscience will not let me sit on this crime.要是对这其起犯罪缄口不言,我会良心不安的。skip out on [sb] vi phrasal + prep US, informal, figurative (leave, abandon)突然离开Her father skipped out on the family when she was young.skip out on [sth] vi phrasal + prep US, informal, figurative (avoid)逃避He told me he was going to skip out on the exam today.slam on [sth], slam [sth] on vtr phrasal sep (brakes: use suddenly)猛踩;猛推The driver slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting a deer.slap [sth] on vtr phrasal sep slang (apply hastily)匆匆地涂, 草草地抹;随意戴上I didn't have much time, so I just slapped on my nametag and left.slip [sth] on, slip on [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (clothing: put on quickly) (非正式用语)快速穿上(衣服等)I dashed upstairs to slip on something less formal.我冲上楼,快速换上一身不那么正式的衣服。soldier on vi phrasal figurative, informal (persevere courageously) (比喻,非正式用语)坚持下去,不畏艰难地继续做下去splash out on [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative, slang (spend extravagant sum of money on)在…上花一大笔钱We've just splashed out on a luxury holiday.我们刚刚花了一大笔钱,享受了一个奢侈的假日。split on [sb] vtr phrasal insep UK, slang, dated (inform on)举报,出卖,告发sponge off [sb/sth], also UK: sponge on [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (obtain money, help)揩…的油Edward's friends are getting fed up with him sponging off them.spur [sb] on vtr phrasal sep figurative (encourage)激励;鞭策He was spurred on by the promise of a decent meal when he reached his destination.squeal on [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative, slang (inform, tell on [sb])告某人的密;告发某人One of Alex's classmates squealed on him and he was sent to see the headteacher.艾利克斯的一名同班同学告发了他,随后他被送去见校长了。stamp on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (tread heavily on)踩在…上;踏上I will stamp on any insects I see.start on [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (begin attacking)发起对…的攻击, 开始攻击She started on carving the turkey with a vengeance.start on [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (begin talking about)开始谈论She started on again about her boyfriend, I'm tired of listening.stay on vi phrasal (remain)留下来继续We know that your term is over but we are hoping you will stay on to serve another term. Maria hoped she could stay on after her visa expired.我们知道你的任期结束了,不过我们希望你能够留下来继续任职。玛利亚希望签证到期后她能够继续留下来。step on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (tread on) (本义)踏上,踩上,踩到Careful, you might step on the dog's tail!小心,不要踩到狗狗的尾巴!step on [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (mistreat, exploit)欺负;欺凌;践踏Your naive friendliness is causing them to step on you at work.你太天真友善,导致他们在工作中欺负你。step on [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative, often plural (drugs: adulterate)掺假;掺入杂质The drug dealer stepped on the coke to increase his profits.stint on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (be sparing)吝啬;节俭If you want to throw a good party, don't stint on the booze.strike on [sth], strike upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep (suddenly have an idea)突然想到stumble on [sth], stumble upon [sth], stumble across [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative, informal (discover, encounter by chance)意外发现;偶然遇到The other night I happened to stumble on an old photo album.stumble on [sth], stumble over [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (get stuck)结巴;(说话)磕磕绊绊I always stumble on the words to the national anthem when I try to sing it.surfeit on [sth] vtr phrasal insep archaic (consume too much of [sth])在…上过度消费;在…上过度沉溺At Easter, the villagers surfeited on rich foods.switch [sth] on, switch on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (turn on power to) (电源)打开It was getting dark, so Rahul switched the light on.天快黑了,拉胡尔开了灯。swot up on [sth] vi phrasal + prep UK, informal (study [sth] hard) (尤指考试前)刻苦学习Ron needs to swot up on the Tudor period if he wants to do better in his next history test.tack on [sth], tack [sth] on vtr phrasal sep informal, figuraitve (add, append)添加Airlines like to make their fares seem low, but then they tack on a bunch of extra fees.take [sth] on, take [sth] on vtr phrasal sep (assume, accept)接受;接纳;采用,采纳Taking on the directorship was his first mistake.接受董事职务是他犯的第一个错误。take [sb] on, take on [sb] vtr phrasal sep informal (compete against)跟…竞争;跟…较量England will take on Croatia in the World Cup final.英格兰队将在世界杯决赛中迎战克罗地亚队。take [sth/sb] on, take on [sth/sb] vtr phrasal sep (confront, oppose)同…较量;与...对峙He took on management in an attempt to improve conditions for the workers.他接手管理工作,尝试改善工人的工作环境。take [sb] on, take on [sb] vtr phrasal sep (employ, hire)雇用;聘用My shop is so busy, I have had to take on more staff.我的店太忙了,我不得不雇佣更多员工。take on vi phrasal UK, dated, informal (get upset)焦虑, 担心There's no need to take on like that; everything will be all on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (speak publicly about)谈及;就…发表言论I'm going to talk on American literature next Thursday.The president introduced the first speaker, who was going to talk on price rises.tattletale on [sb] vtr phrasal insep US, informal (inform on [sb])揭发某人;告发某人If you don't stop being mean to me, I'm going to tattletale on you.tell on [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (inform against)告发If a little boy does something naughty, his sister will tell on him.tell on [sb] vtr phrasal insep US, informal, figurative (have an effect on)对…产生影响;对…产生后果After a few glasses, that red wine really starts to tell on you.think back on [sth] vi phrasal + prep (recall, remember)记起,想起,回想起throw [sth] on, throw on [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (clothing: put on hastily)匆忙穿上;快速穿上thrust [sth] on [sb], thrust [sth] upon [sb] vtr phrasal sep figurative (impose) (与oneself连用)强行介入, 强加Imogen's parents thrust a career in law on her from a young age.伊摩根的父母从小就逼她往法律行业靠。touch on [sth], touch upon vtr phrasal insep figurative (mention very briefly)提及;谈及In the course of the interview we touched upon the delicate matter of his conviction for on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (exploit)利用;占...的便宜try [sth] on, try on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (clothing: test for fit) (衣服)试穿I tried the shirt on and decided I didn't like it.我试穿了这件衬衫,发现并不喜欢它。turn [sth] on, turn on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (switch on) (开关等)打开;开启;接通Carl turned on the radio to listen to the news.卡尔打开收音机听新闻。turn [sb] on, turn on [sb] vtr phrasal sep slang (excite sexually)使某人性奋;挑起某人性欲He turned me on and I just couldn't resist.他让我好性奋,我完全抗拒不了。turn on [sb] vtr phrasal insep (become hostile to)与某人敌对;敌视;对某人有敌意We were getting along well and then suddenly he turned on me.我们一直相处融洽,他却突然变得对我怀有敌意。urge [sb] on vtr phrasal sep (encourage, incite)激励;督促;鞭策The crowd urged the player on with shouts of encouragement.verge on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (be almost equal to)接近Going into business with someone who has a conviction for fraud is verging on insanity!wade in on [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative, informal (weigh in on: offer an opinion about)在...问题上提出自己的看法;就...发表己见Charlie couldn't resist wading in on the discussion, even though he had no expertise in the subject.waffle on [sth], waffle over [sth] vtr phrasal insep US (be indecisive about)在…方面犹豫不决,在…问题上瞻前顾后The senator waffled on the decision for months.几个月来,这个参议员一直犹豫不决,难以作出决定。waffle on vi phrasal mainly UK, informal (talk aimlessly)漫无目的地讲话,胡扯,絮叨The lecturer had been waffling on for an hour, and Karen felt herself getting sleepy.wait on [sb] vtr phrasal insep (serve food)侍候用餐Get your own coffee; I'm not here to wait on you!你自己煮咖啡,我不是来这儿侍候你用餐的。wait on [sb] vtr phrasal insep (bar, restaurant: serve)侍候;服侍Gina was waiting on a customer at the restaurant.吉娜在餐厅招待一位顾客。walk in on [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (catch unawares)撞见The boss walked in on one of the workers sleeping at his desk.walk out on [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (refuse to fulfil obligation) (比喻)离开,退场(以示抗议)The player denied that he had any intention of walking out on his contract.wear on vi phrasal (time: pass slowly) (时间)慢慢流逝They became bored as time wore on.wear on [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (annoy)让人烦The clock's ticking is beginning to wear on my nerves.;weigh in on [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (offer an opinion about)发表对...的意见;提出对...的看法Dave weighed in on the discussion about marketing, even though it wasn't really his field.whale on [sb] vtr phrasal insep US, informal (beat, thrash)击打;猛击work on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (put effort into)致力于You really need to work on controlling your temper.I really need to work on my patience.你真的需要控制你的脾气。//我真的需要锻炼一下我的耐心。work on [sb] vtr phrasal insep (try to persuade)努力说服Mike doesn't want to come with us, but I'm working on him.My husband won't let my daughter use nail polish, but I'm working on him.迈克不想和我们一起去,但我在劝说他。//我丈夫不让我女儿用指甲油,我正在努力说服他。work on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (car, appliance, etc.: fix) (车,器械等)修理Lucas spent the whole weekend working on his car, but the engine is still making a strange noise.卢卡斯整个周末都在修理他的汽车,但现在发动机仍会发出奇怪的声音。work on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (puzzle: try to solve) (难题)设法解决Alan Turing worked on the Enigma Code during the Second World War.在第二次世界大战期间,艾伦·图灵研究过恩尼格玛密码。zoom in on [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep (focus closely on)聚焦于;镜头拉近至 复合形式: a night out on the town n (evening at bar, party)夜间派对After I got my promotion, my friends and I went for a night out on the town to celebrate. add [sth] onto [sth], add on [sth] to [sth] v expr (charge in addition) (uuu)测试看看viThis restaurant automatically adds a service charge onto the bill.just a test add [sth] onto [sth], add on [sth] to [sth] v expr (append)将...添加到;将...附加到 add-on n (optional extra feature)附加功能The software has lots of add-ons. add-on n (additional charge)附加费用The bill includes add-ons. add-on adj (feature: optional, extra) (功能)附加的,附带的The program provides many add-on features. adjudicate on [sth] vi + prep (settle a dispute)裁决, 审判 advise [sb] on [sth] vtr + prep (counsel [sb] on [sth])就某事给某人提供建议He was hired to advise the Queen on matters of state.他被雇来就国事向女王谏言献策。 advise [sb] on [sth] vtr + prep (warn about or recommend)就某事向某人提出建议Eddie advised us on the best restaurants to visit. aggression on [sth/sb] n (attack, infringement)攻击;侵犯This recent violence against a minority is an aggression on our society as a whole.最近针对少数族裔的暴力事件是对对我们整个社会的一种侵犯。 agree with [sb] about [sth], agree with [sb] on [sth] v expr (have same opinion about)在某事方面同意某人的观点;赞同某人所做的某事We all agreed with Jack about the colour of the new chairs.我们一致赞同杰克为新椅子选的颜色。 agree on [sth] vi + prep (decide mutually)在…问题上意见统一;就…达成一致Both sides agreed on a truce.交战双方都同意停战。 agree on terms v expr (decide conditions)就条款达成一致意见The two companies agreed on terms and the contract was signed.两家公司就条款达成一致,签订了合同。 always on the move adj informal (never still)一直走来走去Sheila is always on the move and never has the time to sit down for a chat. always on the move adj informal (travelling a lot)走南闯北;南来北往Barry is always on move because he has to go on a lot of business trips. and so on adv (et cetera)…等等Victims of the disaster urgently need drinking water, food, medical supplies, and so on.灾难的受害者急需饮用水、食物、医疗补给,以及其他等等。 and so on and so forth adv (et cetera)等等First we preheat the oven, and then we measure the ingredients; mix the eggs with the sugar, and so on and so forth. animadvert on [sth/sb] vi + prep formal (criticize)批评;指摘The author animadverted on his rival's work. ants on a log n (celery-based snack)美式蚂蚁上树 applique [sth] on [sth], applique [sth] to [sth], appliqué [sth] on [sth], appliqué [sth] to [sth] vtr + prep from French (decorative patch: sew on to [sth])缝饰 as if on cue, as though on cue expr (as though responding to a signal)似乎得到暗示;仿佛在暗示Tom was thinking about his mother when, as if on cue, she knocked on his front door. as seen on TV expr (as advertised on television)正如电视上看到的;如电视宣传的那样 an assault on the senses n (overwhelming noise, color, smells)感官冲击A walk through the market is an assault on the senses; there is so much noise and activity. at the cutting edge of [sth], on the cutting edge of [sth] adv figurative (at the forefront of [sth])走在...的前端;处于...的前沿In 1440 Gutenberg's printing press was at the cutting edge of technology. at the stroke of [sth], on the stroke of [sth] prep (at exactly: a given hour)正当...的时候;刚好...的时刻The party ended at the stroke of midnight. at the weekends (UK), on the weekends (mainly US) adv (on Saturday or Sunday in given period)在周末;到周末When I lived in France, I worked in Rouen during the week and stayed with friends in Paris at the weekends. at work on [sth] adj (working on)正在处理;正在从事The show is a great success, and its writers are already at work on the second season.这部剧大获成功,编剧已经开始着手准备第二季。 attend on [sb] vi + prep UK (serve)服侍;服务;为...提供服务There were several staff to attend on the guests. authoritative on [sth], authoritative about [sth] adj + prep (knowledgeable about)对...有权威的My history teacher is particularly authoritative on the Tudor period. authority on [sth] n (authoritative publication)权威著作;权威出版物The famous astronomer's book is considered to be the authority on black holes. available on request adj (can be obtained by asking)可根据要求提供的,可应要求提供的Further information is available on request. backtrack on [sth] vi + prep figurative (change your opinion about [sth])改变观点When the investigation began, the politician quickly began to backtrack on his previous remarks. balance [sth], balance [sth] on [sth] vtr (place precariously)小心翼翼地放…以保持平衡,小心翼翼地将…稳当地放在…上The hiker balanced his water bottle on a rock.徒步者小心地将水杯稳稳地放在石头上。 bang on adj UK, slang (on target, exact)完全准确的It was a tricky question, but I thought his answer was bang on. bank on [sth/sb], bank upon [sth/sb] vi + prep figurative (rely, bet)依靠;指望I'm banking on the stock market recovering; otherwise I won't have enough retirement funds. base [sth] on [sth], base [sth] upon [sth] vtr + prep often passive (use as evidence)某事以…为根据;某事以…为依据备注: "Base on" is more common than "base upon." These expressions are often used in the passive voice--e.g., "My opinion is based on facts, not rumor."She based her conclusion on close examination of the evidence.她的结论建立在对证据仔细检验的基础上。 base [sth] on [sth], base [sth] upon [sth] vtr + prep (adapt from)让...以...为根据;让...建立在...的基础上备注: "Base on" is more common than "base upon." These expressions are often used in the passive voice--e.g., "The movie is based on a true story."They will base the film on a short story written by Mark Twain.他们会根据马克·吐温写的一个短篇故事来拍摄这部影片。 base on balls n (baseball: walk awarded) (棒球)四坏球后送上垒;四球安全上垒The pitcher gave a base on balls. be based on [sth] v expr (be founded on [sth])建立在…上;以…为基础His political ideas are based on his conservative beliefs.Ideally, your decision should be based upon sound reasoning.他的政治理念是以其保守信念为基础。理想情况是您的决定应以合理推论为基础。 be based on [sth], be based upon [sth] v expr (be adapted from [sth])改编自;基于Many movies are based on true stories.The play is based on the novel of the same name.很多电影改编自真实故事。// 这个剧本是改编自同名小说。 based on [sth], based upon [sth] expr (founded on)建立在…的基础上Some countries have laws based upon state religions. based on [sth], based upon [sth] expr (adapted from [sth])基于;以…为根据Based on a true story. batten on [sth], batten upon [sth] vi + prep rare (grow fat on)养肥The sheep are battening well on the rich grass in the meadow. batten on [sth], batten upon [sth] vi + prep (feed greedily on)贪吃The revellers sat down at the table and battened upon the food. batten on [sb], batten upon [sb] vi + prep UK, figurative (prosper at [sb]'s expense)损人肥己The millionaire is famous for gaining his wealth by battening on others.这位百万富翁以牺牲他人来获得财富而闻名。 be agreed on v expr (be decided)对…取得一致看法It seems we are all agreed on the need for health care reform, but we differ totally on how to implement it. be carried on v expr (be continued or perpetuated)在进行,在继续After all these years, the business is still being carried on by the founder's great-great-grandson. be hell on [sb/sth] v expr (cause extreme difficulty)让...尝尝厉害;给...点颜色看看 be on a roll v expr figurative, informal (experience a run of success)势如破竹,做得很顺I think I'll strip the wallpaper from another wall before bedtime; I'm on a roll! be on borrowed time n figurative (uncertain time period)继续活着的一段时间;活过寿限;苟延残喘With all the budget cuts we're experiencing, there's no doubt this project is on borrowed time; it's going to get shut down any day now. be on shaky ground v expr figurative (be in a precarious situation)处于不稳定状态 be on your best behavior (US), be on your best behaviour (UK) v expr (behave very well)举止得当 beat up on yourself v expr US, informal (feel guilty or bad)自责;责怪自己 on behalf of [sb/sth], on [sb/sth]'s behalf, also US: in behalf of [sb/sth], in [sb/sth]'s behalf prep (in place of [sb])代表;站在…的立场备注: "On behalf of, on sb/sth's behalf" is currently much more common than "in behalf of, in sb/sth's behalf."I'm phoning on behalf of my daughter, who has lost her voice.The millionaire sent somebody to bid on the painting on his behalf. bent on [sth] adj + prep (be determined)一心要…的;决意…的The victim's father is bent on revenge. bent on doing [sth] adj (be determined to do [sth])一心要做…的;决意要做…的That cousin of yours is bent on doing as much damage as he can. be bent on [sth] vtr (be determined about [sth])一心要…的;决意…的 beset on all sides expr (surrounded, under attack)被包围;四面受敌 bestow [sth] on [sb], bestow [sth] upon [sb] vtr + prep formal (present, give [sb]: an award, gift)给...颁发...,将…颁发给…;将...赠送给...;授予某人...The head of the Board of Education bestowed the Outstanding Teacher of the Year award on Mrs. Hall.The king bestowed knighthoods on his most loyal subjects.教育委员会主席给霍尔夫人颁发了年度杰出教师奖。//国王给最忠诚的臣民授予了爵位。 bet on [sth] vi + prep (place a wager on)在...押注;投注在...上Rita bet on a horse at the race track.丽塔在马场上押注了一匹马。 bet on [sth] vi + prep figurative (be totally confident of)确信;断定My holiday starts tomorrow, so you can bet on it raining!我明天开始休假,明天绝对会下雨! bet the farm, bet the farm on [sth] v expr (risk everything)冒险;冒着风险I'm not going to bet the farm on such a risky investment. bid on [sth] vi + prep (make an offer to buy [sth])出价购买Sheila bid on a vase at an auction.希拉在一场拍卖会上出价购买了一个花瓶。 be big on [sth], be big on doing [sth] v expr informal (be keen on, consider important)非常热衷;非常重视My maths teacher is big on learning by rote, so his lessons are pretty dull. binge on [sth] vi + prep (eat [sth] to excess)狂吃;暴食When I'm feeling down, I binge on chocolate.当我情绪低落时,我会狂吃巧克力。 binge on [sth] vi + prep (indulge in [sth] excessively)过分沉溺于On weekends I like to curl up on the couch and binge on a box set.周末我喜欢窝在沙发上刷剧。 bit on the side n UK, informal (lover you are unfaithful with)婚外情;情人 wear a black hat, put on a black hat v expr US, informal, figurative (be the bad guy)成为黑帽;黑化 blame [sth] on [sb/sth] vtr (attribute: [sth] bad)将…怪罪于;把…怪到…身上He blamed his lack of concentration on having slept badly that night.他把自己注意力不集中怪罪于前一晚没睡好。 blazon [sth] on [sth] vtr (display proudly or defiantly)用...装饰... blow [sth] on [sth] vtr (squander money)把...挥霍在…上Sophie blew all her wages on a new dress.索菲把所有钱都挥霍在一条新裙子上了。 blow on [sth] vi + prep (direct breath onto [sth])对…吹气Janine blew on her fingernails to dry her nail varnish.简妮对着自己的手指甲吹气,想让指甲油快点干。 blow the whistle on [sb] v expr figurative (inform on [sb])告发,举报The employee decided to blow the whistle on his employer for the illegal transactions. blow the whistle on [sth] v expr figurative (report [sth])揭发;揭露;披露 bludge on [sb] vi + prep informal, AU (live at [sb] else's expense)榨取;依附并榨取When are you going to get a job and stop bludging on your parents? bolt-on n figurative (optional extra)附加配件 bolt-on adj figurative (optional, extra)附加的 bolt-on adj (fastens with bolt)螺栓紧固的 boomerang on [sb] vi US, figurative (backfire on)自食其果, 反受其害Jessica made one silly mistake and her plan boomeranged on on the ground npl figurative (soldiers deployed)地面军队bounce [sb] on your knee v expr (baby, child: dandle) (放在膝上的孩子)摇逗;逗弄a brake on [sth] n figurative ([sth] that slows progress)阻碍;妨碍Opposition to the minister's bill from his own party was a brake on his plans.部长提出的法案遭到了其自己党派内的反对,他的计划遇到了阻碍。break the seal on [sth] v expr (open: document, package)开启, 打开I warned him not to break the seal on the envelope before he gave it to the official.brief [sb] on [sth], brief [sb] about [sth] vtr + prep (apprise of)向某人通告某事的基本情况,给某人做某事的情况简要介绍The chief briefed his agents on the recent developments of the case.这名警长向他的代理人就案件近来的进展做了简要介绍。Bring it on! interj informal (eagerness) (非正式用语)来吧!My holiday starts tomorrow; bring it on!我明天开始放假,来吧!Bring it on! interj slang (challenge)动手吧!来吧!If you think you can do better, bring it on!如果你认为自己能做得更好,那就来吧!bring [sth] to bear on [sth] v expr (apply [sth])施加Ali brought all his strength to bear on the heavy door.walk on broken glass, tread on broken glass v expr figurative (delicate situation, subject)复杂微妙的情况If you try to discuss his drinking problem, you will be walking on broken glass.如果你向讨论他的酗酒问题,你将会感觉如履薄冰。browse on [sth] vi + prep (animals: feed on [sth])以...为食物;啃食The herd of goats browsed on grass and twigs in the pasture.brush [sth] on [sth], brush [sth] onto [sth] vtr + prep (paint, etc.: apply)把(油漆等)刷在…上The carpenter brushed more paint onto the table.木匠把更多油漆刷在桌子上。buy on credit v expr (purchase now, pay later)赊欠I became addicted to buying on credit, and now I'm on the verge of [sth] on credit v expr (purchase [sth] now, pay later)赊购I bought my TV set on credit and I'm paying it back in weekly request, on request adv (in response to a request)应邀By popular request, Susan sang an [sb] out on [sth], call out [sb] on [sth] v expr informal (challenge: on [sth] said, done)就…挑战某人Julia called her uncle out on his offensive remarks.茱莉亚斥责她叔叔的无礼言论。carry on doing [sth] v expr (continue doing)继续做;继续进行The teacher ignored Jake's question and carried on talking.老师不理睬杰克的问题,继续讲课。carry on a conversation v expr (have a discussion)继续交谈Joe can order a meal or ask directions in French, but he hasn't yet learnt enough to be able to carry on a conversation. Anna isn't very talkative; I find it quite hard to carry on a conversation with her.乔能够在法国点餐和问路,但他学的还不足以让他能与人交谈。安娜不善言辞。我发现与她很难进行交谈。carry-on n UK, informal (fuss)大惊小怪His mother made such a carry-on about his going that he considered staying home.对于他要出门的事,他母亲大惊小怪,好一番闹,他想干脆留在家里算了。carry-on n informal (luggage)随身携带的行李;可随身携带的行李I measured my carry-on to make sure it would fit in the overhead.我量了量随身行李的尺寸,确保能放进头顶行李架中。carry-on adj informal (of luggage) (行李)随身携带的,可随身携带的We are only allowed one piece of carry-on luggage.每个人只能带一件手提行李。carry-on baggage n (air travel: hand luggage) (航空)随身行李,手提行李Now that airlines are charging passengers to check bags, there is more carry-on on delivery, COD n (payment on receipt)货到付现cast a spell on [sb/sth] v expr figurative (enchant, seduce)迷住The skilful musician's passionate performance cast a spell on the entire audience.cast a spell on [sth/sb] v expr (witchcraft: charm or curse)用符咒使某人迷惑,对某人施咒cast aspersions on [sb/sth] v expr (disparage, slander)诽谤;抨击cast doubt on [sth] v expr (dispute the authenticity of [sth])使人们对…产生疑虑,对…提出疑问The recent scientific discoveries cast doubt on previous theories.catch fire, catch on fire, also UK: catch light, catch alight, also US: take fire v expr (ignite)着火Gasoline can catch fire very easily.If you knock that candle onto the rug, it will catch on fire.catch fire, catch on fire v expr figurative (create enthusiasm)激起热情;激起狂热catch [sb] up on [sth] v expr informal (update [sb] on [sth])让...赶上;使...跟上center on [sth] (US), center around [sth], centre on [sth], centre around [sth] (UK) vi + prep (focus on)聚焦;集中精力于;注重at ... cents on the dollar expr (compared to original price)原价百分之几The ailing company is now trading at just five cents on the ... cents on the dollar v expr (pay less than original price)支付原价百分之几I paid 20 cents on the dollar for 10,000 of these bonds, so they cost me $2,000.cheating, cheating on [sb] n informal (infidelity)出轨;不忠贞;劈腿Shelley has had enough of her boyfriend's cheating; she is leaving him.谢莉受够男友劈腿的行为,她要和他分手。a check on [sth/sb] n (person, thing that restrains)对…的制衡;对…的限制The U.S. Congress acts as a check on the president.美国国会是对总统的一种制衡。chew vi (bite or grind with teeth)嚼;咬备注: Frequently used with 'on.'My father sat at the dinner table, chewing in silence.The little dog chewed on his bone.我的父亲坐在餐桌旁,默默地咀嚼着。 // 小狗啃咬着那根骨头。choke on [sth] vi + prep (have airway blocked by food)因...透不过气;因...感到窒息;呛到;噎到Karen was choking on a hot dog.凯伦被热狗噎到了。choke up on [sth] v expr (baseball bat: hold higher up) (棒球)握短棒,前握棒chomp on [sth] vi + prep (bite, chew) (尤指马等动物)咀嚼,大声咀嚼; (尤指马)大声地咬马嚼子The dog lazily chomped on his bone.on the chopping block expr figurative (about to be ended or reduced)即将结束;即将收场chow down on [sth] vi + prep US, informal (eat [sth])吃…claim, claim on [sth] n (right)权利,所有权I have first claim on the property.我对该房产有优先权。clap eyes on [sb/sth] v expr informal (see)注视;看见clear some space on your calendar v expr (make time)腾出时间;腾出空Could you clear some space on your calendar to spend some time with her?click on [sth] vi + prep (computing: mouse) (计算机鼠标)点击,点选Click on the program icon to open it. I never click on links that I receive in emails.点击那个程序图标来将其打开。我从来没有点击过电子邮件里所附的链接。climb on [sth] vi + prep (horse, vehicle: get on)爬上Jack climbed on his horse and rode off.climb on vi + adv (horse, vehicle: get on)上车, 上马Like my motorbike? Climb on and we'll go for a ride.clip-on n ([sth] attached by a clip)夹式物品clip-on adj (attached by a clip)用夹子夹住的;夹式的The elderly woman wore gaudy clip-on earrings.The young man wore a purple clip-on tie.close the door on [sth] v expr figurative (rule out, exclude)拒之门外;断绝The politician's latest comments, unfortunately, closed the door on a peace agreement between the two countries.close the door on [sb] vtr (on [sb]: shut door to exclude)把…关在门外clouds on the horizon npl figurative (prospect of trouble) (比喻)堪忧的前景The tobacco industry has been quite profitable in the past but now there are clouds on the horizon.clouds on the horizon npl (clouds low in sky) (本义)天边的云We won't be able to watch the sunset because of the clouds on the horizon.;clued in on [sth], also UK: clued up on [sth] expr (well-informed about)对…所知甚多on [sb]'s coattails expr figurative (aided by [sb]'s success)靠...的提携on the coattails of [sth] expr figurative (immediately following [sth])跟风...come down hard on [sb] v expr informal, figurative (punish)惩罚come down on the side of [sb], come down on [sb]'s side v expr (choose to support)支持;站在...一边come down on the side of [sth] v expr (decide in favor of)赞成;赞同Come on! interj informal (prompt)快点!Come on, hurry up! We're going to be late!快点,快点!我们要迟到了!Come on! interj informal (encouragement) (非正式用语,表示鼓励或者怂恿)来吧,快点Oh, come on! It'll be fun.哎呀,来吧!你会很开心的。Come on! interj slang (disbelief) (非正式用语,表示不相信或者不同意)算了吧,行了Come on! You must be joking!行了!你一定是在开玩笑!come-on n slang (flirtation)调情备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a nounLarry interpreted Maria's wink as a come-on.拉里将玛丽亚的眨眼理解为调情。come-on n slang (enticement to buy) (俚语,用于招揽顾客)快来买!买吧买吧What a come-on! Your payments are low enough for the first year, but then they triple after that.come on the heels of [sth] v expr informal, figurative (follow directly)跟随;紧跟come out on top v expr figurative, informal (succeed) (历经困难后)取得胜利,取得成功I think he's smart enough to overcome his disability and come out on top.come out on top v expr figurative, informal (win)技高一筹;赢过对手We've got some talented footballers in our team; I'm confident we'll come out on top.comment, comment on [sth], comment upon [sth] vi + prep (make remarks)就...进行评论;就...发表意见The President refused to comment on his secretary's accusations.对于秘书的指控,总统拒绝评论。usage: ‘comment’A comment is something you say that expresses your opinion of something.People in the town started making rude comments.It is unnecessary for me to add any notes, compare notes on [sb/sth] v expr (exchange opinions, experiences)就...交流思想;就...交换意见We met up for lunch to compare notes on our new boss.compliment [sb] on [sth] vtr (say [sth] nice to [sb])为(某事)恭维(某人)Amy complimented me on my new haircut.艾米对我的新发型赞不绝口。compromise on [sth] vi + prep (accept [sth] substandard)就…让步;就…退让It's better to compromise on location than safety when purchasing a house.买房时,与其在安全问题上妥协,不如在地点上让步。concentrate on [sth/sb] vi + prep (focus your attention on)专注于;集中注意力于I can't speak with you now; I have to concentrate on this reading.我现在不能和你聊天,我得专注于这篇阅读。concentrate on [sth] vi + prep (direct your energies into)投入精力于;集中精力于You should concentrate on passing the test.你应该集中精力通过测试。confer [sth] on/upon [sb] vtr (give or bestow [sth])给...授予;将...赋予The president conferred the medal of honor upon the soldier.congratulate [sb] on [sth] vtr (express joy for [sb])祝贺Everyone congratulated us on our stroke of luck.Congratulations on [sth] interj (expressing joy for [sb])祝贺Congratulations on your forthcoming marriage.Congratulations on doing [sth] interj (expressing joy for [sb]'s success)祝贺Congratulations on winning the marathon!conk n informal (blow to the head) (头部)一击conk [sb] on the head v expr informal (strike on the head)敲...的头conk on the head n informal (blow to the head)重击头部contingent on [sth], contingent upon [sth] adj + prep (dependent on)视情况而定的;要看...My offer to buy the house is contingent upon obtaining a mortgage.我是否买下这栋房子,要看能不能获得贷款。corn on the cob n (cooked ear of sweetcorn)煮玉米棒子;香甜玉米棒I always have to floss my teeth after eating corn on the cob.crowd on sail, crowd on the sail v expr (nautical) (航海,为船能全速前进)扯满风帆;扬满风帆The sailors crowded on as much sail as the mast could carry.水手在桅杆能承受的范围内尽量地扯满了风帆。crunch on [sth] vi + prep (eat with loud bites)嘎吱嘎吱咬;嘎吱嘎吱地吃The boy was crunching on a juicy red apple.那个男孩正嘎吱嘎吱地吃着一个多汁的红苹果。cry wolf on [sth] vtr + n figurative (false alarm)谎报...险情Some people believe the experts are crying wolf on climate change.curb, curb on [sth] n often plural (restriction)限制;约束The government put a curb on how much bankers can receive in bonuses.政府设置了银行从业人员能收到的奖金上限。cut your teeth on [sth] v expr figurative (learn a trade) (新手)开始上手,开始尝试某工作It was a good simple project for the manager's son to cut his teeth on.dab [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (apply by dabbing)轻轻涂抹Dab a little olive oil on the crust.dash [sth] on [sth], dash [sth] onto [sth] vtr + prep (apply roughly)将…草草涂在…上;将…潦草地抹到…上Harriet dashed some paint onto the wall.哈丽特草草地在墙上涂了些油漆。dash [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (strike against)把…往…上冲撞;把…往…上撞击Amy dashed her head on a rock while swimming.艾米游泳时头撞到了石头上。daub [sth] on [sth] vtr (apply roughly, smear)将...涂抹在...上Daub some jam on my toast.daub [sth] on vtr (apply roughly, smear)随意地涂抹Don't worry about it being even, just daub the mixture on.dawn on [sb], dawn upon [sb] v expr figurative (become apparent)使...顿悟;使...突然理解All of a sudden, the enormity of what I had done dawned on me.dead on arrival, DOA adj (dead before reaching hospital)到院死亡的He was rushed to the hospital but was dead on arrival.dead set on doing [sth] adj informal (resolute, determined)坚决的;坚定的;下定决心的Mark was dead set on becoming a naval pilot.马克下决心要成为海军飞行员。decide on (doing) [sth] vi + prep (opt for)决定;选定They decided on a cruise for their holiday.他们决定假期乘船出游。declare war on [sb/sth], declare war against [sb/sth] v expr (state intention to make war with)向…宣战France declared war on Prussia on July 19, 1870.On July 28th 1914 Austria-Hungary declared war against Serbia.法国在1870年7月19日向普鲁士王国宣战。// 1914年7月28日,奥匈帝国向塞尔维亚宣战。declare war on [sth] v expr figurative (take strong steps against) (比喻)宣战President Richard Nixon declared war on drugs in 1971.1971年,理查德·尼克松总统向毒品宣战。default on [sth] vi + prep (fail to repay)违约;不履行The family's house was repossessed when they defaulted on the mortgage.当他们没能偿付住房抵押贷款时,房子被收回了。depend on doing [sth], depend upon doing [sth] v expr (necessitate doing)取决于Getting a driving licence depends upon passing the written and practical examinations.取得驾照的前提是通过笔试和实际驾驶考试。depend on [sb] to do [sth], depend upon [sb] to do [sth] v expr (rely on [sb] doing [sth])依靠某人做某事;依赖某人做某事I depend on Barbara to drive me to the hospital each week.每周我都要靠芭芭拉开车送我去医院。dependence on [sth/sb] n (reliance)依赖Her dependence on his income made a divorce impossible.dependence on [sth] n (drug, alcohol: addiction)上瘾Dependence on alcohol is a serious disease.dependency on [sb] n (reliance on [sb]) (对人)依赖;依靠The kittens' dependency on their mother lasts only a few weeks.dependency on [sth] n (addiction to [sth])依赖于He has not been very successful fighting his dependency on drink.dependent on [sth], dependent upon [sth] adj (requiring [sth])依靠...的;依赖于...的;取决于...的Whether or not the barbecue goes ahead is dependent on the weather.开不开烧烤会取决于天气如何。dependent on [sth] adj + prep (addicted to)对...上瘾的;对...产生依赖性的The patient became dependent on morphine.病人对吗啡产生了依赖性。dependent on [sb] adj + prep (rely on [sb])依赖;依靠;对…依赖Margaret didn't want to be dependent on her son, but she found it difficult to do things for herself now she was older.玛格丽特不想以来自己的儿子,但现在她已年老,有的事情做起来困难。dependent on [sb] for [sth] adj (rely on [sb] for [sth])在...上依赖...;依靠...做...Elderly people are often dependent on their children or carers for help with their housework and shopping.老年人经常在家务和购物上依赖自己的孩子或护工。dependent on [sb] adj + prep (supported financially)靠...养的;依赖...供养的As I don't have a job, I'm dependent on my parents.因为我没有工作,所以靠我父母养着。depending on [sth] prep (determined by)视...而定;要看;根据Depending on the weather, I may go camping this weekend.根据实际天气状况,我这个周末可能会去露营。depending on [sth] prep (according to)取决于The recipe makes 24 or 30 cookies, depending on size.根据尺寸,这个配方可以做24或30块饼干。depending on circumstances expr (according to situation)看情况;视情况而定Other sources of funding may be available, depending on circumstances.descant on [sth] vi + prep literary (talk at length)详述;长谈In this essay, the philosopher descants on the subject of free will.descend on [sth/sb] vi + prep figurative (settle on, fall on)降临到...,落到...A blanket of snow descended on the town.devolve to [sb/sth], devolve on [sb/sth], devolve upon [sb/sth] vi + prep formal (be transferred)转让;交给;die on [sb] vi + prep informal (abandon [sb] by dying)死在…眼前"Don't you die on me!" she pleaded tearfully.“你可别丢下我,一个人死去!”她泪流满面地恳求。digital on-screen graphic, digitally originated graphic n (TV: on-screen logo)数字屏幕图案;台标dine on [sth], dine off [sth] vi + prep (eat for dinner)吃...作为晚餐The guests dined on the dirt on [sb] v expr figurative, slang (share gossip)聊…的八卦do a job on [sb/sth] v expr (harm or damage)搞砸;弄坏do a job on [sb] v expr (deceive)欺骗;骗取do a number on [sb] v expr US, informal (have a bad effect on [sb])伤害;使...难堪dollop [sth] on [sth] vtr informal (put a blob of: [sth] onto [sth]) (不均匀)把…点在…上,把…放在…上Dollop some yogurt on the fruit, and then sprinkle some cinnamon on top.dollop [sth] on vtr informal (put a blob of [sth] on [sth]) (不均匀)把…点上,把…放在…上Don't spread the whipped cream evenly, just dollop it on.the dope on [sth] n informal, dated (information: secret)内幕消息;内部情报;底细If you want the dope on anything, see Lucy; she always knows all the latest office rumors.要想打听内幕消息,就去找露西,办公室最新的传言她总是知道。dote on [sb] vi + prep (lavish affection)溺爱;宠爱John dotes on his daughter and spoils her rotten.double-click on [sth] vi + prep (computing: press twice on [sth])双击be down on [sth/sb] v expr (dislike)不喜欢down on your luck expr (have bad luck)走霉运;运气不好drag on [sth], drag of [sth] n informal (puff on a cigarette, etc.) (香烟等)吸一口The man took a long drag of his cigarette.那人深吸了一口烟。drag on [sth] vi + prep (draw on a cigarette, etc.) (香烟等)吸, 抽She dragged on her cigarette.draw a gun on [sb] v expr (aim a firearm at)拔枪相向;举枪相对To stop the robber, the policewoman drew a gun on him and ordered him to lie on the ground.draw heavily on [sth] v expr (make great use of)大加利用;好好利用The apprentice draws heavily on the works of the grand masters for inspiration.draw on [sth], draw [sth] on vtr + adv (clothing: put on)穿上;戴上He quickly drew on his trousers and ran out the door.他快速穿上裤子,夺门而出。draw the curtain on [sth], draw the curtain over [sth] v expr figurative (bring to an end)让...落下帷幕;结束;给...画上句号Dream on! interj informal (It isn't true) (非正式用语)痴心妄想“I'm going to be a billionaire one day,” said Kate. "Dream on!" Sarah on vi + adv (keep driving without stopping)继续开车;继续驾驶drum [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (tap fingers)用手指敲;用手指在...上打节奏Adam drummed his fingers on the table.亚当用手指在桌面上打节奏。dump [sth] on [sb] vtr + prep figurative, slang (responsibility, problem: offload)把...转移到...身上;把...转嫁到...身上Don't try to dump all your work on me - do it yourself! I know you're unhappy, but try not to dump your problems on other people.别想把你所有的工作都丢给我,你自己做!我知道你难过,但请试着别把你自身的问题转嫁于他人。dwell on [sth/sb], dwell upon vi + prep (be preoccupied with)一直想着Try not to dwell on your failures.不要一直想着自己的失败。dwell on [sth], dwell upon vi + prep (speak extensively about)详细阐述;详尽讲解In her lecture, the professor dwelt a great deal on the similar themes in the two texts.课上,教授长篇大论地描述了两篇文章主题的相似之处。early on adv informal (close to beginning)早先;起先;最初Early on in my life, I had been a spectacular athlete.easy on the eyes, easy on the eye adj informal, figurative (good looking)悦目的,好看的I don't know who she is but she's very easy on the eyes.easy on the eyes, easy on the eye adj (not tiring to look at)看起来不累的,不伤眼的Staring at the television for a long period of time is not easy on the eyes.eavesdrop on [sb/sth] vi + prep (listen secretly to)偷听…的谈话;对...窃听How did you know that? Were you eavesdropping on my phone call?你是怎么知道的?你当时在对我的电话进行窃听吗?elaborate on [sth] vi + prep (explain in greater detail)详细阐述;详尽解释Could you elaborate on your earlier comment about unemployment?你能详细描述一下早先你对失业的评论吗?embargo on [sth] n (trade ban)禁止交易;禁运Several countries are maintaining their embargo on trade with the alleged terrorist state.embargo on [sth] n (shipping ban)禁运令;封港令The temporary embargo on meat products from Europe has now been lifted.之前针对欧洲肉类产品的禁运令现已解除。embargo on [sth] n (ban, prohibition)禁止;限制The school administration's embargo on sugary snacks was not popular with the kids.学校管理员对含糖零食加以限制,这让孩子们颇为不满。embark on [sth], embark upon [sth] vi + prep (journey: start) (旅程)开始What should you take before you embark on a three-day hike?embark on [sth], embark upon [sth] vi + prep (project: start) (项目等)上马,启动,开始We had no idea what the project would involve when we embarked on it.emblazon [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (decorate, inscribe)用...装饰;把...刻在...上Sonia emblazoned the name of her favorite band on her backpack.embroider [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (design: sew onto [sth]) (设计)在...上刺某种绣,在...上绣某种花;在...绣上Jamie embroidered a red bird on her handkerchief.end up on the scrap heap v expr informal, figurative (be discarded)被废弃;被作为废物抛弃end up on the scrap heap of history v expr informal, figurative (be forgotten)被扫进历史的垃圾堆;被历史遗忘His well-intentioned efforts have ended up on the scrap heap of history.engrave [sth] on [sth], engrave [sth] onto [sth] vtr (carve, etch onto [sth])镌刻The jeweler engraved the customer's initials on the pendant.engrave [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep figurative, usually passive (mark deeply) (比喻)将...镌刻在, 将...铭记于, 将...铭刻于His mother's last words were engraved on Harry's heart forever.enroll in [sth] (US), enrol in [sth] (UK), enrol on [sth] (UK), enrol for [sth] (UK) vi + prep (education: enlist, register) (课程)报名, 注册Gina enrolled in a course in French history.吉娜报名参加了法国历史课程。enter [sth] in [sth], enter [sth] into [sth], enter [sth] on [sth] vtr (on a form: give information)填写;填上He entered his name on the first line of the form.他在表格的第一行填写了自己的名字。enter [sth] in [sth], enter [sth] into [sth], enter [sth] on [sth] vtr (data: type, key into [sth])将...输入;将...录入The analyst entered the data into the database.分析员将数据录入数据库。err on the side of, err on the side of [sth] v expr (act in a certain way)偏向于;宁失于;重点放在etch [sth] on [sth], etch [sth] onto [sth] vtr + prep (engrave [sth] on [sth])把...蚀刻在...上The jeweller etched the couple's initials on the rings.etch [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep figurative, often passive (mark [sth] clearly) (比喻)在…上刻下…的痕迹Grief was etched on Jennifer's face.etch lines on [sb]'s face v expr figurative (time, etc.: age [sb])在…的脸上刻下皱纹Time had etched deep lines on Leon's face.experiment on [sth] vi + prep (use subjects to test [sth])在...身上做实验;在...身上做试验Scientists often experiment on animals before giving new drugs to human on [sth], expert in [sth] n (specialist on: a subject, area)专家;权威Lisa wrote her doctoral thesis on Foucault, so she's an expert on the subject.丽莎的博士论文写的就是福柯,她在这方面是专家。expound on [sth] vi + prep (talk at length about)详细解释;详述The professor expounded on the ancient history of Russia.fall on [sth], fall upon [sth] vi + prep (come to rest on) (目光)落下, 垂下Her gaze fell upon the letter I was writing.fall on [sth], fall upon [sth] vi + prep figurative (occur on) (日期)适逢,正好轮到,恰好是My birthday falls on a Saturday this year.The election falls on my birthday.今年我的生日是在星期六。// 选举那天恰好是我的生日。fall on [sb/sth], fall upon [sb/sth] vi + prep (eyes: look at [sth]) (目光)落在…上The teacher's eyes scanned the room and fell on Joshua's nervous face.fall on [sb/sth] vi + prep (suspicion: be directed at)指向...When Harry went missing, suspicion fell on the last person to have seen him alive.fall on deaf ears, fall upon deaf ears v expr figurative, potentially offensive (be ignored)无人理睬,被忽视Susan was worried that her advice would fall on deaf ears.fall on hard times, fall upon hard times v expr (be in financial difficulties) (尤指经济困难)时运不济;经济困境The company fell on hard times and eventually had to close down.fasten on [sth] vi + prep (seize)抓住fasten on [sth] vi + prep figurative (take hold of)集中注意力于;全神贯注在Once his mind had fastened on the idea, he couldn't think of anything else.feed [sb/sth] on [sth] vtr (give [sth] as nourishment)用…喂养She feeds her chickens on a variety of scraps.她用各种剩饭喂鸡。feed on [sth] vi + prep (animal: eat) (动物等)吃东西, 以…为食The animals feed on grass.这种动物吃草。feed on [sth] vi + prep figurative (ideas, fears) (想法、情绪等)来源于,滋生于Panic feeds on people's fears.恐慌来源于人们的恐惧心理。fill [sb] in on [sth] v expr figurative, informal (person: update)告知…最新情况Andy filled me in on the latest developments.安迪把最新的进展告诉了我。fix [sth], fix [sth] on [sth] vtr (attention: direct) (注意力)集中Now fix your attention on the tallest player.现在把你的注意力集中到那个最高的球员身上。fix [sth], fix [sth] on [sth] vtr (hold steady)使集中注意力The optometrist told him to fix his eyes on the dot on the wall.验光师让他盯着墙上的那个点看。fixate on [sth], fixate upon [sth] vi + prep (be obsessed)关注;着眼于You need to stop fixating on the small details and try to look at the big picture.你应停止关注细节,试着去纵观大局。fixated on [sth] adj + prep (obsessed by [sth])着迷的;着迷于...Marty is fixated on science.flat on your back expr (lying supine)躺下;躺着After that 10 mile hike, he was so tired he was flat on his back for an hour.flat on your back expr figurative (helpless, defeated) (比喻无助或不再挣扎)躺平;失败fob [sth] off on [sb] v expr informal (give [sb] [sth] inferior, unsatisfactory)把...骗卖给...Martin tried to fob off his old laptop on me.focus on [sth] vi + prep (gain clear view of)聚焦于If you focus on the flower, the background will be blurry.如果你聚焦于那朵花,那么背景就会变得模糊。focus on [sth] vi + prep figurative (concentrate)把…集中Please leave me alone; I need to focus on this project.请别烦我,我需要把精力集中到这个项目上。focus on doing [sth] v expr figurative (concentrate)集中精力于…上It's time you focused on studying for your exams.是时候为了你的考试集中精力于学业了。focus on [sth] vi + prep figurative (pay exclusive attention to)重点放在;将精力集中在James will focus on winning gold at the Olympic Games rather than breaking the 400m world record.詹姆士会把重点放在奥运会夺金上而不是打破400米的世界纪录。focus on [sth], focus on doing [sth] vi + prep figurative (be about)以…为重点;集中于The report focused on what needed to be done to make the company profitable again.报告的重点是需要采取什么措施来让公司重新盈利。focus your eyes on [sth/sb] v expr (train eyes on)注视;盯住;把目光集中在Shaun focused his eyes on the target and threw his dart.肖恩盯住靶子扔出飞镖。foist [sth] on [sb] vtr + prep (impose)把…强加给Don't foist your problems on me; deal with them yourself!不要把你的问题强加给我,请你自行处理!follow-on adj (occurring next)接下来的;随后的follow-on n (thing that comes next)后续的事;随后之事follow-on n (cricket)继续击球follow on the heels of [sb], follow on [sb]'s heels v expr figurative (do the same as [sb])跟某人做的一样;仿效The young singer wanted to follow on the heels of his famous father.follow on the heels of [sth] v expr figurative (come after)紧随其后;紧紧跟在…后面They were afraid a large tidal wave would follow on the heels of the earthquake.following on from [sth] expr (subsequent to)在…之后,继…之后following on from [sth] expr (as a further development of)作为…的延续for hours on end adv (for long stretches of time)连续几小时,连续数小时He sits there and plays computer games for hours on end.for years on end adv (for many years)好几年;许多年She searched for her lost child for years on end, but never found him.force yourself on [sb] v expr (rape)强奸;强暴found [sth] on [sth], found [sth] in [sth] vtr (base a theory)把...建立在...基础上The scientist founded his theory on the work of his mentor.founded on [sth] prep (based on)基于from here on adv (from this place)从这里;从这个地方From here on, the route gets much easier, as much of it is downhill.from here on, from here on in, from here on out adv (from now into future)从现在起;迄今From here on, Gina is determined not to repeat her past mistakes.from now on adv (starting from this moment)从现在开始;从今往后From now on I expect you to call me when you're going to be late.从今往后,在你要迟到的时候,我希望你给我打电话。from on high expr literary (from the sky, from a high position)从天上传来;来自青冥长天A great rumbling came from on high, and the sea began to part.天上传来隆隆巨响,大海开始分开。from on high expr figurative (hierarchy: from a superior)来自高层地, 来自上层地from that moment on adv (starting from that point)从那时开始;从那一刻起She kissed him, and from that moment on he knew she would some day be his wife.from then on adv (starting from that point)从那时起;从那以后Bill was so grateful for Jenny's help, that from then on they were best friends.from this moment on expr (starting from this point)从这一刻开始;从此刻起From this moment on I will think before I frowned upon v expr figurative (be disapproved of)不赞成, 不许可In some countries it is frowned upon to slurp your soup.full on, full-on adj (intense or intensive)强烈的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.full on, full-on adj informal (extreme, utter)极端的;彻底的;十足的full on, full-on adv slang (extremely, completely)非常,极其;完全地,彻底地further on adv (farther along)再向前;更远地A little further on, past the church, you'll come to a roundabout.Oh, you're only on Chapter 3; there's a really good bit further on, in Chapter 7, I think.further on adv (later)后来;之后Ten years further on, not much has changed.gag on [sth] vi + prep (retch while trying to swallow)某物让某人作呕;某物让某人干呕Jim always gags on pills when he has to take them.不得已要吃药的时候,药片总是让吉姆作呕。gain weight (US), put on weight (UK) vtr + n (get fatter, heavier)增加体重;长胖Most college students gain weight during their first year of school. I've put on so much weight, my trousers won't do up!多数大学学生在学习第一年中会长胖。我长胖了好多,裤子都穿不上了!gamble on [sth] vi + prep (place bets on)在…上打赌;在…上冒险;在…上投机Alan is addicted to the thrill he gets from gambling on the throw of a dice.艾伦沉溺于投骰子打赌所带来的紧张刺激感中。gamble [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (bet or risk [sth] on)将...赌在...上Ed gambled his car on a poker game and lost.艾德将自己的车赌在牌桌上,然后输掉了它。gamble on [sth] vi + prep figurative (take a chance on)在…上碰运气I'd like to get to the station at least thirty minutes early; I don't want to gamble on the train being late.When you gamble on the weather you don't always win.我想要至少提前三十分钟到车站,我不想碰火车晚点的运气。// 如果你想在天气上碰运气,你往往不会赢。gen [sb] up on [sth] v expr UK, informal (brief [sb] about [sth])帮助某人了解;帮助某人补习get a fix on [sth] v expr slang (ascertain)搞清楚;查清楚I talked to several people to get a fix on what actually happened.get a grip on [sth] v expr figurative, informal (start to understand)开始理解;了解I would love to get a grip on basic physics.我很乐意了解基础物理。get a handle on [sth], have a handle on v expr figurative, informal (understand)理解;了解I can't get a handle on this at all. Can you explain it again?get a move on v expr informal (hurry up)快点儿,赶快get back on track v expr figurative, informal (regain focus)回到正轨;重回正轨get behind with [sth], get behind on [sth] v expr informal (not do [sth] in time)落后;迟延Dan's car was repossessed when he got behind on the payments.We've got behind on these orders, so we'll have to work overtime to catch up on them.丹拖欠贷款后,他的车被收回。//这些订单已经迟延了,因此我们不得不加班来赶进度。get down on your knees v expr (kneel)下跪Before we went to bed we got down on our knees and prayed.睡前我们双膝跪地祈祷。get down on your knees v expr figurative (beg for [sth])苦苦哀求, 乞求If you want to borrow his precious car, you'll have to get down on your knees!如果你想借他那辆珍贵的汽车,你就得苦苦哀求!get going on [sth], get going with [sth] v expr informal (start [sth])开始The chef got going with peeling the vegetables.厨师开始去蔬菜皮。get high on [sth] v expr figurative, slang (take drugs) (指服用毒品后)飘飘然,兴奋Aaron got high on crack cocaine.get it on v expr vulgar, slang (have sex)性交get off on [sth], get off on doing [sth] v expr slang (enjoy, be excited by)享受…;因为…而兴奋get off on [sth], get off on doing [sth] v expr slang (be sexually excited by)因为…而亢奋;因为…而激起性欲get off on the right foot v expr figurative (have a good start)开头顺利;一开始就很顺利get off on the wrong foot v expr figurative (have a bad start)出师不利;一开始就不顺利get on [sth] vi + prep (bus, train: board) (汽车、火车)上The next person who gets on the bus will have to stand, because there are no seats left.下一个上车的人必须站着,因为没有座位了。usage: ‘get into’When you enter a car or other small vehicle, you say that you get into it or get in. I saw him get into a taxi.He unlocked the van, got in and drove away.You also say that you get into a lift, a small boat, or a small plane.get on it v expr slang (do [sth] without delay)及时开始做;马上就做get on top of [sb] v expr figurative (overwhelm)让...觉得无所适从;让...不知所措get on top of [sth] v expr figurative (gain control of a task, situation, etc.)控制;掌握;掌控get on track v expr figurative, informal (pursue correct path) (比喻,非正式用语)走上正轨My coach has a program to help me get on track for the Olympics.get on well v expr informal (be friends)相处融洽;很要好Rick and Steve get on well.里克和史蒂夫很要好。get on well with [sb] v expr informal (be friends)与…处得来;与…相处良好I get on well with my sister.get on with the job v expr informal (do [sth] without delay)马上开始干…get on your high horse v expr figurative, informal (act morally superior)态度傲慢;目空一切I know you think I'm wrong but there's no need to get on your high horse about it.get on [sb]'s nerves v expr informal (irritate)惹得…烦躁不安Her husband's constant grumbling was starting to get on Olga's nerves.get on your soapbox v expr figurative (rant, give opinion)喋喋不休地发表看法;高谈阔论get on your soapbox about [sth] v expr figurative (rant, give opinion)喋喋不休发表关于...的看法;关于...发表高谈阔论get one over on [sb] v expr slang (fool, trick) (俚语)欺骗;愚弄get out of bed on the wrong side, get up on the wrong side of the bed v expr figurative, informal (be irritable)今天脾气不好;今日心情不佳get started on [sth] v expr (task: begin)开始着手进行Vince needs to get started on his school project soon because the deadline is coming up next week.文斯需要尽快开做他的学校作业,因为下周的截止日期就快到了。get [sb] started with [sth], get [sb] started on [sth] vtr + adj (help to begin)帮助…开始(事业等)Working in her father's restaurant got Carla started on her career as a chef.在父亲的餐馆工作,帮助卡拉开始自己的厨师事业。get started on [sth] v expr (talk)开始喋喋不休地谈论;就…高谈阔论Once Dave gets started on politics, he never shuts up!一旦戴夫开始谈论政治,他总是喋喋不休!get [sb] started on [sth] vtr + adj (prompt to talk)让某人提起某事,让某人想起某事The news article got Tony started on the subject of house prices. Don't get me started on what happened in Parliament this week!该新闻报道使托尼开始就房价的话题发表看法。可别提这周国会的事儿了!;get stuck on [sth] vi + adj figurative (unable to proceed)被困在…上Olivia got stuck on the last crossword clue.奥利维亚被困在最后一个纵横字谜提示上。get the drop on [sb], have the drop on [sb] v expr US, informal (draw gun faster than)比...更快出手;比...更快掏枪get the drop on [sb], have the drop on [sb] v expr US, informal (have at a disadvantage)让...处于劣势;取得相对于...的优势get the goods on [sb] v expr informal, figurative (get secret information)了解某人的秘事;获知某人的秘密get the jump on, get a jump on, have the jump on, have a jump on v expr US, informal (gain an initial advantage)抢占...的先机;捷足先登get up on [sth] vi + prep (move onto [sth], as a stage)进入;开始An audience member got up on the stage and grabbed the singer's microphone.一名观众进入舞台,夺走了歌手的话筒。get your hands on [sth], lay your hands on [sth] v expr (manage to find, obtain [sth])得到;把...弄到手get your own back on [sb] v expr informal (get revenge on)报复…getting on adj informal (aging, becoming old)年事渐高;年纪越来越大She's getting on now but still looks great.她虽然年事已高,但看起来状态很好。getting on in years adj informal (growing old)年岁见长;年华老去My dog's getting on in years, but he still chases cars.give [sb] a leg to stand on expr figurative (support [sb]'s claim)帮某人佐证;帮某人证明;为某人从旁佐证give [sb] chapter and verse on [sth] v expr figurative (tell [sb] [sth] in detail)向某人详细描述give [sb] credit, give [sb] credit on [sth] vtr + n (allow delayed payment)让…赊账I soon regretted giving him credit on that purchase.give up on doing [sth] v expr (abandon: an effort)放弃I gave up on trying to find a good example.我放弃寻找一个好的例证。glom onto [sth], glom on to [sth] vi + prep US, informal (take possession of)占据,获得gnaw on [sth] vi + prep (chew)啃咬The dog gnawed on a bone.go to [sth], go on [sth] vi + prep (be allotted)用于;用来A quarter of their income goes to food.go back on a promise v expr (break your word)不遵守诺言,打破承诺;背信弃义I can't believe that you, my own brother, would go back on your promise to loan me the money.go back on your word v expr (not keep a promise)食言;说话不算话Janice went back on her word to help me with the cooking.go easy on [sth] v expr informal (use sparingly)节约使用, 有节制地使用If you want to lose weight you should probably go easy on the fatty foods.go easy on [sb] v expr informal (be lenient with)温和对待, 宽大对待Please go easy on the new students.请对新生宽容一点。go halves with [sb] on [sth] v expr informal (share [sth] equally with [sb])和某人平摊…go off on a tangent, also UK: go off at a tangent v expr figurative (digress, change subject)忽然离题;忽然转换话题go off on one v expr UK, slang (rant) (俚语)抱怨Brett went off on one about the amount of money it had cost to get the car repaired.go on doing [sth] v expr (continue doing [sth])继续;接着做Few professional footballers go on playing into their forties.职业足球运动员很少能踢到四十岁。go on to do [sth] v expr (do subsequently)随后做某事;后来做某事;接着做某事Having acted in movies for thirty years, he went on to direct them.演了30年电影后,他继续从事导演工作。go on a bender v expr slang (go on a drinking binge) (俚语)豪饮一场;大醉一场go on a binge v expr (indulge in [sth] excessively)放纵做某事;疯狂做某事go on a date, go out on a date v expr (go out with [sb] romantically)去约会Want to go on a date this Friday night? I'll pick you up at eight.周五晚上想去约会么?我会在8点来接你。go on a diet v expr (start eating less to lose weight) (为了减肥)节食go on a fishing expedition v expr figurative (hunt for unspecified evidence)盘问;摸底In the US, police are not allowed to go on a fishing expedition in your house without a search warrant.go on a journey v expr (travel somewhere)去旅行;去旅游The fortune teller told me I'd soon be going on a journey.算命先生告诉我,我不久即将去旅行。go on a tear v expr US, slang (go on a spree) (俚语)连续超常发挥;连续有优秀表现The home team went on a tear and won seven points in a row.go on a trip v expr UK (take a short journey)去短途旅行;去短距离旅游This weekend we're going on a trip to the seaside.这个周末我们将去海边旅行。go on a trip v expr US (travel)去旅行;去旅游Last summer I went on a trip to Rome to see the Coliseum.go on a wild goose chase, go on a wild-goose chase v expr figurative, informal (search in vain for [sth]) (比喻义)竹篮打水一场空;徒劳无功go on and on v expr (continue for a long time)不停;没完没了go on and on v expr informal (talk for a long time)喋喋不休go on and on about [sth/sb] vtr slang (talk incessantly about) (俚语)喋喋不休地说,不休止地说She went on and on about the various celebrities she'd met.go on forever v expr (never end)永远继续;永无休止Everyone thought the couple's relationship would go on forever.go on forever v expr figurative (seem unending)似乎永无尽头;似乎要永远持续下去It felt like the train journey went on forever.go on leave v expr (be absent from job)休假The soldier will go on leave next week to visit his family.go on stage v expr (perform, act publicly)登台演出;上台表演;上场You're such a funny guy: you should go on stage.你真是个有趣的人,你应该上台去表演。go on stage v expr (become performer)当演员John went on stage when he was barely 12 years old.go on strike v expr (stop work)罢工The workers went on strike to protest against a decrease in their wages.go on the fritz v expr informal (break, malfunction)损坏,出毛病;发生故障go on the piss v expr UK, vulgar, slang (visit pubs or bars to get drunk)出去狂饮go on the rampage, go on a rampage v expr (behave destructively)横冲直撞;胡作非为go on the razz, go out on the razz v expr UK, slang (party, go out drinking) (俚语)出去玩;参加轰趴;出去喝酒My mates have all gone on the razz tonight, but I wasn't feeling up to it.go on to do [sth] v expr (do [sth] next)继续做另一件事;接着做下一件事go on vacation (US), go on holiday (UK) v expr (take a break away from home)度假go online, go on-line vi + adv (connect to internet)上网;联机go out on a limb v expr figurative (say [sth] daring) (习语)(观点、做法等)孤立无缘,无人支持He went out on a limb when he asked his boss for a raise.go soft on [sb] v expr informal, figurative (be lenient, gentle)心慈手软, 态度不强硬Don't go soft on me, you need to say what you really think.go straight on v expr (continue ahead)径直往前走;一直向前走Go straight on till you reach the next lights, then turn left.一直往前走,走到下一个红绿灯,然后左转。go straight on doing [sth] v expr informal (continue to do [sth])继续做Jill decided to go straight on doing what she loved to do.吉尔决定继续做她喜欢做的事。go to work on [sth] v expr figurative, informal (do [sth] thoroughly)全心投入地做,非常细致地做The artist has really gone to work on this mural; it's huge and very detailed.going on prep informal (approaching: a given age) (年龄)接近,快到Tom always refuses to disclose his age, but he must be going on seventy.汤姆总是拒绝透露年龄,但是他肯定快到70岁了。going on for prep informal (almost, approaching) (时间)接近,快到The couple have been married going on for thirty years.那对夫妇结婚时间已经快到30年了。goings-on n informal (happenings)发生的事情Neighbours had reported some strange goings-on at the house.gorge on [sth] vi + prep (eat too much of [sth])猛吃;塞饱;狼吐虎咽地吃He gorged on meat and cheese.他猛吃肉和奶酪。gorge yourself on [sth] v expr (eat too much of [sth])吃...太多;暴食grate on [sb], grate with [sb] vi + prep figurative (annoy [sb])让…心烦,让…恼火;使…烦恼After a while, Laura's whining voice started to grate on Hanna. Incorrect use of grammar really grates with me.过了一会儿,劳拉呜咽的声音开始让汉娜心烦。 错误使用语法真的让我很恼火。grip, grip on [sth] n figurative (sanity)健全的心智;理智It was too much for John, and he felt that he was beginning to lose his grip.这真不是约翰能承受得了的,他觉得自己在开始失控。grip on reality n (understanding of what is real)理智;正常心智Mandy felt her grip on reality was beginning to slip.groove to [sth], groove on [sth] vi + prep figurative, dated, slang (enjoy: music, etc.)享受The teenager walked down the street, grooving to the beat of whatever was playing on his mp3 player.这个少年一边走在街上,一边享受着他MP3里播放的音乐。groove on [sth] vi + prep slang, dated (enjoy, appreciate)享受When a hippie sees someone dancing with abandon he will often voice his approval by shouting, "Groove on, brother!".ground [sth] on [sth], ground [sth] in [sth] vtr + prep often passive (base on)基于…得到, 基于…形成The plot of this novel might seem far-fetched, but the author grounded it in fact.这部小说的情节看似牵强,但作者却是基于事实创作的。grounded in [sth], grounded on [sth] adj + prep (based, founded)有基础的;有根据的This fictional story is actually grounded in fact.这个虚构的故事实际上是有现实基础的。grow on [sth] vi + prep (plant: growth habit) (植物)长在,生长在According to folklore, moss grows on the north side of trees.根据民间的说法,苔藓总是长在树木的北侧。grow on v expr (eventually like [sth])逐渐喜欢上;渐渐喜欢上Rick hated this song at first, but it's growing on him.hammer-on n (guitar-playing technique) (吉他演奏技巧)击弦hands-on adj informal, figurative (person: actively managing)亲自动手的;实际操作的;实用的Kathy is very much a hands-on person when it comes to managing her staff.在管理员工方面,凯西非常善于亲自动手。hands-on adj informal, figurative (approach: practical)亲力亲为的Andy adopted a hands-on approach to the day-to-day running of the company.安迪对公司的日常运作采取了亲力亲为的方法。hang [sth] on/from [sth] vtr + prep (fasten to wall, etc.)把…固定在(墙)上;把...挂在...上What do you think about hanging the mirror on that wall?把镜子挂在那面墙上,你觉得如何?hang [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep US, colloquial (attach)将...贴上;给...附上;给...加上The government hung a tax provision on the housing bill.hang on [sth] vi + prep figurative (attend closely)仔细倾听The speech was so interesting that the audience was hanging on every word.She idolises him, and hangs on his every word.这场演讲很有趣,每一个字听众都听得很认真。//她非常崇拜他,仔细聆听他说的每个字。hang on [sth/sb] vi + prep (depend)取决于I don't know if we will be able to fly today, it all hangs on the weather.我不知道我们今天是否能起飞,这一切都取决于天气状况。hang on [sth/sb] doing [sth] v expr (depend)取决于The player's hopes of taking the Wimbledon title hang on him winning this final set.这位选手能否赢得温布尔登赛冠军取决于他能否拿下最后一盘比赛。Hang on! interj informal (stop, wait)等等!停!Hang on! Are you trying to make a monkey out of me?停!你是在把我当猴耍吗?hang one on [sb] v expr slang (hit)挑逗;与...调情hang one on v expr slang (get drunk)喝酒;喝醉hang on [sb]'s every word, hang upon [sb]'s every word, hang on [sb]'s words v expr (attend very closely to)仔细倾听Now that was interesting! I hung upon his every word.hanger-on, plural: hangers-on n usually plural, figurative, informal (self-interested follower) (比喻,非正式)攀迎的人,趋炎附势的人hanging on adj (barely surviving)苟延残喘的They only gave him three months to live but he's still hanging on.hard on [sb] adj (severe)严厉的;苛刻的He's too hard on his children.hard on [sth], hard upon [sth] adv + prep (near, coming up to)靠近地;接近地;紧跟着It was hard upon nightfall when they arrived.他们到达时天都快黑了。be hard on [sb] adj (treat [sb] harshly, sternly)对…很严格;严厉对待My parents were hard on me when I was growing up.我成长期间,父母对我非常严格。hard-on n slang (erection) (俚语)(阴茎)勃起He got a hard-on when she came through the door in nothing but high-heels.have a chip on your shoulder v expr figurative (have a resentful attitude)心里不平衡;耿耿于怀have a cob on v expr UK, informal (be in a bad mood)心情抑郁;情绪低落have a corner on [sth] v expr idiom (own enough of to control market)独占某一行业, 垄断某种商品I tried to have a corner on the silver market by buying low priced contracts, but I failed miserably.have a crush on [sb] v expr (be attracted to: [sb])迷恋…Wendy had a crush on a boy in her class.have a good head on your shoulders v expr figurative (be sensible)有头脑;有见识I don't mind him dating my daughter. That boy has a good head on his shoulders.have a handle on [sth] v expr (have a firm understanding)深刻理解;扎实理解Now I have a handle on what I'm doing, I think I should be able to get through the project fairly quickly.have a hold on [sth] v expr (grasp firmly)紧紧抓住Sally had a hold on the horse's reins.have a hold on [sth] v expr (account: be blocked) (支票、账户等)暂时冻结Any check I deposit has a hold on it for 7 days.have a hold on [sb] v expr informal, figurative (exert control)把持;控制In New Jersey, Democrats have had a hold on the Senate seats for many years.not have a leg to stand on v expr figurative (have no support for a claim, etc.)没有立足依据;没有扎实根据have a leg up on [sb] v expr figurative, informal (have an advantage: over [sb])比…有优势She's got a leg up on most of the kids in the team, as her dad's a professional player.have an edge on v expr slang (be mildly drunk) (俚语)微醉;稍微喝醉have designs on [sb/sth] v expr (aim to obtain)对…抱有企图He has designs on my girlfriend.have egg on your face v expr figurative (be embarrassed)尴尬;出丑have nothing on v expr informal (be naked)什么都没穿;光着Don't come in! I've got nothing on!have nothing on [sb/sth] v expr slang (be inferior)比不上;赶不上Richard is lovely, but he's got nothing on his brother.have nothing on [sb] v expr informal (have no evidence against)没有不利于…的证据The police can't arrest me. They've got nothing on me!have [sth] on, have on [sth] vtr + adv (be wearing)穿着Matt had on a blue sweater and black pants.have a lot on your plate, have too much on your plate v expr figurative, informal (be overburdened)太过繁忙;手上的事太多have passed on v expr euphemism (be dead)已故;去世have pity, have pity on [sb] v expr (be merciful, show compassion to)怜悯;同情Have pity on her. She comes from a poor family.have things on your mind v expr (be preoccupied)心里有事Joanna has several things on her mind at the moment.have your eye on [sth] v expr (want)看中;看上I've got my eye on a little yellow handbag I saw in a shop window.have your eye on [sb] v expr (watch)盯着;监视I've got my eye on you, young man. So behave!have your eye on [sth] v expr (aim, intend)有意;打算The company has an eye on future expansion into overseas markets.have your eye on doing [sth] v expr (aim, intend)有意做;打算做I keep working this job, but I have my eye on going back to college.have your head screwed on v expr informal, figurative (be sensible, practical)头脑清醒, 有头脑, 通达事理It is best to have your head screwed on when dealing with money. I'm confident he'll make a wise decision; he's got his head screwed on right.处理金钱问题时,你最好保持清醒的头脑。我相信他会作出明智的决定。他的头脑很清晰。head-on adv (in collision)正面地;面对面地;当面地The car veered across the road and hit a van head-on.那辆车在马路对面突然转弯,正面地撞上了一辆货车。head-on adv figurative (directly, honestly)直接地,诚实地;迎面地Her novels tackle difficult social issues head-on.她的小说直接指出各类社会问题。head-on adj (collision: direct, full-frontal) (撞击)正面的,迎面的,迎头的There were two fatalities in the head-on collision.Emma was lucky to survive the head-on crash of her small sports car into a bus.在那场正面碰撞事故中有两人丧生。 // 艾玛开着一辆小型运动跑车,不慎迎头撞上了一辆公交车,不过她很幸运地活了下来。head on, head-on adj figurative (direct, honest)直接的;迎面的Rather than talking around the subject, let's take a head-on look at the issues.与其围绕话题谈论,不如让我们直接正视这些问题。head-on collision n (full-frontal crash)迎面碰撞,正面撞上;正面冲突,直接冲突In the head-on collision with the lorry, the Mini came off worst.heap [sth] on [sth] vtr (pile [sth] on top)堆积;把…堆起来Kate heaped sour cream onto her baked potato.凯特在她烤好的土豆上堆了酸奶油。heap [sth] on [sb] vtr + prep figurative, informal (overburden)慷慨地给予;大量地给予The king heaped rewards on his men.国王慷慨地奖赏他的部下。heap praise on [sb] v expr (commend highly)对...赞美有加;对...大加赞许Teachers heap praises upon students that always do their work.hear [sth] through the grapevine, hear [sth] on the grapevine v expr figurative (hear a rumor)听说;有流言说heave on [sth] vi + prep (pull, haul)拖,拉The workers heaved on the rope to pull the tree down.工人们用力拉绳子,将那棵树拉倒。heaven on earth n figurative (paradise)人间天堂;桃源胜境This seaside vacation has been heaven on earth.hell on earth n figurative (torment, horrendous experience)人间地狱Working in a fast-food restaurant sounds like hell on earth.hell on wheels n figurative, informal ([sth], [sb]: fast-paced, aggressive)争强好胜hellbent on [sth], hell-bent adj informal (determined)坚决的;决意的;不顾一切的hellbent on doing [sth], hell-bent adj informal (determined)决意的, 不顾一切的She's hell-bent on coming tonight, in spite of this awful weather.high on [sth] adj + prep figurative, informal (intoxicated by a drug) (吸毒后)感觉飘飘然的,感觉很嗨的Danny was high on marijuana at the time and didn't notice anything.当时丹尼刚吸了大麻正嗨着,什么都没有注意到。on your high horse expr (displaying haughty attitude)傲慢;摆臭架子I see Irene's on her high horse high on [sth] v expr informal (be enthusiastic, optimistic about)对...很乐观;对...很热情hipped on [sth] adj + prep slang (obsessed with)被…迷住的;对…着迷的hit [sth] on [sth] vtr (knock: part of body)把(某个身体部位)碰撞到…上The child fell over and hit his head on the wooden floor.那个孩子跌了一跤,头撞到了木地板上。hit the nail on the head v expr figurative (be exactly right)正确无比;几位正确Russell's comment really hit the nail on the head.hold on a minute v expr informal (wait)等一下,等一会儿,稍等Hold on a minute while I go back inside to turn off the lights.hold on tightly v expr (grip securely)握紧;紧紧抓住She held on tightly to the railings as she crossed the footbridge.home on [sth] vi + prep (military: go towards a target)瞄准;对准The missiles are homing on their target.导弹正瞄准着目标。hone in on, hone in on [sth] vi US (locate or target)锁定;瞄准The missile uses a sensor to hone in on its target.导弹用传感器来定位目标。hook on [sth], hook [sth] on vtr + prep (put a hook into [sth])用钩钩住be hooked on [sth] adj + prep figurative, slang (on drug: addicted to) (毒品)对…成瘾Dan suffers from heart problems because he is hooked on cocaine.丹因对可卡因上瘾而患上了心脏病。be hooked on [sth/sb] adj + prep figurative, slang (on hobby, etc.: keen on)迷上;喜欢I'm hooked on that new detective series.我迷上了这部全新的侦探连续剧。hooked on [sth] adj + prep figurative, slang (drug: addicted to)着迷于…;对…无法自拔Jan became hooked on heroin.hooked on [sth] adj + prep figurative, slang (hobby: keen on)迷上,痴迷于;醉心于Dave has been hooked on computer games since he was eight years on [sb]'s heels, hot on the heels of [sb] expr slang (close behind)紧随;紧追;紧跟The police officer was hot on the heels of the speeding on the heels of [sth], hot on [sth]'s heels expr figurative, slang (soon after, subsequent to)紧跟着 on the trail of [sb] prep (in close pursuit of)紧追;狂热追逐;就要抓到The police were hot on the trail of the robbery suspect.;hung up on [sth] expr figurative, slang (preoccupied)全神贯注于某事;纠结于某事There's no need to get hung up on details - I just want a general overview of the situation.没必要纠结于细节,我只想了解一下大致情况。hung up on [sb] expr figurative, slang (infatuated)迷恋某人She's still hung up on him after all these years.多年过去了,她仍对他念念不忘。on your hunkers expr UK, informal (squatting)蹲下The man settled on his hunkers and examined the boot print in the mud.hurry on vi (make one's way speedily)急匆匆地走hurry [sb] on vtr + adv (urge [sb] to go faster)催促The mother hurried her children on so they wouldn't miss the train.I wouldn't bet on it! interj informal (that is very unlikely)我看没戏;我看不一定Jessica thinks she's going to get the job, but I wouldn't bet on it!I'm on it expr informal (I will do it)我去办,我来处理When her boss asked if she would handle the pile of paperwork, June replied, "I'm on it!"the icing on the cake n figurative (extra benefit, gain)锦上添花;如虎添翼impact (on [sth/sb]) n figurative (influence)对…有影响,对…产生作用His complaining has no impact on me.他的抱怨对我毫无作用。impact on [sth/sb] vi + prep (affect)起作用;有影响The economic recession is expected to impact on the company's profits.这场经济衰退预计会对该公司的利润造成影响。impale [sb] on [sth] vtr (pierce or spike)刺穿, 钉住; (刑罚)把...钉在桩上The force of the crash threw the driver from the car and impaled him on a piece of rebar.碰撞的力量将司机甩出车外,并被一根钢筋刺穿。impinge on [sth], impinge upon [sth] vi + prep (encroach: on [sb]'s rights)侵犯Their demands impinge on local farmers' rights.impinge on [sth], impinge upon [sth] vi + prep (have impact: on [sth])影响;对…产生影响Pressure from work is impinging on his personal life.impose [sth] on [sb] vtr + prep (force on)把…强加给The dictator imposed his will on the people.这位独裁者把自己的意愿强加给人民。impose [sth] on [sb] vtr + prep (enforce by law) (法律)处以,执行The court imposed a fine on the business.法庭对这家企业处以了罚金。impose [sth] on [sb] vtr + prep (pass off)硬把某物塞给某人;把某物强加给某人The awful writer imposed his terrible writings on the unsuspecting public.那位糟糕的作家把自己的蹩脚作品强加给了毫无戒心的公众。in good form, on good form adv (in a good mood) (心理)状态很好,精神不错He's in good form tonight because he just found out he got a heat, on heat adj (female animal: ready to mate)怒冲冲的;激怒的In many species of animal, the female is only in heat for a few weeks at a the cards (US), on the cards (UK) adj figurative, informal (likely to happen)可能发生incumbent on [sb], incumbent upon [sb] adj + prep (obligatory for [sb])对...来说必须履行的;对...来说有义务的The duty of managing finances is incumbent on the organization's treasurer.对于一个公司的出纳来说,管理财务是必须履行的义务。incumbent on [sb] to do [sth], incumbent upon [sb] to do [sth] expr (obligatory for [sb])某人必须履行某事;某人有义务做某事It is incumbent on the bride's father to make a speech at the wedding.新娘的父亲有义务在婚礼上致辞。incumbent on [sth], incumbent upon [sth] adj + prep archaic (resting on)倚靠在...上;躺在...上The man was incumbent on his bed.inflict [sth] on [sb] vtr (impose, enforce)强加This is a bad time to inflict new taxes on working people.现在不是向一般工作者征收新税的好时机。inflict [sth] on [sb] vtr (deliver: a blow, punishment)给予打击;使遭到打击The enemy inflicted severe injuries on them.敌人给了他们沉重的打击。inflict pain on [sb] v expr (cause suffering)造成痛苦Torture is designed to inflict pain on somebody.折磨是为了给人造成痛苦。inform on [sb] vi + prep (denounce to police)检举;揭发Hotlines allow people to inform on drug dealers anonymously.热线电话允许人们匿名揭发毒贩。infringe on [sth] vi + prep (encroach on)侵犯;侵入Please don't infringe on the family's privacy after hours.insist on [sth] vi + prep (demand)坚持要求;坚决要求The strikers are insisting on higher wages.示威者坚决要求调高薪资。insist on doing [sth], insist upon doing [sth] v expr (be determined)坚决要做...;下定决心要做...Despite my complaints, he insisted on doing things his way.虽然我再三抱怨,他还是坚持要按自己的方法行事。insist on doing [sth] v expr (persist in [sth] annoying)坚持做...;一定要做...My daughter insists on playing her music loudly late at night.我女儿晚上坚持大声功放音乐。instruct [sb] on [sth] vtr + prep (show, explain to [sb] how to do [sth])指示;指导Carl instructed Ben on how to install his new sink.intent on doing [sth] adj (determined)坚决要做;下决心要做Peter was intent on going to work even though he was sick.即便生病,彼得也坚决要上班。intent on, intent upon prep (determined to)决心做;打定主意做With all their drug use some celebrities seem intent on self-destruction. John works very long hours: he's intent on becoming a millionaire before he turns 30.因为吸毒,一些社会名流似乎打算自我毁灭。约翰坚持长时间工作。他打算在三十岁之前成为百万富翁。intrude on [sth/sb] vi + prep (interrupt uninvited)闯入I hate to intrude on your party, but the noise is really bothering me.iron-on adj (applied with an iron)热烫转印的iron-on n (patch, etc., applied with an iron)热烫转印贴片it depends on [sth] expr (it is conditional on)这取决于We might go to the beach tomorrow. It depends on the weather.jacked up on v expr (stimulated by)因…而激动;因...受到刺激We were so jacked up on caffeine we had no trouble staying awake during the test.jog on! interj UK, slang (go away!)走开!走远点!I've heard enough of your opinions for one day. Jog on!Johnny-on-the-spot n US, informal, dated (readily available person)随叫随到的人,随时能帮忙的人jot [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (note down quickly)匆匆记下She jotted his phone number on a scrap of paper.她把他的电话号码快速地记在一张小纸片上。jot [sth] down on [sth] v expr informal (write, make a note of)把…记在…上I jotted down his phone number on a scrap of paper.我把他的电话号码记在一张纸上。jump, jump on vtr (board a vehicle)跳上车I jumped on the train going south.我跳上了南去的列车。jump aboard, jump on board n figurative (join [sth])加入;参加jump on [sth/sb] vi + prep informal (leap onto)跳上Please don't jump on the bed, children.jump on the bandwagon, climb on the bandwagon v expr figurative, informal (do [sth] because it is popular)转而支持得势的一方;随大流If you believe in the cause, great, but don't just jump on the bandwagon.keen on [sth] adj esp UK (enthusiastic) (尤指英国用法)热衷的,喜爱的She's really keen on cycling, so let's get her a new bike.她热衷骑行,我们就给她买一辆新自行车吧。keen on doing [sth] adj esp UK (enthusiastic, eager)对…渴望;热衷于I'm keen on going to a rock festival sometime during the summer.我很想在夏天的某个时候去参加一场摇滚音乐节。keen on, keen about expr UK (fond of, having a liking for)迷恋,喜欢He's very keen on eating Chinese food!他很喜欢吃中国菜!keep a check on [sth/sb] v expr informal (monitor)控制;监视I'm keeping a check on his work to ensure that he's doing it right.keep a check on [sth/sb] v expr US, informal (control, restrain, limit)限制..., 控制...They expect increased oil production to keep a check on gasoline prices.keep a close watch on [sb/sth] v expr (monitor [sth], [sb] attentively)严格监督;严密监视;密切注意Parents of teenagers have to keep a close watch on everything they do.keep an eye on [sth/sb] v expr informal (watch carefully)密切注意;留意When cooking soufflés, you need to keep an eye on them so they don't fall.keep [sth] on vtr + adv (continue to wear: clothing) (衣物)继续穿I keep my shirt on when I'm at the beach, so I don't burn.我去沙滩的时候还是会穿着衬衣,免得晒伤。keep [sb] on a leash v expr figurative (limit, control [sb])限制;控制keep on task, stay on task v expr (stay focused)保持专注,集中注意力Keep on task everyone; we're nearly finished now!keep [sb] on their toes, keep [sb] on his toes, keep [sb] on her toes v expr (make [sb] concentrate)让...保持警觉;让...时刻警惕The teacher kept the students on their toes by giving them a surprise test.keep tabs on [sb/sth], keep a tab on [sb/sth] v expr figurative, informal (monitor)密切注意;密切关注A business should keep tabs on what its competitors are doing.keep the lid on v expr (cover [sth])盖上盖子;把盖子盖上If you want the rice to cook properly, you have to keep the lid on.keep the lid on [sth] v expr (cover [sth])把…的盖子盖上Keep the lid on the saucepan while boiling the vegetables.keep the lid on [sth] v expr figurative (secret: not tell)保密;为…保密James was struggling to keep the lid on the secret.keep the lid on [sth] v expr figurative (emotions: control)控制住(情绪等);把…抑制住Kathy didn't say anything, trying to keep the lid on her anger.keep your eye on the ball, keep an eye on the ball, have your eye on the ball v expr figurative (be attentive, alert)集中注意keep your hair on v expr UK (stay calm)冷静;保持冷静Keep your shirt on! interj figurative, informal (Calm down!)镇静;冷静;不要慌put the kibosh on [sth] v expr informal (put an end to)终止, 阻止knock on vi + adv UK, informal (grow old)变老knock [sth] on vtr + adv (rugby: use arm illegally) (英式橄榄球)违例用手向前击…knock-on n (rugby: illegal use arm) (英式橄榄球)违例用手向前击球knock [sth] on the head n UK, informal, figurative (stop, end)让...停止;使...结束knock on wood (US), touch wood (UK) expr (said in order to avoid bad luck)老天保佑;祈求好运Everything's going well so far—touch wood!knock-on effect n UK (indirect consequence)连带效应;连带影响Inflation can be a knock-on effect of increased government spending.know which side your bread is buttered, know which side your bread is buttered on v expr figurative (be aware where your advantage lies)了解自己的长处;了解自己的优势land on [sth] vtr figurative (come up with: a solution) (解决方案)想出, 提出, 找到I have finally landed on a solution to the problem.最终,我得出了问题的解决方案。land on [sb] vtr figurative, informal (strongly scold)责备,责骂My teacher landed on me for not doing my on your feet, fall on your feet v expr figurative, informal (be lucky, successful)获得成功;好运不断lash out [sth] on [sth] v expr UK, informal (extravagantly spend sum of money on)大手大脚地在…上花…I've just lashed out £2,000 on a holiday.我刚刚挥霍了2000英镑去度假。later on adv (at a subsequent time)后来,之后Start with a rough outline and add the details later on.先从一个大致的大纲开始,之后再加入细节。launch an attack, launch an attack on [sth/sb] v expr (military: begin combat)对...发动攻击Prepare to launch an attack, men.launch an attack, launch an attack on [sth/sb] v expr (criticize harshly)对...发起抨击The newspaper article launched an attack on the president and his policies.lavish [sth] on [sb] vtr (give profusely)慷慨给予Karen's grandmother always lavished gifts on her whenever she visited.无论卡伦何时拜访,她的祖母都会慷慨给予各种礼物。lay [sth] on [sb] vtr + prep (blame, stress: assign) (责难、错误等)归于;加诸于He would usually lay the blame on his sister.他经常把错怪在他妹妹身上。lay [sth] on [sth] vtr (place a bet)在…上下注;押赌注于He laid fifty dollars on the horse.lay a hand on [sb] v expr informal (hit, harm)对某人动手备注: Commonly used in negative sentences.I would never lay a hand on my children; I don't believe in corporal punishment.lay emphasis on [sth] v expr (stress, emphasize)强调lay flagstone on [sth] v expr (place paving slabs on)铺石板于lay hands on [sb] v expr (person: heal by touch) (宗教)把手按在…的头上After the preacher laid hands on him he began to walk without his crutches.lay your hands on [sth], lay hands on [sth] v expr informal, figurative (obtain: [sth])获得;得到I'll bring you that CD just as soon as I can lay my hands on it.我一得到那张CD就立马给你拿过来。lay it on the line v expr figurative, informal (speak frankly)坦白地说;开门见山The CEO laid it on the line: "The business needs to reform or it will face dire consequences."lay it on thick v expr figurative, informal (compliment effusively) (非正式用语)过分吹捧;过分吹捧He keeps telling me how fabulous I look; he's really laying it on thick and I am getting embarrassed.lay it on thick, lay it on v expr figurative, informal (exaggerate to mislead)故意夸大;极力渲染At the interview he laid it on thick how much past experience he had, which made me suspicious.lay [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (put on top)把…放在…上He laid his coat on the arm of the chair.他将外套放在椅背上。lay on a spread, put on a spread v expr (prepare a feast)准备丰盛大餐;准备宴席lean on [sth], lean upon [sth] vi + prep (rest your weight on)倚靠Don't lean on the railing of this balcony - it isn't secure! If you will lean on my shoulder as we walk, it will take some of the weight off your sore ankle.别靠在这个阳台的栏杆上,这样不安全!如果走路时你靠在我的肩膀上,你疼痛的脚踝就会减轻一些压力。leave your mark on [sth/sb] v expr figurative (make an impact)打下烙印;留下影响Parents leave their mark on their children.left on adj (not switched off)一直开着,没关The TV was left on overnight, which wastes electricity.left on the shelf adj figurative, dated, informal (woman: no longer marriageable) (女人)嫁不出去的let [sb] in on [sth], let [sb] into [sth] v expr (share secret)告诉某人某事,向某人透露某事let [sb] loose on [sth] v expr informal (allow to use freely)让某人随便用某物We should never have let the kids loose on the computer!let up on [sth] v expr (stop doing [sth])停止The strikers have stated that they will not be letting up on their campaign of action.罢工者声称他们不会停止他们的行动。let up on [sb] v expr (stop making difficulties for [sb])对…宽松The boss has just given Charlie another pile of work; she never lets up on him.老板又给了查理一大堆工作,她从未让他空下来过。lift the curtain on [sth] v expr figurative (expose to the public)拉开帷幕;揭开序幕be light on [sth] v expr (lack, not have much)缺乏like a house on fire expr (with energy or enthusiasm)很火热;非常火;很流行like a house on fire expr (get along: very well)一见如故;很合得来linger on vi + adv (stay, not go)留了下来Most of the guests had gone home, but a few lingered on, chatting over the last dregs of wine.listen in on [sth/sb] v expr (listen without talking)倾听live by your wits, live on your wits v expr (earn living by ingenuity)靠自己的才智生活live high on the hog, live high off the hog, eat high off the hog v expr US, figurative (live life of luxury)过奢华生活;享受豪华生活live off the fat of the land, live on the fat of the land v expr (enjoy plentiful lifestyle)过衣食无忧的生活;饫甘餍肥live on [sth] alone v expr (have [sth] as only sustenance)仅靠…维生Man cannot live on bread on borrowed time v expr figurative (have limited time left) (贬义)苟延残喘If you continue to smoke, soon you'll be living on borrowed on the edge v expr informal, figurative (take risks)过着惊险刺激的生活Louise likes to take risks and live on the on your own v expr (not share one's accommodation)独自生活;独立居住After living on his own for many years, he has moved back in with his parents.log-on n (user name and password) (电脑)登录long on [sth] adj informal (amply supplied) (非正式用语)大量供应的;充足的Yes, we are long on spaghetti here and won't need to get any more for weeks.look down on [sb/sth], look down upon [sb/sth] v expr (observe from high up)俯视;俯瞰From the top of the tower you can look down upon the whole city.从山顶上看,你可以俯瞰整个城市。look on [sth], look out on [sth] vi + prep (have a view)看得见;望得见The window looks on the meadow.从这扇窗可以看见草地。look on the bright side, look on the bright side of things v expr informal (consider positive aspects)看光明面;看有利的一面;往好处看If you always look on the bright side, you will be a much happier person.如果你遇事多往好处看看,你就会快乐得多。Look on the bright side interj informal (consider positive aspects)往好处想;乐观一点Look on the bright side: if you have nothing, you've got nothing to lose!lose your grip on reality v expr (no longer understand things)发疯;失去对现实的认知lose your hard-on v expr slang (no longer have an erect penis) (俚语,指男性生殖器)不再坚挺,不再勃起be lost on [sb/sth] v expr (not be understandable by [sb/sth])使...无法理解;让...不明白The teacher did his best, but it was clear that his explanations were lost on the low on [sth] v expr (lacking in [sth])缺少, 缺乏;...不够We are low on toilet paper.the lowdown on [sth], also UK: the low-down on [sth] n informal (current information)最新消息;内幕Here's the low-down on our upcoming merger.make a bet on [sth] v expr (wager, gamble)打赌Do you want to make a bet on this fight?make a good impression on [sb] v expr (impress [sb])给...留下好印象make a lasting impression on [sb], leave a lasting impression v expr (have enduring impact)给...留下深刻印象make a mark on [sth] v expr (write, draw or paint)在…上留下记号;在…上作标记He made a mark on the pavement to show where to turn.make a mark on [sth/sb] v expr figurative (have an impact)给…留下深远影响Dick Button made his mark on figure skating when he performed the first double axel jump.make a move on [sb], make your move on [sb] v expr informal (try to seduce)勾引;引诱make advances to [sb], make advances on [sb] (US) v expr (try to kiss, etc.)对...示好;骚扰make an impression on [sb] v expr (have impact on [sb])给...留下印象备注: 特别是良好的印象Lily has certainly made an impression on Alan.make good on [sth] v expr (debt: repay) (指债务)偿还,支付make good on [sth] v expr (keep a promise)履行;实现(承诺等)make [sb]'s hair stand on end v expr (frighten [sb])让…毛骨悚然;把…吓得汗毛倒立That guy was so creepy, he made my hair stand on end.make war on [sth] v expr (start a war against)发动战争make war on [sth] v expr figurative (fight strongly against)对...宣战make your mark on/in [sth] v expr (have an impact)成名;获得承认Peter Jackson has made his mark in the cinematic in the street, man on the street n figurative (common man, average person) (比喻)普通人,一般人Can you explain your theory so that the man in the street can understand it?march on [sth] vi + prep (demonstration: to a place)在…游行示威The protesters will march on Downing Street this afternoon.march on vi + adv (advance)继续向前;继续前进meals on wheels (food-delivery program)食品外送meditate on [sth] vi + prep (ponder, reflect on)沉思;反省;深思In his new book, the spiritual guru meditates on the meaning of life.model [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (copy)使仿效;照着...模仿I have modelled my work practices on those of my boss.我的工作是模仿我老板的做法的。Money doesn't grow on trees. expr (Do not spend wastefully.)钱不是树上长的;钱不是大风刮来的No, you can't have a bicycle, money doesn't grow on trees!moved on adj (sent away, evicted)被驱逐的movies on demand npl (films viewable whenever you want)电影点播, 电影随选moving on interj (change of subject)下个话题;换个话题;mug up on [sth] v expr UK, informal (study)攻读;学习;研究munch on [sth] vi + prep (eat enthusiastically)大吃;饕餮;贪吃The kids were happily munching on pizza.muse on [sth], muse over [sth], muse about [sth] vi + prep (ponder, consider)沉思;冥想He took weeks to muse on the question before putting pen to kid on the block n US, informal, figurative (newcomer) (非正式用语)新来的人a new lease on life (US), a new lease of life (UK) n (fresh enthusiasm for living) (英式英语为a new lease of life)重新振作Losing all that weight gave me a new lease on life.nigh-on adv (almost)几乎A haircut at that salon costs nigh-on £300.not on the radar expr figurative, informal (undetected)不受关注;未引起注意Not on your life! interj slang (absolutely not: expressing refusal)绝对不行;休想;这辈子你想都别想not on your nelly expr UK, informal (no way)绝对不;当然不nothing on earth n (not anything)非常难受;非常糟糕Nothing on earth can keep me from the man I love.Nothing on earth will persuade me to talk in front of an audience.obtrude [sth] on [sb] vtr + prep (impose, thrust: [sth] on [sb])将...强加于;强迫...接受OD on [sth] vi + prep informal, initialism (overdose on [sth]) (缩略词)用药过量It is easy to OD on painkillers.odds-on adj (most likely to win)很有可能获胜的,大有胜算的He is the odds-on favourite to win the race.That horse is odds-on to and on, on and off adv informal (intermittently) (关系)时断时续We dated off and on for several years before we finally broke up.offload [sth] onto [sb], off-load [sth] onto [sb], offload [sth] on [sb], off-load [sth] on [sb] vtr + prep figurative, informal (pass something unwanted on to)转手I managed to offload that awful project onto Audrey.OHMS, O.H.M.S. expr written, initialism (On His/Her Majesty's Service) (书面首字母缩略语)为英王陛下效劳on a budget adv (spending: within limits)手头不宽裕,经济拮据,预算紧张on a case-by-case basis adv (individually, on individual merits)具体情况具体分析地;逐个地on a cliff edge adv figurative (in danger)有危险;万分危急on a collision course expr (military: about to collide) (军事)冲撞路线; (军事)冲撞航线The two ships were on a collision course, and collided.on a collision course with [sb] expr figurative (disagreeing, clashing)总是与…冲突;总是与…意见相左His refusal to even listen to other points of view set him on a collision course with nearly everyone he met.on a daily basis adv (every day)每天I do an hour of exercise on a daily on a diet v expr (following weight-loss regime)在节食I'm on a diet, so don't tempt me with on a diet v expr (following eating plan)吃某种特殊饮食Due to the diabetes, he's on a sugar free diet.on a different note expr (to change the subject)以不同方式;换个话题on a global scale adv (worldwide)在全球范围内The climate is changing not only in my local area, but on a global scale.on a great scale adv (far reaching)大范围地Operations are being conducted on a great scale in order to track down the flight recorder in the aftermath of last week's plane crash.on a hot streak expr slang (lucky)走好运;走运He was on a hot streak and scoring goals.on a knife-edge adv figurative (in precarious state)扑朔迷离;尚不明朗on a large scale adv (to a great extent)大规模Stopping climate change will require action on a large scale.on a leash adv (attached to a lead)用皮带拴住All dogs must be kept on a leash when walking on the property.on a limb, out on a limb expr figurative (isolated)孤立的;未得到他人支持的on a negative note expr (in an unfavorable way)从消极方面;消极地备注: Commonly used after the following verbs: start; begin; end; finish; conclude; go out; leave.on a negative note expr (pointing out [sth] bad)指出缺点;找出不足on a par with [sth] expr (equivalent)与…同等,和…一样on a permanent basis adv (for good, indefinitely)永久,无限期on a positive note expr (in an optimistic way)从好处看备注: Commonly used after the following verbs: start; begin; end; finish; conclude; go out; leave.on a positive note expr (pointing out [sth] favorable)还好的是;值得赞许的是There wasn't much to do at our hotel in Greece, but on a positive note, the view was stunning.on a regular basis adv (regularly)经常地;定期地The club meets on a regular basis and has a lot of members.on a sad note expr (in a tragic or miserable way)悲观而言备注: Commonly used after the following verbs: start; begin; end; finish; conclude; go out; leave.on a scale of prep (ranging from)按…的等级On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd give this book an 8.on a shoestring adv figurative (within a tight budget)经费有限,资金微薄on a small scale adv (in miniature)按微缩比例The model showed New York City on a small scale.on a small scale adv (not extensively)小范围地;小规模地He started selling watches on a small scale, then increased his business.on a whim adv (out of a sudden fancy or urge)冲动;一时兴起on account prep + n (purchase: pay later)赊购on account of [sth] expr (because of, due to)因为;由于The picnic is canceled on account of the rain.因为下雨,野餐取消了。on account of [sb], on [sb]'s account expr (for [sb]'s sake)为了…Don't turn the music off on my account; it doesn't bother me.不用为我关掉音乐,我并没有受到干扰。on account of this adv (for this reason)鉴于此The bridge collapsed; on account of this, we have to take the ferry.on active duty expr (working as a soldier)现役Max won't be called to serve because he is no longer on active duty.on all counts expr (law: of every accusation)在所有指控上The accused was found guilty on all counts.on all counts expr (in all points)在所有问题上;在所有事项上You're right on all counts, but you could have said it more nicely.on all fours adv (person: on hands and knees) (人)四脚着地,匍匐着The best way to clean the floor is to get down on all fours and scrub.on all fours adv (animal: on four legs) (动物)四肢着地Bears usually walk on all fours, but stand up occasionally to see better.on an ad hoc basis expr (as needed)临时性;根据当前情况The factory hires extra staff on an ad hoc basis.on an even keel expr figurative (stable, balanced)稳定的;均衡的on an ongoing basis adv (continuously into the future)持续进行,随时间不断变化I will be doing this job on an ongoing basis.on and off adv (intermittently)时断时续Jan has been going to the gym on and off for the past six months.过去六个月间,简时断时续地去健身房健身。on and off adv (switch)时开时关The computer screen keeps flickering on and off.电脑屏幕时开时关地闪个不停。on and on adv (continuously and tediously)继续不停地The road through the desert seemed to go on and on forever.on another note expr (to change the subject)另一方面;另外;换个话题on approval adv (on a trial basis)(商品等)供试用地;包退换I didn't have to pay for this instrument as they sent it to me on approval.on average adv (usually, typically)平均地A person blinks, on average, 6,250,000 times per year.一个人平均每年眨眼625万次。on bail adv (freed from prison before trial)保释He's out on bail until his trial begins.on bail adj (freed from prison prior to trial)保释的on balance adv (all things considered)总的来说;总体来说On balance, I prefer working long hours from home than part time in an office.on bended knee expr (kneeling on one leg)屈膝跪着He proposed marriage on bended knee.on bended knee expr figurative (politely, humbly)卑躬屈膝地;低声下气地Why do you feel I should apologize on bended knee?on board adv (onto or into: transport)上(车、船等)Once everyone has climbed on board, the bus will close its doors.等所有人上车后,公交车就会关上门。on board prep (on or in: transport)在飞机上(船上、火车上)I really enjoyed the food on board the cruise liner.on board adv figurative (working for shared goal)参与;加入;合作With you on board, we can make this project a big success!有了你的加入,我们这个项目一定可以取得巨大成功!on board with [sth] adj + prep figurative, informal (in agreement, support)赞同;同意;支持Make sure your whole team is on board with this before you go ahead.在你开始之前,请确保你的整个团队都同意这一点。on-board, onboard adj (computing: on motherboard) (计算机)主板的;主板上的The device has 8GB of on board memory.这台设备配置8GB的主板内存。on-board, onboard adj (on a ship, vehicle)车上的;船上的My favourite thing about our cruise ship was the on-board beauty salon.我最喜欢的是船上的美容院。onboard [sb] vtr (induct: new employee) (新员工)就职,入职The HR manager explained how the company onboards new employees.人力资源部经理解释公司是如何安排新员工入职的。on call adj (available for duty)待命的;值班的;随叫随到的My family doctor is on call every Saturday night for patient emergencies.我的家庭医生每周六晚都会值班,以应对病人的一些突发情况。on-camera adj (filmed, recorded on video)在镜头前的,出境的on camera, on-camera adv (while being filmed)在镜头前,出境on cloud nine adj figurative (blissfully happy)极其高兴;飘飘然Children are on cloud nine when they get their favorite desserts.on commission adv (paid from sales one has made)按佣金制;抽成on condition that conj (providing that)假设…;如果…;在…条件下I'll lend you £500, on condition that you pay me back by Monday.on consignment adv (supplier paid after purchase)寄售;托销on course adv (in the right direction)在正确方向上on course adv figurative (progressing correctly)按计划发展on credit adv (on a pay-later basis)赊账The importer purchased the goods on credit.on deck adv US, figurative (present, ready to act)参与;准备好We need all the best players on deck for the big game.这次大赛,我们需要所有最棒的球员参与。on demand adv (as and when requested)一经要求即…;按照要求The shop doesn't stock fresh milk, but they'll order it for you on demand.这家商店不会供应新鲜牛奶,不过一经要求他们会即刻为你调货。on display adv (being shown, exhibited)被展出The shops have delicious produce on display.There were many exhibits on display at the museum.on display adj (shown, visible)展出的;陈列的You shouldn't leave your valuables on display like that.on draft (US), on draught (UK) adv (beer: on tap) (啤酒)散装的The pub has ten different beers on draft.on drugs adj informal (taking drugs habitually)经常吸毒;吸毒成瘾on dry land adv (not at sea)在陆地上I didn't believe I had survived the shipwreck until I was back on dry land.on-duty adj (working)值日的;值班的,执勤的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.The on-duty staff had to call for backup to help deal with the crisis.值班人员不得不进行备份,以便应对危机。on duty adv (working)值班;当班John never takes personal calls when on duty.约翰上班时从不接私人电话。be on duty v expr (be working)工作;值班I can't go to the party since I am on duty all weekend.我不能去参加派对,因为整个周末我都要值班。on earth adv (on this planet)在地球上;世上There's nothing else like it on earth!on Easy Street, on easy street adv figurative, slang (leading easy life)(生活得)很舒适;(过得)逍遥自在After we paid all of our debts, we were living on easy street.;on edge adv (into a tense, anxious state)紧张;激动;焦躁不安That strange sound set me on edge.那个奇怪的声响让我焦躁不安。on edge adj (tense, anxious)紧张的;激动的;焦躁不安的She was on edge, waiting for her exam results.她很紧张地等待着考试结果。on end adv (one after another, continuously)一个接一个地;接连地She spoke about her children for hours on end.on end, on its end adv (object: upended, on its shortest side)竖着地;竖立地She balanced a line of dominos on end.on equal terms adv (fairly)平等地;同等地Their wedding vows stated that they would split their labor evenly so that their partnership would always remain on equal terms.on equal terms adv (with the same rights)平起平坐;不相上下;有同等权利Women should compete on equal terms with men in the jobs market.on every side adv (all around)四周;周围;四面八方The house he bought had trees on every side.The politician felt there were traitors on every side.on everyone's lips adv (being much discussed)众口相传地;热论地;大家都在讨论地For or against, national healthcare is on everyone's lips lately.This new scandal is on everyone's lips these on familiar terms v expr (be intimate)熟悉的;亲密的;密切的I know of her, but she and I aren't on familiar terms.on file adv (in official documents)存档地We have his medical records on on fire v expr (burning)着火The car was on fire for about two hours.那辆车持续着火大约两小时。be on fire v expr figurative, slang (performing well)状态非常好;表现很好Sharon has answered every question correctly so far; she's on fire today!目前为止,莎伦答对了所有问题,她今天状态非常好!on foot adv (walking)步行;徒步;走路It sometimes takes longer to drive than to get to work on foot.有些时候开车上班比步行更费时。on friendly terms adv (amicably)友善地;友好地;友好地I argued with my cousin but now we're back on friendly terms.on friendly terms adj (amicable)友善的;友好的;友好的on good terms adv (in a friendly way, amicably)相处融洽;关系好;和睦I am on good terms with my boss.on good terms adj (friendly)友好的;和睦的;相处融洽的He was on good terms with his ex-wife.on guard adv (prepared, at the ready)防备着地;有所警戒地;警惕地You need to be on guard for viral attacks against your on hand v expr (be usefully near)在手边;在附近On Her Majesty's Service, On His Majesty's Service expr UK, Can, AU, written (franking on government correspondence) (政府公函抬头)为女王陛下服务;为英王陛下效劳on her own, all on her own adv (without company)她自己;她独自Sarah often eats out at restaurants on her own.on her own, all on her own adv (without help)她亲自on high adv literary (high up)在高处;在高空We gazed up at the plane on high.on his own, all on his own adv (without company)他自己;他独自on his own, all on his own adv (without help)他亲自on hold adv (suspended)搁置;推迟;延缓Our marriage plans are on hold for the time being.我们的结婚计划暂时推迟。on hold adv (telephone: kept waiting)等待I've been on hold for half an hour now!我已在电话上等了半个小时了!on hold adv (reserved)保留;预留Leslie went to the library to collect the book they were keeping on hold for him.莱斯利到图书馆去取他们为他预留的书。on ice adv (drink: with ice cubes) (饮料等)冰镇地,加冰块地I think I'll have a scotch on ice.on ice adv (on an ice rink)滑冰场上;在冰上(滑冰)At Christmas, we're going to see Peter Pan on ice.on ice adj figurative (set aside, in readiness)备用的,待用的;预备着的Our plans are on ice while we wait to find out the results.on impact adv (at the moment [sth] is hit)碰撞时;冲击时The bomb exploded on impact.on impulse adv (instinctively)心血来潮;一时冲动Don't make major purchases on impulse.on impulse adv (spontaneously)凭着性子;意气用事I bought three new pairs of shoes, just on impulse.On impulse, he bought himself some chocolate.on instinct adv (on a natural urge)本能地On instinct, my cat made a nest in my closet before she had kittens.on instinct adv (through a natural wisdom)凭直觉地on its last legs adv figurative, informal (about to fail)奄奄一息;濒于垮台That old car is on its last legs.on its own adv (alone, without accompaniment)独立地,靠自己的力量;自愿,自发This rice needs some added flavor; on its own it's bland.The bear cub was on its own after its mother was killed.on land adv (not at sea)在陆地上The cheetah is the fastest known animal on land.on leave adv (taking time off)在休假;在度假I'll be on leave for the next two weeks.My husband is on leave from work indefinitely because he broke his leg last weekend.on loan adv (for temporary use)暂借;暂用;借用I got the new movie on loan, so I must return it tomorrow.on loan adj (being borrowed)借用的;暂借的I couldn't access the rare book because it was on loan to another library.on location expr (cinema: not in the studio) (影视)出外景,在外拍摄All the outside scenes in the film were shot on location.on loop, on a loop adv (continuously)连续播放;循环播放My neighbour has been playing that song on a loop all day; it's driving me nuts!on Monday adv (next Monday) (指即将到来的周一)周一,星期一I'll do it on Monday.on Monday adv (last Monday) (指已经过去的那个周一)周一,星期一I did it on Monday.on my own, all on my own adv (without company)独自一人I have lived on my own since my daughter moved out.我女儿搬出去后,我一直一个人住。on my own, all on my own adv (without help)靠自己I'm proud of myself for assembling the wardrobe on my own.我为自己组装衣柜而感到骄傲。on no account expr (not for any reason)决不,绝对不;任何情况下都不备注: When the subject and a modal auxiliary follow this expression, they are inverted.On no account should you let a stranger into your house without ID.On no account interrupt me while I'm in this conference call.on occasion adv (now and then)偶尔;有的时候I do enjoy a glass of wine on occasion, but not to excess.on offer adj UK (on sale at discount price)打折的;促销的;优惠的on one hand adv (from one point of view)一方面On one hand, the restaurant serves excellent food, but on the other, it's very expensive.一方面,那家餐厅供应极品美食,另一方面,价格非常贵。on one occasion expr (at one particular time)某一次On one occasion, Taylor scored six goals in one game.on one occasion expr (once)曾经I've only been to Liverpool on one occasion.on one side adv (unilaterally)片面地;一方面地;单方面地We are all on one side.on one side adv (on one surface only)在(其中的)一面An image of George Washington can be found on one side of a US dollar bill.on order adj (requested but not yet arrived)已下单的,已订购的on our own, all on our own adv (without company)我们自己;就我们on our own, all on our own adv (without help)我们亲自on paper adv (in written or printed form)以书面形式We need to get these agreements down on paper.on paper adv figurative (ostensibly, possibly) (比喻)从理论上说On paper, the plan works great. But in reality?on parade adv (marching in a parade)在游行on parade adv figurative (on public display)公开展示on parole expr (be on release from prison)获得假释;假释出狱The man has been on parole for two years.Alexander committed a crime while on parole and was sent straight back to prison.on patrol adv (monitoring an area)巡逻中on pins and needles adv figurative (nervous, on edge) (比喻)如坐针毡,坐立不安,紧张,焦虑,心绪不宁I was on pins and needles as I waited for the doctor to tell me the results of the biopsy.on principle adv (because of a moral belief)原则上,根据原则Adam buys only organic meat, on principle.on purpose adv (deliberately, intentionally)故意地;有意地I'm sorry! I didn't do it on purpose.我很抱歉!我不是故意的。on reconsideration adv (after review or reflection)重新考虑后;重新审议后On reconsideration, we have decided to approve your loan.on record adv (in documented history)有记载地;记录在案地This was the hottest summer on record.on record adv (officially, publicly)公开发表地;公开声明地The Mayor went on record, detailing his new municipal plan.on reflection adv (second thoughts)仔细想想,经过思考后On reflection, it seems to be a good on relief v expr US (receive government aid)领取救济金;接受救济on remand expr (awaiting trial in custody)在押候审on request adv (as and when asked for)一经要求on sabbatical leave adv (on a year's paid/unpaid break)公休;带薪休假on sale adv (available for purchase)有售People are already queuing up to buy this new smartphone, though it doesn't go on sale until tomorrow morning.人们早已在排队购买这款新智能手机了,尽管它要明天早上才开始销售。on sale adv US (available at a lowered price)低价出售;降价出售;打折Look at my new skirt! I got it on sale - 50% off!快看我这条新裙子!我在打折的时候买的,打5折!on [sb]'s back adj (nagging [sb] to do [sth])打扰某人的;缠着某人(做某事)的I've got my boss on my back about these late reports.My mother's always on my back about my homework.on schedule adv (with no delay)按时间表;按时;准时We're on schedule to finish the project by the end of the year.on set adv (TV, cinema: during filming)拍摄期间Even though they played best friends, the actors didn't really get along on set.on Shanks's pony, on shanks's pony expr informal (on foot)步行;徒步on short notice, at short notice, on a moment's notice, at a moment's notice adv (with little warning)短期通知Her appointment was cancelled on short notice.I'm sorry to ask you on such short notice, but I only found out about this yesterday.on show adv (displayed for [sb] to see)在展出;正在展览on sight, at sight adv (upon seeing)一看到…就;见到就The man shot the burglar on sight.on site, on-site adv (on the property, at the site)在现场;就地;当场备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a noun 短语用于名词前作形容词时需用连字符连接My doctor has an x-ray lab on site.on site, on-site, onsite adj (on the premises, locally)实地的;现场的My office has an on-site gym.on solid ground expr (on terra firma)落地;在陆地上It was a relief to get off the ship and back on solid ground.on solid ground expr figurative (on a firm footing)脚踏实地的, 踏踏实实的After a few weeks at her new job, Emily began to feel like she was on solid on speaking terms v expr (have an amicable relationship) (争吵后)恢复说话,关系变好We're finally on speaking terms again after not talking for two weeks.两周互不理睬后,我们终于又与对方说话了。be on speaking terms v expr (be acquainted)相互认识;熟识; (指认识后)开始交谈We're just beyond being nodding acquaintances: we're on speaking terms now.我们已不再是点头之交,现在已经认识,开始相互交谈了。on spec adv informal (without guarantee of profit)投机地on special expr (discounted)特价出售Strawberries are on special this week.on stage adv (performer: in a theatre) (演员)在台上Even the most experienced performers feel nervous before going on stage.The audience cheered as the band came on stage for another encore.on standby, also UK: on stand-by adv (people: in a state of readiness)待命状态;准备行动状态The news crews were on standby, waiting for a big announcement from the president.新闻工作组已整装待发,等待总统发布重大消息。on standby, on stand-by adv (ready, available)待命, 处于待命状态Ambulances were on standby at the edge of the field.on stream, on-stream adj (operational, available)运营中的;可用的on stream, on-stream adv (in regular operation)投入生产地,投产地on strike adv (refusing to work in protest)罢工The workers are on strike until management agrees to give them a raise.on Sunday adv (next Sunday) (指即将到来的周日)周日,星期日on Sunday adv (last Sunday) (指已经过去的那个周日)周日,星期日on tap adv (served on draught) (啤酒)散装的The pub has a good range of beers on tap.on tap adv figurative, informal (readily available)常备的;可随时取用的The auto parts store always keeps a selection of fan belts on on tap for [sth] expr US, figurative, informal (scheduled to take place)将出现;会发生on target expr (progressing toward goal)目标是;以...为目标;方向是The company is on target to have a record-breaking year in sales.on television adv (being shown on TV)在电视上播放What's on television tonight? Anything besides reality shows and crime shows?on tenterhooks adj figurative, informal (in suspense)提心吊胆;惶恐不安Don't keep me on tenterhooks! Did he give you a diamond ring?on terra firma adv (on land: not at sea)在陆地上The sky diver was glad to be back on terra firma.on that note expr (ending on this) (结束语)说到这儿,在此on that note expr (staying with this subject) (表示转换话题)这么说的话on that score expr (as far as that is concerned)在那一点上;在那个方面on the agenda adv (for discussion)列入议程地;进入讨论地The committee put the lack of air conditioning on the agenda before the summer meeting.on the air, on air adv (being broadcast)正在广播Ssh! We're on the air, and the whole world can hear you cough.on the air, on air adv (station, channel: broadcasting)广播地The radio station is on the air from 6 in the morning to midnight.on the air, on air adv (show: on TV, radio)播放地"Friends" was on the air for 10 years and is still syndicated by many TV stations.on the alert expr (vigilant)警惕;警觉;防备Police are on the alert after two incidents involving an armed robber in the downtown Chicago area.on the autism spectrum, on the autistic spectrum expr (neuroatypical)自闭症;患自闭症on the back burner adv figurative (low priority)居于次要地位;处于非首要地位That project's on the back burner for now, while I attend to more urgent matters.on the back of [sth] expr (as a result of [sth])由于;因为on the back of [sth] expr (using the strength of [sth])凭借;借助on the back of [sth] expr (soon after [sth])随后on the ball adv figurative, informal (alert) (比喻,非正式用语)机警的,敏锐的You need to be on the ball to spot the best bargains.on the basis of [sth] prep (on given grounds)基于...;根据...;以...为基础Candidates will be judged on the basis of their performance at interview.on the beat expr (in the correct rhythm, tempo)合拍on the beat expr (on patrol)在巡逻on the blink adj slang (not functioning properly) (俚语)出故障的,出毛病的,失灵的My television is on the blink, so I can't watch my favorite show tonight.on the block expr US (for sale at auction)在拍卖on the block expr figurative (at risk: said of head)冒...的险It's alright for you; it'll be my head on the block if we get this wrong.on the books adj (registered)登记在案的;载入名册的Dave is out of work at the moment, but he's on the books of several employment agencies, so he's hoping to find a job soon.on the books adj (recorded in the accounts)账上的;账目上的Was that cash transaction on the books?on the borderline, on the border line adv figurative (in between)在边界;在边缘After his wife left him he spent several months on the borderline between sanity and insanity.That's on the borderline of being offensive.on the bounce adv (ball, etc.: as it rebounds)弹起时;回弹时on the bounce adv figurative, informal (consecutively)连续地;相继地on the breadline, on the bread line adv UK, figurative (in poverty)挣扎在生活线上;勉强糊口Sadly, thousands of families in this country are on the breadline.on the brink of [sth] prep figurative (very close to [sth] occurring)在…的边缘The Mexican Grey Wolf was on the brink of extinction, but conservation efforts are bringing it back.on the brink of doing [sth] prep (about to do [sth])濒临;即将做某事的She was on the brink of committing suicide when she called the crisis hotline.on the chance, on the chance that expr (just in case)万一;碰巧on the cheap adv informal (at little expense, by cutting costs)便宜地;廉价地He had bought his suit on the cheap, and the shoddy fabric showed it.She made the movie on the cheap, using a hand held camera.on [sb]'s coattails, on the coattails of [sb] (US), on [sb]'s coat-tails (UK) expr (succeed: thanks to [sb] else)在…提携之下;靠…提携on the condition that conj (providing that, as long as)在…条件下;只要…You can buy this house on the condition that you sell yours first.on the contrary adv (not at all, quite the opposite)(恰恰)相反地;反之You think people can't change? On the contrary, they can!你认为人是不会变的?恰恰相反,当然会!usage: ‘on the contrary’You say on the contrary when you are contradicting a statement that has just been made.‘You’ll get tired of it.' – ‘On the contrary. I’ll enjoy it.'You also use on the contrary when you have said that something is not the case, and you are going to say that the opposite is true.There was nothing ugly about her dress: on the contrary, it was rather elegant.on the corner adv (at the intersection of 2 streets)在转角处;在拐角处on the count of three adv (after counting to 3)数到三下后The race will start on the count of three.on the crest adv (at the highest point)在尖端;在顶上;在顶峰The seagull was floating on the crest of a wave.on the cusp of [sth] prep figurative (on the threshold of [sth])在...的边缘;即将Owen is on the cusp of a breakthrough in his therapy.on the defensive adv (self-protective)采取守势;处于守势The mayor went on the defensive when a reporter asked about his difficulties with the city council.on the dole adv UK (claiming unemployment benefit)靠失业救济金生活,在领失业救济金Nigel has been on the dole for over a year.on the dot adv informal (time: precisely)准时;准点It's 5 o'clock on the dot.on the dot of [sth] expr informal (time: precisely at)准时在...点;...准点The garage promised my car would be ready by 4 pm and they rang me on the dot of 4 to confirm that I could pick it up.on the double, also UK: at the double expr (very fast)快速地;飞快地;赶紧on the edge adv (at the rim)在…的边缘Peter was worried that the cup might fall, for it stood on the edge of the table.on the edge adv figurative (at the forefront)在…的前沿3D technology is on the edge of movie-making techniques.on the edge of expr figurative (on the verge of)在…的边缘Alpine skiers are always on the edge of losing control.on the edge of your seat expr (excited, enthralled)特别兴奋;兴奋到坐不住on the eve of expr (the evening before)在…前夕,在…前夜When it began to rain on the eve of the festival we knew it would be a muddy mess.on the eve of expr figurative (just prior to)在…前夕On the eve of his election, a scandal broke out.on the evidence adv (judging by testimony given)根据…看来On the evidence given, the jury was unable to find her guilty.on the face of it expr figurative (superficially)表面上On the face of it, he's a great candidate, but have you checked out his references yet?on the far side of [sth] expr (at the distant end)远端;较远一侧on the fence adv figurative (undecided)持观望态度Is nuclear power a good or bad thing? I'm still on the fence.on the fly adv informal (hurriedly, without pausing)忙忙碌碌地;匆匆忙忙地Veronica had lunch on the fly between classes.on the fly adv (computing: while program is running) (计算机)运行中;运转中on the fringes expr (outside the mainstream)在...之外;在...的边缘on the fringes of [sth] expr (outside the mainstream)在...边缘;在...主流之外on the fritz adj informal (broken, malfunctioning)坏了的;出了故障的This toaster is on the fritz; it keeps burning my bread.on the front burner adv figurative (high priority)优先地位;处于重要地位I'll put that job on the front burner, as it's urgent.on the go adv informal (moving)忙忙碌碌,忙碌;乱动,乱晃My children never sit still! They're always on the go. I'm so busy all day; I'm on the go from sun up to sun down.我一整天都忙死了,从日出忙碌到日落。我的孩子就是坐不住!他们总是到处乱动。on the ground adv figurative (at the scene)在现场;当场We have journalists on the ground reporting live from the scene.on the grounds that conj (because)因为;基于...的原因William was fired on the grounds that his work performance was insufficient.on the high seas adv (in open waters, at sea)在公海上Many sailors enjoy being on the high seas.on the hoof expr (livestock: alive)未宰杀的;活的on the hoof expr figurative, informal (without preparation)未做准备的;临场的The TV host never prepared for his interviews, but made up his questions on the hoof.on the hoof expr figurative, informal (while moving around)在路上;出行中I give presentations all over the country, so I do much of my speech-writing on the hoof.on the hook expr figurative (caught, ensnared)落入圈套;中计The saleswoman knew the customer was on the hook as soon as she told him about the discount.Robert is a real smooth-talker and he's certainly got Angela on the hook.on the horizon adv (between land and sky) (本义)地平线上I could see a huge ship on the horizon.on the horizon adv figurative (coming up, ahead) (比喻)即将发生地,将要到来地There are several new projects on the horizon for our workgroup.on the horns of a dilemma expr figurative (facing difficult choice)处于两难境地;进退维谷on the hour expr (when the clock strikes the hour)准点;在整点时刻on the house adv (offered free of charge)免费,由店家付钱go on the hunt for [sth/sb] v expr (look for [sth], [sb])搜寻;寻找When he turned 18, Ron went on the hunt for his biological on the hunt for [sth/sb] v expr (look for [sth], [sb])搜寻;寻找My cat is always on the hunt for mice and birds.on the increase adj (growing, increasing)不断增加的;逐渐增加的Tuberculosis is on the increase, especially among the indigent.on the job expr (while working)在工作;在忙Apprentices are trained while on the job.on the job expr slang (having sex)在做爱The couple were on the job.on the lam n informal (in flight)在逃Three months later, the city treasurer is still on the lam.on the left adv (to the left-hand side)左边地;在左边;靠左侧on the level adj slang, figurative (honest, without trickery) (俚语)诚实的;坦率的;不耍花招的So, this deal is on the level?be on the line v expr figurative, informal (be at risk)有危险,处于险境;岌岌可危be on the lookout for [sb] v expr (be trying to find)搜寻,,,The police are on the lookout for a dangerous criminal who has escaped from on the lookout for [sth] v expr (be alert to the possibility of)警惕, 小心Beth is always on the lookout for bargains at the supermarket.keep on the lookout, stay on the lookout adj (keep watch)保持警惕的;警觉关注的;望风的;放哨的I'll keep on the lookout and let you know if I spot anything unusual.我来负责望风,一看到有什么不对,就立刻通知你。keep on the lookout for [sth/sb], stay on the lookout for [sth/sb] v expr (remain vigilant for)警惕;留意Stay on the lookout for any suspicious activity in your neighborhood.on the loose adv (unfettered)逍遥地;到处乱跑地The neighbor's dogs are on the loose and they are chasing our chickens.on the map expr (place: be well-known)出名的Since the success of its music festival, this small town has been firmly on the map.on the market expr (for sale)待售Our house is on the market for £200,000.on the mend adj informal (recovering)在改善中;在好转中She was in hospital for a month after the crash, but now she is finally on the mend.on the money adj slang (correct, accurate)非常准确Her predictions are usually right on the money.Wow, you called that one, right on the money.on the move adj informal (restless, mobile)四处奔波;四处迁移After robbing the bank, he was constantly on the move trying to evade the authorities.on the move adv informal (moving around)在附近活动Be careful out there; the lions are on the move.on the move adv (while moving)在行进中;在走动My smartphone enables me to keep up with email on the move.on the nail expr UK, figurative (cash, payment: without delay) (现金、支付)当场;立即be on the needle v expr informal (take drugs habitually)注射成瘾;吸毒成瘾on the nose, right on the nose adj informal, figurative (exact, precise)准确;精确Your guess was right on the nose.on the nose adj US, informal, figurative (lacking subtlety, nuance) (非正式用语)不精致的;粗犷的on the off chance expr informal (just in case)万一, 碰碰运气on the off chance, on the off chance that expr informal (with clause: in case) (非正式用语)抱微弱希望;万一On the off chance that it rains, we will postpone the competition until tomorrow.on the offensive adv (into attack mode)发动攻势地;准备进攻地The army is on the offensive against insurgent guerrillas.on the offensive adj (attacking)攻击的;发动进攻的on the one hand ... on the other hand, on the one hand ... on the other, on one hand ... on the other hand, on one hand ... on the other adv figurative (comparing points of view)一方面…另一方面On the one hand, it would be quicker to fly to Manchester; on the other, it would be more expensive than the train.on the order of [sb], on the orders of [sb], on [sb]'s orders expr (at [sb]'s command)按...的指令;按...的要求on the order of [sth] (US), of the order of [sth] (UK) expr (with this order of magnitude)以...的程度;以...的严重性on the order of (US), of the order of, in the order of (UK) expr (approximately)大致的;大约的;与...相近的on the other hand expr (from the opposing point of view)另一方面I really want to see this movie; on the other hand, it's raining and I'm tired.我真的很想看这部电影,不过天还在下雨,我也很累。on the outside adv (externally)外部地;外在地He is dangerous, though he looks innocent on the outside.on the outside adv informal (not in prison)外面地;室外地The jailer asked the prisoner "What will you do on the outside?".on the outside of [sth] expr (on the exterior of)在…外面The artist was commissioned to paint a mural on the outside of the building.on the part of [sb] prep (by)就…来说;由…所为There is a strong desire on the part of new citizens to help shape the places in which they live.on the phone adv informal (having a telephone conversation)打电话;讲电话I am on the phone with my mother.on the plus side expr (positive point)好处在于,加分项是On the plus side, you'll be in a better school catchment area if you move there.on the point of [sth] expr (close to [sth])面临,濒临;几近,接近The country's largest bank is on the point of collapse.on the point of doing [sth] expr (about to do [sth])正在…的时候;即将;濒临She was on the point of leaving when he finally arrived.on the premises adv (on site, on the property)在场内;现场Be careful! There's a thief on the premises!on the proviso that conj (providing, on condition that)条件是;前提是on the prowl expr (looking for prey)寻找目标; (比喻义)觅食Police warned residents that thieves have been on the prowl in the neighborhood.on the radio expr (received by a radio)通过无线电接收on the radio expr (broadcast by radio)通过无线电广播;广播节目on the razz, out on the razz adj UK, slang (partying)聚会;联欢We've got the house to ourselves. My sister's out on the razz.on the receiving end, on the receiving end of [sth] adj figurative (subjected to [sth] unpleasant) (不愉快的事情)遭受;承受on the record expr (officially recorded)记录在案The politician's comments were on the record and were published in several newspapers.on the right adv (to the right-hand side)在右边;右边地;靠右The post office is further down this street, on the right.on the right of prep (to the right-hand side of)在…右边The post office is on the right of the bakery.on the right side of [sth] expr (to the right of)在…右边;在…右侧British and Japanese automobiles have the steering wheel on the right side of the car.on the right side of [sb] expr figurative (in favour with)讨…的欢心You'll need to stay on the right side of your boss if you want to get that promotion.on the right side of [sth] expr figurative (on moral side of)在...道义的一边,在...正义的一边When future generations look back on this moment, they will be able to see who was on the right side of this issue.on the right side of the law expr (legal)合法的;遵纪守法的The protesters felt that they were on the right side of the law.on the right track expr (following the correct path)走对路了,循着正确的路线,走正确的路on the right track expr figurative (not mistaken or misled) (比喻)(想法、做法等)循着正确的道路After failing her class last semester, she got back on the right track and passed this semester.on the rise adj (increasing)增长;增加Job growth is on the rise this year.on the rise adj figurative (improving)改进;提高on the road adv (travelling)在旅行;在旅途中We will be on the road for days when we drive from New York to Los Angeles.on the road adv (on tour)在巡回(演出)中She spends several months of the year on the road, touring with her band.on the road adv (on the way, on a path: to [sth])在路上;在去…的路上Eating less and exercising more has me on the road to losing weight.on the road to prep (heading for, destined for)去往…;在去…的途中;在前往…的路上Are we on the road to Rome?on the rocks expr slang (in trouble, failing)触礁;陷入困境Their marriage is on the rocks since his infidelity.on the rocks expr informal, figurative (drink: served with ice) (饮料)只加冰块的I'll take a whiskey on the rocks, please.on the run adv (evading capture)在逃跑中He escaped from prison and is on the run.on the same page expr figurative, informal (in agreement)意见一致;达成共识on the same wavelength adj figurative (thinking similarly to [sb] else)想法类似;具有相同观点on the scene adv (present, on site)在场on the shelf adv figurative, dated, informal (woman: no longer marriageable)嫁不出去In those days, if a woman wasn't married by the age of 30, she was said to be on the shelf.on the shelf adv (inactive, unemployed)无所作为;失业on the shelf adv (not being used)束之高阁on the side adv (in addition)此外;另外She worked all day in an office and babysat on the side.on the side adv (secretly)私密地;私下地;暗地里She found out her husband had a girlfriend on the side.on the side adv (food: to one side) (指食物)在旁边,在侧边I'll have the apple pie, with ice cream if you have it, but I want the ice cream on the side, not on top of the pie.on the sidelines, also US: in the sidelines expr (sports: off the field of play)场外on the sidelines, also US: in the sidelines expr figurative (position: not central to action)袖手旁观;置身局外After 20 years in office she says she'll enjoy life on the sidelines.on the skids adv slang (in trouble, failing)逐渐衰落,走下坡路; (口语)准备出发的Since he started drinking, his life went on the skids.on the sly adv informal (secretly)背地里;悄悄地He spent a lot of his career playing computer games on the sly.on the spectrum expr (autistic, neuroatypical)自闭症;患自闭症on the spot adv (immediately)当场;立即He ordered me to do it on the spot because he couldn't wait.因为他等不及,所以命令我当场完成此事。on the spot adv (at the place in question)在现场Newspapers' foreign correspondents are on the spot when a story develops.当事件发生时,报刊的海外记者们都在现场。on the spot expr informal, figurative (in an awkward situation)处于困境中;处于难堪境地Bill was on the spot because he owed a lot of people a lot of money.因为比尔欠着许多人一大笔债,所以正处于困境中。on the spur of the moment expr (spontaneously)一时冲动;不假思索;心血来潮We decided to go to Las Vegas on the spur of the moment.on the straight and narrow expr figurative (in a respectable way)规规矩矩地做人;正派的做人之道Matt has always lived his life on the straight and narrow; he's never even gotten a parking ticket!on the street, on the streets expr (homeless)无家可归on the street, on the streets expr (unemployed, without a job)没有工作,失业on the street, on the streets expr (free from prison)被释放The prosecution argued that it would be better for the offender to serve a prison sentence rather than be on the streets again.on the strength of [sth] expr (based on)基于;凭借on the supposition that conj (on the assumption that)假定…;认为…;在…假设之下On the supposition that I can get flour, we will have cake tomorrow.on the surface expr (to all appearances)在表面上;从表面看On the surface, it seemed like a good idea, but when Josh looked into it further, he realised it would never work.on the table adv figurative (topic: for discussion or negotiation) (话题等)提交讨论;供商榷The proposal on the table was offered by Mr. Smith.Let's put all our options on the table.on the table adv US, figurative (plan: under consideration) (计划等)在考虑中,在讨论中be on the take v expr informal (take bribes) (非正式用语)受贿on the telephone adv (having a phone conversation)通电话,讲电话,打电话Can you kids please keep the noise down while I'm on the telephone?on the threshold of [sth] expr figurative (close to)非常接近;即将迎来We are on the threshold of a new era in social media.on the threshold of doing [sth] expr figurative (about to do [sth])将要做某事He was on the threshold of making his big decision.on the throne adv (monarch: in power) (统治者等)身居王位地,掌权地,执政地Queen Elizabeth II is currently on the throne.on the throne adv slang, vulgar (using the toilet) (俚语,粗俗用语)上厕所He's been reading his newspaper on the throne for the last 30 minutes!be on the tip of your tongue expr figurative (answer, etc.: hard to recall)一时间说不出;话到嘴边却说不出on the up and up, on the up adv UK, informal (increasingly successful)日渐成功;稳步上升on the up and up adv US, informal (legitimate, not illegal)合法on the verge of [sth] expr (about to)即将;将要This economy is on the verge of collapse!on the verge of doing [sth] expr (about to do)即将,将要;濒临,在...的边缘Imogen was on the verge of going out, when the phone on the wagon v expr figurative, informal (person: no longer drink alcohol)戒酒on the wane expr (in decline)逐渐衰落on the warpath n figurative (angry, seeking confrontation)发怒;找茬Watch out--the teacher is on the warpath today!on the watch expr (looking and waiting for [sth], [sb])等待;盼望;期待be on the watch expr (be looking and waiting)等待;盼望;期待be on the watch for [sth/sb] expr (be looking and waiting for [sth], [sb])等待;盼望;期待on the watch for [sth/sb] expr (looking for)提放;小心警惕The park ranger was always on the watch for poachers and forest fires.on the way, on my way adv (en route)在途中;在路上We stopped off on the way and took photos.我们在途中停下来拍了照。on the way expr figurative (about to happen)即将发生There are more job cuts on the way.即将发生更多裁员。on the way back expr (on the return route)在回程路上;在返回路上on the way to [sth] prep (heading, going)在去…的路上We were on the way to Manchester when we heard the news on the car radio.on the way to doing [sth] prep figurative (progressing)正在,正逐渐; (比喻说法)在...的路上Roger is on the way to becoming a successful entrepreneur.on the weekend (mainly US), on weekends (mainly US), at the weekend (UK), at weekends (UK) adv (on Saturdays or Sundays)在周末The City of London is quiet at the weekend.on the weekend (mainly US), at the weekend (UK) adv (last Saturday or Sunday)上周末;上一个周末I saw Steve on the weekend and he told me to say hi to you.on the weekend (mainly US), at the weekend (UK) adv (next Saturday or Sunday)下周末;下一个周末Bye for now! See you on the weekend!on the whole expr (overall)大体上;基本上Some of the acting is terrible, but on the whole it's an entertaining film.部分表演很糟糕,但总体来说这是一部看了让人愉悦的电影。on their own, all on their own adv (more than one person: without company)他们自己;她们自己;它们自己Lana left her guests on their own for ten minutes while she went into the kitchen to prepare the starter.on their own, all on their own adv (more than one person: without help)他们亲自;她们亲自;它们亲自on their own, all on their own adv ([sb] unspecified: without company)他自己;她自己;它自己on their own, all on their own adv ([sb] unspecified: without help)他亲自;她亲自;它亲自on their own, all on their own adv (non-binary person: without company)他们自己on their own, all on their own adv (non-binary person: without help)他们独自be on thin ice, skate on thin ice v expr figurative (do [sth] risky)如履薄冰on this earth expr (alive, in this life)在世While I'm still on this earth, I plan to take care of my garden and my grandchildren.on tick adv UK, informal (on credit)赊购I know Oliver's got a flashy car, but he bought it on tick.on time adj (punctual)准时Mr. Jones is always on time, and arrives promptly at 9:00 on the dot.If you want the job, you'd better be on time for the interview.琼斯先生总是很准时,会于9:00点整点准时到达。如果你想要这份工作的话,最好准时参加面试。on time adv (in time: not late)准时,准点,按时His flight arrived on time.他的航班准点到达。on top, on the top adv (on the uppermost part)在顶部;在最上面The cupcake Betty chose had a cherry on top.贝蒂选的纸杯蛋糕上面有一颗樱桃。on top adj figurative, informal (triumphant) (非正式用语)胜利;成功It's good to see our team on top for a change.很高兴看到我们队伍成功转型。on top adj figurative, slang (in charge)掌控It's a huge company; it's not always possible for the guy on top to know what his minions are up to.on top of [sth], on the top of [sth] prep (at highest point)在…的顶部The climbers were left stranded on top of the mountain after a snowstorm.暴风雪过后,登山者被困在山顶。on top of [sth/sb] prep (with [sth/sb] beneath)在…上面;在…上方The judoka threw her opponent to the floor and landed on top of him.那位柔道运动员把对手摔倒在地并压在他身上。on top of [sth] prep informal, figurative (in control)掌控;按计划完成I write a to-do list every day to make sure I'm on top of all my chores.我每天会写一份待办事项清单,确保我能完成所有的杂事。on top of [sth] prep (in addition to)除...外on top of that expr informal, figurative (in addition)除那以外What a day! First I woke up late, then the hot water heater burst, and on top of that, I got a flat tire.今天真倒霉!先是我睡过头了,然后热水器坏了,除那以外我车胎还爆了一个。feel on top of the world, be on top of the world expr figurative (be very happy)心满意足;兴高采烈;欣喜若狂The day his daughter was born, the new father felt on top of the world.女儿出生的那天,新为人父的他欣喜若狂。on topic adv (on the subject in question)与话题相关on topic, on-topic adj (relevant to the subject)与主题相关的;围绕主题的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.on tour adv (travelling from place to place)在旅游;周游地on tour adv (performers: on the road)巡回(演出)地;(表演者)在路上;巡演中The musicians quit their jobs to go on tour with the new band.on track expr figurative, informal (following correct path or schedule)有序安排;合理安排I use an app to keep all my projects on track.我用一款应用程序来安排我所有的项目。on track for [sth] expr figurative, informal (heading for [sth]) (非正式用语)朝着...行进;朝着...发展;以...为目标The meeting established that the team was on track to finish the project by June.会议确定该团队有望在六月前完成项目。on track expr figurative, informal (as planned) (非正式用语)按计划on trial expr (being examined in court) (法庭)受审中on trial expr (undergoing probationary period)在试用期;在测试期on trial expr informal, figurative (under severe scrutiny)被审问; (比喻说法)被查户口Stop asking me questions about where I was; I feel like I'm on trial!on vacation (US), on holiday (UK) adv (taking time away from work)在度假;休假中My boss is on vacation for the next two weeks.She disappeared while on vacation in Aruba.on view adj (on display)展示的;出展的The exhibits on view at the gallery represent a period of history that many have little knowledge of.on Wednesday adv (this Wednesday)本周三地I have a meeting with the boss on Wednesday.on Wednesday, on a Wednesday, on Wednesdays adv (every Wednesday)每周三I go to yoga class on a Wednesday.on welfare adj (claiming government benefits)靠救济度日的;接受政府福利的;靠福利救济的She was on welfare until she could get back on her feet.on welfare adv (on government benefits)接受政府救济地;靠福利救济地;靠救济生活地Life is not easy for people who live on welfare.on wheels prep + n (traveling by car, bike, etc.)乘车出行;骑车出行on wheels prep + n informal (intensifier of [sth] you dislike)讨厌的;厌烦的on with prep informal (let us continue with)继续On with the show! We can't allow a little rain to stop us.on your back adv (position: supine, facing up)仰卧地;平躺着地;面朝上地Lie on your back and look at the clouds drifting overhead.on your back foot adv figurative (on the defensive)处于守势;防守一方on your belly adv (position: prone, facing down)俯卧地;面朝下地Lie down on your belly if you want me to give you a back massage.on your feet adv (position: standing)立着;站着Waitresses are on their feet all day.on your hands expr figurative (in your care)由你负责on your knees adv (position: kneeling)跪下;跪着Many religions require you to be on your knees to pray.on your knees adv figurative (in great need) (比喻)乞求地,请求地After 20 years of war the country is on its knees.on your mark, on your marks, take your mark, take your marks interj (sport: take up starting position) (体育比赛)各就各位On your marks; get set; go!on your mind expr (in thoughts)想,思考; (文学)萦绕在心间,在脑海中回荡This matter has been very much on my mind lately.on your mind expr (be a concern)担心Heather's health has been on my mind a lot recently.What's on your mind? interj (what are you thinking?)你在想什么?on your own, all on your own expr (without company)独自地, 单独地When you live on your own, you can eat dinner whenever it suits you.on your own, all on your own expr (without help)自己动手;靠自己的力量做某事;依靠自己做某事The teacher told her class, "I'll show you how to solve the first equation, then you can try the next one on your own."on your own time expr (not during work or school hours)在自己独处时间on [sb]'s radar adj figurative, informal (noticed, known)注意到He wasn't even on my radar till I saw him in that rom com; now he's my favorite movie star!be on your toes v expr figurative, informal (be alert)保持警觉This is an important meeting, so I need everyone to be on their toes.keep [sb] on his/her toes v expr figurative, informal (keep [sb] alert, ready)让...保持警觉be on your way v expr (be traveling)在路上Tim's on his way, and will be here on your way to [sth] v expr (be traveling to a place)在去往…的路上Rachel is on her way to Oxford to attend a business on your way to doing [sth] v expr (make progress towards [sth])在…的过程中The research team is on its way to completing the first stage of the on your way v expr informal (leave)离开,赶快走"It's late," Mia told Joe; "you'd better be on your way."on-brand adj (consistent with brand identity)与品牌相符的on-brand adj figurative, informal (typical, characteristic: of a person)与身份相称的on-campus adj (accommodation, parking) (住宿、停车)校内的on-demand adj (available when requested)按需的,随需的on-farm adj (taking place on a farm site)田间的备注: hyphen omitted when term is an adj after a nounon-off switch n (electrical or electronic device: control knob) (电源等的)开关The on-off switch on my DVD player has broken. Where is the on-off switch on the stereo?on-point, on point adj US (relevant)适用的;适宜的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.on-point, on point adj informal (perfect, just right)完美的;恰好的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.on-ramp n US, CA (entrance to main road)入口匝道;驶进匝道on-task, on task adj (focused on the job at hand)专注工作的,在工作状态中的备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the noun.With the deadline looming, the manager made sure everyone was on task.on-the-job adj (at work)在工作中的;在职的There is no substitute for on-the-job experience. These new systems will improve on-the-job communications significantly.在工作中的经验是无法取代的。这些新的系统能有效提高在工作中的沟通。on-the-job training n (apprenticeship, learning by doing)在职培训I never took actual programming courses, but I had a lot of on-the-job training.Experience is not required; the company provides on-the-job training.on-the-spot adj (immediate, without preparation)立即的;当场的The shy actress hated on-the-spot interviews.on-trend, on trend adj (fashionable)时尚的;潮流的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the, one-on-one n informal (private talk)一对一谈话;私下谈话备注: American English prefers "one-on-one", while British English has a slight preference for "one-to-one".one-to-one, one-on-one adj (between individuals)一对一的;私下的Can we have a one-to-one chat soon? I had a one-to-one meeting with my manager at to one, one on one adv (on an individual or personal basis)一对一地;私下地You will have the opportunity to speak to an advisor one to one up on [sb], be one-up on [sb] v expr informal (have an advantage over [sb])比...有优势get one up on [sb], get one-up on [sb] v expr informal (obtain an advantage over [sb])获得比...更高的优势online, on-line adv (connected to internet)在线,联网More and more people are starting to shop online.越来越多的人开始在线购物。online, on-line adj (connected to internet)在线的,联网的Sharon downloaded the album so that she wouldn't have to be online to listen to it.莎朗将专辑下载下来,这样不用在线就能收听。online, on-line adj (found on the internet)在线的You can try the online support.你可以试试在线支持。online, on-line adj UK (in operation)运营中的;在线的online banking, on-line banking, e-banking, UK: internet banking n (access to bank via internet)网上银行Online banking certainly makes bill paying much faster and cheaper than before. I don't receive paper statements any more now I've got internet bankingonscreen, on-screen adj (as seen in film or on TV)银幕上的;电影或电视剧里演的那样的onscreen, on-screen adj (displayed on TV or monitor)电视屏幕上的;显示器屏幕上的onscreen, on-screen adv (on a TV or monitor)在电视屏幕上;在显示器屏幕上Miles is a much nicer person than the characters he plays onscreen.onside, on-side, on side adv (supporting a cause)支持地备注: Commonly used with get, keep, haveIf the workers want to go home early to watch the game this afternoon, they'll need to get the boss onside.onto, on to prep (on top of)到…之上;朝…之上Anna climbed a ladder to get onto the roof.安娜爬上梯子到屋顶之上去。onto [sth], on to [sth] prep slang (aware: of [sb]'s plans, etc.)察觉到;意识到;对…了解Tom thinks he's being clever, but his mother is onto his little scheme.汤姆自认为自己很聪明,不过母亲已经察觉到了他的小计谋。onto [sb], on to [sb] prep slang (aware of what [sb] is like)识破某人Everyone else is charmed by that smooth talker, but I'm onto him!其他所有人都被那个油嘴滑舌的家伙给迷惑了,不过我识破了他的花言巧语。operate on [sb/sth] vi + prep (do surgery on) (医疗)给...做手术,动手术The surgeon is operating on Mrs. Willis for her gallstones.The vet is operating on Julie's dog tomorrow.外科医生正在为威利斯夫人做胆结石手术。朱莉的狗明天就要动手术了。operate on [sth] vi + prep (treat with surgery)在…上做手术;对…进行手术;给...做手术I'm glad Dr. Jones is operating on my hip; he's a very capable surgeon.我很高兴是琼斯医生给我的胯部做手术;他是一位能力非常强的医生。be out on the town v expr (enjoy a city's hotspots)去城里闲逛go out on the town v expr (enjoy a city's hotspots)去城里游玩overdose on [sth] vi + prep (drug: take fatal amount of)服某种药过量致死Some of the greatest musicians of the last century overdosed on drugs.overdose on [sth] vi + prep (drug: take harmful amount of)服某种药过量Matt's friends called an ambulance when he overdosed on painkillers.overdose on [sth] vi + prep figurative, informal (have too much)过度沉溺于;过度享用I've overdosed on chocolate today; two helpings of chocolate cake at the party, then chocolate ice cream this evening.on your own initiative expr (individual decision)个人决定;主动on your own initiative expr (without orders of others)主动paralyzed on one side, also UK: paralysed on one side adj (hemiplegic)偏瘫Ever since my uncle had his stroke, he's been paralyzed on one side.parlay [sth] on [sth] vtr US (stake on a new bet)将...下注在;将...赌在The gambler parlayed his winnings on the next race and won even bigger.pass on [sth] vi + prep (be unable to answer)跳过;略过The quiz contestant passed on two questions.那位比赛选手跳过了两个问题。pass on [sth] vi + prep US (fail to make payment) (付款等)漏掉,忘记Unfortunately, you have passed on the last five payments and are heavily in debt.不幸的是,你漏付了过去五次还款,现已负债累累。pass on the torch v expr figurative (transfer responsibility)薪火相传I've been secretary of this club for too long: it's time to pass on the torch to someone else.pat on the back n informal, figurative (congratulations)祝贺;庆贺His year-end bonus was a pat on the back for his hard work that year.pat [sb] on the back v expr figurative, informal (congratulate)恭喜..., 祝贺...pat yourself on the back v expr figurative, informal (congratulate yourself)自我表扬You can all pat yourselves on the back. Well done, team!Pat yourself on the back. interj figurative, informal (well done)赞扬自己;自我表扬Congratulations on a job well done. Pat yourself on the back.pat on the head n (gentle touch)在头上的轻轻一拍There is nothing the dog likes better than a pat on the head.pat [sb/sth] on the head v expr (touch gently on head)轻轻地拍…的头Rob patted his son on the head.pattern [sth] on [sth], pattern [sth] after [sth], pattern [sth] upon [sth] vtr (model, base: on [sth])模仿;仿造;仿制This design is patterned after the latest Paris fashions.该设计模仿的是巴黎最新时装款式。pawn [sth] off on [sb] v expr nonstandard (get rid of [sth] by giving it to [sb])把不要的...送给备注: See "palm off"pay a call on [sb], pay [sb] a call v expr (visit)拜访The doctor will pay you a call tomorrow.Pay On Delivery n (payment on receipt of goods)货到付款Customers who choose Pay on Delivery can pay in cash or by credit card when the goods arrive.peg [sth] (on [sth]) vtr (hang: to dry, etc.)把…用衣夹晾起来Felicity is pegging the washing on the line.费雷西提正把洗干净的衣物用衣夹子晾起来。pennies on the dollar, pennies on the pound expr US (cheaper than original cost)廉价出售;大幅降价perpetrate [sth] on [sb] vtr + prep formal (do [sth] to [sb])对…做;犯罪The victims were awarded compensation for the violence that had been perpetrated on them.picked on adj informal (bullied, victimized) (非正式用语)被找茬的piggyback [sth] on [sth], piggyback [sth] onto [sth] vtr + prep US, figurative, informal (carry, attach to [sth] else)添加某物到…上They're going to piggyback this clause onto the amendment.piggyback on [sth] vi + prep US, informal (be carried, attached to [sth] else)利用;借助;沾…光If I can piggyback on your idea, I'd like to add something.pile [sth] on, pile on [sth] vtr + prep (heap)堆积...;往...上堆Robert piled some more coal on the fire.pile on the [sth] vtr + prep figurative, informal (guilt, pressure: inflict)增加负担;加重压力;加重负罪感My grandmother really knows how to pile on the guilt; if I don't go to see her for a few days, she makes me feel terrible.pile on the [sth] vtr + prep figurative, informal (work, etc.: impose)增加...工作量The boss has really been piling on the work lately; I'm struggling to keep up with it.pile [sth] on [sb] vtr + prep figurative, informal (work, etc.: impose on)给某人增加某事的工作量Our maths teacher is piling the homework on us this term; I'm struggling to keep up.pile-on n figurative, informal (concerted attack, criticism)一致的攻击;一致的议论;一致的批评pile on the pounds v expr informal (gain a lot of weight)长胖了许多pin [sth] on [sb] vtr + prep figurative, informal (blame)因为…怪罪…,把…推给…; (书面语)把…归咎于…I didn't break the glass; don't try to pin that on [sth] on vtr + adv (attach by pin)把…钉在Frank pinned the carnation on the lapel of his your hopes on [sth] v expr (rely on [sth])寄希望于pivot on [sth] vi + prep (rotate around)以…为支点转圈Too angry to speak, she pivoted on her heel and walked away.pivot on [sth/sb] vi + prep figurative (have as its determining factor)以…为中心;以…为重心The outcome of this project pivots on a few essential a value on [sth] v expr (estimate monetary worth of)给…估价We asked an estate agent to place a value on our a value on [sth] v expr (estimate the worth of)为…定价You cannot place a value on good health.plaster [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep figurative, informal (spread: [sth] all over [sth])将…涂抹于;在…上涂抹Dawn plastered makeup on her face.道恩在自己脸上涂抹了许些化妆品。play on words n (pun)玩文字游戏It wasn't serious, just a play on tricks on [sb] v expr informal (deceive)欺骗;捉弄plop [sth] on [sth] vtr informal (drop, place carelessly)把…随意扔在Don't just plop your clothes on the bed!plot [sth], plot [sth] on [sth] vtr (mark curve on a graph)将...连成曲线Plot the line on the graph.plot [sth], plot [sth] on [sth] vtr (make graph of an equation)用曲线表示;用图表表示Plot the solution on the graph.plunk [sth] on [sth], plunk [sth] onto [sth] (US), plonk [sth] on [sth], plonk [sth] onto [sth] (UK) vtr + prep informal (put down heavily)重重放下;砰地放下He plonked the shopping on the kitchen table and went upstairs without saying a word.ponder on [sth] vi + prep (think about, reflect on)就…思考;考虑We spent so long pondering on where to have dinner that it was too late to make a reservation.我们花了太长时间考虑到哪里吃晚饭,结果搞得来不及预订。pontificate on [sth], pontificate about [sth] vi + prep (talk pompously about)傲慢地谈到;自以为权威地就…进行训话The lecturer pontificated on the meaning of life.pounce on [sb/sth] vi + prep (jump upon prey, enemy)猛扑向;忽然袭击The fox pounced on the rabbit and carried it off.The officer pounced on the gunman and disarmed him.pounce on [sth] vi + prep figurative (seize opportunity) (比喻,机会等)快速抓住If they offered me a job, I'd pounce on it.pound on [sth] vi + prep (hit hard)重击;猛击Woken by his neighbour's loud music, Leon pounded on the wall in protest.pour [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (liquid: tip over) (液体)把…倾倒在…上I knocked the pitcher over and poured milk on the floor.我把罐子打翻了,牛奶洒了一地。A pox on [sb/sth]! interj dated or humorous (curse [sb/sth])诅咒predicate [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep often passive (base [sth] on [sth])使…基于;使…根据I predicated my arguments on statistical evidence and facts.premise [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (give as a proposition)以…作为…的前提Katherine is premising her forecast on interest rates remaining at their current rate.凯瑟琳作出预测的前提是利率维持当前水准不变。press [sth] upon [sb], press [sth] on [sb] vtr + prep (pressure [sb] to accept [sth])逼迫...接受Julie didn't want to take the money, but her mother pressed it on adj (attaches by pressing)压贴的presume on [sth], presume upon [sth] vi + prep formal (rely) (没有证据)相信,指望I wouldn't presume on his honesty, if I were you; he won't confess unless he has to.prevail on [sb] to do [sth], prevail upon v expr (persuade: [sb] to do [sth])劝说;说服He prevailed on the jury to hear of his innocence, but they labelled him guilty anyway.他劝说陪审团自己是无辜的,但陪审团依旧认定他有罪。prey on [sth], prey upon [sth] vi + prep (animal: hunt as food) (动物)猎捕…为食,捕食Sharks prey on seals.鲨鱼捕食海豹。prey on [sb], prey upon [sb] vi + prep figurative (person: victimize)伤害;折磨;损害Bullies prey on the weak.霸凌者一般都会去伤害弱者。prey on [sth/sb], prey upon [sth/sb] vi + prep figurative (worry, preoccupy)烦扰,折磨,使…痛苦The thought of my upcoming appointment preyed on my mind. The stress of his financial worries was preying upon Carl.即将到来的预约萦绕在我脑海,烦扰着我。对自己财务状况的担忧带来的压力折磨着卡尔。pride yourself on [sth] v expr (be proud)以…为傲;以…自豪She prides herself on her spotlessly clean house.pride yourself on doing [sth] v expr (be conscientious)以做…自豪;以做…为傲I pride myself on staying fit and slim.print on [sth] vi + prep (imprint [sth])在…上拓印;压印在…上面Silk-screen is a method often used to print on fabrics.丝印是一种在织物上拓印常常使用的方法。print [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (imprint [sth] on [sth])将…印在…上,在…上印上…The art student printed the image of an eagle on a t-shirt.那位艺术系学生将鹰的形象印在T恤上。be on probation v expr (law: in release period)在服缓刑The felon will be on probation for one year following on probation v expr (work: be in a trial period)在试用期I am still on probation for another two weeks at work.pronounce on [sth], pronounce upon [sth] vi + prep (make a statement)就...发表意见;表态;宣称;宣告The critics have already pronounced on this book and they didn't like it.批评家们已经就这本书发表了意见——他们并不喜欢这本书。puff on [sth] vi + prep (smoke) (吸烟)一口一口地吐气The young woman was puffing on a cigarette as she hurried along the road.pull [sth], pull [sth] on [sb] vtr US, slang (stunt, trick: play)对…耍花招How could you pull such a mean trick on me?你怎么能对我耍这么阴的花招?pull on [sth] vi + prep (tug at)拉扯;拽The little boy pulled impatiently on his mother's arm.小男孩不耐烦地拽着妈妈的胳膊。pull on [sth] vi + prep (stretch)拉扯;撕拉Please don't pull on that sweater, you will ruin it.请不要拉扯那件毛衣,你会弄坏它的。pull [sth] on [sb] vtr + prep slang (trick, deceive [sb])欺骗某人Jane tried to pull the old "I'm staying at my friend's house" line on her mother, but her mother remembered being a teenager and didn't believe her for a minute.简想说“我住在朋友家”这句老套话来欺骗她妈妈,但她母亲记起自己还是十几岁的时候,一点也不相信她。pull the plug on [sth] v expr informal, figurative (cause abrupt end)终止This project is losing us money; it's time we pulled the plug on it.pull [sb] up on [sth], pull [sb] up for [sth] v expr figurative, informal (reprimand for [sth])因为…训斥;因为…责备Ruth pulled her son up on his bad language.露丝因他的儿子讲了脏话而训斥他。pull-on adj (clothing, shoes: easy to put on) (衣服、鞋)套穿的pull-on n (easily put-on clothing, shoes) (衣服、鞋)套穿衣物put [sth] on [sth], put [sth] onto [sth] vtr + prep (add)给...增加;往...中添加The shopkeeper put an additional shipping charge on the purchase.put [sb], put [sb] on [sth] vtr (assign, attribute)将…安排做;分配...做Let's put John to work on this task.;put a brave face on it, put a brave face on, put on a brave face v expr informal (endure [sth])装出一副若无其事的样子;假装勇敢Let's put on a brave face and get on with it.put a curb on [sth] v expr (restrict [sth])限制put a damper on [sth], also UK: put a dampener on [sth] v expr informal, figurative (spoil [sth])使...蒙上阴影;泼冷水put a gloss on [sth] v expr figurative (make appealing)使..有吸引力;使具有魅力put a lid on [sth] v expr figurative (fix an upper limit)给…设定上限The manager decided to put a lid on pointless spending in the department.put a spell on [sb/sth] vtr (bewitch)蛊惑, 对…施魔法, 施魔咒于The witch put a spell on the man, who then turned into a toad.put a spell on [sb] vtr figurative (charm, enchant)迷惑, 使...着迷, 使...沉迷put a strain on [sth/sb] v expr (subject to stress)使...紧张put an embargo on [sth] v expr (ban trade with)对…实行禁运put [sth] back on v expr (lid, cover: replace) (盖子、罩子等)重新盖上;重新罩上Stir the soup and put the lid back on for thirty minutes.put [sth] back on [sth] v expr (lid, cover: replace) (盖子)盖上Put the lid back on the toothpaste tube so that it doesn't dry out.put it on v expr informal (show pretend behavior)假装;做样子备注: Commonly used in continuous tenses.The footballer fell to the ground clutching his leg, but the referee could see he was putting it on; he wasn't really injured.put on a front v expr (pretend)假装;装点门面Alexander seems very confident, but that's because he knows how to put on a front.Julie likes everyone to think she's rich, so she puts on a front.put on a [adjective] front v expr (pretend to be)强装勇敢Paul tried to put on a brave front when he lost his job, but he must have been very anxious.put [sb] on a pedestal v expr figurative (idolize [sb])把……捧上天;将...视为偶像Fred put Miranda on a pedestal; in his eyes she could do no wrong.put on a show v expr (perform)表演;演戏Young children often like to put on a show for their friends.put on a show v expr (organize a performance)组织演出;组织表演put on a show of [sth], put on a display of [sth] v expr (feign, give impression of)假装...;假扮...;做出...的样子The parents put on a show of unity so as not to worry their children.put on airs v expr (be pretentious)矜持;摆架子Fran's country relatives accused her of putting on airs.put on an act v expr (behave falsely)装出一副模样;装模作样put [sth] on display v expr (show off, exhibit)展览;展出That tight shirt really puts his muscles on display nicely.put [sb] on his/her guard v expr (make wary)使…警惕The way she looks at me puts me on my guard.put [sth] on hold v expr (suspend)延期;暂停Construction of the new shopping center was put on hold during the credit crisis.信贷危机期间,新购物中心停建了。put [sb] on hold v expr (phone: keep waiting) (打电话)使处于待机状态When the customer service department puts you on hold, they play annoying music.客户服务部门让你等待时,他们会播放令人厌烦的音乐。put [sth] on hold v expr (reserve)保留;预留I've asked the library to put the book on hold for me.我请求图书馆帮我预留一下那本书。put [sth] on ice v expr figurative (postpone [sth], stop [sth] temporarily)将…搁置She decided to put the wedding plans on ice after her fiance lost his job.put on makeup, put on make-up v expr (apply cosmetics)化妆While driving is not a good time to put on makeup.put [sth] on paper v expr informal (make official)把…写下来Now we've all agreed on the terms, let's put them on paper.put [sb] on probation v expr often passive (release a criminal conditionally)判某人缓刑put [sb] on probation v expr (employ [sb] for a trial period)试用某人;将某人作为见习人员put [sth] on the agenda v expr (intend to discuss)提上日程;列入议事日程What should we put on the agenda for our meeting this afternoon?put [sth] on the back burner v expr figurative (make a low priority)让...不那么重要;降低...的重要性When he heard the news, everything else was put on the back burner.put [sth] on the line v expr figurative, informal (risk [sth])冒…的风险I'm putting my life on the line by doing this for you.put [sth] on the line for [sb] v expr figurative, informal (risk [sth] for [sb])为了某人冒…的风险He put everything on the line for her: his job, marriage and his reputation.put [sth] on the map v expr figurative (place: make famous)让某地出名put [sth] on the market v expr (offer for sale)在市场上出售They put their house on the market a year ago, but it hasn't sold yet.put [sb] on the spot v expr informal (challenge, embarrass)使…处于难堪地位My teacher put me on the spot with a difficult question.put [sb] on trial v expr (make appear in court)使受到审判Sometimes innocent people are put on trial for murder.put pressure on [sth] vtr (apply force to)向…施加压力Put pressure on the cut to stop the bleeding.put pressure on [sb/sth] vtr figurative (compel, coerce)对...施加压力, 强迫, 迫使, 逼迫The mayor put pressure on the police to drop the case.put the blame on [sb/sth] v expr (name as culprit)责怪;归罪于;归咎于put the finishing touches on, put the finishing touches to v expr (complete: [sth])对…进行收尾;做…最后的工作;画龙点睛I just need to put the finishing touches on my painting.put the kettle on v expr (boil water for tea, etc.)把水壶开启;开始烧水Put the kettle on; I'll be home in five minutes.put the screws on [sb], US also: put the screws to [sb] v expr figurative, informal (force, coerce [sb])威逼;胁迫put topspin on [sth] v expr (ball sports) (球类运动)打出上旋球put your clothes on v expr (get dressed)穿上衣服;把你的衣服穿上What are you kids doing in that bed? Put your clothes on!put your finger on [sth], lay your finger on [sth] v expr figurative, informal (identify, determine)确定,认定,确切地指出;说清楚,搞清楚I've just put my finger on why I find it so hard getting up in the morning: I hate my job!put your finger on [sth] v expr (touch or press)将手指放在…上, 用手指按If you put your finger on the dog's nose it may bite you.put your hands on [sth] v expr informal (obtain)获得, 得到Keep a flashlight where you can put your hands on it in case of an emergency.put your thinking cap on v expr figurative (think hard or creatively)好好想想;仔细思考We need to put our thinking caps on to solve this problem.put-on n US, informal (trick, hoax)骗局;花招put-on adj US, informal (pretended, fake)假装的;伪装的;装出来的be on the qt, be on the q.t. v expr UK, informal (be a secret)是秘密Right now, it's on the q.t., so only a few people know about [sth] on the qt, do [sth] on the q.t. v expr UK, informal (do secretly)秘密做...queue (UK), wait in line (US), wait on line (US, regional) vi UK (wait in a line of people, vehicles)排队People were queuing outside the shop at 5 am on the day of the sale.打折日的早上5点,人们就在店外排队了。on the qui vive expr (on the alert)警戒;警觉quick on the draw adj (quick to draw firearm)拔枪很快的Cowboys had to be quick on the draw when they were fighting duels.牛仔们决斗时,拔枪的速度必须要快。quick on the draw, quick on the trigger, quick off the mark adj figurative, informal (quick to act or react)抢先行动;占取先机quick on the uptake adj figurative, informal (person: understands quickly)能很快理解;理解能力强Isabel is a very bright student who is quick on the uptake.quiz [sb] on [sth], quiz [sb] about [sth] vtr + prep US (students: test on a subject)对…进行…方面的测试The teacher quizzed her students on the Civil War.老师对学生们进行了内战知识方面的测试。rag on [sb] vi + prep US, informal (tease, torment)戏弄,揶揄rag on [sb] about [sth] v expr US, informal (tease about [sth])在…上戏弄,在…方面揶揄on the rampage expr (behaving destructively)狂暴,横冲直撞;暴跳如雷When the protests began to turn violent, the shopkeepers boarded up their shops to protect them from rioters on the rampage."Ready, set, go!" (US), "Ready, steady, go!" (UK), "On your marks, get set, go!" interj (start of race)各就各位;预备;跑!Runners: Ready, set, go!on the rebound expr figurative (recovering from love affair)失恋后的失意期;失恋后心灰意冷Paul started seeing Wendy right after he split up with Rachel; he was still on the rebound.reflect on [sth], reflect upon [sth] vi + prep (think about, consider)考虑;深思熟虑Please reflect on your actions.请好好考虑一下你的行为。reflect on [sb/sth] vi + prep figurative (affect reputation)招来非议;给...丢脸Your performance reflects badly on you.你的表现为你招来非议。refocus on [sth] vi + prep (regain clear view of [sth])重新看清...Steve rubbed his eyes and tried to refocus on the words, but they still danced before his eyes.refocus on [sth] vi + prep (regain concentration on [sth])重新专注于...After her holiday, Maria found it hard to refocus on work.reimpose [sth] on [sb] vtr + prep (apply forcefully again)把...再强加于 on [sth] n (dependence on [sth])依赖某事Our reliance on cheap oil may be a bad idea in the long run.从长远来看,我们对廉价油的依赖不是个好主意。reliance on drugs n (chemical dependency, addiction)依赖药物;药物依赖reliant on [sth/sb] adj + prep (person: dependent on [sth], [sb])依靠She is severely disabled and is reliant on her mother for everything.reliant on [sth/sb] doing [sth] expr (situation: depending) (局势)依靠, 有赖于Our success is reliant on everyone doing their job.relieve the pressure on [sb] v expr (unburden)卸去…身上的压力The company is hiring extra workers to relieve the pressure on their existing staff.relieve the pressure on v expr (decongest) (交通)减轻…压力,缓解…拥堵The expansion of the rail network will relieve the pressure on the roads.remark on [sth], remark upon [sth] vi + prep (comment upon)就…发表评论Lisa's teacher remarked on her rapid progress in maths.丽莎的老师就丽莎在数学上的飞速进步发表了评论。usage: ‘remark’If you remark on something, or make a remark about it, you say what you think or what you have noticed, often in a casual way.Visitors remark on how well the children look.Martin made a rude remark about her t-shirt.renege on [sth] vi + prep formal (fail to keep promise)食言;违约;背信My dad reneged on his promise to take me camping this weekend.repeat on [sb] vi + prep informal, UK (cause to belch) (食物等)留有味道That curry I had for dinner keeps repeating on me!report on [sth/sb] vi + prep (give critical account of)就…进行报道We will report on this in more detail in our next issue.我们将会在下一期中就此进行更详细的报道。rest on your laurels, rest on your oars v expr figurative (be complacent)满足于现有成绩;自我满足Your mark of 80% was very good, but the next test's harder so don't rest on your laurels.return (on [sth]) n (earnings, profit) (经济)回报;利润;收益These investments offer a considerable rate of return.return on investment n (profit)投资回报率;投资收益率This is the best way to maximize your return on investment.ride on [sth] vi + prep (be carried)骑在…上His son likes to ride on his shoulders.他儿子喜欢骑到他肩膀上。ride on [sth] vi + prep (be mounted on: horse, bicycle, etc.)骑在…上I will ride on the camel's back.right-click on [sth] vi + prep (press right mouse button)右键单击right on interj slang, dated (expressing approval or appreciation) (俚语,过时用语)好极了,对极了,行啊You're learning Spanish? Right on, man!right on, right-on adj slang, dated (commendable) (俚语,过时用语)好极了的, 对极了的right on cue, on cue adv (at just the right moment)就在这个时候;恰好这个时候rock on interj slang (expressing approval) (俚语)太棒了!太了不起了!“I'm going to get a new tattoo!” she exclaimed. "Rock on!" I replied.roll on interj informal (impatience, longing) (非正式用语)但愿…快些来!希望…快点来临!备注: A hyphen is used when the term is or modifies a nounIt's been a terrible week at work. Roll on Friday evening!roll-on n (product applied with a roller ball) (产品使用方式)滚珠式,滚珠涂抹式This pain-relief gel is available as a roll-on.roll-on adj (applied with a roller ball)滚珠的;滚珠式的I prefer roll-on deodorants to sprays.roll-on/roll-off adj (ship: transporting vehicles)滚装的Roll-on/roll-off ferries operate out of the port.round on [sb] vtr phasal insep (verbally assault)骂,叱骂;叱责,责骂rub [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (spread on surface)把…抹在…上,把…擦在…上Jack rubbed some suntan lotion on his arms.杰克把防晒油抹在手臂上。rub on [sth] vi + prep (shoes etc: hurt) (鞋等)磨, 蹭Helen's shoes were too tight and they rubbed on her feet.海伦的鞋子太紧了,会磨脚。ruminate on [sth] vi + prep figurative (person: think about)认真思考;沉思The manager ruminated on how to fire people an errand, go on an errand v expr (task outside home)办个差事I won't be at home tomorrow morning, as I have to run a few low on [sth] v expr informal (have little left of [sth])快没有...了;...所剩不多了;...越来越少了I hope we find a gas station soon, as this car is running low on on [sth] vi + prep (use for fuel)以…为燃料This truck runs on diesel.这辆卡车使用柴油。run short of [sth], run short on [sth] v expr (have few left)…短缺,…快用完了run-on sentence n (grammatical clauses joined incorrectly)流水句,缺乏连接词或标点符号的长句This is an example of a run-on sentence because it contains several thoughts and besides it has too many words.on the sauce expr figurative, slang (drinking alcohol)烈酒Martin's been on the sauce again.scatter [sth] across [sth], scatter [sth] over [sth], scatter [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (sprinkle, strew)将…撒在;将…撒落在…I scattered a few rose petals across her pillow while she was in the bathroom.她在浴室的时候,我在她的枕头上撒了一些玫瑰花瓣。screw [sth] back on v expr (twist back into place)拧回;重新拧上Don't forget to screw the top of the toothpaste tube back on.screw [sth] back on [sth], screw [sth] back onto [sth] v expr (twist back into place)把...拧回...上If you don't screw the top back on the bottle, the ketchup will congeal.screw on vi + adv (fasten by twisting)拧紧;拧上This attachment screws on to the machine.screw [sth] on, screw on [sth] vtr + adv (twist into place)将…拧上;将…拧紧scribble on [sth], scribble in [sth] vi + prep (make marks, doodle)在…上乱画;在…上乱写I scribbled on my notebook while listening to the lecture.我一边听讲,一边在笔记本上乱画。second thought, on second thought (US), second thoughts, on second thoughts (UK) interj informal (change of mind)重新考虑I need to speak to the kids about this; on second thoughts, perhaps I'll wait until my husband gets home.send [sth] on, send on [sth] vtr + prep (forward)转交某物I will send on this letter to the former tenant.Sermon on the Mount n (open-air speech given by Jesus) (耶稣在山上做的布道)山上宝训You'll find the Beatitudes in Matthew's account of the Sermon on the Mount.set [sb/sth] to [sth], set [sb/sth] on [sth] v expr (apply, start)让…开始…;让…着手…The boss set his employees to work on the project.老板让下属开始进行该项目。set on doing [sth] adj + prep (determined to do)坚定;坚决Marcus is set on getting into Oxford.马库斯坚决要去牛津念书。set eyes on [sth/sb] v expr figurative (see [sth/sb])看见;见到set [sth] on fire v expr (set light to)点燃;放火烧To cover up the murder, the killer set his victim's house on fire.set [sth] on fire v expr figurative, slang (excite)使激动;使情绪高涨That catchy new song has set the whole country on fire.set the world on fire v expr figurative (do spectacular things)一鸣惊人;轰动全世界set your heart on [sth], have your heart set on [sth] v expr (desire greatly, long for)渴望,热望She had set her heart on a trip to Japan.The little boy had his heart set on getting a puppy for Christmas.set your sights on v expr figurative (aim or intend to do [sth])以…为目标;决心做到I've set my sights on a new flat panel TV for my birthday this year.set [sb]'s teeth on edge v expr figurative (cause discomfort)让...感到不舒服; (比喻不适)让...牙根发酸settle on [sth] vtr + prep (price: agree) (谈判、谈价钱)决定, 确定We settled on a price after a few days of negotiation.几天的谈判以后,我们确定了价格。settle on [sth] vtr + prep (date: fix) (日期)确定;决定We settled on March 27 for the wedding date.我们最终把婚礼日期定在了3月27号。sew [sth] on [sth] vtr + adv (attach by stitching)把…缝在…上Will you sew a button on my shirt?你能把纽扣缝在我的衬衫上吗?shake hands on [sth] v expr (deal: agree)就…达成一致The two men shook hands on the deal.shame on you interj (expressing disapproval)你真丢人;鄙视你Shame on you! - you tracked mud all over my nice clean floor.shed [sth] on [sth] vtr (light: cast on) (光)把…照在…上The sun shed its rays on the small courtyard.阳光照在这个小小庭院上。shed light on [sth], throw light on [sth] v expr figurative (clarify, explain)揭示;使...变清楚The research project sheds light on how dolphins communicate with each other.shine [sth] on [sth/sb], shine [sth] at [sth/sb] vtr (direct light)把光照向,使照亮Shine the light on the corner.用手电照着那个角落。shine a light on [sth] v expr figurative (make something clearer)使...更清楚;使...更明白The research shines a light on the way these animals short on [sth] v expr informal (short of: not enough)不足的;短缺的We're short on printer ink.我们的打印机油墨快用完了。short on [sth] adj + prep pejorative, informal (lacking)缺少…,缺乏…,欠缺…The new leader of the party is short on charm; he'll never win over the voters.党的新晋领导人缺乏魅力,他肯定不会赢得选民的支持的。a shoulder to cry on n figurative (sympathetic person)困难时的依靠sic [sth] on [sb], sick [sth] on [sb] v expr (urge dog to attack [sb]) (狗)命令…攻击If you don't get off my property I'm going to sic the dogs on you.sic [sth/sb] on [sb], sick [sth/sb] on [sb] v expr figurative (urge [sb] to pursue [sb])鼓动…纠缠, 派…攻击on a silver platter expr figurative (without any effort)轻而易举,不费吹灰之力备注: Often used in negative constructions.Success doesn't come on a silver platter.sit on [sth] vi + prep (seat yourself on)坐在…上The walkers sat on a fallen tree to rest their legs.步行者们坐在一棵倒下的树上休息。sit on the fence v expr figurative (be undecided)保持中立sit on your hands v expr figurative (be passive, not do anything)袖手旁观,置之不理,坐视不管skimp on [sth] vi + prep (be frugal, stingy with)在…方面节俭Many old people skimp on food in order to enable them to pay the bills.skimp on [sth] vi + prep (use poor resources)节省;吝啬Darcy really skimped on the party supplies; she used flimsy paper plates and the wine glasses are plastic!the skinny, the skinny on [sth] n slang (gossip, latest news)...的内幕, ...的小道消息What's the skinny on that job interview you had?你之前的那次工作面试有什么最新消息没?slap [sth] on [sth], slap [sth] against [sth] vtr + prep (bring down sharply)啪地将…重放在…上;啪地将…摔到…The teacher slapped the book against the desk to get the class's attention.slap [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (apply haphazardly) (随意地)涂,涂抹Larry slapped the paint on the wall.slap on the wrist n figurative (mild reprimand)轻微的惩罚Two years in prison was no more than a slap on the wrist for that revolting murderer.Philip needn't have worried about the sentence, as he was only given a slap on the wrist.slather [sth] on/onto [sth/sb], slather [sth] on/onto [sth/sb] vtr + prep (apply thickly)在…厚厚地涂上I always slather aloe vera on bad sunburns.sleep on [sth] vi + prep (lie on to sleep)在…上睡觉;睡在…上面His back hurts because he sleeps on a concrete floor.由于睡在水泥地上面,他的背很难受。sleep on it v expr figurative (not decide until next morning)把…留待第二天再来解决Don't give me an answer now; sleep on it and tell me tomorrow.slip on [sth] vi + prep (fall after sliding on)滑倒在…上She slipped on the icy pavement and broke her hip.她滑倒在结冰的人行道上,摔坏了股骨。slip-on adj (shoe, clothing: no fasteners) (鞋、衣服)不系带子的slip-on n (shoe without fasteners)无带便鞋slow on the uptake adj figurative, informal (person: slow to understand)理解速度慢;掌握速度慢A couple of the new students are a bit slow on the uptake.slump on [sth] vi + prep (sit in ungainly way)弓腰驼背地坐在My boyfriend likes to slump on the sofa watching TV all evening.我男朋友喜欢弓腰驼背地坐在沙发上,整晚上看电视。smear [sth] on [sth], smear [sth] onto [sth], smear [sth] over [sth] vtr + prep (apply, layer on [sth])将…涂抹在…上My grandmother used to smear goose fat on my father's chest when he had a cough.我爸爸咳嗽的时候,祖母会将鹅脂涂抹在他的胸脯上。smile on [sb/sth], smile upon [sb/sth] vi + prep (bless with good fortune) (幸运之神)向…微笑,给…好运God smiled upon us and gave us a good crop this year.今年,上帝向我们微笑,给了我们一个好收成。snack on [sth] vi + prep (eat between meals)吃…点心Maggie snacks on chocolate bars when she's bored.玛姬无聊的时候总喜欢吃巧克力点心。snag [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (clothing: catch or tear on [sth]) (衣物等)在…上钩破了Alan snagged his trousers on a bramble as he walked along the forest path.阿兰在森林里散步的时候,不小心在荆棘上钩破了自己的裤子。snap-on adj (lid, tool, etc.: snaps into place)卡入的,卡入式sneak on vi + prep UK, informal, dated (tell tales on [sb])打…的小报告;告发When the teacher asked Edward to stay after class, he knew somebody must have sneaked on him.sneak up on [sb/sth] v expr (approach stealthily)偷偷地接近sneak up on [sb] v expr figurative (arrive unexpectedly)不期而至The deadline for the paper will sneak up on students who haven't read the syllabus.sneak up on [sb] v expr figurative (be unexpectedly successful)出其不意地That movie sneaked up on everyone; no one expected it to be so popular.snitch on [sb] vi + prep slang (inform on [sb])打…的小报告Pete snitched on his classmates when he saw them steal candy.soft on [sb], soft with [sb] adj + prep (not strict)对…温和;对…温柔The kids like her because she is soft with them.因为她对孩子们很温柔,所以孩子们也都喜欢她。soft on [sb] adj + prep informal, dated (fond of, attracted to) (指人)对...有感觉的;对...有好感的I think my brother's a little soft on you.我觉得我哥哥对你有些好感。something to chew on n informal, figurative ([sth] to consider)值得深思的事情;可玩味的事情The annual report gave the analysts something to chew on.speculate on [sth] vi + prep (consider, think about)思考;考虑The government is currently speculating on the policy changes that need to be made.spend money on [sth] v expr (use money to buy)在...上花钱,为...花钱;花钱给...,花钱买...spit on [sth/sb] vi + prep figurative (feel contempt for)唾弃I spit on your stupid class system.splurge on [sth] vi + prep (spend money lavishly on)在…上挥霍Rebecca splurged on new boots.sponge [sth] on, sponge on [sth] vtr + adv (apply with a sponge)用海绵擦spot on, spot-on adj UK, informal (precise, exactly right) (非正式用语)准确的,十分对的备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a nounThat insight was spot on: you pinpointed the problem exactly.那见解十分准确,你一针见血地指出了问题所在。spot on interj UK, informal (that's just right)完全正确;确实是spray [sth] on [sth/sb], spray [sth] onto [sth/sb] vtr (apply a fine mist to)将…喷洒在…上Helen sprayed the cleaning product on the windows.海伦将清洁剂喷在窗户上。spray-on adj (substance: applied by spraying)喷雾式的,喷涂式的spray-on n (product applied by spraying)喷涂产品,喷剂When it comes to deodorants, some people prefer spray-ons and others prefer roll-ons.spread [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (layer, smear)涂;抹He spread butter on the toast.他把黄油涂抹在面包上。spring [sth], spring [sth] on [sb] vtr (disclose)忽然向...宣布;突然向...公布She sprang the news on us.sprinkle [sth] on [sth], sprinkle [sth] onto [sth] vtr + prep (grain, powder: scatter) (粉状物等)将…撒在…上Oliver sprinkled sugar on his breakfast cereal.奥利弗将糖撒在早餐的麦片粥上。sprinkle [sth] on [sth], sprinkle [sth] onto [sth] vtr + prep (liquid: apply in small drops) (液体)将…喷洒在…上Nancy sprinkled water onto the shirt before ironing it.南希在熨衬衫前,先将水喷洒在上面。sprinkle sugar on [sth] v expr (put powdered sugar onto)在…上撒点糖;洒点糖在…上spy on [sb/sth] vi + prep (observe secretly)窥探;窥视The nosy neighbor loved to spy on the couple next door.那个好管闲事的邻居喜欢窥探隔壁那对夫妻的生活。spy on [sb/sth] vi + prep (carry out espionage on)刺探;对...从事间谍活动Mata Hari was tried and executed for spying on the French.马塔·哈里因为刺探法军情报而受到审判并被处决。squander [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (money: waste on [sth]) (金钱等)大手大脚地花费, 浪费, 挥霍He squandered his entire inheritance on gambling.他在赌博上挥霍完了继承来的所有财产。stack [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (pile up)将...叠加在;将...在...上堆成堆;将...迭加在...上Alison stacked the books on the table.艾莉森将书在桌子上堆成堆。stake [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (risk [sth] on [sth])拿...打赌;用...冒险Helen staked her life savings on her new business venture.The politician has staked his reputation on the outcome of his latest policy.海伦把毕生积蓄都投入了新公司。这位政客是用自己的声誉赌他最新的政策。stamp [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep figurative (impress upon)将…印刻在The events of that summer were forever stamped on Liam's memory.stamp on [sth] vi + prep (affix label onto [sth]) (印花税票等)把...贴在…上;贴于This machine stamps on the labels so that each bottle is clearly marked.stand on [sth] vi + prep (tread upon)踩在…上面;踏在…上Don't stand on that chair; you'll fall.别踩在那把椅子上面,你会跌跤的。stand on ceremony v expr figurative (behave formally)拘泥于礼节,讲究礼节stand on end vi + adv (hair: bristle with shock, fear, etc.)令人害怕;让人惊悚The boy's hair stood on end at the sight of the ghostly figure.stand [sth] on end, stand [sth] on its end vtr + adv (place an object on its shortest side)竖立;竖起来The child stood the thin wooden blocks on end to represent people.stand on your own two feet v expr (be independent)独立;自主stay on course v expr (keep going in the right direction)保持正确航向;保持正确方向stay on course v expr figurative (not go awry)避免出错;保持既定方向Steady!, Steady on! interj mainly UK (calm down)冷静点!;冷静!Steady! There's no need to get aggressive.冷静点!没必要这么咄咄逼人。Step on it! interj informal (hurry up)赶快!Driver, go to the hospital, and step on it!step on the gas interj informal (accelerate, drive faster)踩油门;加快速度;赶快Step on the gas or we'll be late for church.stick [sth] on [sth/sb], stick [sth] onto [sth/sb] vtr + prep informal (attach)粘住;粘贴Let me stick this notice on the board.让我把这个通知贴在布告板上。stick [sth] on vtr + adv (affix, glue)粘在...上;黏在...上stick [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (affix to [sth], glue to [sth])将...粘在...上;将...黏在...上stick-on adj informal (self-adhesive)自粘贴的;粘胶的stock up on [sth] v expr (buy a lot of)存储;备货stomp on [sth/sb] vi + prep (trample on)重踩;重踏;踩踏Some shoppers got stomped on in the rush to get into the store.人潮汹涌冲进商场,有些顾客被踩了。straight on adv (directly ahead)笔直向前地Just go straight on - the church is on the left.strap [sth] on, strap on [sth] vtr + adv (attach using a strap)拴住;捆扎The driver strapped my suitcase on before we set off.Let's strap on our packs and hike the trail.strap-on adj (attachable by a strap)可捆绑的strap-on n (sex toy: dildo attached by a strap) (性玩具)假阳具stroll on over v expr informal (approach in a casual way)溜达到旁边;溜达上前I was minding my own business at a party, when this sleazy guy strolled on over and started chatting me up.stuck on [sb] adj slang, figurative (infatuated with [sb])迷恋某人;为某人神魂颠倒The girl was stuck on the blond guy.stuck on [sth] expr (problem, etc.: unable to overcome)困于;囿于;难以解决stumble on [sth] vi + prep (trip on [sth])犯错;失足Roberta stumbled on a tree branch that was hidden in the long grass.subsist on [sth] vi + prep (survive on minimal money) (如微薄薪水)靠…维持生活It's difficult to subsist on such a low salary.subsist on [sth] vi + prep (survive on minimal food)依靠…维持生计In prehistoric times, people subsisted on what they gathered and hunted.superimpose [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (overlay on [sth])在…上叠加The artist superimposed an image of a dinosaur on the photo of the city.superpose [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (put over the top of [sth])把…放在...的上面superpose [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep (geometry: align with [sth])叠加, 重叠survive on [sth] vi + prep (stay alive with only)靠...活下来I can survive on four hours' sleep a night if I have to.swage [sth] on [sth], swage [sth] into [sth] vtr + prep (join together with a swage)用模锻法将金属连在一起be sweet on [sb] v expr informal (be romantically interested in [sb])爱上switched-on adj UK, figurative, informal (person: informed, aware)消息灵通的;对...敏感的swoop, swoop on, swoop down, swoop down on vi (bird: fly down on prey) (鸟:以捕食)俯冲The eagle swooped down on the rabbit.老鹰向下俯冲,捕捉兔子。swoop, swoop in, swoop in on, swoop down, swoop down on vi (attacker, etc: move in)忽然搜查;突然袭击;忽然来到The Apaches swooped in on the camp while we were sleeping.正当我们熟睡时,阿帕奇人闯进了营地。tack [sth] on, tack on [sth] vtr + adv (attach by pinning)用别针别在Jane took some old notices off the board to make space, before tacking on her poster.tag [sth] on vtr + adv (attach, append to [sth])将…添加到;把...贴上your take on [sth] n (opinion, view)观点;想法What's your take on the issue?你对于此事的观点是什么?a take on [sth], [sb]'s take on [sth] n mainly US (version, interpretation)对…的讲述,对…的诠释;某人对…的讲述,某人对…的诠释This movie is the director's take on the classic love story.这部影片是导演对经典爱情故事的诠释。take a hard line on [sth], take the hard line on [sth] v expr (be staunch about [sth])在…方面走强硬路线;在...问题上不妥协take [sth] on the chin v expr figurative, informal (accept [sth] without complaint)坦然承受;欣然接受The deposed champion took his defeat on the chin.Anne's performance received a lot of criticism, but she took it on the chin.take it on the lam v expr informal (escape)逃走;出逃When they realized that the police were looking for them, they took it on the lam.take [sth] on board v expr figurative (be receptive)认真考虑, 接受She wasn't prepared to take my ideas on board.take [sth] on trust v expr (believe [sth] without needing to check it)基于信任接受;相信Peter took it on trust that Rick was telling the truth.take [sth] out on [sb/sth] v expr informal (inflict bad mood on [sb])对…出气;拿…当出气筒Don't take your anger out on your sister; she had nothing to do with it.take it out on [sb/sth] v expr informal (inflict bad mood on [sb])拿…出气Don't take it out on me just because you've had a bad day.take pity on [sb] v expr (show compassion, mercy to)同情The police took pity on the young girl and gave her a lift home.take the bench, serve on the bench, sit on the bench v expr (judge, magistrate: serve in court)担任法官;担任裁定人take the lead on [sth] v expr (take the initiative on)首先...;带头...take [sb] up on [sth] v expr (accept offer of)接受你关于…的提议You'll do the work for just £20? Great - I'll take you up on that offer!只要20英镑,你就愿意做这份工作?太好了,我接受你的提议!take vengeance on [sb], have vengeance on [sb] v expr (be avenged)报复Mark took vengeance on his old girlfriend by putting embarrassing pictures online.tape [sth] on [sth], tape [sth] onto [sth] vtr + prep (attach with sticky tape)用胶带粘紧I need you to tape the poster on the wall.tape [sth] on vtr + prep (attach with sticky tape)用胶带把...粘紧tattle on [sb] vi + prep US, informal, infantile (report [sb]'s misdeed)告密;打小报告test [sb], test [sb] on [sth] vtr (check knowledge)对…进行…方面的测试;考查…对于…方面的知识The teacher tested the students on what they had learnt that term.老师对学生们进行了当期所学知识方面的测试。the grass is always greener, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence v expr figurative (things seem better from afar)这山望着那山高The lights are on but nobody's home, The lights are on but there's nobody home expr figurative, informal ([sb] is unintelligent)愚蠢;没脑子;脑袋空空My brother can be incredibly stupid sometimes; the lights are on but nobody's home.the shoe is on the other foot, the boot is on the other foot expr figurative (circumstances reversed)形势已经转变;形势已经不同了Lily was always scornful of unemployed people; the shoe's on the other foot now that she's lost her job.think on your feet v expr (think quickly in the moment)随机应变thrive on [sth] vi + prep (grow healthily due to [sth])靠…茁壮成长These plants thrive on sunshine.这些植株靠着阳光茁壮成长。thrive on [sth] vi + prep (flourish, prosper)在…下成长;喜欢…,对…乐此不疲Alison has a lot of work on at the moment, but she thrives on stress.艾莉森眼下有许多工作要做,不过她喜欢这样的压力。throw cold water on [sth] v expr figurative (be discouraging)对...泼冷水They threw cold water on her plan.tie [sth] on [sth], tie [sth] onto [sth] vtr + prep (attach)将...系在;将...戴在My grandma used to tie a piece of string on her finger in order to remember something.我祖母以前为了避免忘事,会在手指上系一根细绳。tie [sth] on, tie on [sth] vtr + adv (attach with string, rope)把…系在绳上,把…绑在绳上;系上,绑上James put the luggage on the roof rack and tied it on securely.詹姆士把行李绑在车顶行李架上,用力拉紧。tie-on adj (attaches with strings)绑带式tiptoe, on tiptoe, on tiptoes adv (on tips of your toes)踮着脚地;蹑手蹑脚地She walked tiptoe across the kitchen as not to wake anyone.trample on [sth], trample upon [sth], trample over [sth] vi + prep (tread heavily)用力踩踏Someone has trampled on my flower beds.trample on [sb/sth], trample upon, trample over vi + prep figurative (treat roughly)践踏;伤害The high taxes trample on small business owners.tread on [sth], tread upon [sth] vi + prep (trample, squash)踩在...上;踩踏在...上The great oaf wasn't looking where he was going and he trod on my foot! Tread softly for you tread upon my dreams. (W.B. Yeats)那个白痴完全不看路,还踩了我的脚!“轻些踩,因为你踩着的是我的梦”(威廉·巴勒特·叶芝)tread on [sb]'s toes, step on [sb]'s toes v expr figurative (encroach on [sb]'s territory) (因干预他人)惹恼;得罪The new employee trod on Gloria's toes when he sold some new products to her clients.trespass on [sth] vi + prep (property: enter uninvited)非法侵入;擅自进入If you trespass on his ranch he might shoot you.try-on n UK, informal (attempt to deceive)企图欺骗The man offered to repair the car for a cheap price, but I knew it was a try-on.tug on [sth] vi + prep (pull on [sth])用力拉;使劲拉Tom tugged on the rope and the load began to rise in the air.汤姆用力拉绳子,随即绳子另一端的重物开始在空中上升。turn a blind eye on [sth], turn a blind eye to [sth] v expr figurative (pretend not to see)对…视而不见,对…熟视无睹The corrupt inspector agreed to turn a blind eye to the safety violations.turn on a dime v expr US, informal, figurative (change direction quickly)快速改变方向turn on the light v expr (switch the light on)开灯;打开灯I always turn on the light when I walk into the room.turn the tables on [sb] vtr figurative (take revenge on)转而占…的上风I'd been badmouthing my colleague for months, in the hope of beating her to a promotion, but she turned the tables on me by telling the boss about all the paperwork I hadn't done.turn the tables on [sth/sb] vtr (reverse relative positions of)扭转…的局势turn your back on [sb/sth] vtr (abandon, reject)对…不屑一顾;背叛,抛弃;背叛;抛弃Shame on you for turning your back on your friends after such a small disagreement.turn-on n informal (aphrodisiac)激发性欲之物;春药Many people think of oysters as a turn-on.turn-on n informal ([sth] that arouses interest)引发兴趣的东西Some people find visiting museums and art galleries a turn-on, but it's not really my kind of thing.有的人对博物馆和美术馆非常感兴趣,但我并不怎么喜欢。turned on, be + turned on adj (device: on) (设备等)打开的,开启的,运转的Of course the printer isn't working - it's not turned on, you idiot!turned on, be + turned on adj figurative, slang (sexually excited)性奋的Gerald admitted to being turned on when he saw Marina in her nurse's uniform.turned on adj US, figurative, slang (excited)爱赶时髦的;吸毒后兴奋的;性欲被撩拨起来的The kids were really turned on by the promise of a trip to Disney World.turning on prep (depending on, reliant on)依靠…;依赖…under penalty of, on penalty of expr formal (risking punishment by)被处以…的惩罚;将受到…的惩罚备注: Used in legal documents.We declare under penalty of perjury that these statements are correct.up on [sth] prep slang (aware of, up-to-date on [sth])了解…的最新动态My sister is really up on the latest fashions.up on [sth] prep US, informal (confident about [sth])对...有信心;相信...I'm up on this stock.up on [sth] prep informal (informed about [sth])了解;知道;知情She is up on the news from on demand n (TV or film streaming)视频点播vote on [sth] vi + prep (give your opinion by ballot)就…投票;为…投票wage war on [sb/sth] v expr (launch an attack)向...发动战争;向...宣战wage war on [sth] v expr figurative (attack)发动战争Cameron waged war on Brown's new economic policies.wait on [sb/sth] vi + prep (await)等;等待Rachel was waiting on her brother's arrival.蕾切尔正在等她哥哥来。wait tables, wait on tables v expr US (restaurant job)做侍应生To make extra money, I waited tables in college.walk on [sth] vi + prep (set foot somewhere)踏上;落足Buzz Aldrin was the second man to walk on the moon.巴兹·奥尔德林是第二个登上月球的人。walk on vi + adv (go by without stopping)继续走;接着走She tried to greet him in the street, but he walked on without saying hello.她试图在街上迎接他,不过他连招呼都没打就继续走了。walk on air v expr figurative (be extremely happy)飘飘然;洋洋得意备注: Commonly used in the continuouswalk on by v expr (go past without stopping)路过;走过walk on thin ice, skate on thin ice, be on thin ice v expr figurative (take a risk)如履薄冰备注: Commonly used in the continuousYou're walking on thin ice if you keep insulting Katie.walk out on [sb] v expr figurative (abandon, leave)抛弃某人;遗弃某人;离开某人Her boyfriend walked out on her when he discovered she was pregnant by another man.Julie walked out on her husband when things got tough.她的男朋友发现她怀孕的时候,他就抛弃了她。//当生活变得艰难时,朱莉便离她的丈夫而去。walk-on adj (actor, role: with no spoken lines)跑龙套的Even though he had no dialogue, his walk-on performance was memorable.walk-on n US (non-scholarship student athlete) (无奖学金的)体育录取生walk-on actor n (performer: no spoken lines)跑龙套的演员walk-on part n (acting role with no spoken lines)跑龙套的角色She asked for a walk-on part so that she wouldn't have to memorize lines.war on drugs n figurative (efforts to combat use of illegal drugs)禁毒战争,抗击毒品的行动wave [sb] on, wave on [sb] vtr + adv (signal to move forward)挥手示意…前进,挥手示意…向前移动wean [sb] on [sth] vtr + prep figurative (accustom to [sth])使某人习惯于I was weaned on classic music and literature as a child.;wear your heart on your sleeve v expr (show feelings openly)显露真心;流露真性情weigh on [sb/sth], weigh heavy on [sb/sth] vi + prep figurative (be heavy: on one's mind) (心理、精神)重压在,使…苦恼The problems at work weighed on Jessica's mind.weigh on [sb]'s conscience v expr (cause feelings of guilt)让...良心不安welsh on [sth], welch vi + prep slang, potentially offensive (not pay a debt)欠...不还,赖...账Mick accused Alan of welshing on a debt.welsh on [sth], welch vi + prep slang, potentially offensive (not fulfil an obligation)逃避履行;不予履行John welshed on his promise to lend us the van.whacked out on [sth], whacked on [sth] expr US, slang (high on: a drug) (嗑药后)疯掉了;嗨了Josh was whacked out on cocaine at the time of the accident.What on earth ...? interj informal (expressing incomprehension) (非正式用语)…到底怎么回事?What on earth are you trying to do coming in yelling at me?what on earth pron informal (what)到底是什么You still haven't explained what on earth you're doing here.whip [sth] on vtr + adv (animal: hit to make move) (动物)鞭打使前进Why on earth ...? interj informal (question: why)到底为什么...?why on earth expr informal (why, for what reason)究竟为什么;为何wind on vi + adv (continue for long distance)继续延伸;不断延伸The road wound on for miles.wish on [sth], wish upon [sth] vi + prep (use [sth] as magic charm)向…祈祷Audrey looked up at the night sky and wished upon a star for all her dreams to come true.奥德丽仰望夜空,向着一颗星星祈祷,希望自己的梦想能成真。wish [sth] on [sb/sth], wish [sth] upon [sb/sth] vtr + prep (want [sb] else to have)希望…发生在…身上备注: Often used in negative sentences.Gout is very unpleasant; I wouldn't wish it on anyone.痛风很难受,我不希望它发生在任何人身上。witter, whitter, witter on, whitter on vi UK, informal (talk aimlessly) (英式拼法,非正式用语)没完没了地唠叨,絮絮叨叨work on [sth] vi + prep (assignment, project: do) (项目等)做, 从事, 处理I'll do my History homework tomorrow; I'm working on my French composition at the moment.明天做历史作业,现在我正在写法语作文。wreak [sth] on [sb/sth] vtr literary, used in expressions (inflict) (伤害)造成The hurricane wreaked destruction on several coastal towns.wreak havoc on [sth], wreak havoc with [sth] v expr (make chaotic)对…造成严重破坏Hurricanes wreak havoc on coastal areas. The funeral procession wreaked havoc on local traffic.write on [sth] vi + prep (inscribe [sth] on)在…上写字He broke his leg and we wrote on his cast to wish him a speedy recovery.他摔断了腿,我们在他的石膏上写字,祝他早日康复。yank on [sth] vi + prep (pull strongly on)猛拉Anna yanked on the horse's reins and rode off.You can bet on it! interj informal (that is certain)肯定;毫无疑问Whatever the government does will cost us money -- you can bet on it!zero in on [sth] vtr informal (focus)集中火力于;集中注意力于An auditor knows how to zero in on the problems lurking in a financial report.




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