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词汇 high water
释义 high water
high water发音

n.高潮,高水位; 汛; 满潮



high waters───高潮,[水文]高水位;水位达到最高点的

light water───[核]轻水

high wages───高工资

bilge water───船底的污水;无聊的话

high hatted───男人的高顶硬礼帽;放置电影摄影机的低架

high yaller───高亚勒



At present Daqing oilfield has been in the production period of super high water cut.───大庆油田现已进入特高含水开发期,与开发前期相比,油井采出液的性质发生了很大变化.

Scope: Cainuan Lu small household water circulation system, applied to high water hardness.───适用范围: 家用小型采暖炉循环水系统中, 适用于高硬度水质.

The euro was introduced in 1999, the high water mark of neoliberal economics.───欧元始于1999年, 它是新自由主义经济学处于高潮的标志.

Unlike all of those other so-called heroes who battle the bad guys come hell or high water, Paramecium is a deserter not a fighter.───其他那些与来自地狱或高水位的坏蛋战斗的所谓的英雄们不同,草履虫是个逃兵而非战士。

We will remain loyal, come hell or high water.───不论如何,我们仍会保持忠诚.

This period represented a high water mark for liberal denominations.───这一时期代表了自由主义教派的全盛时期。

Fishing is possible for a couple of hours either side of high water.───涨潮期前后几小时内都可以捕鱼。

Filtering concrete is low bleeding concrete with high water cement ratio and high fluidity.───滤水混凝土是一种微泌水、大水灰比、大流动性混凝土.

The high water receded.───高水位退去了.

It has been verified that hydrocyclone is effective for there - separation of high water cut crude oil.───通过试验证明用水力旋流器进行高含水原油预分离是行之有效的.

This is a 140 meters high water monument, sort of an exclamation mark dominating the roadstead.───它是座140米高的水制纪念碑, 犹如一个感叹号俯视着近岸锚地.

They will go through hell or high water for being there in time.───不管有什么困难,他们一定会按时到达的.

The series of low and high water levels are inevitable variations of normal hydrological sequences.───上游山区来水量多年平均无大的变化,某些时段的偏枯或偏半是正常水主序列的必然变化过程.

Now the old oilfields of our country enter the stages a high water cut.───目前我国许多老油田相继进入高含水后期开采.

The ship departed on the high water.───这条船在高潮时离港.

To conduct backfilling fillingwith high water content was a rising method of mining in recent years.───高水充填采矿法是近年来兴起的一种新型充填采矿法.

John is ready to go through hell land high water to help his friend.───约翰甘受痛苦去帮助朋友.

Fishing is good at high water.───高水位有利于钓鱼。

Fishing is possible for a couple of hours either side of high water.───几小时内都可捕鱼。

Organic calcium products of high water solubility are prepared from eggshells and acidic fruit juices.───介绍了利用鸡蛋壳和酸性水果汁合成高水溶性有机钙的方法.

I've always managed to get into work come hell or high water.───不管发生什么情况,我都没有不上班过。

The new synthesis technology of starch graft acid of high water absorbent resin has been investigated.───研究了淀粉接枝丙烯酸制备高吸水树脂的新工艺.

High water cement ratio during construction and low water cement ratio during solidification are realized.───实现了混凝土大水灰比施工、小水灰比固化.

The soldiers went through hell and high water to capture the fort.───士兵们为占领那座要塞倍尝艰苦.

The tide is at high water.───潮水很高.


Fishing is good at high water.

The boots also showed high water resistance.

I was determined to go, come hell or high water.

In 1876 he built a high water tower, topped for a time with a telescope.

His 1991 election victory was probably the high water mark of his popularity.

Chestnuts have a high water content.

The photographs were taken at a high water level.

High water this morning at Portsmouth is at 11.17 a.m.

There would be no more high water.

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  • highly addictive
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  • high cost of living
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  • high fade
  • high water
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