highly radioactive───高放射性
highly effective───卓有成效;高效
highly selective───高选择性;选择性强
highly subjective───高度主观
highly sensitive───高灵敏度的
highly imaginative───极富想象力
highly instructive───很有启发性
In good part, because the nicotine in cigarettes is highly addictive.───有相当一部分,是因为香烟中所含的尼古丁是非常上瘾的。
Cigarettes are highly addictive.───香烟非常容易使人上瘾。
Heroin is highly addictive.───海洛因很容易使人上瘾。
'Nicotine is a highly addictive drug, and to make it look like a piece of candy is recklessly playing with the health of children. '───尼古丁是一种十分容易使人上瘾的药物,把它做得像糖是完全不把孩子们的健康当回事儿。
Malatang seems to be more of a magnet than most other highly addictive street food.───麻辣烫似乎比令人上瘾的其他多数街头小吃更具吸引力。
Same Gnome is a highly-addictive puzzle game where the object is to remove the most amount of marbles in as few moves as possible.───是一款非常容易上瘾的解密雷游戏。目标是用尽量少的移动来消除最大数量的大理石块。
A highly addictive, warm and radiant fragrance which embodies the exuberance and personality of our brand.───一款体现了我们的品牌繁华和个性的,高度媚惑,温温暖极具清香放射力的香水。
The UN says the highly addictive stimulants have supplanted heroin, opium and marijuana, and pose a serious challenge to law enforcement.───联合国说,这种很容易上瘾的兴奋剂已取代海洛因,鸦片和大麻,并对法律的实施造成严重的挑战。
Programming with templates is, like using source version control and eating chocolate, highly addictive.───与使用源代码版本控制器及吃巧克力一样,使用模板进行编程很容易上瘾。
Crack is a potent, highly addictive form of cocaine.
Mass adoration is a highly addictive drug.
Cocaine is a highly addictive drug.
Heroin is highly addictive.
Be warned that, once mastered, it is highly addictive.
Cigarettes are highly addictive.
Heroin About £80 per gram Sedation. Highly addictive.
Tobacco is highly addictive .
Crack is a highly addictive form of cocaine.
- highly addictive
- highly strung
- highly paid