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词汇 higher education
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higher educations───高等教育(指含大学以上的教育)

further education───继续教育;进修

teacher education───教师教育;师范教育

driver education───驾驶员教育

proper education───适当的教育

further educations───继续教育;进修

teacher educations───教师教育;师范教育

driver educations───驾驶员教育

liberal education───文科教育


There is a huge gap in the assistive technology higher education between China and USA.───中美两国的残疾人辅助技术高等教育存在极大的差距.

In its effort to develop higher education, Gansu Province needs not only quantity but also quality.───甘肃要实现高等教育新跨越, 不仅需要“量”的持续增长,而且需要“质”的飞跃.

Higher education is no longer immune to state budget cuts.───高等教育不再受州预算削减的影响。

The reform of higher education continued to deepen.───高等教育改革继续深化.

Application of computerized accounting is the inevitable trend for accounting system reform and higher education developmen.───会计电算化的应用是会计制度改革和高等教育发展的必然结果.

As soon as she became a widow she devoted herself to women's higher education.───丈夫一死,她就致力于女子高等教育.

The programme aims to forge links between higher education and small businesses.───这个项目旨在为高等教育和小企业之间建立联系。

Many students are not adequately prepared for higher education.───许多学生并未做好接受高等教育的充分准备。

Judge Charles Schwartz is giving the state 60 days to disband and consolidate Louisiana's four higher education boards.───查尔斯·施瓦茨法官将给路易斯安那州60天时间来解散然后合并该州的4个高等教育委员会。

First, the advanced system of higher education.───一是发达的高等教育制度.

Belief in the utility of higher education is shared by students nationwide.───全国的学生都相信高等教育是有用的。

Many students are not adequately prepared for higher education.───很多学生没有为高等教育做足准备。

The move by the two London colleges is sending reverberations through higher education.───伦敦两所高校的举动给高等教育界带来了深远的影响。

a promise to broaden access to higher education───拓宽高等教育渠道的承诺

The Bologna Process in Europe began a new era of the integration of higher education.───欧洲的波洛尼亚进程(BolognaProcess)无疑开创了高等教育一体化的新时代.

Higher education is being forced to prostitute itself to market forces.───高等教育被迫向市场需求妥协。

The administration of higher education is always centralization of state power in our nation.───在我国,高等教育集权管理是一贯的.

We looked in the almanac published by the Chronicle of Higher Education.───我们在高等教育编年史出版的年鉴中寻找答案.

Do you still plan to get higher education?───你还打算继续深造 吗 ?

America devotes far more of its GDP to higher education ( see chart ).───美国将其国内生产总值的更多部分贡献在教育上 ( 如图所示 ).

Higher education grants are a carrot with which to entice students.───高等教育的助学金是吸引学生的诱惑物.

The book will be invaluable for students in higher education.───这本书对于高校学生将有重大价值。

Religion and cultural tradition are been viewed thethe contributions to American higher education.───重视教育的共和主义和个人主义传统是捐赠高等教育的推动力.

A key issue for higher education in the 1990's is the need for greater diversity of courses.───20世纪90年代,高等教育的一个重要议题是要使课程更加多样化。

How , then adapt as an institution to the new challenges facing higher education.───这样的话如何成为一个面对高等教育新挑战的学校呢?

We must understand that investing in higher education is a risky investment.───应认识到,对高等教育的投资是一种风险投资.

Such was the conclusion of a panel of experts on higher education that met in Mexico.───在墨西哥与会的一个专家组在高等教育的问题上就得出了这样的结论.

Under the Private Higher Education Act, students being associated with political party, unlawful society, etc.───根据私立高等教育法令, 学生严禁参加任何政治团体以及违法的社会组织等.

Higher education is unequally distributed across social classes.───高等教育是不平等分配给各社会各阶层的。

I have a professor on my staff here as liaison with our higher education institutions.───我的员工中有一名教授充当我们和高等教育机构的联络人。

We need to cut the bureaucracy in higher education.───我们必须消除高等教育中的官僚特征.

It is very important that renew teaching notions order to improve teaching quality in higher education.───更新教学理念对提高高校教学质量非常重要.


Higher education grants are a carrot with which to entice students.

  • higher brothers
  • higher learning
  • higher place
  • higher still
  • higher self




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