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词汇 high and mighty
释义 high and mighty
high and mighty发音


adv.非常,很; 趾高气扬; 神气活现; 高傲的人



high and mightier───更高更强大

the high and mighty───至高无上的

high and mightiest───至高无上

high and dry───搁浅;孤立无援;处于困境


high acidity───高酸度


Mary became high and mighty when she won the prize.───玛丽得奖后就变得不可一世.

I think you're a bit too high and mighty yourself.───我认为你自己就有些过于盛气凌人。

The press mogul befriended the high and mighty in Britain.───这位报界大亨和英国的显贵达人们交情甚好。

You think you are one of the high and mighty, remember pride goes before a fall.───你自以为是了不起的人物, 别忘了骄者必败.

Look here, Lily, don't take that high and mighty tone with me.───你听着, 丽莉! 别跟我摆架子!

There's no need to be / get so high and mighty with me!───用不着对我摆架子!

Those who act high - and - mighty always are usually alone by others.───别人往往不会和趾高气扬的人过多交往.

He's become very high and mighty since he got that new job.───他自从得到了那份新工作后就变得神气活现.

Cartoonists have been taking aim at high and mighty for centuries.───几个世纪以来,漫画家一直将矛头对准有权有势的人.

She is a bit high and mighty at times.───有时,她有点神气活现的.

You go and show her a thing or two , bring her down a peg and see if she can still be so high and mighty.───你去给她点脸色看, 让她下不了台,看她还能神气活现?

He's become high and mighty since he got that new job.───他“自从 ” 得到了那份新工作后就变得神气活现.

should the high and mighty get off when ordinary people committing the same crimes would go to prison?───普通人犯同样的罪要进监狱,位高权重者就该逃脱吗?

If Sally wouldn't act so high and mighty, she'd have more friends.───如果莎丽不那么盛气凌人的话, 她会有更多的朋友.

I worked my way up the firm the hard way; nowadays it seems that any high and mighty university type can enter the company straight at the top.───我当时是通过自己的奋发努力才爬到了该公司的高层,现在似乎任何一个盛气凌人的大学生都可以直接爬到公司的高屋。

The entire metropolitan center possessed a high and mighty air calculated to overawe and abash the common applicant.───整个市中心区有着一种高傲的神气,好像故意要让一些前来寻找职业的普通人感到惶恐不安.

He's too high and mighty to mix with ordinary people like us!───看他趾高气扬的样子,不会跟我们这些普通人混在一起的!

Anna thinks something of herself. She's getting too high and mighty for me.───安娜自以为了不起,她变得越来越高傲,我简直受不了。


The entire metropolitan center possessed a high and mighty air calculated to overawe and abash the common applicant.

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