

词汇 hiding place
释义 hiding place
hiding place发音



hiding places───躲藏处

eating place───[贸易]公共饮食企业

bedding plane───[地质]层面;层理面

eating places───饮食场所

handing brace───手摇钻,手钻

meeting place───聚会地点,会场

parking place───[交]停车场;停车位

passing place───[公路]让车道

polling place───选举地点;投票所


It is important to change one's hiding - place frequently.───藏身的地方必须经常更换.

The bush was a good hiding - place, so we dash behind it.───那灌木丛是个良好躲藏的地方, 因而我们猛冲到它的后面.

The escaped prisoner was dragged out of his hiding - place.───逃犯从他躲藏的地方给拉了出来.

The police flushed the criminals out of their hiding place.───警察把这些罪犯从其藏身处赶了出来.

The police used dogs to sniff out the criminals in their hiding - place.───警察使用警犬查出了罪犯的藏身地点.

The book is dynamite, and if she publishes it, there will be no hiding place for her.───这本书是颗“炸弹”,如果她将其出版,必无藏身之所。

Their hiding place had not been discovered in the night.───感谢上帝,他们这个藏身之处昨晚竟不曾被人发现.

The thief was dragged out of his hiding place.───那个小偷被人从隐藏的地方拖了出来.

The police raked through every possible hiding - place to find the weapons.───警察们仔细检查一切可疑之处,寻找那些藏匿的武器.

No hiding place?───无藏身之处?

Then they flew away into their hiding place.───后来他们逃窜到藏身的地方去了.

A flashlight beam probed the underbrush only yards away from their hiding place.───一束手电筒的光束在离他们的藏身之地只有几码远的灌木丛里搜寻着。

The escaped prisoner was dragged from his hiding - place.───那个逃犯被人从他隐藏之处拖了出来.

The police was able in the end to scent the criminals'hiding place.───警察终于发现了那些罪犯的藏身之处.

I assume that you have a hiding - place of some kind?'───“我想你大概有个藏身的地方 吧 ? ”

The seal on the box broke when it fell from its hiding-place.───盒子从隐藏处掉落时,封口裂开了。

A flashlight beam probed the underbrush only yards away from their hiding place.───一束手电光搜索了离他们藏身之处仅几码远的低矮灌丛。

Don't come out of your hiding - place until I give you the okay.───得到我的同意你才能从躲藏的地方出来.


Then they flew away into their hiding place.





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