angle irons───[材]角钢;[建]角铁
toggle iron───肘节铁
waffle iron───对开式铁心;烘蛋奶饼的铁模
angle shot───斜射
ingot iron───低碳钢,[材]锭铁
toggle irons───肘节铁
waffle irons───对开式铁心;烘蛋奶饼的铁模
Abrasive flowing , sandpaper production, marketing ; Wujinjiaodian, chemical products, electric tools , construction materials, plumbing, angle iron wholesale.───彩板;轻钢结构件;铝合金门窗制造;加工; 室内装饰;机电产品; 五金交电; 建筑材料;日用百货.
Reply: : The folded plate reactors need support at the bottom. The support will take angle iron fixed with chemical anchor bolt.───答复:折板反应器需要提供底部反应器支撑,支撑采用角钢,由化学锚栓固定。 %。
Mainly just Angle iron that I've scavenged from discarded bed frames.───主要只是角钢,我已经废弃床架清理。
Wujinjiaodian, chemical products, electric tools , construction materials angle iron wholesale.───室内装饰;机电产品; 五金交电; 建筑材料;日用百货.
Our other products: elbow making machine, oval duct machine, Angle iron winding machine, plasma cutting machine, prestressing duct forming machine, filter tube making machine etc.───我公司其他产品有:圆弯头咬口机、椭圆扁管机、角钢卷圆机、等离子切割机、建筑用空心楼板填充用管机、预应力波纹管机、滤清器管机等。
It's ideal equipment for bend angle iron flange.───是制作角铁法兰、型材滚圆弯曲的理想设备.
Main material for installing: all kinds of channel steel, angle iron and plate iron.───安装主要材料: 各种型号的槽钢 、 角铁及铁板.
The vanes are made of structural angle iron.───叶轮可用角钢制成.
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