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词汇 my
释义 myUK:*/maɪ/US:/maɪ/ ,(mī)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 my adj (I, me: possessive form)我的Have you seen my keys? I'm going to brush my hair.你看到我的钥匙吗?我要梳下我的头发。 my interj informal (expressing surprise) (非正式用语,表示惊讶的感叹)天啊!怎么会!My! Are you serious?天啊!你是认真的么? 复合形式: all my life adv (throughout my lifetime)一辈子;一生I was born in Manchester, and I've lived here all my life. as is my wont adv formal (as usual, as is my habit)像往常一样;跟平时一样备注: as is his wont, as is her wont, etc. Be my guest! expr (help yourself)请随便;请别拘束If you want some lemonade, be my guest! beggar-my-neighbor n (card game) (一种纸牌游戏)吃邻居,乞食成霸备注: 不断翻牌压牌,最后所有牌都收进者为胜 beggar-my-neighbor adj (self-aggrandising)以邻为壑的,损人利己的 Bless my soul! interj (surprise)我的天哪!;太让人吃惊了!Well, bless my soul! You're Professor Howe's daughter? Really? Cross my heart and hope to die interj infantile (promise) (引入语,强调陈述的事情属实)说实话,说到底Mum, I'll clean my room in the morning. Cross my heart and hope to die! cross my heart, cross my heart and hope to die interj (I promise, I swear)发誓;承诺 dearest, my dearest interj (term of affection) (称呼语)亲爱的,最亲爱的Charles, dearest, would you bring me my newspaper? Eat my shorts! interj slang (contempt)去你的!;去死吧! follow-the-leader, follow-my-leader n (children's game)模仿游戏 for my money expr figurative, informal (in my opinion) (非正式用语)依我看来;要我说 from my own experience adv (having experienced it myself)从我的经验;根据我的亲身经历 Get off my back! v expr figurative, informal (Stop nagging me)别唠叨我了;别烦我了 I rest my case interj (That proves my point)我的话讲完了,无需多说So, you agree with me? Then I rest my case. if memory serves, if my memory serves, if my memory serves me expr (if I remember rightly)如果没记错的话;如果我记得不错的话 in my book expr informal (in my opinion)根据我的观点;在我看来 in my opinion adv (to my mind, as far as I am concerned)在我看来;依我所见;我认为In my opinion she's too young to get married and have children.在我看来,她还太小不适合结婚生子。 in my view expr (in my opinion)在我看来;我认为 Kiss my ass! interj slang, vulgar (expressing defiance or contempt)滚你妈的蛋!;去你妈的!You don't like it? Well, kiss my ass!你不喜欢?好吧,那你滚开吧! My Lords and Ladies npl (addressing aristocracy)贵族们, 领主和夫人 lud, my lud, m'lud n UK (judge: term of address)法官大人 mark my words, you mark my words interj (this is sure to happen)记住我的话Mark my words! That boy will always be a troublemaker. My bad! interj slang (admitting a mistake)我的错!是我不好!Did I step on your foot? Sorry! My bad! my darling n (term of affection)亲爱的By the time you get this, my darling, I shall be in France. my dear interj (term of affection)亲爱的"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!" is the line famously spoken by Rhett Butler in "Gone With The Wind". my friend n ironic, informal (used to threaten or warn) (讽刺用语,非正式用语,用以威胁或警告)我的朋友,伙计Any more of that talk, my friend, and there will be trouble!我的朋友,别再说了,小心祸从口出! my friend n dated (informal address) (非正式的称呼语,过时用语)我的朋友,伙计 my God! interj (expressing shock or surprise) (表示吃惊)天啊!;我的天哪!My God! Get that child out of that mud puddle this instant!我的天哪!赶快把那个孩子从泥坑里救出来! my goodness interj (astonishment)天啊My goodness! What a lot of food you have prepared! My heart aches for you expr figurative (sympathy)我为你感到心痛;我为你感到惋惜;我非常同情你I'm sorry for your loss. My heart aches for you. My heart bleeds for you., My heart bleeds, How my heart bleeds for you interj figurative, ironic (I feel compassion for you) (比喻)我衷心同情你,我深表同情"I have to pay a fortune in income tax these days," said Theo. "My heart bleeds for you!" said his brother. [sb]'s lips are sealed expr figurative (this will be kept secret)我会守口如瓶Interviewers keep asking the actor who he is dating but his lips are sealed. my little one interj (affectionate term for a child)我的小宝贝Come here, my little one, and I'll tell you a story. my Lord n (term of address for a peer)尊敬的阁下My lord, your tea is ready. my Lord n (Christianity: God)上帝;我的主I try to do what my Lord would want me to do. my love n informal (affectionate term) (非正式用语)吾爱,我的爱人; (非正式用语)亲爱的Are you coming my love?亲爱的,你会来么? my mistake interj (admitting an error)是我错了 my name is (I am called, I am known as)我的名字叫…,我的名字是…My name is Joe.我的名字是乔。 my pleasure interj (you're welcome)这是我的荣幸;不客气A: Thanks for all your help. B: My pleasure.甲:感谢你的帮助。乙:这是我的荣幸。 my sweet n informal (term of affection)甜心;宝贝;心肝I miss you, my sweet. my word n (my solemn promise)我保证;我承诺This car is in 100% perfect condition, I give you my word. my word interj dated (expressing astonishment) (表示惊讶)哎呀My word, that candy certainly is sour! My word, that is one beautiful woman. never in my life adv (not ever)一辈子从不曾…Never in my life have I seen such an ugly dog! It's no skin off my back, It's no skin off my nose expr (it makes no difference to me)毫不相干;毫不在乎 Oh my God! interj (expressing horror or astonishment)天哪!;我的上帝啊! Oh my goodness! interj (astonishment)老天爷!;天哪!Oh my goodness! There's a huge spider in the bathroom! Oh my gosh! interj (expressing astonishment)哦,天哪! Oh my! interj (expression of surprise, etc.)天呐!;我的老天! on my own, all on my own adv (without company)独自一人I have lived on my own since my daughter moved out.我女儿搬出去后,我一直一个人住。 on my own, all on my own adv (without help)靠自己I'm proud of myself for assembling the wardrobe on my own.我为自己组装衣柜而感到骄傲。 on the way, on my way adv (en route)在途中;在路上We stopped off on the way and took photos.我们在途中停下来拍了照。 over my dead body interj slang, figurative (expressing complete refusal) (表示强烈反对)我死也不…,除非踩着我的尸体过去You'll have custody of my children over my dead body! You want to borrow my jeans? Over my dead body! pardon my French interj informal, figurative (excuse me for swearing)请原谅我说脏话;原谅我口出秽言That guy's a real bastard, if you'll pardon my French. to my knowledge adv (as far as I am aware)据我所知 to the best of my knowledge, to the best of [sb]'s knowledge expr (as far as I know)据我所知To the best of my knowledge, all of the coffee shops in the city close before 9:00 p.m. Welcome to my world! interj informal, figurative (expressing familiarity with an experience)我再熟悉不过了!;你也体会到我的遭遇了吧!;欢迎来到我的世界! with all my heart adv informal (completely and sincerely)全心全意My darling, I love you with all my heart. with pleasure, my pleasure interj (polite reply to request or thanks)不客气,不用谢; (用来回应他人请求)没问题;荣幸之极




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