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词汇 much
释义 muchUK:*/ˈmʌtʃ/US:/mʌtʃ/ ,(much)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 much adv (greatly) (加强比较级或最高级)到极大程度,很,很多;非常,很,十分He looks much older now.他现在看上去老多了。ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 你过于担心了,没有必要。usage: ‘very much’You use very much to say that something is true to a great extent.I enjoyed it very much.When very much is used with a transitive verb, it usually goes after the object. Don't use it immediately after the verb. Don't say, for example, ‘I enjoyed very much the party’. Say ‘I enjoyed the party very much’.Be carefulIn positive sentences, don't use much without very. Don't say, for example, ‘I enjoyed it much’ or ‘We much agree’ Say ‘I enjoyed it very much’ or ‘We very much agree’. In negative sentences, you can use much without ‘very’.I didn't like him much.The situation is not likely to change much. much adj (of great degree)到极大程度的;很;很多They ate much more than usual yesterday.昨天他比平时吃得多得多。 much adj (of great quantity) (数量)多的,大量的备注: colloquial usage in negatives and questions; more formal in other contextsWe heard much laughter coming from the room.我们听到阵阵笑声从那间房里传出来。 其他翻译 much adj (in comparisons) (修饰比较级)…得多He felt much better after taking an aspirin. much n (great amount)许多;大量Much of his reasoning was illogical.他的许多推理都不合乎逻辑。 much n often negative (notable thing) (常做贬义,表示不够格)十分好的事物It wasn't much of a lunch - just a few snacks.那算不上一顿午餐吧,就是些零嘴而已。 复合形式: a bit much expr (excessive, intolerable)有些太过分了 after much deliberation adv (having considered [sth] carefully)想来想去;考虑再三 after much deliberation adv (having discussed [sth] at length)酌古斟今 as much expr (the same thing)一样,同样So, you're pregnant. I thought as much.所以,你怀孕了。和我想的一样。 as much expr (an equal amount)等量;同等;同样Joe was praised for his work on the project, but I did just as much.乔因在这个项目的工作而受到了褒奖,但其实我做的并不比他少。 as much as [sb/sth] expr (the same amount as)像…一样多Nobody can eat as much as my brother!没有人能比我兄弟吃得更多! as much [sth] as [sb/sth] expr (an equal amount of)和...等量I can't eat as much cheese as my sister.我吃不了和姐姐等量的奶酪。 as much as expr (equally)和…程度相若; (指程度)和...一样I love you as much as I love your sister.我爱你就像爱你姐妹一样。 as much [sth] as expr (with clause: the same amount as)和...等量的事物I would love to earn as much money as you do.我也想挣和你一样多的钱。 as much as expr (with clause: even though)尽管As much as I love Mel Gibson, this movie is just too violent for me.虽然我很喜欢梅尔·吉布森,但是这部电影对我来说太暴力了。 as much as possible expr (to greatest extent)尽可能地I try to exercise as much as possible.我要尽可能地多运动。 as much as possible n (greatest amount)尽可能多地I always eat as much as possible at Thanksgiving dinner.我总是在感恩节晚宴上尽可能多地大吃特吃。 half as much n (50 percent of)…的一半I'll have half as much of the pie as he has. half as much expr (50 percent less)少一半The coat cost half as much on sale. have a lot on your plate, have too much on your plate v expr figurative, informal (be overburdened)太过繁忙;手上的事太多 have too much v expr (have an excess)有太多Do you want a slice of this cake? I've got too much.你想要一块蛋糕吗?我买了太多了。 have too much [sth], have too much of [sth] v expr (have [sth] to excess)有太多的 how much expr (what amount) (修饰单数名词,或对程度进行提问)多少,多么It's not important how much effort you put into the job - it's results that count!重要的不是你往工作中投入了多少努力,而是结果! how much expr (what price, cost) (价格)多少钱How much does this sandwich cost?这个三明治多少钱? how much expr (to what extent) (对程度进行提问)多少,多么It doesn't matter how much I try to please my boss, he still isn't satisfied.不管我怎么讨好老板,他还是不满意。 I love you so much interj (great affection)我如此爱你;我深爱着你I love you so much that I can't stand to be apart from you.我如此爱你,所以我不能忍受与你分开。 leave much to be desired v expr (be inadequate)还有很多待改进的余地Your table manners leave much to be desired.The house was cute on the outside, but inside left much to be desired. make much of [sth/sb] v expr (place great importance on [sth/sb])重视Scientists are making much of this latest development. make much of [sb/sth] v expr (give a lot of attention)关注;注意The dog was thoroughly enjoying being made much of. much ado about nothing n (fuss for little reason)无事生非;小题大做备注: From the title of a play by William Shakespeare. Much Ado About Nothing n (Shakespeare play) (莎士比亚喜剧)无事生非 much as conj (in the same way as)同…一样He was scrabbling away at the earth, much as a dog buries a bone. much as conj (as much as: however much)尽管;虽然Much as I like James as a friend, I could never date him. much better adj (greatly superior)(比…)优秀多了的;好多了的French wine is good, but Californian wine is much better.法国红酒很好喝,但加州红酒要好喝得多。 much better adj (greatly improved)(比过去)好多了的Your chances of getting a job are much better if you have computer skills.如果你会使用电脑的话,你成功受雇的概率会比过去好得多。 much esteemed, much-esteemed adj (highly respected)非常受尊敬的;备受敬重的备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a nounOur much-esteemed colleague from Brown University disagrees. much less n (a considerably smaller quantity)(比…)少得多Men have fought wars for much less. much less adv (to a lesser degree)(比…)程度低得多If I liked her much less I wouldn't like her at all! much like prep (in the same way as)以非常类似的方式 much like prep (very similar to)非常相像 much more n (a considerably larger quantity)(比…)多得多Much more will have to be done if we want to succeed.如果我们想要成功,就还有多得多的事须要完成。 much more adv (to a greater degree)(比…)程度高得多I like him much more now than I did when he was younger.我现在对他的喜爱程度比他年轻的时候高得多。 much obliged interj (thank you)非常感谢 be much obliged v expr (be thankful, grateful)深表感谢;不胜感激 much of a muchness expr (very alike)非常相似;极为相像 much the same adj (very similar)差不多一样的;基本一样的I will use much the same method as George did to make these changes. much the same adj (unchanged)与之前…差不多一样的The doctors say he is in much the same condition as yesterday.My hometown looks much the same as it did when I left 10 years ago. much-loved adj (loved by many people)深受喜爱的;深受爱戴的Uncle Bob was a much-loved member of the family. much-needed adj (necessary but lacking)急需的;非常需要的 not much adj (very little)没多少;不太多There isn't much food in the cupboard; I think we should go out for dinner. not much to look at adj informal (unattractive or unimpressive)样子不太好看He's not much to look at, but he's got a good job and he's very nice.It's not much to look at, but it's home. not so much adj (less)较少的;(比)…少的It's not so much that you are cruel, more that you don't think things through. not so much adj (little)不多的;很少的No, there was not so much singing at the show. not think much of [sth/sb] v expr informal (be unimpressed by)对…评价不高I did not think much of that artist's new exhibit, I thought it was trite. nothing much n (not a lot) (口语)很少There is nothing much happening downtown today. pay too much v expr (be overcharged for [sth])出价太高;付得过多I paid too much for the taxi from the airport to the city centre. pretty much adv informal (mostly)差不多When you visit the South, you'll pretty much eat only fried food.当你去南方的时候,你就差不多只能吃油炸食物了。 pretty much the same adj informal (very similar)差不多一样的It hardly matters which candidate you vote for; they're all pretty much the same. pretty much the same adv (unchanged from earlier)差不多一样The state of the patient's health has stayed pretty much the same. protest too much v expr (insist unconvincingly that [sth] is untrue) (指导致人怀疑的)一口拒绝, 激烈否认“The lady doth protest too much”, as they say. so much adj (a large amount of)大量的;很多的,太多的I'm bound to get my shoes wet with so much water on the ground. There's so much to do I don't know where to start.地上有很多水,我的鞋子一定会湿。有太多要做的事,我都不知道从哪儿开始。 so much adj (this amount of)如此多的;这么多的Showing her son the cup, Paige said, "You take so much flour and add it to the mixing bowl."佩奇一边向儿子展示着量杯,一边说:“你就加这么多的面粉,然后再倒进搅拌碗里。” so much adv (a lot)很多;许多;那么多I wish my sister didn't talk so much.我希望妹妹不要说那么多话。 so much as adv (even)甚至;即便;即使Cross that line by so much as a hair and you'll see what anger means. so much as adv (merely, no more than)只;仅仅;只不过 so much for [sth] expr informal (disappointment, failure)...只好作罢;...泡汤了So much for my plans to spend today at the beach; it's pouring with rain! so much for that! interj informal (disappointment, failure) (表示失望、恼火)就这样吧,就此作罢I failed my entrance exam yet again. So much for that! so much for that! interj informal (enough discussion)那件事就谈到这里Well, so much for that! Maybe we can talk about something else now. so much so that expr (to such a degree that)以致于 talk too much v expr (speak excessively)说话太多;话太多She talks too much … and most of what she says is rubbish. Thank you so much interj (Many thanks)非常感谢 thank you very much interj (many thanks)非常感谢Thank you very much; you've been very helpful.非常感谢,你给予了我很大的帮助。 Thanks so much! interj informal (Many thanks indeed)非常感谢! too much, too much [sth], too much of [sth] adj (an excess of)过多的Too much coffee makes me jittery.喝过多咖啡使我神经紧张。 too much adv (excessively, to excess)过度地;太…He loved her too much to leave her.他太爱她,所以离不开她。 too much n (an excessive amount)过多,太多I can't possibly eat all that – it's too much.我不可能把那些全都吃光,太多了。 too much at once n (sudden excess of [sth])突然过量I took a big gulp of beer and got too much at once. too much for [sb] prep (overwhelming)超出…的能力之外,非…所能应付;超出…的忍耐范围之外Caring for six children was too much for the exhausted young mother. too much for [sb] prep (intolerable)超出…的能力之外,非…所能应付;超出…的忍耐范围之外Losing his wife was too much for him to bear. too much of a good thing n informal ([sth] spoilt by excess)过犹不及,物极必反There was so much to eat; sometimes you can have too much of a good thing! too much to ask n informal (excessive, unreasonable demand)过分的要求 twice as much n (double the amount)两倍;双倍I've decided to give twice as much to charity this year. twice as much expr (double the amount of [sth])两倍的;双倍的It can take twice as much effort to make dinner without a stove. very much adv (greatly)非常;很;十分I like him very much.我非常喜欢他。usage: ‘very much’You use very much to say that something is true to a great extent.I enjoyed it very much.When very much is used with a transitive verb, it usually goes after the object. Don't use it immediately after the verb. Don't say, for example, ‘I enjoyed very much the party’. Say ‘I enjoyed the party very much’.Be carefulIn positive sentences, don't use much without very. Don't say, for example, ‘I enjoyed it much’ or ‘We much agree’ Say ‘I enjoyed it very much’ or ‘We very much agree’. In negative sentences, you can use much without ‘very’.I didn't like him much.The situation is not likely to change much. very much n (large amount)很多;非常多备注: Often used in negative sentences.I would share my candy with you but I don't have very much.我会将我的糖果分给你,但我也不多。 very much like adj (similar to)很像的,类似的 way too much adj informal (an excess of)太多的;过多的 way too much adv informal (excessively)太多了;过于... with much effort adv (by hard work)非常努力地;相当费力地With much effort, he was able to reach the top of the mountain.




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