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词汇 back out
释义 back out
back out发音

不遵守(诺言、合约等); 打退堂鼓



back outs───退出;收回;食言,违约

backs out───退出;收回;食言,违约

black out───v.中断,停止;熄灭灯火;晕倒,昏厥


sack out───睡觉

backed out───退出;收回;食言,违约

black outs───v.中断,停止;熄灭灯火;晕倒,昏厥

back foot───后脚

back four───四卫式


He smiled and thanked me before turning around and heading back out into the rain.───他微笑着表示感谢,并扭转前标题回到了我的雨.

The force to back out after the game and play, thanks to Wang Tianjin team coach.───对于复出后就以主力出场并且打满全场, 王霄感谢了天津队教练组.

Once you've given your word, don't try to back out.───一旦许下诺言, 就不要想翻悔.

I hope I can depend on you not to back out at the last moment.───我希望能信赖你不至于最后关头撒手不做.

Coke in hand, I proudly marched back out into the early evening dusk.───手拿可乐, 我自豪地走回到外面,已是黄昏时分.

I had no doubt that the craven fellow would be only too pleased to back out.───我毫不怀疑那个胆小的家伙巴不得撒手退出呢.

I gave her a lift back out to her house.───我让她搭我的便车回家。

You agreed to come. You can't back out now!───你答应过要来, 现在可不能反悔 啊 !

The waves flapped back out, towards the ocean.───波浪翻滚着向大海退去.

I stood in the driveway and watched him back out and pull away.───我站在车道上,看着他把车倒出来然后开走。

But it was too late then, of course, to back out.───但是现在要缩回来当然为时已晚.

In the afternoon, they go back out, hoping for that buck.───下午,他们又回去了,渴望着那只雄鹿。

The remaining empty tape runs back out of the module.───余下的空白带倒回到开始.

He thanked the toad and climbed back out.───小王子谢过大蟾蜍之后,带上地毯出来了.

The rain was still coming down in buckets when we went back out.───我们回去时,外面的倾盆大雨仍然下个不停。

The Yuuzhan Vong invasion, however, brought Antilles back out of retirement.───然而, 遇战疯人的入侵把安蒂列斯又带回战场.

He shoved me back out of the room.───他把我从房间里推了出来.

It's the second time James straddled. Maybe he'll back out.───这是詹姆斯第二次不表态了,也许他要打退堂鼓.

I could pay you back out of my lifeguard salary.───我可以从我当救生员的薪水中拿出来还你.

Gather up all the Keepers table. Shuffle them together, then deal them back out at random.───将桌上所有所有物卡收在一起,洗匀, 然后随机发还.

He back out of the garage.───他把车倒出车库.

You can't back out now.───你现在不能打退堂鼓了.

She could not, in good conscience, back out on her deal with him.───凭良心她不能背弃与他达成的协议。

Kids jump in and climb back out, laughing a screaming.───小孩子尖叫着, 大笑着,不停地在水中爬上跳下.

I stood in the driveway and watched him back out and pull away.───我站在车道上,看他把车倒出来然后开走了。

In an unusual display of sloth caution on my part, however, I held back out of prudence.───然而,在一个对我来说非同寻常的对懒惰警戒的展示中,出于谨慎,我忍住了。

He is trying to back out of his bargain, escape from the agreement.───他正在设法中止合同, 背弃协议.

He has decided to back out of the deal when he perceives some risks.───他一发现有风险就决定退出这个交易.

If you back out, you know what I'll look like to the partners?───如果你现在退出, 我的合伙人会怎么看 我?

We drove into a dead end and had to back out.───我们把车子开进了一条死胡同,只得退出来.

For rising back out disgracing my name.───为了诋毁我的名誉而冒险.

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