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词汇 move
释义 moveUK:*/ˈmuːv/US:/muv/ ,(mo̅o̅v)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 move vi (be in motion)移动Stop moving and the wasp will leave you alone.别动,这样黄蜂不会蜇你。 move vi (advance)前进;向前The protesters moved towards the line of police.示威者向着警戒线前进。 move vi (change position, location) (换位置)换位,移动,挪动This seat is reserved. I'm afraid you'll have to move.这个位置有人预订了。恐怕您得挪一挪。 move to [sth] vi + prep (change position, location) (把位置等)转移到,换到Amy moved to a seat near the front of the room.艾米换到了一个靠房间前面的位置。 move to [sth] vi + prep (turn attention to) (把注意力)改变到,转到I want to move to the question of how we are to finance this project.我想把话题转到我们要如何为该项目筹措经费上来。 move to do [sth] v expr (take action)采取行动He moved to open the door but she grabbed his arm.他要去开门,不过她抓住了他的胳膊。 move [sth] vtr (change position, location of)移动;挪动;给…换地方I moved the car closer to the house.我把车挪得靠近房子一点。 move [sb] vtr often passive (affect emotionally)感动;打动;触动Everyone was moved by the film.影片打动了每一位观众。 move vi (change residence)搬家;迁居;搬迁When I was five years old, we moved.我五岁的时候我们搬了家。usage: ‘move’If you go to live in a different house, don't say that you ‘remove’. Say that you move.Send me your new address if you move.Last year my parents moved from Marseille to Paris.In British English, you can also say that you move house.We have just moved house and are planning to paint some of the rooms. 其他翻译 move n (movement)动作;移动With a sudden move, he grabbed the robber.他突然一动,抓住了劫匪。 move n (step toward [sth])移动;行动The sheriff blocked the outlaw's move for the door.歹徒向门口移动,但被治安官阻挡住了。 move n (game: turn) (棋类游戏)一步棋,走棋It is my move next.下一步该我走了。 move n (game: choice of action) (游戏)步My opponent anticipated my every move. move n informal (house move: change of residence)搬家;搬迁;迁居All our belongings are packed up in boxes, ready for the move.我们所有的东西都已经打包装箱,为搬家做好了准备。 move n (game: turn, go) (游戏)该…走了,轮到…了It's your move; hurry up and roll the dice. move n (action, step)活动,移动The police tried to anticipate the criminal's next move.Critics believe the government's move to tackle poverty does not go far enough. move vi (follow a course)(朝某个方向)前进;移动The storm is moving to the east.风暴正朝东边移动。 move vi (merchandise: be sold) (商品)售出,被卖,脱手The new merchandise isn't moving. move vi (game: take a turn) (棋类游戏)走棋,走子It's your turn to move.轮到你走子了。 move vi (bowels: evacuate) (肠道、肠胃)排空,排泄; (肠道、肠胃)蠕动The food made his bowels move quickly.食物加速了他肠道的蠕动。 move to do [sth] vi + prep (make a proposal)提议The council member moved to adjourn the session. move [sth] vtr (change residence)搬家She moved apartments twice last year. move [sth] vtr (advance: a game piece)走一步棋;走棋He moved his piece forward four spaces. move [sth] vtr (put in motion)活动;运动He moved his arms up and down.他上上下下活动着胳膊。 move [sth] vtr informal (sell: goods, merchandise)卖;出售We have to move the merchandise before the end of the fiscal year.我们必须在财政年度结束前将货物卖掉。 move [sb] to do [sth] vtr + prep (impel emotionally)因感动而做某事Karen was moved to take in the stray dogs. move [sb] to (do) [sth] vtr + prep (cause, provoke)导致某人做某事;促使某人做某事His actions moved her to call the police. 动词短语 move about vi phrasal UK (fidget, be restless)坐立不安The child was moving about in his chair because he was bored.那个孩子觉得无聊,在座位上坐立不安。 move about vi phrasal UK (relocate frequently)不停搬家Irena often has to move about because of her job; she's lived in three different countries in the last five years.由于工作原因,艾瑞娜经常要搬家;在过去五年中,她曾在三个不同的国家生活过。 move about vi phrasal UK (be mobile or active)到处活动You should move about more, not sit in front of the computer all day!你应该多走动,不要整天坐在电脑前! move along vi phrasal (advance, go forward)进展;前进The train was moving along at great speed.这辆火车正以极快的速度前进。 move along vi phrasal (leave, go on your way)往前走;走开The officer told the boys to move along.军官叫男孩们走开。 move apart vi phrasal (separate)分开;隔开The curtains moved apart to reveal the actors on the stage.幕布拉开,演员出现在舞台上。 move [sth] apart, move [sth] and [sth] apart vtr phrasal sep (separate)分开The teacher moved the two boys apart because they were always talking in class.那两个男孩总是上课说话,所以老师将他俩的座位分开了。 move around vi phrasal (be mobile, active)走来走去;四处走动The doctor said I have to move around in order to maintain my weight.He's always moving around; he never stays long in one place.医生说为了保持体重,我必须多走动。 // 他总是四处走动,从未在一个地方呆很久。 move around vi phrasal (relocate frequently)搬迁;迁移Diplomats frequently move around from one country to another.外交官会频繁地从一个国家搬迁至另一个国家。 move in vi phrasal (make one's home)搬进;搬入I've found a new flat, and I'm moving in next week.我找到一个新公寓,下周我就可以搬进去。 move in vi phrasal (become involved)插手;介入Terry's future mother-in-law moved in and took over control of all the wedding arrangements.泰利未来的丈母娘插手并接管了所有婚礼的安排事宜。 move in on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (move closer to attack or capture)向…逼近;准备攻击When the signal was given the police quickly moved in on the suspect and arrested him. move in on [sth] vi phrasal + prep (intrude)进入;侵入The salesman lost customers when a competitor moved in on his territory.由于竞争对手的进入,那位销售员损失了许多客户。 move in on [sb] vi phrasal + prep (make advances to)设法接近...He was about to move in on her when her boyfriend returned. move into [sth] vtr phrasal insep (take up residence in)搬进;搬入They moved into their new home last week. move off vi phrasal (vehicle: drive away)离开,走开;死去He put the car in gear and moved off down the highway. move on vi phrasal (go elsewhere)去其他地方;前往别处I've really enjoyed my time in Rome, but now it's time for me to move on.我真的很享受我在罗马的时光,但现在我该去其他地方了。 move on vi phrasal informal, figurative (accept change)接受改变;开始新生活Roger is ready to move on after his divorce.罗杰离婚后准备开始新的生活。 move on vi phrasal figurative (take up new activity, subject)做别的事;谈其他话题If everyone understands that now, let's move on.如果现在大家都懂了,我们就继续吧。 move on to [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (progress to)进入;转向After the children have mastered addition they will move on to division.孩子们掌握了加法后,他们将继续学习除法。 move [sb] on, move on [sb] vtr phrasal sep often passive (compel to go elsewhere)驱赶…;命令…走开They went to the park, but once more the police moved them on.他们去了公园,但警察又把他们赶走了。 move out vi phrasal (leave one's home)搬出Although I got on well with my parents, I couldn't wait to move out.尽管和父母相处融洽,不过我还是迫不及待地要搬出去住了。 move over vi phrasal (move aside to create space)挪动以腾出地方;挪开The rude man refused to move over to let me pass.那个粗鲁的人拒绝挪动,为我让路。 move over vi phrasal figurative (concede loss of position) (职位等)让位;让贤Tony moved over to let Andrew take over as team leader.托尼让出队长的位置,让安德鲁带队。 move past vi phrasal (go by)经过The crowd were waving flags as the president's car moved past. move past [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (pain, etc.: get over) (痛苦、困难等)度过Natalie has moved past the disappointment of splitting up with her last boyfriend, and is much happier now. move past [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (go by, pass)超过Thompson moved past the other runners into first position in the race. move up vi phrasal (be promoted)获得晋升Sarah moved up and is now a sales manager.莎拉升职了,现在是销售经理。 move up vi phrasal informal (shift across to make room for [sb])挪动When Paul arrived, we all had to move up to make room for him on the sofa.保罗来的时候,我们都得搬走,为他腾出沙发上的空间。 复合形式: always on the move adj informal (never still)一直走来走去Sheila is always on the move and never has the time to sit down for a chat. always on the move adj informal (travelling a lot)走南闯北;南来北往Barry is always on move because he has to go on a lot of business trips. bad move n informal (ill-judged action)糟糕的一步;糟糕的举措It was a bad move to mention Lisa's new boyfriend in front of her ex. bust a move v expr slang (go, leave)走,离开It's time to bust a move because it's getting late. bust a move v expr slang, dated (dance)跳舞Gino is busting some moves on the dancefloor. career move n (change of profession)职业转变After working for years as a journalist, Linda decided on a career move and went back to school. career move n (for professional success) (利于职业成功)职业生涯上的举动If you do an MBA degree, it could be a good career move that helps you to get a promotion. dance move n (movement or step in dancing)舞步The hip-hop dance style has taken some of their dance moves from belly dance. evacuate your bowels, evacuate the bowels, move your bowels v expr (defecate)排便For proper digestive health, it is necessary to evacuate the bowels regularly.This patient is unable to completely evacuate his bowels. get a move on v expr informal (hurry up)快点儿,赶快 house move n (change of residence)搬家;迁居Juan is helping me with my house move by carrying some furniture in his truck. make a move v expr informal (leave)离开He was tired of this town, so he decided to make a move. make a move, make your move v expr figurative, informal (begin, act)采取行动Jane thought it was the right time to make a move and open her own restaurant. make a move on [sb], make your move on [sb] v expr informal (try to seduce)勾引;引诱 make the first move v expr (act before anyone else)率先行动;抢先行动The general was patiently waiting for the enemy to make the first move. make your move v expr (assert yourself at opportune time)适时采取行动 move aside vi + adv (get out of the way)移到旁边,让开路Police officers asked people to move aside so that the senator could get to his car. move away vi + adv (relocate, go to live elsewhere)搬走;搬到别处去I moved away when I was 18 years old and went to live in the city.我18岁时就搬到城里去住了。 move away vi + adv (retreat, step back)撤退;远离;后退I moved away from the fire because it was too hot.火烤的太热,我挪远了些。 move [sth] away vtr + adv (place at a greater distance)把…放置在较远的地方;把...移开;把...放远些The mother moved the glass away, out of the child's reach.母亲把玻璃杯放到孩子们够不到的地方。 move away from [sth/sb] v expr (step further from)远离,离开Alice moved away from the rubbish bin when she noticed the bad smell. move [sth] away from [sb/sth] v expr (place at a greater distance from)搬离The mother moved the glass away from the child's reach. move back vi + adv (step backwards, retreat)撤退;退后I moved back when I saw the Rottweiler in my path. move back vi + adv (return to previous location)搬回I will move back home when my exams finish. move [sth] back vtr + adv (place in previous location)把…搬回;挪回We had moved the furniture to the sides of the room to create space for people to dance at the party, and the next day we moved it back. move [sth] back vtr + adv (shift backwards)把...搬回The sofa needs to be moved back - it doesn't look good there.Maria moved her chair back, as it was too close to the fire. move closer vi + adv (get nearer to each other)靠近;接近 move closer to [sth/sb] v expr (relocate to be nearer to [sth], [sb])去离...更近的地方 move [sb] deeply vtr + adv (affect emotionally)深深地打动;深深感动The old man's sad story moved everyone deeply.那个老人的悲伤故事深深打动了每个人。 move forward vi + adv (advance, go forwards)向前,前进Put the car in gear so you can move forward.给汽车挂上档,这样你就能向前开了。 move forward vi + adv figurative (make progress)进展,前进,进步Now that I have the supplies I need, I can move forward with my project. We've moved forward as a country since the days of racial and gender discrimination.有了所需的物资,我就能推进自己项目了。跟种族与性别歧视横行的时代相比,我们的国家已经取得了进步。 move [sth] forward vtr + adv (place closer to the front)把...移动到靠前的位置;把…向前推进;把...放到前面来In order to rotate the stock, move the old product forward and put the new product behind it on the shelf.要周转存货,把旧货放到架子上靠前的位置,把新货放到旧货的后面。 move forward vi + adv (game: advance) (游戏中按方格等行进)前进I've rolled a four and a three, so I can move forward seven spaces.我掷了一个4和一个3,所以我可以走7个格。 move freely vi (have unrestricted motion)活动自如To do this exercise, you need to find a large space where you can move freely. move freely vi (have the right to cross borders)自由穿行,自由流动,自由往来Citizens of the European Union have the right to move freely between member countries. move heaven and earth v expr figurative (do everything in one's power) (比喻)想方设法,竭尽所能If I could I would move heaven and earth to make him well again.I will move heaven and earth to achieve my goals. move house vtr + n (change residence)搬家We're moving house so we need to pack everything into boxes. move in for the kill v expr informal, figurative (get ready to defeat [sb])接近准备攻击The boxer could see that his opponent was tiring so he moved in for the kill. move the goalposts, shift the goalposts v expr figurative (change the rules)临时改变规则;随意改变条件When the education authorities keep moving the goalposts, it's difficult for teachers to teach effectively. move through [sth] v expr (travel through a place)穿过;越过;走过The army is currently moving through the forest on their way to the city. move [sb] to action v expr (motivate to do [sth])让...行动起来;激励...行动A news report about the famine moved James to action and he decided to make a donation to charity. move [sb] to tears v expr (make weep with emotion)使…感动得流泪,使…感动得落泪Kathy was moved to tears by the sad ending to the film. move toward [sth/sb], move towards vi + prep (approach, get closer to)走向,靠近As we moved towards the stadium, we could hear the cheers of the crowd. move toward [sth], move towards vi + prep figurative (tend towards)朝…发展,过渡到An increasing number of businesses are moving towards cloud computing. move toward doing [sth], move towards v expr figurative (tend towards)朝…发展,转而做More companies are moving towards allowing their employees to work from home on certain days. not move vi (be still)不动;动弹不得Don't move, or the snake will bite you. on the move adj informal (restless, mobile)四处奔波;四处迁移After robbing the bank, he was constantly on the move trying to evade the authorities. on the move adv informal (moving around)在附近活动Be careful out there; the lions are on the move. on the move adv (while moving)在行进中;在走动My smartphone enables me to keep up with email on the move. smooth move n ([sth] done with slick competence)顺畅运行,顺畅进行 wrong move n informal (error)错误的行动;错误的举措Telling me to follow his advice was definitely a wrong move.I realize now that buying that new car was a wrong move.




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