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词汇 heavy use
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heavy user───重度消费者;重度使用者

heavy crude───[油气]重质原油

heavy fire───大火灾

heavy muds───重泥

heavy seas───波涛汹涌的海面

heavy type───重型

heavy cruiser───重型巡洋舰


This document contains a many repeated elements with some nesting and heavy use of attributes.───这个文档包含许多重复的元素和一些嵌套的情况,并大量使用了属性。

Confined animal feeding operations involve heavy use of antibiotics, and this contributes to the problem of antimicrobial resistance, as you will be discussing during this session.───密闭式动物喂养涉及大量使用抗生素,而这促成了抗菌素耐药性的问题。你们在这次会议期间将讨论这一点。

High levels of nitrate occur in the Midwest because of the heavy use of fertilizers.───因为大量使用化肥,中西部地区的硝酸盐含量很高。

Huawei says smartphones generally suffer from short battery life in heavy use but that the company is working to extend battery capacity.───华为说,在大量使用的情况下,智能手机普遍都有待机时间较短的问题,但该公司正努力延长电池的待机时间。

In cities with inelastic supply, where speculation is possible, there was heavy use of IOs, but only in cities that had boom-bust cycles.───在那些无弹性房屋供应、允许投机的城市,IOS被大量应用,但仅限于存在繁荣-萧条周期的城市。

Its original purpose was to transport rice, and parts of it are still in heavy use today.───它最初的用途是用来运送粮食,时至今日,大运河的某些部分还在起着重要的作用。

This should be a fast operation. If not, you should verify that you do not have a full disk and that the disk is not in very heavy use.───这是一个很快的操作,如果不是这样的话,就应该确认磁盘空间是否已经满了或者磁盘是否正处于重负中。

It may help to understand what part of your Web application makes heavy use of JavaScript code.───它可以帮助了解Web应用程序的哪些部分大量使用了JavaScript代码。

This crane was being lifted, although not always, but once the work was very heavy use, so an appropriate level to improve the work.───这种起重机虽然不是经常吊运,但一旦使用工作却十分繁重,因此要适当提高工作级别。


But intensive crop production requires heavy use of agro-chemicals, which can contaminate the environment in health-harming ways.

Without heavy use of fertilisers there would be no cereals on it.

Despite heavy use, it is one of the most fragmented national forests in the country.

Dictionaries make heavy use of typography to convey information to the reader.

Therapeutic input makes heavy use of group work, though individual therapy is also possible.

Religious texts also make heavy use of causal conjunctions such as because, since, and for.

Investors are already balking at the heavy use of printing presses.

Heavy use of fertilisers and high stocking rates had maintained a tight-cropped monoculture of little interest to wildlife.

He makes heavy use of what may be called the Argument from Personal Incredulity.

  • heavy metal
  • heavy use
  • heavy head
  • heavy cross
  • heavy metal music
  • heavy hitters
  • heavyweight champion
  • heavy metal fans
  • heavy lifting
  • heavy cold
  • heavy boy
  • heavy metals
  • heavy driit
  • heavy fog




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