[医]烟瘾大的人,多量抽烟者,重度吸烟者,过量吸烟者; 烟鬼
heavy showers───大阵雨;暴雨
chain smoker───一根接一根抽烟的人;烟瘾大的人
heat seeker───热导导弹
heavy bomber───n.重型轰炸机
heavy hitter───显要人物;大亨
heavy mob───暴徒
heavy mobs───暴徒
heavy smell───浓重的气味
heavy snow───[气象]大雪
From his appearance, we may safely conclude that he is a heavy smoker.───从他的外表来看, 我们可以有把握地断定他是个烟瘾很大的人.
He was a heavy smoker, and for many years had noticed increasing exertional dyspnoea.───病人吸烟很重;多年来用力时便感到呼吸困难, 且日趋严重.
Ade is a heavy smoker.───艾德是个烟瘾很大的人.
B : Oh , I see. Since I a heavy smoker, may I change my seat?───哦, 我知道了, 因为我是个老烟民, 我可以换个座位 吗 ?
He a heavy smoker and always buys packets of cigarettes each time.───他抽烟很凶,每次都会买很多盒烟.
A heavy smoker is one who smokes a lot or too much.───烟鬼是指抽烟太多的人.
He is a heavy smoker.───他烟瘾很大.
He used to be a heavy smoker but now he has given up smoking.───他以前抽烟很厉害,但现在戒了。
Did you become a heavy smoker after one cigarette?───你是否在那一根烟后又变回了一个烟鬼?
Joe is a heavy smoker. He smokes at least four packs of cigarettes a day!───乔伊是个老烟枪, 他一天至少抽四包烟.
The doctor advised that heart patient, a heavy smoker, to kick the habit.───那个心脏病患者香烟抽得十分凶, 医生劝他戒掉这个嗜好.
What a heavy smoker you are! Give up smoking and take more care of yourself!───你个烟鬼, 把烟戒了,多关心一下自己吧!
Will you describe yourself as being a heavy smoker?───您觉得自己吸烟吸得厉害 吗 ?
We helped the heavy smoker to kick the habit.───我们帮助烟瘾大的人去戒烟.
From his appearance we may conclude that he a heavy smoker.───从他的外表,我们可以断定他烟抽得很凶.
He was not a heavy smoker.───他烟瘾不大。
But tests revealed he in fact had the lung function and aerobic fitness of a heavy smoker in his sixties.───但是测试表明他的肺功能和供养能力和60多岁的烟民差不多。
My father used be a heavy smoker, but now he doesn't smoke any more.───我爸爸曾经烟瘾很大, 可他现在根本不抽烟了.
She used to be a heavy smoker but she kicked the habit last year.
Ade is a heavy smoker.
I used to be a heavy smoker .
He's a heavy smoker.
He had been a heavy smoker all his life and only stopped when his doctor told him to.
He was not a heavy smoker.
My Grandad was a heavy smoker .
She was evidently a heavy smoker.
Mike is a very heavy smoker.
- heavy metal
- heavy use
- heavy head
- heavy cross
- heavy metal music
- heavy hitters
- heavyweight champion
- heavy metal fans
- heavy lifting
- heavy cold
- heavy boy
- heavy metals
- heavy driit
- heavy fog