

词汇 a snake in the grass
释义 a snake in the grass
a snake in the grass发音

n.潜伏的危险; 暗敌


to snake in the grass───草丛中的蛇

snake in the grass───隐患

snaked in the grass───隐患

snakes in the grass───隐患

snake in the grasses───隐患

snaking in the grass───隐患

a pain in the ass───讨厌的人或事

a babe in the woods───森林里的宝贝

a slap in the face───耳光;公然受辱;突然的责备


Seeing a snake in the grass, the cat drew back.───那只猫在草地里见到一条蛇, 它缩了回去.

Don't trust him, he looks honest but he's a snake in the grass.───别相信他, 他看起来老实,其实极其阴险.

Aren't I a snake in the grass?───我是不是草丛里的一条蛇呀?

Aren't I a snake in the grass.───我不就是草丛里的一条蛇。

He's a snake in the grass. While pretending to be your friend he was slandering you behind your back.───他是个暗敌,表面上装作是你的朋友,背地里却在诽谤你。

A snake in the grass.───切莫打草惊蛇.

You're such a snake in the grass, boy.───你真是个阴险的人, 小子.

He is a snake in the grass because he sold his best friend down the river.───他居心叵测,因为他出卖了他最好的朋友.

Be careful! There might a snake in the grass.───小心草丛里可能会有蛇!

Being a snake in the grass , Mr. Chen has drifted apart from his friends.───(陈先生是个暗箭伤人的人, 所以他的朋友疏远他. )

Jim: He did! What a snake in the grass!───吉姆: 他竟然做出这种事! 真是个卑鄙的家伙!

There is a snake in the grass.───绿草如茵须防蛇.

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