

词汇 have a sweet tooth
释义 have a sweet tooth
have a sweet tooth发音

v.喜欢吃甜; 爱吃甜食



a sweet tooth───吃甜食的嗜好

have a screw loose───出故障;出毛病

have a big mouth───大声说话;说话冒失

have a green thumb───擅长园艺

have a shot at───试着去做

have a slate loose───松了一口气

have a way with───擅长接近;很有办法

have a word with───与……谈几句话,和……谈一谈;与...商谈

sweet tooth───n.喜好甜食,对甜食的酷爱


I have a sweet tooth, so anything with durian is my favourite.───我爱吃甜的, 所以,任何用榴莲做的食品,都是我的最爱.

If you have a sweet tooth, you might even think of chocolate chip cookies.───如果你喜欢吃糖, 你可能会想到巧克力曲奇.

AMERICANS have a sweet tooth and odd expectations.───美国人爱吃甜食,并且有些奇怪的期待。

I have a sweet tooth and can't resist eating chocolate and ice cream.───我喜欢吃甜食,见到巧克力和冰淇淋就想吃.

Add more honey if you have a sweet tooth.───如果你喜欢吃甜的就多加点蜂蜜。

For have a sweet tooth you can try the Herbal Jelly and The Five Flavors Dessert.───只需以一种肉碎就能配搭不同风味的饭与面食,让你吃出其秘制肉碎的美味.

She explains that they have a sweet tooth, and a pastry will always win over a healthy vegetable. Remind you of somebody?───她解释说,他们爱吃甜食,糕点胜过健康的蔬菜这是否让你想起谁?

Do you have a sweet tooth?───你爱吃甜食 吗 ?

I'm afraid of being fat , but I have a sweet tooth. What can I do?───有一些些偏执,有的事情我就要这样做, 别人能够拿我怎么着?

I guess it depends on if you have a sweet tooth or not.───这我并不知道,但我想这取决于你是否喜欢甜食啦.

I have a sweet tooth.───我喜欢吃甜东西.

Yes, and I hope you have a sweet tooth because they're mighty sweet!───是的,我希望你爱吃甜的,因为汤圆可是会甜死人的!

  • have some
  • have a bad cold
  • have you in my life
  • have luch
  • have a big
  • have you got
  • havea goodtime
  • have learnt
  • havesome eggs
  • have prepared
  • have confidence in
  • have seen
  • have to do with
  • have a bath
  • have lucky
  • have an accident
  • have booked
  • have a s
  • have no school
  • have a trip
  • have please




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