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词汇 lower
释义 lowerUK:*/ˈləʊər/US:/ˈloʊɚ/ ,(lō′ər for 1; lou′ər, louər for 2)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: low主要翻译 lower [sth] vtr (take down)放下;拿下;取下He lowered the box from the shelf.他把盒子从架子上拿了下来。 lower [sth] vtr (reduce)降低;减低The store lowers prices for sales.商店在降价销售。 lower [sth] vtr (volume: reduce) (音量等)减弱,放低Please lower the volume on the radio!把收音机的音量开小点! lower adj (comparative of low: less high up) (比较级,高度、所处位置)较低的The shoes are on a lower shelf.鞋子在较低的那个架子上。 lower adj (comparative of low: further down than [sth]) (比较级)较低级的,较低等的That fish is lower than the other in the food chain.那种鱼在食物链中的地位比其它鱼更低。 lower adj (comparative of low: inferior) (比较级)较下级的,下层的,下等的She comes from a lower caste in India.她来自印度的下级阶层。 其他翻译 lower [sth] vtr (downgrade)降低…的级别;给...降级The weather forecaster lowered the prediction from a storm to a gale. lower [sth] vtr figurative (diminish, lessen)减少;减弱;降低You should lower your expectations, based on your lack of success so far. lower your guard, UK: lower your defences, US: lower your defenses vtr figurative (relax: guard, defences) (警惕等)放下;放松He lowered his guard once he realized it was a friend. lower [sth] vtr figurative (emotional tone)降低;减弱You should lower the emotional level in this piece of writing. lower [sth] vtr (flatten: musical pitch) (音高)降低You can lower the pitch by making the guitar strings looser. 复合形式:lower | low lower abdomen n (lowest part of the belly)下腹部If you have a persistent pain in your lower abdomen you should see a doctor. lower atmosphere n (troposphere: air closest to earth)低层大气 lower back n (lumbar region)背的下半部My chair's shaped so that my lower back is well-supported. lower back pain n (discomfort in lowest part of the back)下腰部疼痛Poor posture can result in lower back pain. lower body n (pelvis and legs) (正式)下肢;下体,下半身His lower body was badly injured by the landmine, but he survived. lower class, lower-class adj (of low socioeconomic status)下层阶级的备注: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective that precedes the noun. the lower classes npl (low-income people)下层阶级;社会下层The government is concentrating on social issues because it is desperate to win the vote of the lower classes at the next election. lower deck n (ship: lowest level)底层甲板 lower deck n (second from bottom in larger ship) (指较大船只的底部倒数第二层甲板)下层甲板 lower house (government)下议院;下院 lower in status adj (less important or prestigious)低等的;下等的Some universities are lower in status than others. lower in status v expr (make less prestigious)降低...身份;使…下贱 lower intermediate, lower-intermediate adj (level, degree: medium to low) (水平、等级、级别)中低的备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a noun lower limit n (minimum)最小值;下限 lower lip n (lower external part of mouth)下唇;下嘴唇 lower middle class n (income class)下层中产阶级;中下阶级 lower middle-class n as adj (of income class)下层中产阶级的;中下阶级的 lower ranks npl (those with lesser status in a hierarchy)下层;低等In the past, Army officers hardly ever mixed socially with the lower ranks. lower school n (younger students' school)小学低年级 lower second-class, lower second class n as adj UK (university degree grade: 2:2) (学位)二等二级的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.Hazel graduated with a lower-second class degree from the University of Reading. lower status n (inferior social position)下层;低等 lower yourself vtr + refl (do [sth] undignified)自贬身份;贬低你自己Talk to that criminal? I wouldn't lower myself. lower yourself by doing [sth] vtr + refl (do [sth] undignified)屈尊降贵;自降身份Don't lower yourself by responding to his insults. lower yourself by doing [sth] vtr + refl (humble yourself)做某事是自贬身份The Duchess lowered herself by marrying a commoner. lowercase (US), lower case (UK) n (small letters or type)小写字母Please type in all lowercase. lowercase (US), lower-case (UK) adj (type: small, not capitalized) (字母)小写的,小写字体的Use a mixture of capital and lowercase letters in your password. lowercase [sth] (US), lower-case [sth] (UK) vtr (write or print in lowercase letters)用小写字母书写或印刷When using letters for this outline, please make sure to lowercase them.




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