

词汇 hanging out with friends
释义 hanging out with friends
hanging out with friends发音




coming out with───说出;发表;出版;供应,把…投入市场

hanging behind───vi.落后

hanging committees───挂职委员会

hanging indentations───悬挂式压痕

hanging indentions───悬挂式压痕

hanging offence───绞刑罪

hanging offences───绞刑罪


He'd text me while hanging out with friends he'd told and ask me to tag along. I'd decline.───他跟朋友在外面玩的时候他给我发短信让我也一起过来,但是我拒绝了。

Many also found the comfort of pajamas perfect for shopping, walking the dog, or hanging out with friends.───还有许多人发现穿着睡衣去购物,遛狗或与朋友外出很舒适。

There's no spare time for hanging out with friends or volunteer work; forget about clubs or sports.───没有时间和朋友们去闲逛,或者做些志愿者工作,也别想着去参加体育活动。

He enjoyed keeping his own hours -- leaving time for daily surf runs and for hanging out with friends on weekends.───他喜欢保留自己的时间——这样就可以有时间每天冲浪周末与朋友出来游玩。

He'd text me while hanging out with friends he'd told and ask me to tag along. I'd decline. I honestly didn't want things to end with him.───他跟朋友在外面玩的时候他给我发短信让我也一起过来,但是我拒绝了。

You would see me most often at sundown when it's getting dark. I might be alone or hanging out with friends in a group called a colony.───你经常会在天变黑,太阳落山的时候看到我。我可能独自一个,也可能是和朋友们在一起。

Life is really busy, but I enjoy hiking , reading , and hanging out with friends in my free time .───尽管生活是忙碌的,但在空闲时间,我喜欢和朋友一起徒步旅行,阅读,闲逛。

The most common ways kids spend their allowance is by hanging out with friends and purchasing toys.───孩子们通常会把零用钱花在跟朋友一起玩或是买玩具上面。


Whether it was in French class, dissecting an animal in Biology lab, or hanging out with friends on a weekend, Natalie was always warm, down-to-earth and friendly.

He read Iqbal’s story and held it up as a mirror to his own life in Canada - going to school, hanging out with friends, running with the cross country team.

I spent a lot of time listening to records and just hanging out with friends.

  • hanging around
  • hanging man
  • hanging down
  • hanging on
  • hanging out with friends




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