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释义 isUK:*/ˈɪz/US:/ɪz/ ,(iz)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: be主要翻译 is v pres (be: present indicative)是She is a genius.她是天才。 is v pres (be: used in questions) (助动词)[表示疑问]"Is this your car, sir?" the police officer asked.“先生,这是你的车么?”那位警官问道。 is v aux (be: singular passive)[表示第三人称被动态]He is accused by his boss of theft.老板指控他偷盗。 复合形式:is | be A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. expr (Don't risk what you have.) (谚语)一鸟在手胜于二鸟在林I'm told I can do better if I keep looking for opportunities, but I'll stay at this job for now; after all, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. A friend in need is a friend indeed. expr ([sb] who helps is real friend)患难见真情When I was sick you certainly proved the old saying, "A friend in need is a friend indeed." after all is said and done expr (ultimately)最后;一切落定后After all is said and done, the decision to have a baby is a personal one. All that glitters is not gold, All that glistens is not gold expr figurative (appearances can be deceptive)虚有其表;金玉其表,败絮其中 all that is n (everything that exists)所有一切What if all that is existed only in your mind? All's well that ends well., All is well that ends well. expr (everything is resolved happily)结果好;万事好备注: This is the title of a play by Shakespeare. and the rest is history expr (what happened is well known) (习语)余下的就众所周知了I met your mum in a bar, and the rest is history! as is adv (in its current state)照现状The TV is sold 'as is', there is no implicit nor explicit warranty. as is my wont adv formal (as usual, as is my habit)像往常一样;跟平时一样备注: as is his wont, as is her wont, etc. as it is adv colloquial (as the situation stands) (口语)照目前的状况来看,就当前的情况来看As it is, we'll be lucky to arrive before dark!就当前的情况来看,谢天谢地我们天黑之前能到! as it is adv (in its current state)以目前的状态;保持目前的状态We'll have to make do with the vehicle we have, as it is.以目前的状态,我们只好先将就一下我们现有的车辆了。 beauty is in the eye of the beholder expr (beauty is subjective)美与不美,全在观者 Beauty is skin deep. expr (physical beauty is superficial)美丽是肤浅的;金玉其外 Blood is thicker than water, Blood before water expr figurative (family relationships are strongest)血浓于水Neil will always support his brother's position on this matter because blood is thicker than water. Business is business. expr (Making a profit comes first.)在商言商He felt that I took advantage of his situation, but business is business. do what is needed v expr (take necessary action)做必要的事;采取必要的行动I know you don't want to put her in a home, but you have got to do what is needed. Do what there is to do. interj (Take the necessary action.)做必要的事;采取必要的行动 enough is enough interj (expressing exasperation)够了;请适可而止Enough is enough! If I hear you scream at your baby brother one more time, you will regret it! half a loaf is better than none expr figurative (something is better than nothing)聊胜于无;有点总比没有强 your heart is in your mouth, your heart is in your throat expr figurative ([sb] is anxious, fearful)感到焦虑;感到担心;感到恐惧 here is, here are expr (presenting [sth], [sb])这是;这就是"Good evening," said the presenter, "here is the news."“晚上好,”主持人说,“这里有新消息。” how is it that...? (explain why)…是怎么回事?How is it that all of your hats are black? how it is (reality, the way life is)…是怎么回事?You might think it's unfair that you didn't get the job, but that's just how it is. ignorance is bliss expr (better not to know)无知就是快乐 is the responsibility of prep (is the duty of, falls to)是…的责任It is the responsibility of all doctors to make sure that they are up to date with the latest medical knowledge. it is advisable to do [sth] expr (it is wise to)…是明智的;可取的When you visit a new city, it is advisable to take a map. It is all for the best, It's all for the best expr (outcome is beneficial)这是最好的结果I lost my job, but it's all for the best since now I can start a business, just like I always wanted. It is all in the mind expr (It is imaginary.)这都是想象出来的;这全是凭空想象Some people believe they have been cured by faith-healers, but it's all in the mind. it is all the same (there is no difference, it makes no difference)都是一样的;没什么区别的I can either go to the party or stay home. It's all the same to me. It is conceivable that expr ([sth] is possible)有可能;有几率 it is necessary (it is essential or required)这是必要的I could buy tickets in advance, but I don't think it is necessary. it is necessary to (it is required or essential for one to)做…是必要的It is necessary to buy your tickets in advance. it is written that expr (Bible: it has been prophesied that)(圣经上)写道…It is written that the meek shall inherit the earth. No sign of that so far. It's none too soon, it is none too soon expr informal (it is overdue)一点也不早;有点晚了It seems like spring has finally arrived, and it is none too soon for me. know where [sb] is coming from, understand where [sb] is coming from v expr figurative, informal (understand [sb]'s motives, feelings)明白...的初衷;明白...的用意 know which side your bread is buttered, know which side your bread is buttered on v expr figurative (be aware where your advantage lies)了解自己的长处;了解自己的优势 the long and short of it is, the long and the short of it is that expr informal (in summary)长话短说;简而言之The long and short of it is that I'm pregnant. my name is (I am called, I am known as)我的名字叫…,我的名字是…My name is Joe.我的名字是乔。 Necessity is the mother of invention n (need inspires solutions)需要是发明之母It is said that necessity is the mother of invention. be nothing doing expr informal (no activity)无事可做Pete went to the bar, but there was nothing doing there, so he headed home. [sb]'s number is up expr figurative, informal ([sb] is about to die)气数已尽;命数已定 Patience is a virtue. expr (Learn how to wait.)耐心是一种美德。 the proof of the pudding, the proof of the pudding is in the eating expr figurative (you have to try before judging)试了才知道 Put your money where your mouth is. expr (prove [sth])说到做到,付诸行动You think you can run faster than Tim? Put your money where your mouth is! there is reason to believe, there is reason to believe that expr (there are grounds for believing)有理由相信There is reason to believe that the man is lying. Silence is golden. expr (It is wisest to say nothing)沉默是金 small world, it is a small world expr (expression of surprise)这个世界真小You know John? So do I—he's my cousin's boyfriend; small world! so what else is new interj informal (not surprised)这有什么新鲜的?Yes, you're late again—so what else is new? strike while the iron is hot expr figurative (take an opportunity)趁热打铁 Such is life. expr (expressing resignation) (表示无奈)生活就是这样。 Talk is cheap. expr (Talk is too plentiful; act.)空谈是廉价的。 tell it like it is v expr informal (be honest and direct)如实道来;实话实说Okay, I'll tell it like it is, but I don't think you'll like it. that is adv (i.e., in other words)也就是说;即Sam will inherit the property when he reaches the age of legal majority; that is, when he is 18 years old.当山姆达到法定成年年龄,他将继承财产。也就是说,在他18岁的时候。 that is adv (more precisely)更确切地说John was an unhappy man; that is, until he met Sonia.约翰是个不快乐的人,直到他遇见了索尼亚。 that is to say adv (in other words)换言之;那即是说I'm sorry. That is to say, I won't do it again.我很抱歉。换言之,我不会再犯了。 that is why expr (that is the reason)这就是为什么;这就是原因 the devil is in the details, the devil is in the detail expr (problematic small parts)细节为王;魔鬼藏在细节中Read the contract carefully; the devil is in the details. the die is cast expr figurative (the situation cannot be changed)木已成舟;无法改变 The flesh is weak., The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. expr figurative, Biblical (we often yield to temptation)心有余而力不足。;心中愿意,却没有毅力做到。 the grass is always greener, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence v expr figurative (things seem better from afar)这山望着那山高 The pen is mightier than the sword. expr figurative (words are powerful)文字的力量胜过武力;笔墨胜于刀剑Some say that the pen is mightier than the sword. The pleasure is all mine. expr formal (You're welcome.)这是我的荣幸"Thank you for cooking us such a wonderful dinner." "The pleasure is all mine."“谢谢你为我们做了如此美好的一顿晚餐。”“这是我的荣幸。” the shoe is on the other foot, the boot is on the other foot expr figurative (circumstances reversed)形势已经转变;形势已经不同了Lily was always scornful of unemployed people; the shoe's on the other foot now that she's lost her job. the sun is over the yardarm expr (acceptable time to drink alcohol)到了喝酒的时候了;是时候喝酒了 The time is ripe expr (it is the perfect moment)时机已经成熟We should take action right now; the time is ripe! The time is ripe for [sth] expr (it is the right moment for [sth])做某事的时机已经成熟The time is ripe for change. The world is your oyster. expr figurative (You can have or achieve anything.)世界尽在你的掌控之中 there is, there's expr (indicating [sth] singular)有备注: incorrectly but commonly used with plural nounsThere's a bank just across the street.街对面就有家银行。 there is a time and a place for everything, there is a time and place for everything expr (responding to [sth] inappropriate)凡事要讲究时间和场合 there is an off chance, there is an off chance that expr (there is a slight possibility that)机会很小 There is more to [sth] than meets the eye expr (This is not what it seems)比表面看到的要复杂;并非表面所见那么简单It seems like he's vanished into thin air, but that's impossible. There's more to this situation than meets the eye. there is no point expr (it wouldn't be worthwhile)不值得,不值当;...没有意义 there is no point in doing [sth] expr (it wouldn't be worthwhile to)毫无意义;没有任何意义 there is no question interj (it is indisputable)这毋庸置疑He's an evil man; there is no question. there is no question, there is no question (that/of) expr (it is indisputable that)…是毋庸置疑的There is no question many citizens resent paying taxes. There is no such thing as a free lunch expr (Everything has a cost)天下没有免费的午餐I had to pay taxes on the free gift. Well, there's no such thing as a free lunch. this is it expr (here is the awaited thing)终于来了;这就是了This is it. I see my suitcase in the luggage carousel at last. this is it expr (this is the end)就是这样This is it; it's my last day in England. this is me expr informal (directions: this is where I live)这就是我 this is why expr (for this reason)这就是为什么;这就是...的原因It's a very popular restaurant; this is why you need to book a table in advance. time is money interj (don't waste time)时间就是金钱;一寸光阴一寸金Wake up, you guys! Time is money! time is running out n (there is not much time left: before [sth] happens)没时间了,时间不多了 to err is human, to err is human, to forgive divine expr proverb (it's natural to make mistakes)人非圣贤孰能无过;犯错是人之常情 what is more adv (moreover, in addition)而且;除此以外The food served in that restaurant is not very good and, what is more, it's overpriced.那家餐厅的菜不是很好吃,而且,价格还很贵。 What time is it? expr (What hour is it?)现在几点? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander expr figurative ([sth] should apply equally)一律平等;同样适用 when all is said and done adv informal (ultimately) (非正式用语)最后,结果,尘埃落定When all's said and done, you've no right to an opinion on this. where is (in what location is)在哪里Where is the nearest highway heading north? where [sb] is coming from expr figurative, informal (know, grasp: [sb]'s perspective, reasoning)某人的看法;某人的理由 woe is me interj (expressing self-pity)我真是倒霉阿!我命好苦啊!I have such a tremendous amount of work: woe is me!




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