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词汇 gusts of
释义 gusts of
gusts of发音



dusts off───抹去灰尘

casts off───摆脱;抛弃;解开(缆绳等)

lusts for───贪求

Parts of───部分

busts up───破坏

casts on───v.急忙披上(衣服等)

cuts off───切断;中断;使死亡;剥夺继承权


The street was very quiet, the moon veiled in grey clouds. Little gusts of wind stirred the bare branches and rustled the dry leaves.───街上非常的清静,天上有些灰云遮住了月,地上时时有些小风,吹动着残枝枯叶,远处有几声尖锐的猫叫。

She could hear gusts of laughter from within the room.───她能听到室内传出的阵阵大笑声。

The words were uttered by Marilyn Monroe in the 1955 film The Seven Year Itch as she stood above a New York subway grate and gusts of subterranean air lifted her white dress well above the knee.───这句话是梦露在1955年的电影《七年之痒》中的台词,当时她站在纽约市的一个地铁出风口上方,从地下吹来一股轻风将她的白裙掀起。

The boy, fragile and slight, had been knocked out of his chair by the violent gusts of frigid air. Now.───而那个纤细而脆弱的男孩,已被阵阵无情的寒风掀离了座椅。

Crews had been working since the early hours of the morning to clear drifts from the top portion 0f the course in gusts of snow.───工作人员一大清早就已经开始了工作,在暴风雪中从赛场山顶开始清扫积雪。

The breeze carried past gusts of fragrance, like the strains of a song faintly heard from a far-off tower.───微风过处,送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。

Life is a proverbial candle in the wind, whipped one way or the other by the various gusts of issues.───生命是公认的风中蜡烛,以这样或那样的方式经受着各种各样的疾风细雨。

So far, the plant has already suffered explosions and fires, sending gusts of radioactivity into the atmosphere.───到目前为止,该厂已经遭受爆炸和火灾,发送到大气中放射性的阵风。

It was one summer, I am walking alone on the road in a small, cool gusts of wind came here, this is a never smell the flowers too.───那是一年夏天,我独自走在小路上,清凉的风中传来阵阵花香,这是一种从未闻到过的花香。


Miguel stood by the window where the gusts of cold wind hit him in throbbing drafts.

Gusts of wind crossed the wheat like messages across a Fan-0-Gram.

It was raining outside and the gusts of cold, damp air were refreshing after the stale smokiness of the room.

Gusts of laughter came from the nextdoor room.

Gusts of rain lashed down the narrow alleys; rickshaws sluiced through the water, more like boats than bicycles.

Bullets of water pelt down, gusts of wind whip and tear from all sides.

The dynamic loading resulting from blast, gusts of wind, or seismic forces is generally not harmonic.

Gusts of up to 200 kph may be experienced.

Gusts of freezing wind bite at exposed skin while stinging darts of cold assault gloved fingertips.

  • gusts definition
  • gusts of
  • gusts lamp




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